Friday, October 25, 2019

Kitty Mews

Most of this week's news is, as you would guess, kitten and cat related, although I did have some other adventures.

Saturday 10/19 - I wasn't sure if it was the wormer, or the change in diet, or a combination of both, but the kitty enclosure was a bit of a mess in the morning.  I don’t believe they had any accidents, but they had loose stools and  troubles cleaning up their little bottoms, so got fecal matter in numerous spots on the tarp covered floor.  I had watched one scoot his bottom along the floor.

Because the vet had found flea dust on Styx, I vacuumed all surfaces in the garage that fleas might lay eggs on or in.  The carpeted step by the back door is a favorite spot for her to lay and I also vacuumed the cloth padded lawn chair.  I picked up all the bedding and floor blankets, and threw them in the wash.  Then I swept and wiped with bleach-free disinfecting wipes all soiled areas in the kitten compound.  All of this activity was upsetting to mom and kittens so after I was done, they settled in to nursing to get comforted.  (Babe not included, she was asleep in the cat bed.)

I had also observed that the garage cat family was nearly out of dry food and water, so I switched them to the self feeder I had for the inside cats, after washing it very well.  And I filled the water bowl fuller.  I basically have six cats out in the garage now, eating a lot, drinking a lot, and making lots of messes in the litter boxes.

Joe was out back blowing leaves and hauling them off while I was sitting here at my computer getting this blog post started.  Well, he was blowing and dumping some in areas I did not want the leaves, so I went out to help, just as he was quitting.  Here is how part of the back looked after we had finished.

I could tell it was going to rain, but the new seed in this one area was finally germinating and rather dry, so I watered it.

The oasis was growing quite well and looking very green.

It had started sprinkling while I was finishing up outside, and was coming down fairly steady as I was hauling rakes etc. back into the garage.  I was tired and cold, turned on the space heater, sat in the lawn chair with a blanket over me, and was opening my book when Lady woke up by falling out of bed, was crying, and came racing over.

So of course I scooped her up and put her on my lap where she snuggled for a little while.  But kittens don't hold still for long and she soon wanted down.

Tony came by a little later and she answered questions about the adoption process and filled me in on Wild About Cats usual policies and procedures as we watched and played with kittens.

After Tony left, I noticed Lady nursing while Mama Styx was up on the cat tower.  Silly kitten.

Joe and I watched Survivor and then an episode of Blue Bloods before I hit the hay.

Sunday 10/20 - I had observed another kitten fall out of ‘bed’ while he was sleeping.  It has gotten so crowded in this cat tree box, that there isn't room for all five kittens.  So, I stapled up a ‘retaining wall’ to help prevent future fall outs.

The kittens saw it as just another new thing to explore.  They also chew on the cardboard, since they are teething.

You can see that when the kittens fell out, they hit the ramp, which they rolled down, so it broke their fall.  But it was still a rude awakening.  They also 'spill' out of the other hole onto the shelf where Styx is sitting.

Just after daylight, I watched three doe and four teenage deer down by the creek and oasis.  I took this (video) after watching them race around for nearly ten minutes.  They were running, jumping, turning fast, spinning, and I think practicing escape tactics.  A few even slipped and fell in the wet grass.  They have been nibbling at the new growth down on the oasis.  About half of the seed was Throw And Go, a blend of three plants that deer like.

About an hour after the female herd left, I went down to check the grass where the deer had been romping and also look at the water level.  There were definitely skid marks and some damage to the new vegetation.

The creek had more water in it, but not enough to be flowing, and the pond was still over a foot lower than usual.

While I was standing there looking at the oasis, this young buck wandered through (video).  He saw me but didn't seem concerned by my presence.

Shirley and I met at church, and then a little later she dropped by to see the kittens and get instructions on their care.  Then I hurried off to the gym to do weights and a Zumba class.  I had a good workout.

When Patty came to visit the kittens, they were all sound asleep.  But their nap time was about up, so we woke them.  Lady wanted to continue her nap in Patty's arms.

Renegade was much slower to wake up than Arigato.
The kittens never got very rambunctious so I took this (video) for Patty later, so she could see them with the 'zoomies.'

I have been slowly introducing the kittens to Maggie, one at a time, when Styx is pre-occupied and won't interfere.

Maggie is so sweet with them, but gets very concerned when they hiss or spit at her.  Then she won't make eye contact with them.

After Patty left, I loaded up Maggie and drove up to a north side sub-division and took her for a two mile walk.

Joe was off playing poker and I kept busy getting ready to be gone for two days - (watered grass, trash out, laundry, ran dish washer, got all cat supplies cleaned and replenished, picked up around the house, wrote pet care note, packed Maggie's kennel bag, and started packing my bag).  The kittens continued to be a distraction and time waster.  I took this (video) of Babe in the box and then this (video) of Mama keeping an eye out.

I was too wound up when I went to bed at 10:30 and had just fallen asleep when Joe got home around 11:30.  Once woken back up, I struggled again to get back to sleep, so...

… Monday 10/21 - when I woke at 4:30, I did not feel well rested and had troubles clearing the cob-webs in my head.  But I was up getting my E-mail, Facebook, and Blog up to date, and then finishing preparations for our departure.

After Joe dropped Maggie off at the kennel, he picked up Patty, and then they got me.  By 9:30 we were on the road for Hot Springs, TN to hike the Max Patch trail.

Two hours later, we arrived at the trail head, deep in Pisgah National Forest.  We thought we were taking the shorter route up to the summit, but come to discover, it was the longer path.  But we made it to the top.

This 'bald' hilltop was cleared for grazing in the nineteenth century and gives you a view of both TN and NC.  The hike across Max Patch is part of the Appalachian Trail.  I tried a panoramic photo but this (video) gives you a better idea.

It was quite windy at the top, making it a little bit cold.

It was good to get into the warm car and we were now headed for Bristol (which is a border town in TN and VA).  After a few hours, we arrived at the Nelms Ranch - and our Air B&B which was a rustic garage apartment overlooking pasture land with bucking bulls and horses.

I went for a little walk (with Chelsey, our landlady and her son) to see the bulls (26 total).

Soon we drove into Historic Downtown Bristol to take a look around and find a place to eat.

We saw the war monuments (memorials to war in general).  This is a Cobra helicopter.

There were very tame ducks down by the creek.

This town is also known as the Birthplace of Country Music so there were sites about that also.

We made our way into the restaurant district and took a walk around to work up an appetite and see what our choices were.

We ended up back at one of the first places we saw, "Quaker Steak & Lube."

We enjoyed outdoor seating and a view of the street with lots of pedestrian traffic, on a 73 degree evening.

After a great meal, we headed back to our unusual, but cozy Air B&B.  It was a party room in it's former days, and I am guessing is still used for this after local rodeos.  Here is a view of it from both ends of the room.


Tuesday 10/22 - I was up well before Patty and Joe and enjoyed tea and my book out on the balcony, until the rain came and chased me in.  It was time for my travel companions to get up anyway.

We were five minutes from the “country corner” (a little grocery/to go restaurant) where all the locals eat breakfast, so headed there in the rain.  Just over $6.00 fed the three of us breakfast.  There were no tables, just TV trays, and we listened to the chatter of the local 'boys' while we ate.

We then drove all the way to Damascus, VA in hopes the rain would stop and we could bike the Virginia Creeper Trail.  The weather report was not good, so we gave up and headed to Gatlinburg to check out the Sky Bridge instead.

We had driven out of the rain and by the time we got there, the sun was shining and it was a beautiful fall day.  In order to get up to the Sky Bridge, we had to take the chairlift.  There was about a fifteen minute wait in line.  We thought the $23.50 was a bit pricey, but everybody gets a wrist band and can come back and ride up and down the mountain all day.  It would have been great if we could have also gone at night to see all of the lights.

It was about a ten minute ride to the top but you really couldn't see much except the mountain side we were ascending.

Once back on solid ground, we checked out the visitor center and looked around.

Then we started our trek across the Sky Bridge.  In the middle, there are four sections with a glass floor.  Patty was taking a look down at the ground beneath her.  We could see fire damage to many trees on sections of the mountain.

This is a view from the other end of the bridge, of the town of Gatlinburg.  It is not very big or impressive, but the mountains beyond are breath taking.

There wasn't much on this side of the gorge that the bridge crossed to, but a little sitting area and a small concession stand with drinks for four dollars each.  This (video) shows us walking back across the glass section.
We had a better view taking the chairlift back down the mountain, found a place for lunch, and again had to wait in a long line.  It was nice sitting outside on a wall, in the sun, eating our burger and fries.

This last photo shows the creek we were crossing as we neared the bottom in the chairlift.

It was an uneventful drive home.  I always like gaining an hour coming west.  We picked up Maggie at the Kennel on our way back into Fairfield Glade, dropped Patty off, and got home around 4pm.  It was good to get back to all my fur babies.

Renegade, and then Babe joined him.

Before long, Mama Styx called the babies over (she makes a cute, little throat noise) and then came one, two, and three kittens.


Patty reported 2 1/2 inches in her rain gauge and Shirley said she had gotten 3 inches over Monday night, so I went down to check the pond and creek water level.

It was looking much better.  And the oasis grass was nice and green.

Before we had left town, I put out this string of five pumpkin lights and had them on a timer so they would be on at night if Karen came after dark.  Shirley and Jan each took a turn at kitten care during the day.  Well, Karen had surprised me and stuck this wooden pumpkin in with my decorations.  One can never have too many, goes for cats and decorations.  Ha ha ha!

I was tired from traveling so only did a little unpacking.  I was preoccupied with figuring out how I wanted to set up the sunroom for the kitten family to keep it fairly kitten proof and give Styx a place of her own.

There was a little more kitten time and I did do some cleaning in the garage and sunroom.  This is Babe being wiggly instead of cuddly.

Wednesday 10/23 - My morning view as I tried to work on this blog.  See my visitors?

It was a group of three doe.
I love the black edges around this one's ears.

Two of them wandered back behind Allen's but this one went out into our front, until she panicked when the dog barked, and ran back around with her herd buddies.

I basically spent the morning moving the cat family into the sunroom.  Here is how it ended up when I finished.

I locked Stevie and Monita in the upstairs of the house and then cleared out and cleaned the sunroom.  Next, Mama cat and kittens were locked in the large dog crate in the garage.  From the garage, I moved in the rug, covered it with the tarp, and then with Joe's help brought in the cat tree and plastic covered 'fence.'  Next came litter boxes, food and water, and lots of toys.

When I first released Mama and babies, they were all on edge.  Styx hissed at my cats looking in the window and that got the babies hissing and blowing up like Halloween scary cats and jumping sideways.  Eventually things calmed down and exploration began (video).

The kittens had never been in sunlight before because their one garage window faces north.  I think they liked it's warmth and were curious about their shadows.

This is Babe, who is losing her black color and getting rather speckled with white hairs.  She is also loosing her kitten fuzz that all the others still have.

I went down to water the new grass and rake leaves out of the creek.  I don't want muck building up right away and am going to try to stay on top of it.  Joe left for his almost two week trip to FL, including a poker cruise.  He was going to check on Mom before and after the cruise and have casino time in FL.

A lot more time was spent (not necessarily wasted) in the sunroom watching the cat family.

I was going to read on the couch, but was too distracted by feline, both mama and the babies.

I tried taking a nap with them too, but that didn't really work.

They are just too stinkin' cute (video).  I was also worried I might roll over on them.
Lady has become my favorite because she is so cuddly.  I keep accidently calling her Babe.  I think the name fits her better because she is so sweet and cuddly.  The darkest kitten (named Babe) is so precocious, outgoing, adventuresome, and feisty.  Lady would be a better name for her.  But these are all just temporary names anyway.

Renegade's name is purrrrfect.  I have been a little worried about his eyes, but it seems it's just dried tears he or Mama haven't cleaned off.

I took Maggie for a long walk before we all (dog, eight cats, and myself) had dinner.

I was feeling sorry for Stevie and Monita, so sat and watched a Hallmark movie with them.  They were still on edge about the 'mean' cat in the sunroom.  They were curious about the kittens, but Styx would come growling, hissing, and spitting at them from the other side of the windows.  I think they also miss this place to hang out, especially with me here.

Thursday 10/24 - It was a quiet night with no interruptions or disturbances.  I was glad there hadn't been any cat growling, hissing, or crying on either side of the sliding glass door to the sunroom from our bedroom.  Styx is my new morning companion here at my desk.  But I need to teach her to stay off my keyboard.  I was also feeling guilty about Monita and Stevie being banned from this room, their favorite place.

I moved the plastic covered fence to give the kittens more room since Styx was primarialy staying on their side.

I completely cleaned my side of the garage and got my car parked back in it.  Joe reported in about Mom and later headed to Ft. Lauderdale.

Once most of the kittens settled in for a nap on Maggie's dog bed, I had half a chance to get some work on this blog done.  Except Lady was crying.  So I picked her up to comfort her.  And next thing you know... she was going... going... gone.  And my left arm was 'trapped' so I had to type one handed.

I did manage to get to the barn in the afternoon to go for a little ride.

Once home I had to hustle to get ready to go out to dinner at Christy's, downtown Crossville with Judy, Patty, Shirley, and Karen.  It was great chatting and catching up with each other.

I stopped at Walmart to do a little shopping, yep for clay litter and canned kitten food, among other things.

It was late by the time I got supplies put away.  I sat here a short while, and noticed the cat and kittens were reacting to their reflection in the windows, before I went to bed.

Friday 10/25 - My morning view shows the woods becoming more colorful, and a little barer.

The kittens were six weeks old today and still nursing.  It has really gotten crowded when all five nurse at the same time.  Often I just see two or three nursing at one time.

All you can see of Babe is her black and white stripped tail.

Styx doesn't let them nurse as long and gets up and leaves them when she is ready.

Often the babies remain to take a nap.

I went for an early morning ride to get it in before the rain came.  I did get sprinkled on before finishing and it was coming down a little more steady on my way home.  And then once home, the rain had stopped, so I quick worked down back on leaf removal from the creek.

The leaf raking didn't last long at all and then the rain came, settling in over the Glade for a long steady duration.  So I mostly spent the rest of the day in the sunroom with the cat family.

Lady, my new favorite was being playful and cuddly at the same time.  I tried to get a (video) of her and then tried a second (video).  I continued to get the kittens accustomed to the dog which was going well.  I want to be sure these cuties can go to most any home, whether with other cats or dogs.

I have been very pleased with how Maggie has handled these new 'squeaky toys' by just watching, sniffing, and licking them.

I did finally make it to the gym after taking too many days off.  I just can't get into a good routine with all the kitty distractions.

Here is my (video) of the kittens at six weeks of age.

I had noticed recently that Mama Styx howls and brings toy mice to wake the kittens and get them to come nurse (video).  I wonder if she is trying to teach them hunting skills as well.

I watched Survivor to end the day and the week.