Friday, May 27, 2022

Give Me The Wheel

I am often willing to let things go.  Life is too short to make a big deal out of disagreements, little inconveniences or people's mistakes.  But down deep, I am really a control freak.  I want the wheel.  When given the chance, I try to take control because I want to avoid potential problems, errors, or accidents.  Or I just want it done my way.  It doesn't help that I have a tendency towards OCD and am a bit of a perfectionist.  I am my own worst enemy.

As Jean advises, "Most things are actually out of our control, and maybe we get to hold the steering wheel every once in a while, but really, the outcome is in God's hands."

I know to really live the good life, we need to let go of the wheel.  Let go and let God.   

Saturday 5/21 - Joe and I had the opportunity to volunteer (alongside Daniel) to help with landscaping at a home in Sparta (built by 'Homes For Our Troops').  What a great organization and a wonderful cause.  Their mission is - To build and donate specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured post-9/11 veterans, to enable them to rebuild their lives.  

This was a very well organized event and a real joy to help out with.  Seen here, Kevin and his wife whom the home has been built for.  They worked as hard as any of us with today's landscaping.  

There were probably 35 of us laying sod and planting shrub.  It is amazing how quickly the work was accomplished.  Below a before and after photo of this section of the yard.

After this side of the lawn was finished, we used up the rest of the sod on the other side of the driveway. 

Those are all the volunteer's vehicles parked along the side of the property.  Below is the photo taken from the (HOMES FOR OUR TROOPS) web site later this week. 

While most helpers were laying sod, others were planting bushes around the house.  Then once the professional landscaper hooked up the water (irrigation) system, mulch was put in.

In about 90 minutes time, we completed all of this work.  Then we were treated to lunch.  We'd already gotten a free t-shirt so this felt like more than enough to me.  Generally, people don't volunteer for what they get out of it, but actually it is reward enough to just know you are helping someone or the community out.  

After lunch Joe and I bid Daniel farewell and thanked him for inviting us to help at this wonderful charity.  

Once home, I went out to the ranch to get a few things done there. 
I had grabbed the English saddle at Wildwood on my way.  John is happy to sell it to Jean but letting her see if it fits her and Robbie first. 

Jean spent a great deal of time getting it all cleaned and conditioned, along with the bridle we had in storage. 

I didn't get much done, chatted with Jean quite a bit, and puttered around in the yard and with the horses.  Karen had stopped by and we chatted with her also. 

I enjoy my busy days, but am also glad to hit the hay each night.  My cats are always glad to see me stationary so they can come for some play and lovin'. 

Sunday 5/22 - I left for the ranch before 8:30 because Jean had reported already being out in the chicken yard and coop working.  The forecasted rain for all day (with some storms) had been put off until later in the day.  Seen here, a chicken on the pallet that Jean had gotten from a construction pile, illegally dumped in the backwoods of Fairfield Glade.

Jean and I had wanted a trailer lesson, so as soon as Joe arrived, we went down to the shop to get educated.  Well, Mrs. Killdeer, whose last set of four eggs had gotten destroyed, had made another nest near the old one.  Ugh.  Hadn't she learned?  

This time she has three eggs.  Well, I set up a big rock on a smaller one in hopes nothing would run over or step on this nest.  I guess time will tell. 

Joe showed us how to hook up the trailer and then Jean wanted to practice backing it.

With Jean at the wheel, she practiced backing the trailer, a long lost skill she had been good at but needed brushing up on.  I am able to take the wheel when it comes to trailering, but very willing to give someone else the wheel if they offer. 

The sun had actually 'burnt through' the clouds and the overcast sky ended up being rather sunny and hot at times.  We had started work in the chicken coop and finished it up with the help of Joe who cut some boards and helped screw them in.  Now we have six nesting boxes and plastic covering the top two shelves used for storage, to keep out the dust.

The chickens had been napping under the ladder perch in the coop while we were working, but later went back outside.  They enjoy the shade and protection of this roof in the yard, and love the dust bath area under it and along the wall. 


Music at the Grove had been cancelled due to the forecast of thunderstorms, but we never got anything. 
It ended up being a quiet evening at home rather than one of music and dancing. 

Monday 5/23 - Walking up the drive with Maggie just after 5am, we spotted this deer.  It held very still and I corrected Maggie when she started to growl.  Once the dog and I were up on the street, the deer then kind of followed us and went into the church lawn and woods. 

Rain had started but was not constant and came down in a perfect sprinkling all day.  We only ended up with ¾ of an inch by evening, but it had come so slowly, that it all had a chance to sink in and there was very little run-off.  Perfect for all the vegetation.

It was a good day for R&R.  I could also tell it was colder because the cats were more snugly. 

The gym was packed because outdoor activities would not be happening.  I often pray while on the rowing machine because I do not have to count reps.  Today I focused on Courtney who is in Hawaii and had been sick and also on Britney whose cat was quite sick and Britney was to leave for Germany in the middle of the night.

I had an appointment at Walgreens for my Covid booster, but during lunch got a call that they didn't have any serum left. 


I went into town to do my big shopping anyways.  While at Walmart, I decided to try the walk-in immunization.  I got my shot, did my shopping and headed to Shirley's to feed her kitty. 

The rain had cooled things off and my kitties were snugly at bedtime.  My arm and head were starting to hurt, so it was 'lights out' early.

Tuesday 5/24 - The deer are so accustomed to me feeding them morning and night, some will come near the house and look up into the sun room, as if to ask where's the corn this morning? 

I was feeling rather punky, from the Covid vaccination.  My arm hurt, my head and body ached, and I was chilled.  I decided to take it easy, and even took a morning nap on the couch. 

Styx and Babe like to keep watch on things out the front door.  I put bird seed on the porch, so there are plenty of birds and chipmunks that frequent this spot. 

Before Joe left for Nashville, to start his trip to Germany, I wanted to hook up the trailer one more time, to be sure 'I had it' remembered correctly. 

With Jean and I working together, we got it done.  Then we made some adjustments in preparation for hauling Robbie. 

Standing tied to the trailer is a good thing for the horses to practice.  We then tried loading Zorro (seen in these three photos) and next Amiga.  They both did well.

Zorro looking in to see what we were up to.
I proceeded to get ready to give Amiga a bath to help with her itchy skin.  She is cute but not very cooperative when it comes to photos.

Although not thrilled with the idea of a bath, she was very patient during the whole process and stood nicely for me. 

I got her all suds up and then let her graze while letting the medicated shampoo penetrate for ten minutes.

After the rinse I whisked away as much water as possible by using a sweat scraper.  With rain coming later in the afternoon, I didn't feel it necessary to get Amiga real dry. 

Meanwhile, right near us, between the wash rack and barn, Wanda was sound asleep and this BIG black snake was headed her direction.  It appeared to stop dead in its tracks when it sensed the cat. 

I decided to get Wanda to move out of the way and she hopped over the snake and laid down a little over a foot from it, along its side.  The snake never moved, except its head to watch what we were doing.  I even walked Amiga right by, and both black creatures never moved. 

Once I walked Amiga up to her pasture, she had a good roll.  Zorro joined her but I wasn't quick enough to get a photo of them both rolling at the same time.

I was starting to feel rotten again, so Jean supplied me with Acetaminophen and I re-hydrated.  She had also done chores for me.  Parm chillaxing.

After chatting for a bit, I was on my way to care for Shirley's and then Patty's cats.  When I got home at 6pm, my dog and cats were more than ready to eat. 

Give me the wheel is symbolic of wanting control of something.  When traveling though (especially commercially) so much is out of our control.  Shirley was stuck in Chicago another day because she missed her flight because of an eight car pile up on the freeway.  Patty had made it to Iowa, Courtney to Hawaii, and Cathy and Ralph to California.  Joe had boarded a plane in VA and Britney in TX and were both in route (11 hour flights) to Germany where they were landing and meeting at the Frankfurt airport.  I was glad to be here at home.  It was a quiet evening and I went to bed early.  

Wednesday 5/25 - Just before 5am I got a text FB message from Britney that she had landed in Frankfurt.  Joe landed shortly after and they found each other.  Then by 6:30am (our time, 1:30pm in Germany) they were seated at this table enjoying a drink.

I drug myself to the gym a little later than usual, and was slow moving, but found the energy to make it through my regular workout.  I lingered extra long in the hot shower.  I don't know if my aches and pains were arthritis, the new bone building drug, or residual from the Covid booster. 

The only photo I took all day, Babe wanting some lovin' from Maggie.

I went to work early, to relieve Nancy ahead of schedule, cause it looked like I would be getting off early with rain very likely late afternoon. 

Jean sent this photo update of Amiga with the caption: “Amiga!  I just put that medicine on you… what did you rub on this time?" 

It was followed by this photo of Zorro, with arrows pointing at the medicine rubbed onto his ears.

I was able to close the pool early with the last customer leaving at 4:45 and popup rain showers and heavy winds blowing through in quick intervals. 

I tried the shortcut from the pool to Patty's, got lost and ended up back on Westchester, so just took the known route from there.  I was home by 6:00 and got the usual tasks done, in addition to finishing the second load of laundry.

Thursday 5/26 - It had rained some during the night but more was to come throughout the day.  The wind was still blowing hard and the temperature had really dropped.  I was supposed to work the morning shift, but they ended up closing the pool for the day. 

After an extended morning of computerizing and relaxing, I went out to the ranch.  We need to figure a way to get the water to drain around the backside of the shop.  I don't like that it always pools here.

I checked on Mrs. Killdeer while near the shop.  She was stoically sitting on her nest and ready to bravely defend it if I got closer.  I kept my distance so as not to disturb her. 

I checked on Amiga (who hadn't had Previcox for over a day) and she seemed to be moving without pain.  I also walked the side pasture, looking closely at the pond and spillway.  The water level has gone way down in the pond so no water was running out the spillway, but water appeared to be seeping out on the other side of the fence, on the back side of the dam on Jim's property.  Hum.  Did the huge electric pole that was put in May 12th cause a leak in our dam?
Jean sent this photo later in the day... 'What are the girls all looking at?'

I did a little more last minute work on the trailer in preparation for hauling Robbie on Friday.  Then Jean and I sat up in the ranch house, out of the nasty weather, and made plans for the next several days. 

Jean sent this in reply to her question with the first photo... 'The girls were all curious and worried about
a crow on the other side of the fence.'

Jean left for town and I came home to eat a late lunch, digest some, and then go to the gym to do an aerobic workout (45 minutes on the elliptical).  On the way home I went to Patty's for cat duties.  I finished up my chores at home and had a quiet, relaxing evening. 

Friday 5/27 - I was up for a few hours in the middle of the night, thinking about all the things involved with bringing a new horse onto our property and into our herd of two. 

When I got back up for the day at 6am, it was 58° and pouring rain.  Maggie was quick to do her business, but we both still got pretty wet.  To warm up and dry off, I pulled the space heater out of storage and got it going.

Babe came to snuggle but wasn't sure about the dog being wet.  And Monita had to come see what she might be missing out on.

After my gym workout, I packed a dinner, some supplies, and the dog.  I ate a sandwich for an early lunch as I drove to the ranch. 

This was the big day to bring Robbie home.  Jean and I got the trailer hooked up and I took the wheel, and we headed to Celtic Rose, arriving just after 1:00. 

We took our time loading, not knowing if Robbie had experienced a ramp load trailer before.  She was cautious but very willing and we had no problems. 

The trip home went smoothly.  I parked on the level drive near the shop and we took the off loading of Robbie slowly also.  She did great. 

After filling water buckets and putting in hay, the stall was ready to go.  We put Robbie in and watched to see what she would do. 

She immediately started circling in her stall and calling out.  The three boarded boys soon came to the fence to 'chat' with her. 

As you can see, they aren't far from the barn.

And then, it wasn't long before the three neighboring horses (also all geldings) came by to check out the 'new girl in town.' 

Our boarded horse soon went back out to graze and we shooed the neighboring horses away as we headed up to the house to do chores and feed Amiga, Zorro, Parm, and Maggie. 

I was thrilled to see how well the flower garden by Mom's memorial rock was doing.  The amaryllis came from her patio, the red was her favorite. 

I decided to hop up on Amiga while she was eating hay with her brother.  I can still get on from the ground, and she is so good about standing and letting me clamor/crawl up on her. 

I posed while I had Jean take this second photo. 

I had packed my dinner, and Jean did likewise, and we went back down to the barn to eat and watch Robbie.  We could tell she had laid down in the stall and we were hoping it was a sign of her being comfortable, vs feeling colicky. 

Robbie was thrilled to be on green grass, and ate to her hearts content, not paying us much attention. 

Wanda and Maggie however were quite happy to invite themselves to the party. 

While Wanda was willing, Jean brushed her. 

Jean put Robbie back in her stall, fed her, gave her more hay, and before long we left her for the night. 

I loaded up Maggie and we headed to Patty's, trying the shortcut again.  I had looked at a map so navigated it correctly this time.

Maggie came in to 'help' me with chores and Ellie came right over to greet her old friend. 

It was 7:30 by the time Maggie and I got home.  The cats were glad to see us; well to get fed.

Jean sent this photo at bedtime.  Now look who the girls were all curious about. 

Today went well as the result of several answered prayers.  Even though I had the wheel much of the time, God had control of my hands.