Friday, January 31, 2025

Be Grateful

Sometimes in the dead of winter, with the short, and often gloomy, dark days, it is easy to get grumpy.  But everyday we wake up, is a reason to be grateful and to (celebrate)!

Debbie's comment to my Christmas blog reminded me of all my blessings that I have to be grateful for. 

From her words:  I have everything to be so very happy about.  I have an amazing, loving family; my health is restored;
Courtney's brilliance and success are a gift; Britney has found love and plans to marry, and she is doing the work she is passionate about; and wonderful Dan and Vale - they're blessing us with grandchildren.  And actually, all of our family and extended family are super. 

Debbie went on to say, "Plus you have the dog and kitties which are blessings in and of themselves, and the beautiful horses!!!!  They make MY heart smile and my spirit rejoice.  Life is so very good for you."  She is so right. 
I am grateful for Debbie and her profound wisdom, insight, and reflection.  I have so many loving, caring, friends that I am blessed by.  I'm beyond words and am utterly grateful for all of them.

Saturday 1/25 - As the days are getting a little longer, they are also finally getting a little warmer.  For this I am most grateful.  I did a number of things around the house, including 'playing' with Joe's i-pad.  However, it wasn't fun and games.  And I found it difficult to remember gratitude when I was struggling with technology.  Thankfully, Joe helps me out a lot, although he has some gaps in his skills that (believe it or not) I actually have more experience with.  Anyway, I was trying to see if an i-pad could replace my travel lap top, since I plan to do more traveling than usual this year, and the old lap top is too bulky and too slow. 

Rose at her feeding station under the porch. 

I had to drag myself to the gym but was then delighted that I was able to push through my thoughts of quitting early, and actually get in a decent workout.

Joe and I had dinner at Stonehenge.  The one beer I drank put just the right mellow in my mood and the food was absolutely scrumptious.  Even though I brought some of it home, I managed to overeat and feel uncomfortably full.  We watched more Virgin River.

Sunday 1/26 - I finally made it to church for a first this month.  I really enjoy the up-beat music and the sermons our minister Lanita gives, and am so grateful to have this church.

I met Betty at the ranch at 12:30 and was trying to decide whether or not to ride. 
It was 45° but very overcast, and calling for possible rain/snow in the late afternoon or evening.  Lately, I just can't seem to feel warm, even though I put several layers on, so was dragging my feet today.  Well, I am so grateful that Betty gently nudged me and I decided to ride. 

We rode for over and hour, going 3½ miles.  I never felt cold and thoroughly enjoyed being out on Rico.  Both our horses did great, but are also a little out of shape.  Upon dismounting, I realized my riding muscles are a little out of shape too. 

Poker Joe was gone for the evening, so after Sunday weekly chores, I finished working this jigsaw puzzle. 

Reading by the fire didn't last long because I had navigated through the day with only five hours of sleep.  It was 'lights out' at 7:45.

Monday 1/27 - I stopped for gas, gate latch hardware, and then groceries on my way (slightly out of my way actually) home from an earlier than usual, 2½ hour leg, ab. and aerobic workout at the gym. 

After a quick change of clothes and a bite to eat, I went to the ranch.  I missed getting a video of Zorro rolling in the mud, but here he is, right after the dirty deed.

Betty had arrived just after me and we soon got to work moving hay.  Joe had put out a new round bale so we were taking all the picked over hay left from the old round bale.  Betty wheeled it to me and I spread it out on the muddy, high traffic area in the paddock. 

Bonnie and Susan had fed the herd of four early, in preparation for the farrier (who was doing Cowboy).  Betty and I took care of feeding and watering our two.

Then I headed into the back woods to work on our horse path.  I raked leaves and sticks off of it and had to pick up a few large branches that had come down on it.  I took this photo from the woods.  Zorro is behind Cowboy and notice Rico is napping again.

I didn't make much progress because I got distracted by the drainage ditches clogged with leaves.  But I got them all cleared so they're ready for heavy spring rains.

This photo was taken as I was leaving the yard, after chicken duty.  The sun had finally come out while Betty and I were working, and was now shining full force and felt quite nice.  But the 4:00 shadows were long. 

I just can't get over this nice looking boy, even with hay sticking out of the side of his mouth.  As I was loving on Rico, Dorado came over so I gave him some lovin' too.  They watched me as I walked away, because it was time to take care of my fur babies at home. 



After a healthy salad for dinner, I indulged in popcorn while Joe and I watched Virgin River for two hours.  This and a few other bad eating choices have started to become a habit.  Ugh.

Tuesday 1/28 -After another good workout at the gym (arms, abs, and aerobic) I went to the ranch to ride with Betty.  I had brought a ladder to help Charles with moving storage up onto the garage shelves, and saw that his side of the garage needed a good cleaning.  I also made a note to Joe that we really need to get a load of crush-and-go gravel for the upper area of our drive. 

Betty and I had a lovely ride on a nice sunny afternoon.  Dorado and Rico did very well. 

Today we were out for two hours and went six miles.  We rode all the dirt and gravel roads in the Dorchester golf course area. 

Rico was tired and 'dragging his feet' so to speak the last fifteen minutes of our ride.  But it is good to push these boys a little, to help get them back into shape.  He did get revved up a few times during the early part of the ride but also tripped more than I liked. 

Rico is a joy to ride and I am so grateful I found and was able to buy him.  I look forward to working with him, helping him become more confident, and teaching him as I also learn with him.  I hope and pray we have many happy, healthy miles of trails together. 

After our ride, Betty helped me with chores.  

It was too late to do any cleaning in the garage.  It could wait until tomorrow. 

Poker Joe was gone, so I sat and read by the fire for an hour.  The house wasn't that cold, but the fur babies and I enjoyed the extra warmth of the fire.  And as usual, I was nodding off before my 9:00 bedtime.

Wednesday 1/29 - After two days at the gym, I decided today's exercise would come while working out at the ranch.  I was there before 10am and started out cleaning in the garage.  I moved things off the storage shelf that was on Charles' side of the garage and sweep it off. 

Then, just as I was heading out the back gate to work on the trail, I heard (and then saw) a truck come in the drive.  Apparently Joe had ordered gravel, but it came three hours early, before Joe was coming out.

So I directed the driver as to where to dump (spread) the gravel.  And he emptied the load (videos).  I could see right away we needed another load, so I called Joe and he arranged for another delivery.  Then I headed back into the woods and spent the next two hours raking the whole trail we've made. 

The ladies (Patty, Betty, and Joanne) started arriving and soon we saddled-up our horses (except Amiga - I rode her bare-back). 

We rode out on the newly groomed woodland trail.  Joanne (seen above) rode Rico.  Betty (on Dorado) was taking a photo of me taking a photo of her.  And I took a selfie with Patty on Zorro.

When we got to the corner of Jem's back field, we went to look at the
food plot for deer that his neighbor had planted last fall.  Look how green it is.  I really hope the neighbor won't be shooting at deer back here, but suspect it is his intention. 

I on Amiga, taking a photo of Betty. 

And Betty's photo of Joanne.

We took turns, each of us leading the group at different sections of our ride.

And we stopped to chat, and teach our horses to stand quietly, several times.  All the horses did very well, and with the sunny (over 50°) weather we all had a very enjoyable ride.

Patty and I pealed off from the ride and headed back early, but had ridden for an hour, going 2½ miles.  It was enough for Zorro and Amiga. 
Joanne and Betty went another mile, returning about 20 minutes after us. 

Amiga and Zorro were in their stalls eating, and Rico did fine being un-tacked in the barn, even though the feeding process was underway. 

Peek-a-boo.  Wanda is a silly kitty. 

Dave arrived early, to help us move Charles in, so we (including Patty and Joe) worked at spreading gravel out (from today's two loads) while waiting. 

Once we heard 
Charles (and his nephew Brian who was pulling the trailer) were running late, we ordered pizza from Domino's.  It was nice to have a chance to get to know Dave a little better while we ate. 

The trailer didn't arrive until just before 7pm (
2½ hours behind schedule).  We all quickly got to work, in the dark, unloading Charles things, first in the garage, and then in the house.  We were finished by 8:30, chatted a bit while Charles and Brian had pizza, and then all headed to our perspective homes, Charles remaining there at the ranch (his new home).  I guess I was too busy to take any photos. 

Thursday 1/30 - I had troubles getting to sleep and staying asleep during the night, with so much on my mind regarding Charles' move into the ranch house.  So, even though I didn't get out of bed until 6:30, I did not feel well rested.
At 9:00 I went to my wellness exam, and then right next-door to the gym at 10:15.  I struggled through my workout because I actually was kind of exhausted from the day before and from lack of sleep.  And, I was sadden by the news I saw on the different TV's, of the plane/helicopter crash in DC.

On my way out of the gym there was a lady struggling to walk in with cane in hand, and she stopped partway up the sidewalk.  I went over and asked if she was OK and she said that she was, but she just wished she wasn’t struggling so.  I consoled her a little and then she said "Well, at least I’m not in the Potomac."  That made me laugh but then immediately sober.  Wow, that hit home.  You know it’s all about perspective and to be grateful for what we do have, even when it doesn’t seem like enough. 

After a hearty lunch, I laid down by the fire to finish my Alex Cross novel that was a clincher at the end.  And I couldn’t even finish the last two pages before falling
asleep.  A phone call from my doctors office woke me from my long nap at 4:30.  I read the last two pages of my book and then had to hustle to be ready to get picked up at 5:30 by Sherri, Bill and Micki. 

We met Linda at Rumors for Karaoke with Terry.  He played and sang several good dance songs that we ladies enjoyed 'hitting the floor' for.  A good time was definitely had by all.  I got home at 10:15 but couldn't fall asleep cause I was so wound up... second night in a row.

Friday 1/31 - It was a stormy night with strong winds and pelting rain.  The rain and wind continued all morning, but with less ferocity.  I wouldn't call it being grateful for my day's Wordle success, it is more a feeling of accomplishment.  I believe a player's first two guesses is more luck than skill.

I had enough to do and catch up with here at home, that I decided not to go to the gym.  I left for the ranch right after lunch, to meet with Charles.  We went over the workings and procedures of up-keep in the main part of the house.

We are grateful that Charles has moved into the ranch master suite and will be sharing the house with all of us, and he is even more grateful to have the beautiful and tranquil place to live.  He hopes to get a new lease on life.  It will be so nice having someone living out there full time, keeping an eye on the property and house.

The rain finally stopped about 3pm and I went out to do chores.  By the time I was finishing up and did the chickens, they were already in the coop for the night.

Gloria as usual, was hanging out on the windowsill, while the other four were on the roost.  Notice there was some sunshine at the time of the photo, but that the skies were still quite cloudy.

Back in the ranch house, Charles and I moved some furniture around in an effort to find good spots for some of his furnishings.  We have added his table, recliner, antique radio, and curio cabinet to the main house.  And then I decided to make room for his couch, so we moved the futon into the guest bedroom.  We needed Joe's help with the couch though, so would wait on that.

There is so much good I am grateful for, many of which I have mentioned in this blog.  But, instead of only appreciating what we have, we can also be grateful for the negative events that almost happened to us, but didn't.  Feeling happy when we narrowly avoid suffering (didn't get sick or hurt) and celebrating "near misses" are also beneficial to our well-being.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Brain Training

I was going to name this week's blog puzzling, because with the week's forecast, I knew I would be spending a lot of time here in the house, so why not work puzzles?  But as I was researching and gathering my thoughts, many things rang a bell.  So I went back to look and discovered that I had done a blog with the same title on January 19 last year.  I read that (blog) and can’t help but chuckle, that some things have not changed at all.  I was working jigsaw and other puzzles, the temperatures were frigid, the dog and cats sought heat sources (like sunlight, space heater and gas fireplace) and I dread driving in the sleet/ice/and snow plus the task of breaking ice on water tanks was a problem in and of itself. 

However, that week last year, the gym had closed for several days, so that wasn't even an option.  Luckily, this past week I was able to get out of the house and exercise my body at the gym, not just do mind training (games and all the puzzle working) here at home. 

GT - Get Thinking (or Get Training)!

We all know, but need reminding, that just as our bodies require care and exercise, so do our brains.  Our body and mind need to be worked.  Like our body, if our mind is left dormant, it will take a while to get it cranked up again.  Also, as is true of exercise, variety is important; and like with exercise, if a mind game gets to be too easy, it's time to change it up.

Saturday 1/18 - I did not take any photos today.  And I don't remember how I spent my morning, other than the usual emails, Facebook, blogging, and then brain training (Wordle, Connections, Mini Crossword, and Strands).  Oh, and sometimes Facebook has mind games like this matchstick one.  Give it a try (answer at end of blog).

Rose showed up when I walked Maggie Friday night and again this morning while walking in a misty rain.  She’d been gone for a little over a week.  I know she has another 'home' because she has not lost any weight, and maybe gained some actually. 

This quote is so true about anything, whether it's doing a big project, de-cluttering a closet, training a horse, cleaning house, or conditioning your body and mind... a little everyday will get you closer to your goal.

It had been dark, dreary and rainy all day, a de-motivator for me.  By mid afternoon I forced myself to go to the gym, not having any desire to workout.  I ended up only doing aerobic and ab work.  I just didn't have it in me to 'lift' any weights.  But at least I did a little.

Sunday 1/19 - It rained into the night and was actually kind of stormy at times.  Heavy rain woke me up at 2am and I couldn't get back to sleep.  I walked Maggie at 5am and nearly slipped and fell on the side deck that was icy because of the rain that was now freezing.  I napped from 5:30 to 7:00 and it was snowing lightly when I got back up.  Shirley and I decided to skip church. 

Driving in the snow
with Joe at the wheel, going by the Church at 10:30, I was surprised to see how many cars were there.  I guess Shirley and I could/should have gone. 

I had Joe help me with a few things out at the ranch to prepare for the coming cold.  We got this heat lamp set up in the chicken coop, on a timer to come on at 4am for several hours, and moved the water dispenser under it.

Down in the tack room, we checked the water heater (under the sink) and thankfully a suspected leak wasn't happening.  We turned the heater up another notch for warmer water.  Joe helped me fill some feed/supplement bins and then we put a bucket in the sink to catch water at a very slow drip.  If left to drip into the sink, we have experienced the pipe (that just drains the water to the outside of the barn) has froze up and the sink then filled with water.  

I had a lengthy phone conversation with Charles (he's a talker like I am) to clarify a few things about moving in and living at the ranch house.  I also answered several questions. 

Then I started a puzzle while watching the snow continue to fall.  It was a light snow fall so not much accumulated, but the sky remained white until 6pm, when it quit and had also gotten dark. 

I stopped puzzle working at 4:30 and did my Sunday chores which includes trash collection and watering house plants in addition to my nightly chores of feeding cats and dog and cleaning litter boxes. 

I was tired of computer games and puzzles so after dinner, turned on the fire and read with my fur babies keeping me company.  I started nodding off so got in bed just before 8pm.  And very little more reading occurred.

Monday 1/20 -
I didn't get up until 7am and it was 5° out when I walked Maggie.  Rose followed us, begging for food and I felt bad for her little paws in the snow.  She, the deer, the birds, and then the dog got fed.

Again I didn't take any photos today, and the question of what did I do was baffling.  I did get a call from the geneticist.  She reported that I do not have Lynch Syndrome and that the whole panel (of 39 genes tested) came back negative for inherited gene mutations that increase the risk of developing certain cancers.  Yippeee.  Praise God.

Extra computer games had been played.

Now until late February tends to be the part of winter we all just want to get through.  One positive thought is that the days ARE getting longer.  I have noticed that it's light earlier in the morning and past 5pm, when a month ago it would have been dark already.

I was cold dressing, getting to, and starting out at the gym.  But soon, not only was I warmed up, I had become energized.  I increased my time on the rowing and elliptical and did a complete weight workout.  Boy was it invigorating and I felt much better after Saturday's poor go at it.  I was there for over three hours.

Tuesday 1/21 - It was 7° out when I got up at 7am.  My only plans for the day were ranch chores, which I went to do at 1:00, when the temperature was up to 21°.  All morning I had the fireplace on because the heat pump couldn't keep up and I sat at the puzzle table quite awhile, until it was time to suit-up and got to the ranch.

Joe also came out and was given the task of making a hole in the ice on the water tank, and picking up manure (which was frozen to the ground).  I was in the process of hauling hot water out to the upper tank when Joe called asking for help.  Banner had gotten out, (Joe's oops) and Joe couldn't catch him.

Some alfalfa pellets in Banner's feed dish and he was easily caught and returned to the paddock.  I went ahead with feeding chores since I was down at the barn. 
I glanced back at Amiga and Zorro contently sharing a pile of hay as I headed to the upper paddock to feed and water Rico and Dorado.  I could not get the jug of salt water freed from its icy encasement in their stock tank, so gave up.  I refilled their heated tub after they drank from it.  I also had to take the chicken water-er into the house and run hot water over it to thaw out the frozen tray (the main tub hadn't completely frozen). 
All of this frozen water was getting old.

Arriving home at 4:45, it was nice to walk into a warm house.  I immediately turned the fireplace back on and fed Maggie.  I had to return to the outside cold though, to feed Rose and give her a bowl of warm water.  I filled my hanging bird feeders, which requires a ladder and put corn out for the deer.  Then I walked Maggie to complete my outside chores for the day before removing all my layers. 

I was too cold to want to go through the process of showering, and settled for warm PJ's and a hot meal.  I ended the evening reading by the fire, wrapped in a blanket, and was nodding off before 8pm. 

Wednesday 1/22 - Do you see what I saw?  It only caught my eye as it glided in and landed along the bank.  Most of the pond is frozen, but this end and the creek remain unfrozen because it is a 'spring fed' pond.  Water up stream comes out from under ground and it must be warm enough and flowing fast enough to not freeze. 

I have enlarged the previous photo and circled the great gray heron, who is still difficult to see.

After working my brain here at my computer, I showered, had an early lunch, and was out the door at 11:30. 

I was on a mission to buy several things, including cat and dog food, new hooks for gates that will be less likely to freeze, and an end table and a storage/shelving unit for towels at the ranch.  So I hit five thrift stores, Rural King and Tractor Supply, a closing sale at Big Lots, and Walmart.  I got everything, and a lot more than I had set out to buy.  Pictured is a $6.00 rolling suitcase/duffel combo I wasn't shopping for, but grabbed at a thrift store so I won't have to borrow Patty's medium size suitcase for the cruise. 

Patty had chores and sent me these last two photos while I was still out shopping.  My Amiga was enjoying the sun on a still cold (below freezing) afternoon.  And the second one, as Patty joked, Rico and Dorado were having a slumber party.  It is heart warming that these two boys get along so well. 

It was getting late, but on the way home, I had decided to turn around and go back to the thrift store which had 50% off for seniors today... and bought a stacking end table for $14.00 that I had earlier talked myself out of.

Thursday 1/23 - It was just another, of many, cold winter days, although the temperature was improving.  It actually got above freezing for a few hours.  I didn't really amount to anything, all day long.  I did all my computer games and sat at the jig saw puzzle for a few hours.  I also finished stowing away much of what I had bought the day before.  

I finally got to the gym, quite late, and was already feeling hungry and thinking about dinner.  I muddled through an arm/ab workout, and didn't even finish it.  But I did row for 20 min and did elliptical for 45.

The brain is an energy-intensive organ that needs a lot of good fuel to function.  So eating foods that provide nutrients that support brain health is important.  The #1 brain supplement is Fish Oils - a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.  These fatty acids are beneficial for brain health because they are a key component of brain cell membranes, supporting their function and fluidity, which is crucial for optimal cognitive processes like learning, memory, and information processing.  Research suggests that adequate omega-3 intake can help maintain cognitive health, potentially reducing the risk of age-related cognitive decline.  I can't stomach any kind of fish (other than tuna with lots of mayonnaise) so take omega-3 fish oil capsules, partially to reduce triglycerides and improve cholesterol levels but also hopefully to help my brain too.

Joe and I started season 6 of Virgin River.    

Friday 1/24 - Doing Wordle this morning, I got off to a rough start, but quickly made a good comeback.  Oh, and here is an answer to the 5O8 brain teaser from Saturday morning... the highest number achieved was 81151.  To get this, take two sticks from 0 (top and bottom) and put them in front of 5 to make a 1 = 15118.  I had thought of that, but then another answer said turn the image up-side-down to get 81151. 

Rose came out from her tight little cubbie hole bed/sleeping spot, where she has been staying most of the time except when eating.  But today she walked around the yard and sat and watched for critters.

I got a lot of work on the jigsaw puzzle done today. 

Lately, I feel like my memory is much worse than usual.  It kind of concerns me.  This is why brain training is important.  So I try to exercise my mind daily with word games - like crossword puzzles, Connections, Strands and word scrambles.  I do Sudoku,
a little math game called Go Figure, and my favorite is working jigsaw puzzles.  All of this can help improve memory and processing speed... which I need. 

I went out to the ranch at 11:30, allowing me time to clean and set up the stacking end tables, one on each end of the futon.  I also got the towel shelf set up in the guest bedroom closet, and did some more (deeper) cleaning.  I had set up the new toaster oven at home and swapped out our identical one-year old one for the very old persnickety one that has been at the ranch. 

Betty had come out to help me with chores and keep me company.  She already had the upper stock tank 'working' with a hole in the ice where the floating water jug is.  Rico had been supervising her. 

When we went down to the barn, two of the neighboring black horses were there.  This one appears to be guarding the port-a-potty.  LOL

I was surprised to see a halter on the second one, and it concerned me that he might get snagged on a number of things in their woodland, briar ridden, barb-wire fenced lot. 

I hung the heat lamp lower in the chicken coop and did a little more 'work' in the ranch house.  I loaded up my car, leaving the sunroom ready for move-in day, and headed home.

I had brought home the glass end table that had been by the futon, and put it on the balcony between the wicker chairs it matches.  I had moved them from the sunroom at the ranch.  This now gives Charles room for his table and maybe recliner and china hutch.  He moves in a week from today.

Joe and I watched two more episodes of Virgin River and then I read (also good brain training) in bed before lights out.