Friday, March 14, 2025

Busy Bee

I had a busy week planned and knew I would have to really manage my time well to get all my appointments, plans, and routine jobs accomplished.  It was almost like working a puzzle, fitting everything into sometimes narrow time slots. 

Saturday 3/8 - I skipped the gym to go to town, first hitting Waggles for gas.  It took way too long to 'fill up' because the pump kept asking me for a verification number, and I was putting in the PIN.  I went back and forth (twice) to the cashier inside before we figured out I needed to enter Joe's phone number first, something he and I have never had to do before.

Getting to Crossville, I did thrift store shopping, looking for a couch to replace Charles' and for some pictures for the walls where we had hung some of his.  I liked how we had arranged furnishings, making it feel homier after he moved in.  The Bread of Life had a couch I thought would work well, where we had put his at the ranch. 

After seven thrift stores, I had to hurry to get to the bank to deposit some poker winnings before they closed.  Then I hit Walmart.  I met Judy, Patty, Shirley, and Joe at McAlister's for lunch at 1:15.  After a tasty meal, we all went to the Playhouse to see The Wizard of Oz. 

As always, it was a very well done production.

We got home to feed the critters a late dinner, and then when I moved the clocks forward an hour, I was suddenly very tired, so went to bed.

Sunday 3/9 - I had time after blogging to do my usual computer puzzles.  I totally struck out on Strands.  I had SCAM in mind for the category and each try got the message 'one away', so kept trying different combinations.  I always had three of the four but was also using bogus and dude (oops I was thinking of dud) as possibilities.

Puzzling too long, I then had to rush to get ready for church to meet Shirley there on time. 

I had a big lunch and went to the ranch just after noon.  I took one of the new pictures into the house and gave Charles an AARP article I thought he could benefit from.

Bonnie, Susan, and Dave were just starting the feeding process.  Betty and I tacked up and went for a nice, long, leisurely ride; going 6.7 miles in about 2½ hours. 

Rico held up very well and both he and Dorado were very willing to move out in a quick, peppy walk after they were warmed up.  I was so happy with Rico's willingness to go, and that he didn't seem bothered by his previous aches or pains.  We only gaited a few, short times. 

Susan had reported that the automatic chicken door was not working so Jon had taken it off and home, to try to repair it.  He did not have any luck, and now a new door is needed.  So for the night, I stuck a kitty litter container full of chicken sand (for dusting) in front of the door to keep critters out overnight.

After watering plants and taking out the trash, I did my usual evening jobs and then moved the wicker chairs from the balcony down to the garage to be taken back out to the Ranch.  I spent 1½ hours relaxing at my computer, scrolling through Facebook and playing some games.  Next, reading in bed didn't last long.

Monday 3/10 - I fixed the back of this picture I bought Saturday and loaded it along with pillows from the wicker chairs into my car.  I was off for town just after 9am.  

My first stop was Bread of Life Thrift Store, to purchase the couch.  I loaded the pillows and Joe would be picking up the couch later.  Then I went to my oncologist for a blood draw (to check on my iron level).  By 10:00 I was headed for the ranch. 

A few minutes later Joe arrived and we unloaded the couch, but it was too heavy for two of us to maneuver through the front door, so we waited for help. 

Pretty soon Charles got back from Cookeville and Dave also arrived.  As Dave, Joe, and I were getting the couch in the door, Charles' nephew Brian drove in with the trailer.  The men got all of Charles' big furniture (couch, recliner, antique radio, and oak table & chairs) loaded while I started cleaning.  Then they went to the garage which had his bed and a bunch of other totes.  I also got the couch set up (photo) and the wicker chairs.  Patty arrived with a better vacuum cleaner and helped.

In no time, they had Charles stuff all loaded (in and on the trailer and two trucks) and were headed out the drive, looking a little like the Clampetts.

Jan and Karen showed up fairly soon after all the moving and cleaning commotion was about over.  Patty and I visited with them down at the barn for a bit. 

Patty and Karen were out of enough time to ride.  Karen started the feeding process and after Amiga ate, I went out on her for a short, slow, relaxing little ride (video).  She is such a great horse.

I had planned to close the chickens in the coop before coming home, but it was too early still, so I decided to do some trail work. 

I completely raked the ½ mile long trail in the woods along ours and Jem's property.  Then I decided to assess the downed tree on the path we love to ride, that connects two cul-de-sacs.  I hoped our chain saw would be able to handle this.  

By 6pm the chickens had gone to bed and I again blocked the hole with the litter container (where the automatic door had been). 
I took a pain sleep aid at bedtime, already feeling quite sore in my back, arms, and legs.

Rico at Lake Kirkstone at 3pm,
Tuesday 3/11.

My morning was a little more relaxed before I left for the gym at 9:30.  I had a good workout, not feeling too sore or tired. 

I got home at noon and
45 minutes later I was off to the ranch to ride with Betty. 

We went almost seven miles in a little over two hours.  You can see on the map of our route, where we stopped at the lake to let the horses drink. 

We had a great, leisurely ride.  Rico was a little pokey and continues to do his bracing walk when going down hill, but otherwise he did not feel at all lame.  So I am uncertain as to what is going on. 

It was plenty warm, at 70°, but we did not push our boys so they barely got sweaty.  On our way home, a dog from the house on Eli Ford came charging towards us as we were going down Marmaduke.  Both our horses had very big spooks.  It is amazing (thank you God) that neither Betty nor I came off our horses, but my hat went flying. 

I had chores, so once un-tacked, Betty watched the horses while they grazed and I fed the four in the lower paddock.  Then she turned our two out (video) and went up to start the feeding process with them.

The chickens were just starting to congregate in the coop as I was finishing up, so I was able to get them in and block the door, and head home right at 6:00.

Once in bed, I took a pain/sleep aid cause I had strained a few muscles in the process of keeping myself on Rico during his spin and run.

Wednesday 3/12 - I arrived at the dentist well ahead of time, hoping to get in early for my 8:45 appointment.  It worked, they took me five minutes early.  I love the bird feeders outside the windows.  I had told them my need to get in and out quickly, and the hygienist made it happen.  She said that it helped that my teeth were well cared for and not too bad to clean. 

I pulled in to the ranch just before 10am and ahead of the vet.  Everyone was there, including the 'lime' guy, who was already at work spreading lime.

Brooke had brought Raylan.  Patty was great help holding Banner, Zorro, and Amiga for the vet.  She also got some photos for me. 

I helped move some horses around and open gates while Joe directed the lime guy into the different fields.  Joe also brought a new round bale into the paddock, where the four horses would have to stay until after a good rain.  

Meanwhile, Dr. Perry continued working his way through the line up of six horses, giving shots, drawing blood for coggins, answering questions, etc. 

As soon as the vet, lime guy, and most everyone else had left, Joe, Betty and I hopped in the gator and headed out back to do some trail work. 

First, with Joe welding the chain saw, we got all of the tree (with multiple trunks) cut and moved off the trail.  Then we went to a different cul-de-sac to clear an old (very old) logging/4-wheeler trail.  We had to do some work a-rounds in places where huge trees totally blocked the path. 

Stopping at 12:30 for a lunch break, we had to catch Rico and Dorado, who were in Jem's yard because the gate to his back field had not gotten closed after the lime guy drove out of there. 
Then I ran (drove) Joe to the oil change place where he picked up his SUV.  I returned to the ranch and Betty and I went back out for two more hours of trail clearing.

Before leaving the ranch, I checked on the chicken door progress and was thrilled to see that Jon got the new automatic opener installed.  It looked different enough to the hens, that they were unsure about going through it. 

Oh, and a Rico up-date... with no evidence of the lump above his hip, and no (apparent) further lameness issues (we watch him run, buck, spin and rear out in the pasture), the vet said the lump was very likely a muscle 'out of place' when Rico's foot was so painful and he was walking and standing 'funny' to relieve the foot pain. 

I actually had some free time so laid out on a lounge chair and read and napped for a bit, and then after dinner watched some TV with Joe.

Thursday 3/13 - It was another beautiful spring day, although cooler.  The daffodils have popped up all over the yard.  With a thunderstorm predicted for the afternoon, Betty and I decided to ride in the morning. 

So I headed out to the ranch at 9:30. 

Joanne was there working with Rico.  She really enjoys doing ground work with the horses so I have welcomed her to work with Rico anytime she wants.  She had him down in the barnyard area, out of sight of Dorado, who was actually running the fence line when I pulled in.  Rico however, was very calm.

Betty and I went out to ride the new trail we had cleared yesterday.  In this photo is seen the logs from the tree that Joe had cut for us. 

We rode in the woods along the back pasture and came out on Marmaduke where you see the green arrow.  That's when Betty thought to start her riding app.  The extra wide red line is the new trail we cleared.  It connects three cul-de-sacs.  We rode it out, and then back.  Where you see the line ends (on the backside of Kirkstone Lake dam), the woods are so dense, it was too difficult to clear because there was no sign of the logging/4-wheeler trail.  Also it is a very step hill.

It was a nice, uneventful, relaxing ride.  Both horses were very low energy (Dorado from working up a sweat running the fence line and Rico was sluggish, I hoped it was just from getting his vaccines the day before). 

After Betty left, I got started on cleaning manure from the paddock, knowing it would be a lot because the horses had been shut in all night.  Dave came and jumped right in to help me.  This photo only shows about half of what there had been.

I took my time once home, to get changed and off to the gym.  I had a great workout, going almost three hours to hit all weights in addition to the 20 minute rowing machine warm-up, and the hour on the elliptical I do before ending with 15 minutes of stretch and balance.  Also I spent some time talking with Moe.  For some reason, I had her old phone number which was why she was not getting any of my messages nor answering any of them.  She has a LOT on her plate right now as life as remained complicated for her, but we did manage to come up with a time for her to come look at the ranch house on Saturday.

Not home until 5:30, and although tired and hungry, I took care of the fur babies and evening house chores before self-care and my dinner.  Poker Joe got home early.

Friday 3/14 - We knew rain and wind were going to hit us, but weren't sure how soon in the day.  For the time being, the morning was partly cloudy, with a nice spring breeze.  Rose was enjoying the padded lounge chair, which we have brought back out from winter storage. 

Karen, Joanne, and I had planned a 10:30 ride to beat the poor weather that was predicted for later.  Karen on Dorado, took this photo of Joanne on Rico and I on Zorro. 

It is always a challenge to get horses with ears forward and people looking at the camera with a smile.  But it does cause fun and laughter.  Notice it was warm enough by our departure time, for me to tie my long sleeve shirt around my waist and go short sleeved. 

We took turns leading, but Zorro was definitely peppier than the other two, who have remained sluggish for what ever reason.  In fact, returning home we had to put him in back because he was rushing too much. 

I showed the ladies the new trails Betty and I (with some of Joe's help) had cleared, although we did not do the steeper, rocky hill down to the trail behind the dam because Zorro is barefoot.  We added our favorite loop on the way home, and ended up going four miles.  A very nice ride.  

Karen giving treats to all, after returning Zorro to the paddock. 

And of course, Zorro continued waiting and hoping for more.

Joanne and I walked Dorado and Rico up the drive to their paddock, and as the two girls were leaving, I fetched Amiga to take her out for a little ride. 

This was kind of a last minute decision, but the weather was holding and it was too nice of a day to not spend it outside.  Besides, I was leaving town and would not be around to ride until next Friday. 

So off I went, riding bareback as usual, on my sweet, trustworthy Amiga (video).  She did wonderful.  Although she was a little stiff, the exercise is so good for her weight issues and her joint mobility.  I took her on an out and back of the woodland trails we three cowgirls had just ridden.  It is so nice how the trails connect the three cul-de-sacs.  

Upon our return to the barn, I did maintenance to protect Amiga's hooves, ears, teats, and legs.  Fly and ticks have started to be a menace and dew fever and thrush need to be avoided. 

The daffodils at our back gate leading out to the woods, and adventures beyond.

I had chores, and it was a big job cleaning all the manure from the paddock.  

I didn't get home until 5:30 and the wind had already picked up causing premonition of what might be in store for the night.  

Friday, March 7, 2025

Gettin' It Together

I need to keep organizing myself so I can function in a more effective way.  I want to "get my act together" so I can relax and better enjoy life.  Part of getting my &%#$ together included finishing organizing the house.  I needed to clean and return all the furnishings back to where they had been before the carpet cleaning.  I had more laundry to do, my suitcase to put back up on the top shelf of our closet, and taking down and putting away the rest of the Christmas/winter decorations and lights.

Joe and I have the trip to Costa Rica for Britney's wedding and the wedding reception here in FFG to arrange.  Betty and I were also planning horse camping trips and making reservations.  And I was trying to get the vet out to the ranch on a date six of us ladies are available. 

My boss had sent the pool schedule and I was glad to see I have Tue-Friday off (as requested) so Betty and I can go 'horse camping' during the week when campgrounds are less busy.  But then the thought of trying to juggle my pool, gym, and horse chore schedules was daunting.  There was also the transition of renters, from Charles' move out to Moe and Franky's posible move in, that also weighed on my mind.  I was ready to get so many things settled.

Saturday 3/1 - March came in like a lamb.  It was a lovely, sunny day; although a tad windy and getting worse by the end of the day.  At least the days continue to get longer with the sun not only setting later, but rising earlier. 

I was up before the sun, and yes, those are Christmas lights above Monita, that I still enjoy... but need to take down. 

Gettin' it together requires some thought, which seems to happen when I wake up too early, and then the thinking won't let me get back to sleep.  I
was mulling over the concerns we have about renting to Moe, mostly because of her having a dog.  I was also planning the rearranging of furniture in the ranch house since Charles would be taking his couch, recliner, antique radio, lamps, table and chairs that we had made room for. 

I ended up needing some kind of force today and realize it came and went sort of.  I finally completed my Cruz blog and posted it, and then drug my butt to the gym.  I had the worst workout I can remember.  I just didn’t have it in me, maybe because I was so sleep deprived and the force wasn't with me.  Anyway, I didn't lift weights, but at least rowed and did the elliptical.  The quick stretch afterwards was beneficial, but should have been longer.
After a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, I scrambled off to the ranch to meet Betty and Karen.   

I didn't take any photos of our ride, but it was a pretty good one, although it was very windy and I was a tad cold and Rico had three big spooks where he spun 180° and tried to runoff.  The 'force' was with me I suppose, because I managed to stay in the saddle every time, but I was not happy with Rico having these BIG spooks.  Karen had gone back to the barn early and Betty and I did another loop, bumping our horses up to a nice smooth gait and holding them there.  One of Rico's spooks happened at this faster speed.

Finished with our ride, as usual, 
Betty let Dorado eat grass in the upper barnyard area near the shop.  Typically I take Rico up to join them.  But today I put him in the round pen so I could finish up some things before leaving.  He went ballistic.  He couldn't see Dorado and wanted out of the round pen.  He was running, bashing into the panels, bucking, rearing, kicking, spinning, snorting and completely out of control.  He carried on like a mad man for over five minutes.

I was so worried that Rico had no concern for me that I didn’t even want to go into the pen to halter and lead him out.  I tried calming him from the outside, talking quietly, and trying to put my hands on him when he ran up to me and stopped at the panel.  He eventually slowed, came and stood by me breathing quite heavily, but his head was still high and his eyes buggy.  But I went in and haltered him.
Finally leading Rico towards Dorado, he was a little pushy and I tried to get him to back up a few times and connect with me, but he really was very focused on Dorado.  It concerns me that this very nice horse can have a flip side and seem like a crazed maniac.  We both certainly need to 'get it together' and rebond and better trust each other.

I collected trash from all cans around the Ranch, including Charles' and got tied up in a rather long conversation with him, so was there a little longer than I had wanted.  While I showered Joe ordered Domino’s Pizza.  We had dinner together and then watched the first episode of the new season of Suits LA.  It’s pretty different than the old Suits because there’s none of the same actors and actresses so I was having troubles warming to it.

Sunday 3/2 - I was up too early again, but got last week's blog finished and posted. 

There has been a black Tom cat coming around, fighting with Rose (chasing her off) and going under our screened in porch to eat her food (and mark his territory).  Every time I see him, I send Maggie out to chase him off.  Rose has figured out to just hold still while Maggie goes after the black cat, which always runs over behind our neighbor's house. 

Well today, shortly after Maggie had chased off the black Tom, a fox came down from the other side of the golf course and followed the drainage ditch up and then went behind
Carole's, (do I no longer refer to it as Allen's since he has passed?) in the same direction as the cat had gone.  I hope all of this canine activity is enough to convince the Tom cat to move on. 

Joe and I were supposed to meet Moe out at the ranch early afternoon, but she texted me first thing in the morning, that she was too sick to make it... didn't want to share germs.  So, after church I went to Food City.  Once home, I was soon back in my loungers for the day.  The high was 45°, so I had no desire for outside activity. 

Notice in the above photo, that the living room is still quite bare.  The sun was beckoning me so I laid on the floor with my fur babies and read.  Before long, I was taking a nap, a substantial 90 minute siesta.  That's Mama Styx in the dog bed.

Poker Joe was gone, so after my furry friends and I ate, and Maggie did some Tom cat chasing, I worked here getting this week's blog started.

Monday 3/3 - I slept until 5:30!  It was 26° when I walked Maggie and I had the space heater on to warm up my office.  Babe was enjoying it.  Overnight, one of the cats had christened our newly cleaned carpet with throw up, so I took care of that right away. 

I hit the gym from 10-12:30, accomplishing a lot more than last time I was there.  Betty and I met at the ranch later than usual so Karen could join us on a ride. 

Karen was running late at a doctor's appointment, so did not join us.  Betty setting her riding app before we left, and then she took my photo. 

Just a ½ mile out on the trail, Rico pulled up lame during our warmup walk.  He was quite off.  I dismounted, picked his hoof, felt for any problems, and just didn't know.  I got back on to see how bad he felt.  His
limping was pretty severe, but then he seemed to 'walk out of it' as we returned to the ranch.  I brought Amiga in and put Rico in Zorro's stall and saddled Zorro.  Karen arrived to feed just before Betty and I headed back out.  We ended up having a good ride, even though Rico was weighing heavily on my mind.  There was nothing to explain his lameness, except probably his crazy behavior in the round pen Saturday.  He likely tweaked something then, and it was feeling better but then got worse again out on the trail.

I bought Rico thinking he was NOT going to be prone to lameness issues so am discouraged and concerned.  I hope this is a rare occurrence.  Also, another big problem right now is that he is so buddy sour.  I don't want him hurting himself when he gets overly anxious when he can't see Dorado.

Zorro did great for me out on the trail, full of pep and very willing to go.  And he has a very nice smooth rack.  He probably went four miles.  One of the 'clocked' miles was on Rico and more distance was also covered by me walking around the barnyard between rides.

Joe and I started a new (British) crime, comedy, TV mystery series 'Death In Paradise.'  Later, after I'd gone to bed, Joe had to go out to the ranch to meet an overnighter (no horses or animals) that was just parking and hooking up to our electric down at the shop.

Tuesday 3/4 - I needed to get to the ranch to give Amiga a Previcox well in advance of her dinner so I skipped the gym.  After doing some housekeeping things and eating a big, early lunch, I headed to the ranch.

Amiga was out napping, with Cowboy on the lookout, but started to get up just as I snapped this photo. 

I brought Amiga in, gave her a Previcox, and then let her graze out in the barnyard near the shop.  Bonnie was coming to look at Rico so I got him and Dorado into the corral.  When I went to halter Rico, he played 'hard to get,' the first time ever he has not come up to me, and actually kept walking/jogging away.
Bonnie looked and felt all over Rico's right hoof and leg, comparing it to his left leg.  She thought maybe there was a soft spot on his hoof, but wasn't sure because he didn't react.  The only other more noticeable thing she found, was an abnormal bump or kind of bulge in his muscle on his butt over his right hip.  Hopefully that’s all it is and it's something that will heal quickly and not be a problem down the road.

Bonnie grabbed Cowboy and was grooming him, so I decided to do the same with Amiga while she was still eating out in the barnyard.  Boy, are they shedding a LOT.

I went up and fed Rico and Dorado, giving Amiga more time to digest the Previcox before getting the Osteo Max with her dinner.  The wind had picked up a lot more.  Charles came out to inform me that things at the new apartment haven't been moving as fast as he hoped, so he wouldn't be able to get in until Monday.  This meant he was unable to move out of the ranch until then.

Wanda helped me with chores down in the lower paddock.  She and Zorro are
such characters.  

I got home at 5pm and heard news of an afternoon shooting in FFG, a police officer killing a man that first shot at him.  This shooting incident occurred on Peavine, east of Westchester.  Yikes!

The wind kept getting stronger and stronger holding at about 20 miles an hour with gusts up to 45 miles an hour during the evening. 

I had to drag Maggie out of our closet to go for her evening walk before bed and by morning I saw on the news that there were power outages all over (ours had been out a bit overnight) and there had been a wildfire caused by down electrical wires on St. George Place here in Fairfield Glade, just a half mile from our house.  Double yikes!  Thankfully the FFG Fire department had evacuated nearby houses, contained, and within 3 or 4 hours, put out the fire (video).

Wednesday 3/5 - The winds had died down somewhat, but started picking up again as the sun came up.  While I was reading news of the FFG shooting and wildfire (an estimate of only 8 to 10 acres burned), I also saw that there had been a larger wildfire west of Crossville. 

A pair of mallards (you can kind of see the drake) were down back enjoying some deer corn that the squirrels had already picked through. 

I got to the ranch just after 8:30 and started bringing in the horses.  Bonnie, Susan, and Betty arrived just after I had, and helped with the process.
Lameness update on Rico... the farrier used a hoof tester and found a soft, tender, sore spot near the toe of Rico's back, hind foot.  Likely a stone bruise.  So Rico now has a pad under his shoe and should be able to walk much more comfortably, and I can ride once this weather straightens out.  Yipee!

Rico horsing around waiting for the farrier to finish with Dorado.  He is a silly, six year old boy.

I cleaned up the
stalls and barn after the farrier and everyone else left, then went up to the ranch house to water house plants and check on things.  The electricity was back on and there were only a few big branches down in the yard.  It had been a strong wind to knock these two Adirondack chairs over. 

I just left the chairs because the wind was still quite strong, and supposed to pick up more during the day.

I drove by the 'burned' (wildfire) area on my way home. 

I was cold and tired so had a big lunch and then a long nap.  I had slept hard and had troubles waking up, but finally made it to the gym.  I had a good workout and also a chance to get an up-date from Moe.  She had gotten another extension at the Avalon Center so the transition from renters; getting Charles moved out and probably Moe and Franky moved in, would wait until next week.
Joe and I watched episode two of Survivor.

Thursday 3/6 - It was 28° when I walked Maggie at 5am, and we'd had a dusting of snow making the side deck a tad slippery.

I finally got the living room and remainder of the house 'back together' with everything dusted and cleaned and in its proper place. 

I had a really good arm and ab workout at the gym. 

Patty picked me up just before 5pm and we met three other ladies at Dynasty Asian Restaurant for dinner.  Then we went to the Community Band concert, which was very enjoyable... they did songs from movies.

Friday 3/7 - Today's Wordle started bad, and then I wasted a tile with a 'P' in the same place on my third guess.  But I managed to luck out on my 4th guess.  

I went to the gym, just for an aerobic work, (100 minutes worth) doing rowing and elliptical.

I met up with Karen and Betty
at the ranch, to go for a little ride.  Karen‘s toe is still healing from surgery so she has to be careful, Betty was trying out her new saddle, and I wanted to see how well Rico was doing with his padded shoe, so we planned a short, slow ride. 

We headed down Marmaduke to do one of our usual routes (video), but a huge tree was down on a small cross trail (connecting two cul-de-sacs) so we had to turn around and go back to pick up the loop on another road.


Rico felt a tad off, especially when going down hill.  He did okay, although did not want to pick up a slow gait.

I did feeding chores once back, and then spent some time at the ranch house, sitting and chatting with Charles.    

Poker Joe was gone, hoping to be at the game table when the Bad-Beat might occur, with the pot now at $55,000 (which will be shared in different proportions by all there when a bad-beat occurs).