Friday, January 22, 2016

Another Time

This week I have been procrastinating, while spending time reflecting.  I have filled many hours looking back on other times in the past... but in so doing, have put off until another time, things which should be getting done.

After working 6 of the past 7 days, I was ready Saturday, to take a break from everything. It was a cold and rainy day, and I ended up being a complete and total vegetable almost all day.

I only left the house for a few short dog walks and never even got out of my PJ's all day long.  Maggie loves playing with sticks while we walk.

Her bed has been moved to where 
the Christmas tree was, in front of our large picture window.  

This is a well loved spot for Maggie.  Stevie often establishes who is "boss" and then goes about snuggle time.

I did work a good part of the day on my files.  But like trim painting, there was not much to show for all the time I spent on it.  However, I did enjoy reading some cards, cherished letters, documents, old charts, a few horse articles, etc.

I got a kick out of this job chart I had made and used with the kids when they were quite young.  Ahhh, the memories... but into the recycle bin these went.

As I cleaned out files, leaving in them the things I wanted, it gave me more file drawer space.  But you could not tell that I had done anything.  In my mind though, I knew the files were more organized.  Next I started sorting and filing the many papers that had been stacked out of the way for so long.  Now I could see some progress being made.

We had deer in the woods early Sunday morning and I took a video of them running up and down the creek. However, I can't figure out how to link to the video on this new blogging site.  It's always something.  Maybe I can get it another time.

I met Karen at the barn at 8:45 and she and Sara helped me get worming medicine down both the horses.  Seen right, Zorro still has some wormer on his lips when I turned him out.

I had to rush to get to Church by 9:30, but made it in time.  Lisa and Nolan were there and joined Shirley and I.

This photo of Maggie kind of sums up most of my day.  I lazed around, sitting here at my computer, watching videos and reading links and comments by many of my FB friends.  I did do two loads of laundry, including all the Christmas blankets, and re-decorated with my safari theme pillows, blankets, and accessories.  

I had strained my back lifting the tub of logs I bring in regularly, as I "feed" the fire each evening.  It was kind of bothering me, but when I went to work out, just tightening the core muscles for every lifting exercise, really antagonized it.  As I left the Wellness Center, I photographed these two cars in the parking lot because I think they are so cute.

Conference Center can be seen in the background of this second photo.  Maybe in another time, or phase of life we will get a mini car.

Brian picked Joe and I up for dinner and we met Rita and Andy at Red's Ale House.  After good grub, a tasty drink, and lively conversation, I came home and sat with a heating pad on my back before Tylenol PM and bed. 

Monday morning the temperature was in the single digits and it started snowing while I was out with Maggie for her 5 am, pre-dawn, wake-up potty break.  The snow didn't last long or amount to much, but did give things a fresh look when the morning sunlight shone on them. 

The day remained quite cold, barely getting into the 20's.  Maggie and Stevie took advantage of the sunlight that warmed our great room.  When I got home after Bible study, I worked a little more on filing.  I actually got most of the dinner table cleared off.

Joe and I left for town about 3:30.  After spending a great deal of time at a tile store, I finally settled for a tile to use as a cap tile or bull nose to finish off the new kitchen tile project.  And then we high-tailed it to Rocky Top 10 Theater where we spent the next three hours.  We ate lots of popcorn while watching the action filled movie "The Revenant."  I don't know who is more ruthless, man or mother nature.  There was a 15 minute intermission in which we stretched our legs and got our free popcorn re-fill.  It was after 8:00 when we got home.  Maggie had a late dinner, and I stayed up a little later than usual.

During our second walk Tuesday morning (at 7:30), I took Maggie down to the pond to check it out.  At 7 degrees air temperature, the pond was almost completely covered by a thin layer of ice.  I did not see any signs of life but figured it laid dormant, down in the depths.

I too liked the idea of lying dormant, and sat here with the heating pad on my back, drinking tea, watching the birds feed, and working on this blog.  I also indulged in more sweets than necessary.  

I had called the tile company to cancel my order, having looked at where the tile was going, and giving it more thought overnight.  I told them I would be back.  So by midmorning, I came out of "hibernation" and went into town to run several errands, including more tile shopping.
We had a few more snow flurries, but it only stuck to the ice on the pond and our deck.
I spent three hours at the Wellness Center, going slow and careful on weights, so as not to farther strain my back.  The 48 minutes on the elliptical flew by because I was watching a good home renovation show on HGTV.  Finally, I partook in 40 minutes of the one hour stretch class before heading to the shower.  I really need to spend more time on stretching. 

By bedtime, Cumberland County schools and the Conference Center had announced their closing... in anticipation of the "snowstorm" that was due to hit in the wee hours of the night.

When I got up before 6 am Wednesday, there was no snow, but a freezing rain (sleet) had just started.  Seen right, sleeting at 9 am.  Seen below, snow coming down in big wet flakes at 9:15 am.  

The snow was covering a quarter inch of ice, so it was slick out.  I was glad I had nowhere I had to go, but was worried about neighbor Brian who was flying out of Knoxville to see his Marine son in Singapore, neighbor Carol who needed to get back to the hospital in town where Allen was staying (with pancreatitis), and the barn ladies who had to go take care of all of our horses.  

I texted Ambrie to see how things were at the barn.  She sent a photo and re-assured me all was well.  

It continued snowing all morning and, as seen in my post on Facebook... when the "kids" have a snow day, they start to rough house.


Shortly before noon, Joe took my car to go workout because his was all iced over.

I set to work taking down Christmas decorations, carefully packing them into their designated tubs, and watched it snow.  

I had to monitor my e-mail in case the Glade staff re-opened the Conference Center, since I was scheduled to work 1:30-7 pm.  Thankfully, it did not come to pass, even though the snow had stopped and Joe said the roads weren't bad.  I was glad to get the day off.

Just before Joe left for his card game at 4:00, he pointed out these crazy people golfing.  I watched them for a few minutes as I took a few photos.  They were clearing paths across the green, for their balls to get to the hole.  This is not good for the green, but the couple seemed to be having fun, and you can't hardly blame them if they are staying here for a week of golf.   

The "kids" playing under the card table that I had out while doing Christmas take-down of mantel and shelves.  I have to remind Maggie to be gentle.  Below, she is giving me her innocent face.  Once I got all decorations cleared off and everything packed away up in the attic,    
I made a big salad for dinner, and started a fire.  I tried shoveling the drive and sidewalk, but I could only remove the snow, not the layer of ice beneath.  I sat by the fire (where Maggie and Stevie joined me) and watched HGTV for a few hours before bed.

The Glade facilities (including the Conference Center) were closed at the start of Thursday, but opened at 10 am.  All the roads had been plowed overnight and when the sun came out mid morning, it began melting the ice.  

I started major cleaning in the main room, moving the couches and vacuuming where it never gets done (being left for another time).  Joe helped by vacuuming the couch pillows and under each of them.  Then I worked for an hour shoveling the drive, getting much of the ice off of it.  At noon, Joe and I went to the gym and then CC pool and hot tub.  I didn't do weights because I had just gotten a good arm and upper body workout with the snow shovel.  The hot tub felt great after an hour on the elliptical.

My afternoon was spent with more vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning knick-knacks, as I returned everything to the mantel, shelves and end tables.  I had also gotten a pork roast and vegetables in the oven and a fire going in the fireplace.


After dinner, with a mostly clean main room, full belly, and inviting fire... Joe and I rented (on demand) the movie The Martian, and really enjoyed watching it.  Maggie and Stevie snuggled nearby.

It had rained all night and continued through the morning Friday.  I tried to time the dog walks when it wasn't raining so hard.

I sat here working on this blog, looking out at the gloom, while Maggie kept watch for deer.

In preparation to finish vacuuming, I moved everything off the floor.  And before I could fire up the vacuum, Maggie laid down in her spot and was practically asleep.  

Mark, the handyman Joe contacted, arrived about 10:00, when it also started sleeting/snowing.  He looked at the controllable thermostat Joe had tried to put in and said it needed an electrician to do some wiring.  Then Mark installed the water heater recirculating device Joe had gotten.  This means I can get hot water in the kitchen in ten seconds instead of several minutes.
While the weather alternated between rain/sleet/and snow, Joe and I worked out at the gym and bought groceries at a very crowded Food City.  The snow would have been so much prettier and less slippery, but making the transition from rain to snow got messy.

After a very late lunch, we were soon on the way to the barn.  The drive made me nervous even though the roads weren't too bad... although we traveled at a much slower speed than usual.

Joe brushed the snow and mud off Amiga while I took care of Zorro and then Gov.  Oscar and Scruffie watched while trying to stay warm.  Actually, it wasn't that cold (30 degrees).


The right photo was taken of us heading away from the barn at 4 pm.  Below, it was more serious about snowing as we drove home.


I took Maggie for a walk once we got home, and took several photos because she is just so cute.

She really likes playing in the snow, finding sticks, running, and sniffing all around.

Back inside by 5 pm, I got a fire going, started dinner, and enjoyed watching the snow fall.  Snow storms like this always take me back to another time, when similar 
storms made an impression on me... whether as a kid getting out of school, having some epic sledding opportunities, receiving a much needed snow day to grade papers, or even getting "stranded" somewhere.  It is mostly good memories, and even though most storms produce some struggles, the memories of them are all cherished.

It snowed most of the evening and just looked so pretty outside.  The peace that comes from waiting out the falling snow and looking at its beauty, is God's way of slowing us down.

For our third movie night this week, Joe and I watched "Paint Your Wagon."

I love the wonderful, beautiful, and peaceful quiet when it snows!

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