Friday, April 15, 2016


This week's blog title was based on a visit from our good friends, Bob and Marge Stretch.  Also, looking back on all the times my patience has been tried the last two weeks, I realize God is at work stretching me.  He stretches us so that we can hold more of His power, gain more of His wisdom, more of His character, and more of Him.

With our faith, God wants to stretch us beyond our normal comfort zone.  We must walk by faith as God makes us, shakes us, breaks us and molds us into the image of Christ.  God also stretches our trust because He knows the challenges that are coming.  We get nudged, pushed, and pulled by the Holy Spirit because God wants us to do something, or stop doing something, to give something, say something, sell or buy something, start or end something, etc.

In a more literal sense of the word, I need to STRETCH for the physical benefits.  When I don't take time to stretch, I end up with muscles so tight I can barely move them two days later.  We need to  stretch when we get up in the morning and when we’ve been sitting a long time, (thus, baseball's 7th inning stretch).  This is partly why I ask for multiple road stops when traveling.

There's not much to report on about Saturday.  I finished and posted last week's blog, did a little cleaning around the house and yard and got this photo of one of our duck friends.  Is it possible he is a mix of mallard and wood duck?

I had a good workout at the gym, even though I didn't have time to stretch.  Then I put in nearly eight hours at work.  I did struggle with closing our second register and had to call our supervisor (Kim), who came in to straighten out the mess.  She is wonderful.. so patient and understanding.  I think, as work stretches me, I am stretching her patience. :-/

Joe was out playing cards, and when I got home from work, I discovered that Maggie had chewed up the office TV remote control and the Xvinity remote control.  This dog is stretching my patience.

The temperature outside got down to 30 again, overnight, and I woke Sunday morning, feeling freezing.  I missed the warm weather we had so enjoyed two weeks ago.  After Church, I went into super cleaning mode, getting almost everything neat and clean for our house guests.  When Joe got off work at the marina, I put him to work vacuuming and washing windows.  

Bob and Marge arrived around 3 pm and after they unloaded bags and stretched their legs, we were off to Druid.  The guys played the back nine while we ladies went along for the ride and tour.  This selfie was taken with the view from the 14th tee in the back ground.

The Master's Golf tournament was watched before and after the spaghetti dinner I fixed.  Then the "boys" enjoyed a cigar with their brew out in the hot tub while Marge and I worked at the jigsaw puzzle.

Monday was a leisurely morning of coffee, tea, and sweet rolls.  Before noon, we went out on a brisky pontoon boat ride on Lake St. George.  At one point Bob spotted a bald eagle, but the rest of us missed it because we were helping Joe navigate a low spot in the shore line.


After a hearty lunch, next we were off to play 18 holes of golf at Dorchester.  I tried my hand, (arms really) on seven of the holes.  This is the first time I have golfed in probably six years.  I didn't do too bad, all things considered... never was any good at the game anyway.


It remained cloudy all afternoon and actually started raining before we completed the front nine, so Bob got a rain check for the back nine, and we headed for home, going the back roads to show Bob and Marge the less developed areas of the Glade.   

The rain didn't last long, but it was still cool (and damp) as we sat on the back porch and chatted about life.  Maggie likes the excitement of having guests over and stayed near by wherever we parked ourselves.  She especially liked Bob (video).

To warm up and relax, we threw on our suits and went to the CC pool and hot tub.  Then on the way home, we hit La Costa for a Mexican dinner.  It was way too much food, but good... and so were the drinks.

We ended the night by the fire, watching the movie Secret In Their Eyes.  It was a good one, which I recommend.

Tuesday morning started out pretty cold.  I had brought in my one hanging plant from the porch because it got down to the mid 30's. 

It was another leisurely morning with more puzzle working, news on TV and chatting.

Stevie was also fascinated by our guests and activities, and enjoyed having the upstairs rooms open to explore.

It was predicted to be a nicer day than what was originally in the forecast, so we set off to show the Stretches the barn and Overlook Trail while waiting for the day to warm up.

The sun was out more than the clouds as we ate lunch, and then we were off to the Brae to play 18 holes of golf, expecting to get the whole course completed this time.  We had a lot of fun.  Marge and I picked and chose the holes we wanted to play, with her completing nine of them and I did all or parts of thirteen of them. 

I had a lot of fun and didn't do too bad.  I did do horrible on one hole while playing the back nine, rested a few holes, and then finished weakly.

On the 17th hole, seen left, the three of us spotted some deer and were pointing them out to Marge who missed them completely because she was taking this photo.

Upon returning home, more fun and shenanigans continued.  The "boys" were back in the hot tub with brew and cigars.  Brian stopped in for a drink and eventually we were all off to dinner (where Shirley met up with us) and what we thought was going to be an evening of karaoke.

I was so disappointed in Legends for mis-informing us (two different calls and two different people said there would be karaoke) and also their service was very slow.  Ugh... my patience and forgiveness were being stretched once again.

Wednesday morning Bob and Marge were up earlier than usual, but not soon enough to see our regular deer visitor.  They soon got packed up and hit the road for home.

I spent a good part of the day at the barn riding Amiga.  Seen right, we are headed down the long trail towards Daddy's Creek.

We took an off trail to look at these three still in the winter pasture.

We also left the main trail to go to the swimming hole (seen right).  I had to forge a new trail to get around a large pine that had fallen down and also got off once to remove old dead branches from another tree so that Amiga could safely step over it.

I was at peace with life as we followed along Daddy's creek, birds singing, water rambling, spots of sunshine, smell of earth, and a wonderful horse beneath me, willing to go and do whatever I asked.

I treated Zorro's hoof once back to the barn, then headed for our empty house (Joe was off gambling).
It was nice to have some alone time.  Yard work included a little bit of weeding, fertilizing shrubs, and watering new grass and seed.  I left the weed seen right because it has pretty flowers.

I was back at the barn before 8 am Thursday.  I gave Amiga and Zorro Bute and put them in the pony pen for a few minutes while I unloaded some big old logs and reloaded with manure.

The brother and sister horse had a little bonding time, and are so cute together.

I rode Amiga to the cemetery, bareback, and then returned to the barn to give their shots... which Judy did for me because I am too chicken.

After his shot, I gave Zorro a little exercise.  Since he follows us around like a puppy, I tried working him that way, instead of lunging him.

I got as much of a workout as he did.  Judy took a video towards the end of our session.

The day ended with a nearly eight hour work shift.

Friday morning I went out back fairly early, (why I didn't get this blog post finished) working with Joe to cut down this maple tree to make room for the drainage ditch.

I loaded all of the trunk, in six foot sections, into my car and then worked with moving rock and concrete blocks around to kind of work the puzzle to make a completely encased drainage canal.

Planning to ride with Jan, I headed to the barn, unloaded logs, and was off for a wonderful 90 minute ride.  Amiga was feeling fine after the shot.  Looking through her ears (in the right photo) on the way back to the barn, can be seen Smurf, and farther back, Zorro, in their pasture.

I treated Zorro's hoof with the blue medicine that stains my hands and the floor.  He too seemed fine after the shot.

Back home, I continued work on the drainage ditch. 

At one point, I nearly stepped on this garter snake, who I convinced to go back under the deck.  It had a fully belly, so I wanted him to hang around and keep the mice population under control.

Maggie was quite interested in him, but I did not want her thinking snakes were a toy, so discouraged her.  I wouldn't want her messing with a Copperhead. 

Getting close to him/her was a bit of a stretch to my nerves.  I still haven't come to liking snakes, even though I have had them for pets.

Looking back on the week, it was fun and productive, although I only got to the gym once.  Now that I have started full throttle on this drainage ditch project, I will concentrate my efforts there to get it done, hopefully before the next big rain.  Home and yard improvements have taken lots of time, but we have accomplished so much, I feel like I am in the home stretch (when a runner rounds that last corner) and am headed for the finish line.

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