Thursday, September 15, 2016

Alaskan Cruise II

Disaster struck just before I was ready to post my Alaskan Cruise Blog.  I lost all of it.  Calling sister Carol, she helped me copy the Preview page I still had open.  But it would not let me edit it any more, and none of the video links would work.  I was tempted to turn my computer off and re-boot it, but did not want to lose the opened Preview page I had.  I could not copy straight from the 64 page word document I had made because the photos only showed as links.  So many extra hours have been spent on this, but with no results.  I am about to call it quits on blogging altogether.  But I wanted to at least get this one posted.  So, here it is, not completely fine tuned, but you can get the gist of our Cruise vacation.  I will make an Alaskan Cruise III post of the video links if they still don't work after I turn this off and try again in the morning.

Friday, September 2, 2016


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