Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Peace On Earth

And in despair I bowed my head;
"There is no peace on earth," I said:
"For hate is strong,
And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!"

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead; nor does he sleep!
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men!"

You can't fight for peace, it comes from love.  "Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.  Where there is hatred, let me sow love." - St. Francis of Assisi.  "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein.  It is my prayer that you and I experience and share the life-saving joy of God's peace and unconditional love... not just during this Christmas season, but all year long.

Usually, there is peace between our cat and dog.

Wednesday morning I finally got last week's blog posted.  Yay!  Mid-morning I got a ride with Carole to Ladie's Club.  Shirley was sick so didn't make it, and two of the other regulars at our table didn't come.  We had a great meal and a fun program with some of the Playhouse performers singing Christmas songs.  That got me in the spirit of peace on Earth and good will to all people.

I had tea to settle my very full stomach when I got home and then went out to work on leaf removal from around the edge of the pond and creek.  You can see the bottom fairly well in the left photo.

I saw several fish and lots of tadpoles while pulling leaves out of the water.  The tadpole must have been buried in the mud, in estivation during the drought.  I also noticed racoon foot prints in the sand along the edge here, seen in the right photo (which is sideways & won't turn).

I posted the left photo of the flooding and leaves being washed into the water Tuesday (a day earlier).  The next two photos show where I had raked the leaves out of the creek and pond and off of the new grass.

From outside work, I went to the barn to care for Zorro.  The day before I wasn't sure if the wounds were healing, but today they looked good.

I still needed to put the box (present) maze up under the tree but Stevie was enjoying this one for the time being.

Joe was at poker so I went to workout and then, after salad for dinner, I played on my computer.  Joe had finally gotten my on-line Jacquie Lawson Advent Calendar working, so I looked at / played with it for a while, getting caught up on the first seven days of December that I hadn't been able to view until now.

Thursday morning we dropped Maggie at the kennel and continued on to Nashville where we were meeting up with Britney's Guatemalan dad Carlos.  He, Ben and Ben's son Levi were traveling from Indianapolis to Macon, GA.  They are part of the Love Guatemala ministry, visiting here in the states to speak at the churches that have been sponsoring them.

Courtney had come from work on her lunch break to meet Carlos and we all enjoyed fellowship and food at Vittles Restaurant in Brentwood.  It was so good to see Carlos.

On the way back home, Joe and I stopped at Custom Fireplaces in Cookeville, and after an hour, had our new gas burning insert picked out.  More on this later, once it is installed in January.

We picked up Maggie, settled in back home for a cold, windy, wintry night, (temperatures dropping into the teens) burning real logs in our fireplace to use them up.

Friday was sunny but cold and windy.  I sat here computerizing longer than necessary.  Also, because Shirley was too sick to travel with us (more on our trip later) I spent some time searching for someone who was free and willing to come on such short notice.  I had no luck getting a replacement though.

During two walks, I noticed the camel from the Nativity scene (at the Lutheran Church across the street) had blown over.  At one point the wind had carried it all the way into the ditch.

I would leave Maggie, get the camel, and set it back up.  At first Maggie wasn't sure what to think of these creatures.  After a few visits, I got her to sit with them.

Mid-afternoon I went to the barn to care for Zorro's wound.  I kept it quick because it was too cold to putter around.  Oscar in the bag, usually sits on towels or blankets to keep warm, but this was the best he could do.

Stevie has figured out how to climb the Christmas tree.  She tries to get certain ornaments and chew on light bulbs.  What a disruptive goof she is.  With her batting around, there is little peace.

From the barn I went to workout and then sit in the hot tub.  Joe was at another poker game so I snacked for dinner and finished all my decorating.  I also got packed for the next morning's departure.  Just after midnight, Stevie escaped when I went out to shake the hair off Maggie's blanket I was packing in her bag.  I chased the dang cat around the foundation and yard for 25 minutes, way past my bed time.  Ugh.

Saturday morning Joe took Maggie to the kennel while I cleaned up the kitchen and prepared for departure.  I was being careful to not let Stevie escape outside again, but she was definitely up to no good.  She threw up twice because she had been chewing on different Christmas things.  I try to keep all thin ribbon she likes, put away.  Then she was up on the refrigerator.  She likes to knock the smiley face guy down all the time and then Maggie claims it as her toy.  While cats are awake, in play mode, there is no peace on earth, lol.  Once Joe got back and Jan and Judy arrived, we hit the road for our weekend getaway.  We felt bad for Shirley, that she was unable to make it due to her sickness.

Our two hour drive went safely and quickly.  Girl talk helps to pass the time.  Once close to our destination, we stopped at Yoder's Market in Bulls Gap, and bought some goods (goodies) along with carryout sandwiches.  We drove another ten minutes to arrive at Renaissance Farm.  It is a 140 acre farm, also in Bulls Gap, that specializes in raising and training Lusitano horses, among many other equestrian endeavors.  

We watched a private lesson being given while we ate our sandwiches in the car.  Then after getting settled in to our one room apartment in the basement of the house, including opening gifts from Judy, we bundled up and went back outside.

 <- Joe in his new hat. ->

We visited with the mother and daughter team (Maria and Arielle) as they readied the horses and girls (Transition Vaulters Equestrian Vaulting Team) for a photo shoot.

Above, Mauvie the Percheron
Left, Joe shows his new hat to Rose (the Belgium).

We three girls were in hog heaven, or is that horse heaven?

Below, Judy asks about the "Easy's Slipper" rubber shoe Arielle was putting on Mauvie.


All of the vaulting girls (including instructor Arielle, lower left, in the red tights and Joe's new hat) led the two horses to the arena and Mom (Maria) took a bunch of photos.

After the photo shoot was over, we watched the vaulting team's 90 minute practice session.

I took several videos and posted this one of one of the girls riding Mauvie with Arielle doing the lunging, a very important component of the team's success.  And another video of Arielle vaulting while Maria lunges the horse.

Joe took this video from the other side of the arena.  You can see us three girls standing on the drive, up the hill a ways, watching the action.

As the day dwindled, the sun dropped in the sky, shadows lengthened, and it started feeling rather cold.  Vaulting practice ended and we headed into the house to freshen up to go to dinner, while sharing the wine and snacks Jan had brought.  Judy and I added a little Ginger ale to our wine because it was a little too dry for us.  😋

We parked downtown Greenville, walked around a bit, including inside the General Morgan Inn.  It was decorated beautifully (fireplace photos below) and had shops inside.  We dinned at Brumley's there in the hotel and enjoyed an interesting (pricey) and very tasty cuisine.


We three girls were feeling jovial as we left the restaurant and our chauffeur Joe picked us up.  He snapped this photo as we were coming out of the Inn.

Our next destination was the Niswonger Performing Arts Center where we had tickets to the Home Free concert.

We had great seats and enjoyed a wonderful show.  Home Free is a capella singing group.  They are the world's first all-vocal country band, using nothing but their voices.

The show was a mixture of comedy, Christmas music, and some country songs, while the singers demonstrated incredible talent, beautiful melodies, and great harmonizing.  (Take time now or come back later to watch these music videos and listen to these songs.  These guys are great!)  The "drummer" did a solo (better than this one) that was amazing. 

Back at the ranch, the fun continued a little longer as we all settled into our beds in the same room.  Judy took this photo of Joe and I.  LOL  I fell asleep to the soft chatter of voices, feeling Peace on Earth and filled by others good will.

Sunday morning I was up and outside for a little walk.  This flock of pigeons, that had been feeding near the pond, flew up.

I followed the gravel road, way back on the property and came across part of the herd, down in the wooded fields eating their morning hay.  I could hear someone walking about the different groups, smashing the ice on top of the water buckets.  I miss the farm, and some of the chores, but not work outside in the winter, especially up north.  

This donkey and two pones were in a pasture that's around the pond and located right outside our door.  The goats were up by the barn.  Look at his smile.

After my walk, Maria and Arielle brought us a wonderful country breakfast (including pumpkin muffins).  We filled our stomachs, then toured the barn and asked many questions of Maria (about horses and recipes) before hitting the road for home.
We stayed in the lower level of this house.
An hour into our drive, I realized I had left my phone on the bed when I made one last pit stop in the bathroom.  A text using Joe's phone confirmed this and Maria graciously volunteered to mail my phone (express) first thing Monday.  I felt so bad about inconveniencing her.  With 29 horses, in addition to all the other animals to care for, she didn't have time to mess with my phone.

When we dropped Jan off at her new house, we got a complete tour of their beautiful new abode.  Judy had parked in our drive and took off as soon as we got home.

I actually took this photo of Stevie before we left, on the gift Joe had put under the tree.  You can see the ribbon on the package that Stevie likes to chew on.  I covered it up with her cat pad.  Also notice the maze of boxes under the tree that I had done.  She likes to perch high much of the time, rather than be down in her maze.

Not long after we got home, Courtney arrived.  After a snack, we went to the barn to care for Zorro and Amiga.  Courtney got an up close (in person) look at his injuries which have been healing for almost two weeks now.  They were looking good.

Courtney did a little round pen work (in the rectangular pony pen) with Zorro.  He follows her like a puppy.

Amiga was showing pain in both her right front and back left legs.  She had raced around when I tried to catch her, so I just don't get this... why, when, and where exactly is the pain.  But standing in the cross ties, she kept her weight off these two legs and favored them when being led in and out of the barn.

Once we got home, we had hot chocolate and tea, in front of a fire, and watched a 'feel good' horsey movie.  It was the perfect way to warm up.

I forgot to show this earlier.  It is the vaulting horse the girls practice on.  They have to be able to perform a trick on this before they can try it on a real horse.  I wonder if vaulting in gymnastics got its name from this.

Joe, Courtney and I had dinner at Spikes.  We girls both enjoyed a juicy steak.  Courtney then headed home from there.  I was really missing my cell phone... couldn't up load all my photos, check the weather, or text anyone.  I walked Maggie in a very cold, windy night but had the moon's light to see.

Morning dove and finch.
Boy did I ever goof off all morning Monday, mostly here at my computer, playing music videos, ornament smash, and connecting with others through cyber space.  Not having my phone was killing me, but Facebook and e-mail sufficed.  It was cold and damp out, so I had no desire to try and get anything done outdoors. 

I stayed in my loungers all day, but I did get a load of laundry done and completed 85% of all of my Christmas cards.

At 4:30 dark, I had to make myself change into workout clothes and go to the gym.  I am always glad to complete a good workout, and be done with it.  Next was the hot tub at the Conference Center, and home just after 7 pm for a quiet evening.

At one point I took photos of the Christmas decorations I had changed, so I can remember how I liked them for next year.

And then when, I noticed Stevie had photo bombed one (right photo), I tried to shoo her away, but she thought hiding better (left photo) would work.  What a doofus, but I love her.

Tuesday, just after 9 am, we moved furniture and prepared for moving our little (but quite heavy) two man hot tub.  Joe had sold it because we decided it was too much of a pain to maintain and going to the Conference Center hot tub is fairly convenient.  When the buyer arrived, Nolan was here to help us.  We got the tub off the porch, through the living and dinning room and out the door into the garage.  Phew, glad to get that done.  It really opens back up the porch space (seen below).  Joe hurried off to take the money to the bank and then go golfing.
Water (left in the pipes) had leaked out of the hot tub at various places during the move and some of the styrofoam insulation beaded off.  So I spent a good deal of time cleaning.  Since the dinner table and rug had been slid out of the way, I gave that floor a good sweeping and mopping, and also vacuumed the carpet.  I had to wash the wet blankets and towels that had caught the spilled water.  Then, I was finally ready to sit down and finish up the rest of my Christmas cards.  The mail came before I got done, a disappointment, and then I was really sad to see my phone was not in with the mix of letters.

It was foggy and damp much of the day, and in the afternoon, started drizzling.  I ran my Christmas cards to the post office and then went to Ace Hardware, the two- dollar stores, and Food City.  I got gifts, other unneeded things, and some necessary food items.  Stevie likes the new 27$ chair I (impulsed) bought at Family Dollar (Goldie bit the dust).

Next I was off to the barn.  It was 3:30, and I was thinking the horses would be in, but they weren't.  I got Zorro first, cared for his wound and then brought Amiga in.  I walked her around some, looking for lameness issues and only noticed her being tender on the back leg during a tighter turn.  Otherwise, she seemed unaffected.  I just don't get it, and would like to be at peace with this issue.  Both horses got a little towel drying on their back before being put in their stall for the night.

Wednesday I worked on this blog post, but I really wanted my camera, to get the weekend photos.  I had borrowed Joe's for some photos the last three days, and got his, Judy's, and Jan's photos from the weekend, but I wanted mine to choose from as well.  So, I didn't stick with blogging very long, getting farther behind.

 At noon I raked leaves off the new grass and out of the drainage ditch.  There were many piled up in various places and they were wet and heavy.  I ended up working my way back down to the creek and pulled leaves from its bottom as well.  These two photos show the back looking pretty good.

I went to the gym for almost two hours and finished at the Conference Center hot tub.

Arriving home to an empty house, (Joe's card night) I was excited to see that my phone had arrived, which brought me great peace and joy.  The battery was dead, so I had to get it juiced back up.  Then I moved photos onto my computer, but didn't have the time, energy, or desire, to work on my blog.  I chose to read, making a good dent in the Jack Higgins novel I started during our Thanksgiving trip to Chicago.

If you judge people, you have no time to love them - Mother Teresa.

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