Friday, June 23, 2017


Maybe it's not so much about breaking free from the bonds of laziness, as it is about keeping the momentum (that energy I usually have after my morning tea) going all day long.  Momentum is, by its very nature, a form of inertia and inertia tends to be hard to start and stop without some outside force.  Although for me it’s not simply about getting going, but about keeping going.  I need to keep my momentum when I have it and not let it fade.  When something happens to make me lose my momentum, (I sit down, stop to eat, a friend calls or visits, or on a larger/longer scale... we have company or travel) it can be incredibly hard to get back into my routine and find my momentum.  The forward motion I had suddenly turns into spinning my wheels or being stopped dead in my tracks.

Jeremy Varner, in the article 'Regaining Momentum,' talks about ways to get going again in writing.  But it applies to getting back to any project, hobby, or routine.  In summary, to get going again, you should try a number of things.  Switch Gears - don’t try to continue from where you left off before the break.  Start something else as a clean slate.  Pick An Easy Task First - Tackle something smaller as you’re trying to get back into the swing of things.  A short task gives the benefit of having a low requirement of effort but still making you feel the sense of accomplishment from getting it done.  Retrace Your Steps -  One of the things about recovering your momentum is not having the exact feel of where you left off.  So go back to an earlier stage of your project, training, writing, etc. and review it.   
Start On A Clear Day -  try not to get going again between your other daily activities, but pick a day with a clear schedule so you have fewer distractions to keep you from procrastinating.  If needed, clear up your schedule.  Strike while the iron is hot - Once the momentum is going, keep it going.  Gaining Speed - More often than not, the wheel of momentum will gain speed.  Try to keep rolling with it, not giving it a chance to de-rail, hit a speed bump, or grind to a halt.

Saturday morning I got word from Joe that he and Mike would soon be starting tournament play in the Seniors World Series of Texas Hold-em Poker.  I was quick to finish and post last week's blog and had good intentions to work in the yard.  But then got a text from Shirley reminding me of the ice-cream social at Church.

I did get out and water, with special fertilizer, all of my evergreen; Holly, Mountain Laurel, Cypress, Juniper, Rhododendron, Azaleas, etc.  It was hot and going to get hotter, so all my outside potted plants got watered before I left for Church.  Seen right, the Church picnic was well attended.  The hot dog and ice cream were good and really hit the spot.  It was also nice to chat with Shirley.

Most of my momentum for gardening outside was gone, partly because I had to leave for work in an hour, so I walked Maggie and then did my daily Duolingo Spanish lesson, seen below.  A cat on your lap will really stop momentum. 

Seen left, the trail crew ran into difficulties as to where exactly would be the best location for the steps, and this halt in progress is what I observed during our walk.

It was pretty busy at the pool so my shift went fast.  Brian brought some friends out (from CA) who are living in Nashville, and their two daughters swam.  Later (after rushing home from my shift) I showered, fed and walked the dog, and then met all of them at Red's.  It was a small but mighty crowed and everybody was having a good time.  There were several good singers too (video). 

It was a warm, sunny, Sunday morning, but the brakes were still on to productivity.  Mr. Snapper was sunning on the bank across the pond at the bottom of our hill.

After Church, I sat and ate lunch on the porch off our bedroom.  It was to be a lazy day for the time being.  I read my book, relaxing with the cat and dog, until I made myself get up to mow.  Joe and rain were due to arrive the following day so cutting the grass was a must.

Once done with the mowing, I had to move fast to get ready to leave when Brian picked me up at 6:00.  We joined Andy and Rita, Ken and Linnea, and their friends John and Margie, at St. George Marina for Taco Night.

Linnea treated us all to a Pontoon ride around part of St. George.  Larry was a good sport and took us out extra long so we could go up a ways and see the back side of John and Margie's new house they were closing on the next morning.  They will be retiring here from CA.

Monday started as a rainy looking day, but the showers were light and intermittent.  I got this blog started and then went to the gym to do a short easy workout in an attempt to get started up again.

I came home for lunch and to walk the dog and then I was off again, to town to shop.  This is what the sky looked liked going down West St.  The white fluffy clouds were intruded by the black rain clouds, but the storm never gained much momentum and fizzled out into a drizzle.   

Home at 5:00, I had just enough time to unload, feed and walk the dog, and get to Mirror Lake Blast.  I sat with Lisa, Nolan, and their dog Ziva.  Joe had informed me earlier in the day that he would not be coming home because he was still in the tournament and it was going to last another day because 5200 seniors had entered it.  The Blue Grass band was okay, but many songs I didn't recognize, and it was all slow (non-dance) music.  Since the momentum at Mirror Lake was fading fast, and the fact the dog had been cooped up in the Mancave for much of the day, I left early and took Maggie on a long walk.

I watched the sun set as we walked the back nine of Druid.  I had gotten word from Joe that he got knocked out of the tournament in 92nd place.  Well done, and he won more than enough money to cover the entry cost and the charge for changing his flight and staying in Las Vegas an extra night.  It was 115 degrees there, making the 72 degree evening here very inviting.  He was anxious to get home and would be flying out at 1:00 am.

I intended to take a longer walk first thing Tuesday morning, but found I really need my two cups of strong tea to get me jump started.  I remember I used to walk while my tea steeped, but now I sit at my computer and catch up on life.  Mostly, I am just not ready to change out of my PJ's and into proper walking attire.  This will be a hard habit to break.

I spotted this deer eating flowers in the garden of our neighbors at the corner of Snead and Lakeview.

Joe arrived home at 11 am, and looked pretty worn out after a night of travel.  But, soon he was off to golf and I to meet with the director of assimilation and then the pastor at the United Methodist Church.  I have finally put to action my decision to join the church.

I had a little time to kill, so came home, ate leftover smoked pork (from Ken and Linnea) that I added onions and cabbage to, and then walked the dog.

I went to Dorchester pool for my 2-7 shift (which in reality meant clocking in at 1:45 and out at 7:45).  It had been a very busy day with a record breaking number (162) guests for the day.  For a while, the parking lot was full and every seat/lounge chair around the pool taken.  I kept busy during the whole shift.  Joe had dropped in for awhile after his round of golf. 
Beer, book, and bed ended my day.

Wednesday I was off to the gym at 8:45.  I lifted weights and then did the Ballroom Aerobics class.  As soon as I got home, keeping the momentum going, I got to work in the yard.  First, taking quite a bit of time, I planted the two Forsythia (seen left on each side of the Redbud).  I had been trying to get some Forsythia started with rooting compound, but failed three times.  Maybe the plants I had success doing this with in Illinois were a different variety.  Anyway, these were on sale, and did the job I needed, to fill in, in front of the deck to make more of a hedge.  Once done, I thought I needed two more, one for each end ↓ of the bed.

Next I got to work planting more juniper, but only got two in the ground before getting distracted by the idea of mulching around these two trees and straightening the edge of the grass line to make mowing easier.  I used the hose to plan the placement of the new border.

I started moving grass (as sod), placing it down in the 'oasis' by the creek.  This tight corner with the rock in the middle of it is also a pain to mow, so I decided to include it as part of the mulched bed.

Joe was at his weekly poker game, so the cat, dog and I had a quick dinner and I left for the barn just after 6pm.  Seen below, Scruffy the barn cat in one of her favorite spots.

I had a lovely evening ride on Amiga.  The air was cooling off as the sun was setting.  Although there were more flies than usual in the woods (video).  Zorro seen below as we rode by, was with his pasture buddy Rocky.

I had Amiga back to the barn by 7:40 and gave her time in the pony pen to cool off and roll if she chose to. 


I did light cleaning of her stall and treated her feet and legs and then headed home for a quiet but short evening of beer, popcorn and reading.

It was a wet, gloomy Thursday, with a quiet, constant, soft rain most of the day.  Maggie had gotten sick in her crate overnight, and again after her breakfast.  She had eaten a bunch of grass the day before during her first walk, and I knew she was feeling punky all day.

Mr. Frog (left) and Snapper (right) didn't mind the overcast skies and rain.  I have been feeding the fish at the bottom of the hill and the turtle has been regularly hanging out there now.  Dog walks and these photos were taken throughout the day when the rain lessened.

Even though we have had plenty of rain, the creek bed seems to be drying up.  Maybe its just all the extra sand and sediment washed there.

All the grass, shrubs, and trees are really liking the rain, and growing fast.  And the cattail and pond weeds are in abundance as well.

I left for town at 10 am, just as Joe was getting up.  I think he had needed to recover from his travels.  I returned some rubber boots I decided weren't tall enough for wading in the pond and bought more plants (including two more Forsythia) that were on sale.  Pretty soon there will be nowhere else to plant and landscape in the yard, and I will then just maintain everything.

 Joe and I went to the gym together, and I spent all my time (30 minutes) on the elliptical.  I had set it on 7 instead of 8 and still felt like I was going up hill.  I can't believe how quickly I have gotten out of shape, although, I guess it has been several weeks since I have lifted and done hard core aerobics.  On the way home, it dawned on me that I was going to do the stretch class (which was in a little over an hour) because I was so sore from lifting weights.  But I did not want to go back later.
I cooked dinner and then took Maggie on a long walk at 6:45.  Look how dark and gloomy it was, standing at the 18th green.  I watched a movie before bed.

Maggie was still not feeling well Friday morning.  She wanted to eat grass during our first walk, but I wouldn't let her.  When Joe walked her a few hours later, he let her eat the grass.  Probably an hour after that, she acted like she was going to get sick so I took her out and we walked and walked.  I let her eat as much grass as she wanted, but still she didn't vomit.  At least she pooped, which she has done twice a day as usual, so I knew her gut was not completely blocked.

Golf maintenance man Jack has continued clearing around this large rock that I went to check out and get more photos of.

Once home, I put Maggie on the back porch where I didn't need to worry about her puking on the carpet or rugs.  She was not thrilled about being an outcast, but eventually settled in to the idea, and fell asleep.

After neatening up my desk and doing dishes, I took Maggie on a 90 minute walk.  We headed to Weschester and Pevine to check out the road widening project, and took several photos as we walked along Pevine to Robinhood Park.

Seen right is a view of what used to be the wooded yard in front of the Catholic Church.

Can you see Maggie beside this pile of wood shavings?  The company hauls off all the logs but shreds the branches and little trees.

This stump is what's left of a big oak that was at the four way stop on the Wyndham check-in corner.

Wood shavings were spread out along this stretch of Pevine and what's left of the sign for Wilshire Heights can be seen in the middle of the photo.

Once home, I sat down for a large lunch and that's when I lost momentum.  Reading and a nap on the lounge chair was all the productivity I could muster up.

Eventually I woke up, got up, and went to the gym to do weights, elliptical, shower and then return home.  The rain had started up again while I was at the gym, so after dinner I watched TV until an early bedtime.  Joe was at his Friday night poker game.

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