Thursday, July 20, 2017


We have so many ways to connect with each other in this world today, but nothing beats face to face contact, a hug or kiss, and a warm touch.  When we forgo actually getting out of the house to get together with family and friends, choosing instead to connect through the airways, I think we are missing out.  Sometimes we have no choice because the people we love are so far away.  But it is always worth the effort to go visit.

Not only should we make a point to spend time with loved ones, we should be thankful for all the moments we can spend together.  When we spend hour upon hour entertaining ourselves watching TV, reading, surfing the internet, or engaging in sports and other activities, it can cause us to neglect our family and friends, and then our relationships suffer.  This also happens to workaholics who are too busy working.

As much as I hate traveling, especially riding in the car for hours, Friday morning we hit the road at 8:00, headed for Chicago to connect with family and friends.  First we dropped Maggie off at the kennel.

It was a long ten hour drive, including two 15 minute pit stops, and lasted longer than expected.  Other than getting run off the highway once, the drive went well.  Our brush with disaster was another wake up call no doubt.  A car made a quick swerve into our lane, without signalling.  Joe thinks the driver either fell asleep or was texting.  Anyway, to avoid colliding, Joe had to swerve into the median shoulder.  Luckily there wasn't too much traffic, the road was dry, and Joe was wide awake and quick to respond.  He kept the SUV under control as we fish tailed back and forth.  To me it felt like we hit the median concrete wall (sample photo I took later) and were flung back out into traffic, but I guess it wasn't that severe.  It had both our hearts pumping as adrenaline surged through our systems.  I kept thanking God for protecting us from disaster.

We arrived at Dan and Val's at 6:15.  She had just gotten home from work.  Luna also greeted us.

Joe and I needed to stretch our legs and wanted to give Val a chance to unwind from work so we went for a little walk around their apartment complex.

Geese were enjoying the retention pond just around the corner from their building.

Once Daniel got home from work (7:30) we went out to dinner, enjoying a feast at Olive Garden.  It was good to catch up with these two also.

Being way past my bedtime when we got back to the apartment, rather than socializing, I went right to bed.

Up at 6 am Saturday, I went for an hour walk while my tea steeped.  This time, ducks were enjoying the pond's edge for a safe sleeping spot.

I messed around on the internet, sipping tea, while the other three slept.
Doctoral students finished their two-week course @UPEACE
after presenting their research proposals to the Faculty.

I was glad to see that Britney had successfully completed her two week intensive doctoral class at Peace University, ending with her fifteen minute oral mock-proposal/candidacy exam.  She said she had about 3,000 pages of research still to read.  She is in the middle, back row of this photo.

It was a leisurely morning but included Joe and Dan using our SUV to transport a futon from their apartment to Valencia's parent's basement.  Val has their place very nicely decorated.  I like this display she made of all Daniel's army medals and awards.

We were able to meet With Val's Mom (Yaneth) at Denny's over her one hour lunch break.    

It was so nice re-connecting with Yaneth.  Unfortunately Ricardo could not join us because he couldn't get away from his job.

Again, I ate way more than I needed to, or am accustomed to consuming.  We returned to Dan and Val's apartment with time to take an hour nap.

Then we were off to downtown Chicago.  Joe saw that Linda and Mike (from B/N) were also going to the concert.  Linda babysat our three kids and has a son and daughter their ages.  Anyway, we met them at Fernando's, where a pre-concert party was going on.

I think Linda was delighted to see Daniel, reminiscing about their former connection for a bit.

Dan and Valencia seemed amused by many of the crazy's who had been at the pub celebrating for awhile and were quite rowdy.  We old farts know how to party.

I enjoyed boogying to the music and jumped right in with the conga line that occurred during one song.

These photos were taken while we circled the bar and restaurant.

Boat Drunks was the very good Jimmy Buffett style band that we all really enjoyed.  They kept the party going.

After a pub dinner, we walked a mile to the stadium, seeing several sites of Chicago.  I saw a patch of thistle going to seed and thought about sister Carol who is trying to rid her fields of this stuff.  It is tenacious.

Arriving at the stadium, there was more pre-concert partying going on, so again, we kind of joined in (video).  This band was fun also.

Once the party outside Wrigley Field ended, we shuffled through gates and security until we were in the stadium.

This photo was taken from the ramp we went up to get to our seat section.  Look at the crowd still waiting to enter the stadium.

We found our seats up in the nose bleed section (our view seen right) and entertained ourselves as the seats around us, and all over the stadium, filled.

Huey Lewis was the warm-up band and started about 20 minutes after we got seated.  They were not my favorite style music, and I only recognized a few songs, but it was fun people watching as Parrot Heads came in looking for their seats.  The stadium was starting to fill up.

Huey's show lasted an hour and then there was time for a restroom break (except the line was too long so I decided to check back later).  We had time for photos, and I indulged in a $5 popcorn and a $10 16 oz beer.  Drew, who sat by Joe, paid my tip. :-)

Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefers band then took the stage and the stadium was now packed with a reported crowd of 41,000 people.  Jimmy started with a video and a tribute to the Chicago Cubs.  Ryan Sandburg and Rick Sutcliffe (Cub players) brought in the 2016 World Series trophy.  The crowd went nuts (video). 
Then Jimmy started the concert with Changes In Latitudes, Changes In Attitudes (video).  It had been a beautiful day in Chicago and was a perfect night at Wrigley. 

I enjoyed Jimmy Buffet's show, but he too played several less popular songs I did not recognize.  Also, the sound was not the best up in the 'nose bleed' section and it was hard to hear the words.  The crowd was rowdy, fun, and having a good time, which I enjoyed.  It was also great connecting with some of the folks around us. 

We left during the last song, a medley.  It was probably a 1/3 mile walk down ramps to get out of the stadium.  I had been texting with Shirley who was watching the concert live on TV.  Just as we hit the street, she said the concert ended.  It was cool to see these mounted police just outside the stadium.  The one mile walk back to the SUV seemed long.  An accident on the expressway slowed our drive home so it was nearly 1 am when we crashed into bed.

For my 6 am Sunday morning walk, I decided to hike around the Fox Valley Wildlife park.

Judging from the time it took me to walk this mowed path, it was a one mile loop.

This bridge, at the far end of the loop, lead to a rails to trails path along the power line.

Looking across the bridge, back towards the park, Daniel's apartment complex can be seen in the background.

Joe was up at 9:20 and 40 minutes later we started the long trip home.  While driving home I mentioned to Shirley in a text that we wouldn't be back until 8 pm.  She knew the dog had to be picked up by 5:00, or stay an extra night, so volunteered to go get Maggie for us, and I took her up on this fantastic offer.
Forgetting about the time change, we got home at 7 pm.  It had been just a nine hour drive (no construction on Sundays).  It was without problems but was still exhausting.  Maggie had been fed and walked and was waiting in the Mancave when we got home.  Shirley is wonderful.

After unpacking and getting settled in, I took Maggie on a long walk.  I needed to stretch my legs.  Seen left, evening encroaches on the view down the 18th fairway.

I could not get going Monday Morning.  My energy/motivation connection had failed.  I had blogging to catch up on and Stevie was being really affectionate.

So I skipped the gym (lifting weights and Ballroom Aerobics) and sat here enjoying an extra cup of tea and my kitty.  I missed my horse and quiet time on the trail, and because the day was already heating up, I went mid-morning to ride Amiga.

Her ears are back in this selfie when I went out to catch her, partly because she rarely cooperates for photos but also because there was a big horse fly buzzing her.

I took Amiga on the long trail ride by Daddy's creek, including two little excursions to the winter pasture and the swimming hole.  Amiga did great, but was pretty hot and sweaty after two hours out on the trail.  I hosed her off once we got back.

Then, a friend from the pool brought her co-worker friend out to the barn.  She is a former trainer and showed gaited horses and actually lives in Antioch (where Courtney and Mike live).  She has lots of experience working with horses (training them and their riders) and loved the idea of riding Amiga or Zorro sometime.  It is a small world, with so many types of connections.

Once home I did a little yard work, but I moved slowly because it was so hot and I was still feeling sluggish.
Each week I set our two chairs and blanket out at Mirror Lake to save spots for us and Shirley.  I send her a photo of our location.  We met there at 5:40.  The band that played at Mirror Lake Blast was another good one.  I walked Maggie once home and then went to bed.

I worked the morning shift at the pool Tuesday.  I actually got off early because co-worker Mike came in so early.  Once home, I immediately got to work in the yard because I am on a time frame before guests arrive this week and more come next week.  Having guests is a good chance to renew connections and it is a good excuse to clean up in the house and yard.  Maggie hung out while I worked, sleeping part of the time.

Look at her choice for a pillow... silly dog.
Joe bought groceries and salads which we had for dinner.  I took my usual long evening walk with the dog as it was cooling off for the day and then had some quiet time out on the back porch after my shower, as the cacophony of music (sounds from wildlife) erupted.  I love the woodland pond night sounds as critters in the dark are trying to make connections.

Wednesday, after my usual early morning routine, I started in on house and yard work, skipping the gym again.  I was multi-tasking between cleaning, water proofing chair pads and watering plants inside and out.

Joe and I finished removing the mulch from the driveway!  Now there is room for guests to park.  Seen left is a small brush pile, most of which was little branches from the mulch pile.

I didn't have time to get all of the beds weeded and mulched, so had Joe pile the extra wood chips down in the 'oasis'.  They will be used later, which means moving them twice.  Oh well.

I mowed the oasis and then worked at weeding and mulching.  Seen below,while cleaning out and re-mulching this bed, I straightened out this concrete lamp that had really started leaning, seen in left photo.  Also notice the piles of mulch where Joe had dumped it for me to spread.

Preparing to golf over the weekend, Joe took me to Dorchester driving range.  I was pretty rusty, having troubles connecting with the ball.

Then we went next door to the adult pool to cool off and relax for a bit.  Ed and friends were there hanging out.

'Back at the ranch' I continued yard work.

I put the newly washed cushions back on the porch swing, which Stevie was quick to inspect.

And I put all the water resistant cushions back on the new porch furniture.

At one point while working out back Maggie started growling and then barking.  I immediately noticed a doe and three offspring.  I got the dog quiet and then tried to get some photos.  But Mama deer decided it would be best to lead her offspring away; up the hill, across the 17th green, and into the woods.

It was Joe's poker night and I was going to clean house after dinner but first took Maggie on a long walk.  Jack (the golf course worker) has completely cleared this rock of all its poison ivy vines and other vegetation.  He plans to plant flowers around it eventually.

I couldn't get motivated to clean when I got home and actually went to bed earlier than my usual early.

I got up way to early Thursday (3:30 am) but was thinking of my to do list and felt I needed to get started on it.  I got this blog about ready to post and then took an hour nap.  Once up again, and with a third cup of tea, I went into super house cleaning mode. 

First though, I had to clean my humming bird feeder, make more sweet feed for them, and hang my new thistle seed feeder for the finches.

I did four hours of hustle and bustle house cleaning, and oh does it look and smell nice.  Now I am off to work at the pool.  I will be getting in for a quick dip right away.

I can't wait for Jim and Debbie to arrive!

While connecting with family and friends is important, God also wants us to reach out to others, and minister to all people.  We are called to make a difference in this world, not merely to be spectators.  But I like my corner of the forest and would rather stay here.  I need to do better at getting up and going to see others and make connections.

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