Friday, September 15, 2017

Meet Monita

The kitten finally has a name, Monita, Spanish for little (female) monkey.

The new kitten is a little monkey, climbing all over everything and getting into all sorts of trouble.

I have always liked the name Monita since I heard it, given as a nickname to a precious little Guatemalan baby.  Her real name was Camila.  She had been aborted at 27 weeks, survived and was brought to the hospital where Britney worked, and helped care for her for quite some time.

She weighed less than two pounds, had lots of hair, and with her long arms and legs, looked like a little monkey.
Once Camila (Monita) was strong enough to leave the hospital, she was placed in an orphanage.  Sadly, she did not survive past the age of two.  I would like to honor the memory of this beautiful baby by using her nickname for our kitten.  I also hope and pray women stop discarding unwanted babies and people wanting children consider adoption as an option.

In a name dictionary, I found that the name Monita  means 'noble.'  I wouldn't say the kitten is aristocratic, but other synonyms for the word noble that fit her include: striking, splendid, worthy, brave, and imposing (not in size but in attitude).
And lastly, I discovered a beautiful Indonesian singer named Monita Tahalea.  I love this song she sings.

Saturday morning I woke feeling better.  The nasal decongestant had worked well.

The living room was a wrestling ring where Monita, Stevie, and Maggie played.

I headed into work at 8:30.  It was cool but sunny.  I had seven customers.

After my four hour shift, I changed into barn clothes and went straight to the stables.
Kayla, Brooke, Steve, and the new employee (Jim) were planning to go out on a ride, so I joined them.

They were going to ride the long trail and check out the new trail work that had been done.  I took this (video) as we were heading out.  Brooke was adjusting her stirrups.

We took a detour to show Jim the winter pasture.  Chester (the black lab) was so happy to be along with us.

Riding down what used to be a muddy hill, I was impressed with how dry it was.  The new water channels were doing their job.  The two new trails that go around the bad spots when it is wet after a rain, were narrow and needed to be packed down.  I kept Amiga on the old trail since it was dry.

We made another detour and rode to the swimming hole to show Jim and Steve where it was.  Brooke held Steve's horse so he could go down to the creek with Kayla.

I got off Amiga to take photos.  She and Jim waited patiently.

We were soon back on the trail and headed to the barn.  Towards the end, as we neared the barn, Amiga was getting really head strong, so I turned her around and headed back out on our own.  She behaves (listens) so much better when it is just us two.

I had a great ride, (almost two hours) and was so thankful the barn staff let me join them.

Once home and showered, we were then off to Stonehenge for dinner and a beer, or two, or three.  We met Andy, Rita, and Brian there.

I saw this big dispenser of beer left at the neighboring table and went to take a photo of it.  I asked the waitress about it, and long story short, it contained Michelob Ultra, what Joe and I were drinking, and was going to be thrown out, so we moved it to our table.

We had opted to eat outside, but it was a little cold, so I went to warm by the nearest fire pit.  Rita and Andy left after dinner and Brian, Joe, and I finished our last beer sitting by the other fire pit.  It was nice and warm.

Sunday I woke feeling really raunchy.
Joe was in Nashville all day, watching the Titans get beat by the Radiers 16-14.  I sat here at my computer, with Monita, off and on all day.

She loves this Peruvian bed of luxury wool.  It is my favorite souvenir Joe brought home.

I did notice her breathing is labored still while she is sleeping (video).

I tried to finish last week's blog but gave up at noon and headed to the CC to hot tub, sun, and sit in the sauna.  I left there at 3:00, went to Food City on the way home, buying de-congestant meds and a salad for dinner.  After eating early, I took Maggie on a decent walk, going up library trail, where we saw this fungus growing.

Playing and socializing with the critters once home, I then settled in with a cup of tea and finished last week's blog.  Once Joe was home from Nashville, we watched the tracking of Hurricane Irma on the weather channel before bed.  Many islands in the Caribbean had been hit really hard and Florida was just getting hit. 😓

Monday, the 16th anniversary of 9/11/01, my 'cold' was about the same, but I wasn't complaining (too much).  So many people have suffered tremendous pain and loss.  And with the fires out west, earthquakes in Mexico, flooding in Texas, and hurricanes coming up from Florida, my woes seemed so insignificant.

Rain was in the forecast for the next several days, starting in the afternoon, so Joe and I, along with Maggie, hiked the four mile McGinnis loop that is part of the Marathon.

When I asked Joe to stop so I could get a photo of this boulder, Maggie immediately ran up and tried to jump up on it, because I usually pose her up on the big rocks.  But she quickly slid right down off of it.  Poor, silly puppy.

My hip and sinuses were bothering me the last 1/2 mile so I really dogged it back to where we had parked.

We stopped in to care for Jan's cats and then once home, I accomplished nothing the rest of the day.

I sat at my computer for hours, and watched the rain and then the wind move into the area, while our three pets chased, played, wrestled, (video) and napped.

I also watched the weather channel and was amazed by the destruction that had occurred along Irma's path.

View of damages in Cojimar, a neighborhood in Havana.

Boats and leisure craft all knocked against the shore in a pile.

Extreme flooding and water damage in Marigot.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Irma was the second-strongest Atlantic hurricane in recorded history.

Joe decided to try a new Monday night poker game. 
I attempted to get motivated to go work out or sit in the sauna, but didn't feel up to leaving home.

I went to bed early, with both cats, but soon realized that Monita was too big of a trouble maker, so put her in her crate for the night.  Joe got home very late, but my cold medication helped me fall right back to sleep.

It was a rainy day Tuesday, not to mention also cold and gloomy.  The adult pool was closed so my day was open.  However, I did not feel well, so like Maggie, and the cats, I just laid low.  I stayed tuned to the weather channel, Facebook posts, and e-mails.  I also took many more pet photos and worked on this blog... just can't help myself.

Once while playing, Monita discovered she was being watched by Stevie.

So she advanced to the formidable foe and tried to scare her off.

We tried again, unsuccessfully, to get a hold of Mom and I just prayed for the best for her.  My sister-in-law Patti called the Sprint store in Winter Haven and there was no answer, so she tried the store in Lake Wales, FL.  The young lady in Lake Wales said all of Winter Haven was without power and they were anticipating it could take up to 7 days to restore.  She said there were trees and debris all over, and some houses flooded, but most people were able to get outside and get around.

Monita loves the cat tower and all of the toys on it.

And this has become her new favorite spot to nap.

I took this (video) of her resting on my desk.  When she purrs, her breathing sounds okay.

Maggie and Stevie like to watch Monita play.  Sometimes they get in on the action, trying to steal kitten toys.  And sometimes Monita forgets what she is attacking and goes after the dog or cat, especially their tails.

My sister Jean eventually got in touch with Mom's friend Carla who reported that it was still hectic to drive in town in Winter Haven since there was no power anywhere, and all traffic lights were out.  She said cell service was very spotty.  She did speak to her daughter Katie who is at Mom's condo complex and said there was some damage there but everyone was okay.  She planned to go over Wednesday, and knock on Mom's door to check on her.  Thank goodness for great neighbors and friends.  They are what hold our communities and country together.

I finally got off my duff and left Joe in charge of Monita and Maggie.  I motored into town for a much needed trip to 'stock up on supplies' at Wal-Mart.  The check-out lines were really long and I was suddenly feeling so tired, kind of weak, and maybe feverish.

I had to stop in to care for Jan's cats on the way home, but was soon in the garage unloading all the stuff I had purchased.

Monita was sound asleep on her preferred choice of beds, way up on the cat tower.

Joe and I had been trying, to no avail, to get the gas fireplace to start.  While I was gone, he had called the company and discovered there is a re-set button we needed to push, but it involved removing the front of the fireplace to get to it.

I washed the glass and then helped Joe get the screen cover back on and we fired up the fireplace.  Stevie was first to take advantage of the heat.

And Monita soon came to check it out.

I fixed soup for dinner, just what was needed on a cold, rainy day when I wasn't feeling well.

We watched a horse movie with the fire going, although Joe didn't last long because it was a little too girly for him.  This time Monita joined Maggie by the fire.

Wednesday was more of the same as Tuesday...
It was cold (barely reached 60), rainy, windy, gloomy, and I still felt miserable - like I had a cold or flu.  With no get-up-and-go, a cough, and achy.  I sat here at my desk much of the day.

The cats played.  Stevie can get a little rough with Monita, so I have to keep an eye on them.

setting up an ambush

I decided Maggie was cold and it was time to get her beds out of storage.  She was so glad to have back this plush place to rest.

I did get two loads of laundry done.
And we did hear from Mom once her internet was up and running.  The only complaint she had was that the rain blew in under her sliding doors and got her living room carpet wet.

I have been reading quite a bit, my Evanovich book, so spent a few hours in the recliner with it.  At one point, Stevie and Monita both wanted to sit on my lap, but it didn't work out, and Monita won.

After Joe left for poker, I took Maggie on a 30 minute walk.  It was cold and damp but not raining.  I had leftover soup for an early dinner, and settled back in to the recliner to continue reading.  Monita's breathing, while she sleeps (video) still concerns me.  It just seems so labored.  I hope she gets better or out grows this or whatever needs to happen to improve her breathing.

The evening was ended watching TV by the fire.

Monita played more than she sat with me, but Maggie and Stevie were content to share the bed and sleep.  I enjoyed two episodes of Fixer Upper.
Monita was not a good helper!
Thursday I was up at 5:30, before the sun now, and didn't think I would be going in to the pool.  It was just too cold, damp, and gloomy.  I was feeling noticeably better, but the thought of sitting under the cloudy skies at the pool did not appeal.  Thankfully, by 7:30 I got word that the pool would be closed again.

After a few hours at my computer, Facebooking, e-mailing, and blogging, I moved to more productive things... working on the jigsaw puzzle.  Chris, Therese, and Patty will be so relieved to see I finally finished it. 😁  But there was one piece missing!  And it was now after lunch time.

Joe and I met Patty's realtor at her new house and did the walk through together.  We saw a few items of concern, but otherwise, it looked good.

From there I went to the gym to work out.  First time in 22 days, Oh My Goodness!  I did less reps with lighter weights but still struggled to make it through.  I only had time for 30 minutes on the elliptical, and that was enough for me.  So easy to get out of shape, so hard to get back into shape.

Brian caught these five deer munching on my flowers and shrubs as they went from our back to our front yard and then across the street to the church lot.  Most of what I have planted is not appealing to deer, but they still like to sample many things.

I hit Food City on the way home to get some items to take next door for dinner.  Then Joe and I went over to Brian's, where we joined he and Joan for a scrumptious beef stew dinner they had made.

We shared the bottle of champagne I had won and later had fun trying to take a selfie with Joan's I-pad.  The 'boys' were good sports and fairly cooperative.

Finally the sun was shinning Friday morning.  The temperature was soon warmer than it had been all week, and the day was full of fun plans.  I was feeling even better than the day before, both physically and mentally.

The deer trimmed my Hosta but didn't eat my surprise
lilies, just stepped on some. 

I didn't linger here very long.  Once I had the porch doors open at 9 am, and could hear and smell the nature I viewed from my window, I was out in the yard.  I spent two hours picking up lots of sticks and weeding. 

Seen above right, the two azaleas on each side of my yellow peonies both need trimming, but I will wait till they are done blooming.  

Why does blogger flip some of my photos (above) upside-down?  The moss patch seen right looks good, especially after all the rain and some weeding.

Next I was off to Dorchester club house to join several saddle sisters for lunch.  We ate and talked for nearly two hours, and celebrated Jo's 70th birthday. 

Amiga and I watching golfers tee off of #14.

Once dispersed from the lunch table, some of us headed to the barn.  Jan and I had planned to do a longer ride, so I rode Amiga to met up with her.

Karen had decided to join us, but had to borrow Jim's horse Zip, because her horse was lame.  Well, she ended up turning back because she felt that Zip was also lame (acting sore).  Jan and I had a great ride, and I ended up being out on the trail for three hours.

But then I had to hustle when I got home, to shower and feed all the pets and be ready to get picked up by Shirley at 6:00.

We ended up arriving at the Moonlighter's Dance an hour early.  Oops.  Shirley ran back home to get some things done and I stayed to help with set up, but there really wasn't much to do.  People started arriving at 6:30.

We enjoyed snacks, adult beverages, socializing, and especially dancing.  A fun night was had by all.  And to top it off, I won $40 in the 50/50 raffle.

Yep, this is Monita, or Moni for short.

Life has been hectic and taken a big change since I adopted a second cat.  It has brought additional expense, new concerns, more frequent feedings and litter box cleanings, along with more of my time spent socializing Monita.  But, cats are like potato chips or Fritos, or even horses and puppies, the more the merrier.  

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