Saturday, August 11, 2018

A Clean Sweep

I decided it was time (way past time actually) to make a clean sweep of my daily routine and get back in the habit of walking, working out, and riding.  Too much time has been spent on my computer or phone.  Communicating with others is good, and important, but it doesn't need to be so frequent.  And I need to curb the time spent researching to get ideas for things like (at the moment) hanging cat shelves.

As much as I have been cleaning around the house, behind and under furniture as it is moved, you would think it looked like I made a clean sweep of this place.  But everything (nick nacks, pictures, furniture) is scattered everywhere and it feels anything but tidy.  CLAYGO is a concept I like.  It works with dishes, clothes, junk I bring into the house, laundry/cat room, etc.  I also go by the philosophy, a place for everything and everything in it's place.  That's partly why this summer has been un-settling, because we have been 'under construction' since mid April.

Sunday 8/5 - at 6:30am I was at church helping clean the pavilion.  Stevie was taking ladder play to a new height (video), yikes.  I went back to Church and sat with Lisa and Nolan for the 9:30 service because Shirley was sick.

After taking Maggie on a long walk, I went to the barn to pay my bill and ride.  Unexpectedly, it started raining, as I was walking Amiga into the barn.  And it poured while I got her ready to go.  I decided to ride bareback so my saddle wouldn't get all wet.  

The above photo (from the internet) shows how hard it rained at times, and the other photo shows what the mist in the mountains looked like after the rain.  I rode out in a sprinkle, it cleared for awhile, but then rained quite heavy some more.  I love the tranquility of the woods as the rain falls and the sound of my horse walking.  It was so peaceful, and Amiga did a great job, staying at a relaxed walk almost the whole time.

I changed out of my wet barn clothes and went to the gym for a good workout.  After dinner (for all), I took Maggie on a long walk.  My muscles were already feeling sore from bareback riding and weight lifting.  

Monday 8/6 - Stevie seems to do her 'circus act' first thing in the morning, or during the 'witching hour' at dinner time.  I took Maggie on a 90 minute walk and the day was already heating up.

The workers were back, to work outside again, since no rain was in the forecast.  I went on a much longer (2 hr. 15 min.) ride.  Going out from the barn, Cash came over to greet Amiga.

I took the Holly trail into the Glade and dropped in on Terry.  Donkey and Sunny came to escort us to the backyard.  Terry and her place were looking very good.

Then I decided to take Beachwood to Chestnut Hill to see if there was a way to get through.

The barricade was still there as I had remembered.  I rode down a nearby cul-de-sac, but it was way too overgrown to make riding out to Chestnut Hill very doable.

To the left of the gate there were big rocks into the woods.  To ride this direction a long path around would have to be cleared.

But on the right side I discovered four-wheeler tracks which gave access to Chestnut Hill.  It was kind of over-grown and there was low overhead clearance.  I wasn't sure of the footing so walked Amiga through to the main road.

We proceeded down Chestnut Hill, past Elizabeth's, back to the barn.  It is a little hairy, riding along the edge of this road.
Amiga was very hot and sweaty when we got back so I hosed her off before putting her back out to pasture, where she then enjoyed a good roll.

As soon as I got home I spent about 90 minutes planting two bushes at Allen's.  The workers were finishing up and had just about completed the entrance to the porch.  All the rotten boards were gone and the screen door was hung better than before.

I met Patty at Mirror Lake Blast.  It was so hot, and I think I had over exerted earlier and gotten somewhat dehydrated, so I had little energy for dancing.  The band was mediocre and did not play good dance music, so Patty and I left a little early.  

Meanwhile, in Nashville, Joe and Courtney were at the Ryman, watching Gordon Lightfoot in concert.  This had been a BIG day for Courtney.

Earlier she had met friends for lunch.  It was the first time for her to drive her car, dress up, and put make-up on since she got sick mid April.

Tuesday 8/7 - Patty picked me up at 9am and we hit an estate sale on our way to the barn.  Then we saddled up Zorro, I went bareback on Amiga, and we hit the trail (video).

We rode for 90 minutes and Zorro did great!  We took turns leading and following.

Zorro followed without tailgating and lead the way without hesitation.  At one point he willingly went off with Patty in one direction while Amiga and I went a different direction.

He wasn't even too worried riding past the workers and equipment out in the bean field.

He navigated the hills and creek fearlessly and did great on the obstacles except the tarp.  Although Patty did get him to take two steps on it.
Once home I fertilized all my plants out front and then got ready and left for work.

The pool was the perfect temperature and it was a hot day so I had lots of customers.  Joe and Patty both came out to cool off for a bit.

I think Blog Spot needs to make a clean sweep of this blogging program because it has a lot of quirks and won't let me position photos and text entries where I want them.  I know people view it on different size screens, so it doesn't really matter, but I hate publishing an odd looking blog.

Wednesday 8/8 - I blogged and took care of some e-mails and then went to the gym during a downpour, just after the workers got here.  I got in a great workout.  When I got home some workers were back outside and some were inside.  Travis was removing this one strip of crown molding, in preparation to put in new crown molding all the way around.  Another storm came through and the two guys on the roof came scurrying down.

I fixed lunch and went on the porch to eat, while it was raining quite hard again.  And I discovered two leaks dripping down the porch walls, one along the kitchen and the other down the porch side of the living room.  UGH!!!  I pointed it out to Travis and he and Tony tried to figure out where it was coming in from.  There had not been any leaking since the new roof, but this was since the removal of rotten siding that was touching the roof.

It had cleared off and I left for the barn as planned, to meet Jan and Judy and do some trail work.  Well it poured just after we arrived, and kept it up for quite some time.  The weather looked like it would be lousy the rest of the day, so we gave up and I came back home.

Phil was painting these new strips of lumber, now inside the garage, which as you can see, has been taken over by the construction work and equipment, as has our driveway.

Inside, the house was no better.  They had now built a platform to stand on while repairing the hole in our ceiling.

More debris had come down onto the plastic, and some on the carpet.  So once the guys were gone for the day, I did another clean sweep.

I don't know what the cats were plotting and scheming in this photo.

Look at the clutter in the sunroom and dinning room.

Even the balcony was in disarray.  The crown molding was done being installed up there, but I was worried that its much brighter white color stood out too much.

Joe was at poker for the day and night and I just hung out here in addition to taking Maggie on a long walk after dinner.

Thursday 8/9 - I had woken at 2am, five hours after going to sleep, and couldn't get back to sleep, so got up at 2:30 to e-mail, Facebook, and blog.  After a 5:30 - 7:00 nap, I was back up and soon off to work.  The pool needed more cleaning than usual because of the wind and rain we had had.  This frog was in one of the skimmer baskets.

I went to the barn right after work, hoping to join Jan and Judy for trail work, but more rain was moving in for the afternoon.  So home I came.  Travis had made this tent to contain the debris, and was working on patching the hole.

Travis and Phil left early for the day because their ceiling dry-wall mud needed to dry.  You can see their progress in this first photo.  It wasn't minutes after they left and Stevie went up the ladder and on to the platform.
Then, just after I took this second photo, Stevie decided to come down, miss-stepped trying to get onto the ladder and fell.  I saw her somersault from the ladder and land on her four feet 13 feet below, with her head kind of hitting a stair step.  She was dazed for several minutes, and then kind of walked it off.  I checked her all over for broken bones and felt nothing, nor did she complain.  Phew, glad cats have nine lives.

I quick figured out a way to make an anti-cat ladder climbing device with this large golf umbrella.  Stevie showed no interest in ladders or acrobats the rest of the night.  In fact, she laid low all night, not seeming to move from the couch at all.  I recon she was feeling pretty sore.

Jan, Judy, Polly and I had a night planned at the fair in Cookeville.  We went to watch the Ranch Riding Clinic.

Well, it turned out being way too muddy so the clinic was cancelled.  We found other things to do, including eating, because it was a county fair.

It was a fun night, even with the disappointment of not getting to see the clinic, or hardly any horses actually.

Friday 8/10 - Phil and Travis were back here at 9am, working on patching the hole and putting up the rest of the crown molding in the living room.

Travis suggested taking down the ugly vertical blinds from the arched window, while they were up there.  I agreed.

Look how much better this wall looks, (before photo on left).  I didn't realize the vertical blinds (which we never use) were such an eye sore until they were gone. 

I went to the gym and got in a good workout, although could tell my sugar/energy level was depleted (I hadn't eaten in five hours).  I grabbed lunch as soon as I got home.

Phil and Travis were finished with all the crown molding in the living room and had moved into our bedroom.

After an hour long dog walk, I was now ready for a nap, but there was nowhere to lie down.  I ended up on the bed in Britney's room, which made the perfect spot.

Joe and I had a very enjoyable evening out with Mike and Jan.  We ate at Manny and Isabel's and then went on to the CC Playhouse and watched the play Legally Blonde.  We enjoyed the lively dancing, witty lines, and great costumes.

The only photo I took all evening is this one, out in the Playhouse garden, of this large cemented rock planting I liked and thought I could do sometime.

Saturday 8/11 - I got a lot done on this blog prior to Joe getting up.  It was feeling like a lazy day with my fur babies napping away.  I think they are going to like lying out here in the skylight sunrays come winter.

I did get up and moving from my desk before Joe left on a poker playing weekend in Cherokee.  I had him help me move the heavy furniture around in our bedroom, as I thoroughly cleaned behind all of it.

I continued cleaning off nick nacks and pictures as I hung and placed them back where they had been.

The room was restored, cleaner than when this project began.  And I love the look of the crown molding.

My 1:45 - 7:30 shift at the pool went quickly because we were busy since it was a beautiful day to be sunning and swimming.  I could relax in bed, with this room now completed, and fell right to sleep.

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