Sunday, December 16, 2018

Spirit Of Christmas

The spirit of Christmas can sometimes evade us as the hustle and bustle of shopping, decorating, sending cards, baking, and attending Christmas programs starts to wear us out.

Let the spirit of love and joy give you peace this season as you celebrate the true spirit of Christmas.

Not only do I love the festive, merry making times of this season, but I also like to sit by a fire, relax with some Christmas music, and read the story of Christ's birth.

As we get into the Christmas spirit, and spread good tidings of comfort and joy, it is also important to reflect on and give thanks for all our blessings.

Sunday 12/9 - It was nasty out, and a good excuse to stay inside and finish Christmas decorating.  It had rained 90% of the time the last 24 hours and the creek and pond were flooded.  This stream was quite pretty cascading down the hill in back, but does not usually flow when it isn't raining.  

I had gotten up at 3am, unable to sleep, but fell asleep on the sunroom couch just before sun up, adding another hour to my nights slumber.

I couldn't decide on a single photo of Stevie giving Maggie some lovin', so I included them all.
Besides, this series is just plain cute and endearing.  

With Christmas music playing, I got busy putting the finishing touches on decorating.  But one thing lead to another and I started decorating the sunroom.  

I did get out of the house to go to the gym.  About 20 minutes into my workout, I had a surge of energy and was able to accomplish more than usual.  I also noticed that my sore neck and back were not bothering me near as much as they had since the mishap, when my saddle and I got dumped off Amiga Thanksgiving morning. 

I was hoping to get started on Christmas cards, but was still cleaning and decorating after dinner.

I love my festive sunroom.

Each year I try to decorate this wreath on our front porch, but it never really comes out looking very nice.

 Monday 12/10 - SNOW!  Two inches of the beautiful white stuff fell from 1-5am and it was a winter wonderland when I got up at 4:00.

It was a magical snowfall, coming down while I walked Maggie before sunup.

I went outside several different times to walk around and take photos as the sun came up.  All around the lighting and scenery changed, but still remained beautiful.


I couldn't decide which photo's to exclude from the series I took, so included many of them.


I shut my laptop and took this photo... what I saw when I wasn't looking at my computer screen.

While here at my desk the cats also enjoyed watching out the window with me.

We spotted all sorts of wildlife.  I was truly filled with the spirit of Christmas.  Can you see the fourth deer in this next photo?

I needed to get a move on, so left the tranquility of my office sunroom and first went to Patty's to feed cats, on my way to Ballroom aerobics.  She was in Iowa for the week.  Ballroom had been cancelled, so I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and 15 on the rowing machine.  After shower and shopping, I was home for lunch and a nap.

With the diminishing cloud coverage, sunshine warmed the air and most of the snow was melted by nightfall.

Linnea, John, and Margie were flying back to CA the following morning, so we had a last farewell gathering at Spikes.  Andy, Rita, Brian, Ken and Britany also attended.  Dinner, libations, and lively conversations were enjoyed.  The Christmas spirit could be felt all around.

Tuesday 12/11 - Up at my usual 4:00ish time and enjoying my festive sunroom, hot tea, and computer time.

Maggie was by my feet, right in front of the space heater, as usual.

This photo of Britney was posted on Facebook by one of her students.  I am longing to see her for at least part of the holidays.  She was in the process of trying to plan a quick trip back to the states, but is very busy working on her PhD and had other conflicts making it appear undoable.

Stevie sitting nearby, looking festive with the Christmas decorations.  Monita hopped up on the cat tower to see what I was doing.  She is always bothering Stevie and I.

This is Tia, Patty's very old cat.  She got up and ate and then went back to bed when I fed them mid morning.

Next I went to the gym for a weight workout.

The sun was shining bright all day and our beautiful sunroom was warm, cheery, and inviting.

I could have sat in here the rest of the day, but Jan and I had planned to ride together and get the trailer ready for an outing the following day.  So I got bundled up and went to the barn.

We were thankful for the warm sunshine, but there was still a nip in the air.  My fingers and toes got cold before we were done riding.

We tied the horses to the trailer and un-tacked there, putting all our gear in the trailer.

Emily (and her family) and Hailey came out to feed horses and barn yard critters.  Here is Emily with the two puppies.  Below, Hailey has hold of the leashes.

It is unfortunate that people don't neuter their pets and then just dump unwanted babies somewhere.  The barn is going to keep the boy but are looking for a home for his sister.

It took awhile for me to get warmed up once home.

I had discovered cat throw up in the hammock, so had to go to great time and effort to clean it up.

After being out in the cold, and waking so early, I was not able to stay up even till 9pm.

Wednesday 12/12 - My day started earlier than I had planned or wanted but Monita and worries would not let me go back to sleep once I woke at 3:15.  I wish I wouldn't let trailering my horse get me so nervous.  As soon as I got on the computer, I was elated to see that Britney had booked a flight to Florida.  She really was coming 'home' for the holidays.  She will be traveling with her cousin Ben, who will be arriving by bike there in Costa Rica any day now.  This photo of his bike, and a volcano in the background, was taken on his way to Antigua.  He has biked well over 5,000 miles so far, starting in Seattle, and will be flying with his bike (and Britney) to FL.  

Apparently we had a 4.4 earthquake at 4:14, about the time I was out walking Maggie.  I didn't feel anything.  Its epicenter was near Decatur, roughly 44 miles from us.

After computer time, I actually got a good start on my Christmas cards.  My morning also included cat care at Patty's and Ballroom aerobics.

Then the moment of truth, trailering Amiga to Christie's.  Joe hooked up the trailer and left for poker in my car.  My sweet saddle sister Jan (and her horse Cash) accompanied me.  Jan was great help and encouragement.

It took a little time, and patience, but I was able to get Amiga on the trailer, and to stand fairly calmly while Jan loaded Cash and closed up the back of the trailer.

Amiga came barreling off the trailer at Christie's, so we had another trailer session with Christie.

Once we got a nice calm backing off of the trailer, Jan and I saddled up and joined Christie and another lesson lady, Joanne, in the arena.  I started with some ground work.

It didn't take me long to get bored with arena riding, so Jan and I went on a little trail ride.  Christie's horses kept a close eye on us while we were near their pasture.

Then it was back in the arena for more purposeful work and Jan got some instruction from Christie.

Another loading lesson for Amiga and we were headed back to Wildwood Stables.  

Amiga shot out of the trailer, and once Jan unloaded Cash, I worked with Amiga until I got her to calmly walk backwards off the trailer.  For quite a while, it felt like I was loosing ground because I couldn't even get Amiga to approach the trailer to get back on.  But I did the best I could to stay calm and patient.  I am glad I stuck with it and ended on a very positive note.

Monita is always glad to have me home.  It was dark and pet dinner time when I walked through the door.  It had been a long busy day and I was in bed to read at 8pm, with lights out ten minutes later.
Thursday 12/13 - A Dark-eyed Junco or Eastern Phoebe at the feeder.  

Tia waiting patiently for her food when I went to Patty's.  Then at the gym, I tried a little Zumba after weights.

Jan and I had left our tack on the trailer the day before and then tacked up from the trailer this time.  It saved us having to haul heavy saddles back up to the barn.

We rode almost two hours around in the field, yard, and garden area.  Chester following Jan when we were riding in the front pasture.  Amiga was very wound up while we were out in the open fields.

We did go to the Holly trail and back and Amiga was so much better. 

After riding I brought Zorro in and got him brushed.  He was getting impatient towards the end of his salon session.

Dark came soon after I got home.  Joe and I watched Survivor after dinner.

Friday 12/14 - It was a rainy, dreary morning.  I worked on my Blog, advent calendar games, and Christmas cards, before hitting the road to do cat care, and then go on into town to shop.  Joe and I give the kids money each year, and we like to gift outings to friends and family, but I still felt like I should buy little gifts to wrap up.  But nothing sprang to mind, popped out at me, or seemed worth purchasing.  We all have more stuff than we need, so buying more things, just to have something to wrap, seemed silly.

I was looking for a cheap, used, little Christmas tree, but after several thrift stores, only found this delightful decoration I had to have.  It was a great buy for a dollar.  I also hit my four regular stops (Lowe's, Tractor Supply, Big Lots, and Walmart) wandering through each looking for gift ideas.  Eventually, I had had enough of crowds and slupping through the rain.  Somehow the Christmas Spirit had left me.

I got home way later than expected so that did not help my state of mind any.  I was soon off to the gym to do a 45 minute aerobic workout.  I ended with Ann's fantastic stretch class for an hour.

Joe had agreed to accompany me to the Light and Lively holiday dance which started at 7:00.

We sat with Flo and Bill and the musician's wife, enjoying chatting with them.  The first set wasn't great, so dancing was delayed.  But the last two sets were much better.  We had also been messaging with Britney who had been waiting the arrival of her cousin Ben, who finally rolled in (on his bike) just before 9:00.

Saturday 12/15 - The rain had temporarily stopped.  After sunup, this buck came through, quite close to the house.  Then a little later, these two doe came up to the back deck stairs to eat the leftover birdseed I dump from the feeder.

Britney sent a photo of Ben who was up and fixing breakfast.

This photo was taken from my seat at my desk with Monita right overhead.  I worked at Christmas cards, but had not spent enough time to have many ready for mailing.

It had rained off and on all day, the kind of weather ducks like.  This pair had come up to see if there was any leftover birdseed.  The deer had gotten it all, so I put more corn out on the rocks by the pond which they then ate.

After a trip to Patty's and the gym I remained inside most of the day, to do laundry, Christmas cards, and take a nap.

While sitting here, I noticed this beautiful sunset starting to unfold and since it had stopped raining, I grabbed my phone and the dog and went out to get photos and take a walk.

The sky appears darker looking towards the sunset than when looking away from it.

The sunlight reflected by the windows of our house.


The start of our walk.
The sunset twenty minutes later.

I had given up finding a cheap artificial Alpine tree in thrift stores (or any where else) to put with my deer and other two trees, so I just added some greens to this corner canister of reeds and put the nature scene by it.

I cooked dinner, for a change, which Joe and I ate and enjoyed together.

Joe watched TV and poker on his computer in the mancave while I played games on my computer before bed.

Sunday 12/16 - The gloom persisted although the rains had stopped.  It was a mild (mid40s) temperature, but the dampness made it uninviting outside.  Even though snow requires colder temperatures, it is my preference over rain.  I am a white Christmas girl at heart, and am dreaming of it.  I want to go dashing through it, or walking in a winter wonderland, so I say - let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Recently, I have been spending more time than usual here at my desk, so I've notice the cats overhead more.  The traffic jams continue.  Monita wouldn't move out of the corner so Stevie could come down the ladder.  I plan to work on the other entrance/exit shelves in January.  And sometimes I wonder if a safety net would be desirable.  Ha ha ha.

Shirly has been sick and Lisa and Nolan out of town so I skipped Church.  I also skipped the gym after going to Patty's, deciding today should be a day of rest.

Like myself, Britney and Ben were both working at their computers and she sent this photo of her cat chillaxing with Ben.

The pets and I had an early dinner (Joe was at poker) and then I picked up Karen and we went to Jan's Church for their Christmas program.

Mike, Jan, Tom and Polly
Karen, Me, Cheryl, and Don

The Baptist church always has a great program and this year was no exception.  The orchestra, singers, dancers, and lights were wonderful.

After the program, we all went to Jan's for desert and libations.  Our hearts were full with the spirit of Christmas.

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