Sunday, April 21, 2019

Highs And Lows

Life is a roller coaster... with highs and lows, with speeds and slows, with screams and blows, with dreams and woes.  Just enjoy the ride.  Author unknown

Monday 4/15 - It was a low of 34 degrees when I went out for our first walk of the day at 5am.  This was after a high of 72 degrees the day before.  But the rain clouds were gone.  Soon the sun was shining and the sky had a few big fluffy white clouds drifting by in the gentle breeze.

I had turned the furnace back on and had the space heater going in the sunroom.

Monita, seen through the glass top of my desk, trying to engage me in play.  The trees and sky are also seen in the reflection off the glass.

With a colonoscopy scheduled for Wednesday, I knew my week was going to start kind of rough.  I had already switched to a bland diet.

After really pushing it at the gym, and an early lunch, I laid down in the sun coming through the living room window.  Soon Maggie laid down beside me and Stevie on my back.

I read awhile and Monita soon came by and bothered Stevie, then the dog, and then me.  After a nap, I headed outside.  It was actually warmer than I thought.

I got the four newly painted bird houses hung on this pole.

Joe helped me tie the branches of this redbud so it grows taller and the foliage is above eye level when sitting on the porch.  I also hung a bird house in it.

When I got to the barn, Jan was tacked and ready to ride and Judy soon after.  I quick got Amiga ready and then we waited while Kayla got CJ.

We headed out together, Judy and Kayla to go help Jerry (who had left earlier on the gaiter) to go patch a sinkhole on the trail.  Jan and I were just going as far as the switch-back.

Well, to get to Jerry quicker, Judy and Kayla took the road.  They can be seen near the bottom of the big dip on Westchester in this photo, which I took from on top of the ridge before Jan and I turned around.

Joe came to the barn to help me gather a mix of gravel and sandy dirt that was off to the side of the gardens.  It was full of fist size rocks which I think the gardeners have cleared from their plots.  It took two of us to load the larger bins into the SUV.

We dumped all the containers at the lower end of the drainage ditch in back, where I plan to revamp the work because flood waters have been washing away the rocks.

Before bed I saw the horrible news of the Notre Dame Cathedral catching on fire.  This is a definite low point in the church's history.

Tuesday 4/16 - Social grooming out on the porch swing.
I did not sleep too well, dreading the prep procedure for the day.  I had fasted since 8pm and went in for my blood draw at 7am, not part of colonoscopy procedure, but for my annual physical (when I had first gone in January, which lead to the gallbladder removal).

Once home, here at my computer, I viewed this uplifting post, on Common Sense Central, edited by WISN's Dan O'Donnell:

"When the world got its first glimpse inside the charred rubble of Notre Dame Cathedral, it saw the cross, still standing, unburned, as a symbol of hope.  This is the same cross that John of Jandun saw 700 years earlier."

I raked leaves for 90 minutes before time to drink the first 10 oz bottle of Magnesium Citrate.  I was hot and thirsty, so it went down quick, until the last two gulps.  But I did it!

The rest of the day I did not stray far from the bathroom.  I did lie in the sun on the deck for awhile, and read.  I also drank at least 8oz of water per hour as instructed.  Needless to say numerous trips were made inside.

Once I had had enough sun, I moved onto the porch swing.  It was warm enough to have doors open, so the cats came out and joined me.

I continued to read and nap.  There was no dinner to enjoy and getting the second bottle of MC down was more difficult.  The crampy feelings were intensified as were the trips to the john.

Joe and I watched two episodes of Blue Blood.  Then the four laxatives at 7pm kept me up (off and on) all night.

Ash Wednesday 4/17 - I decided to stay up when I got up at 4:30 am to use the restroom.  I was so ready to be done with this whole process.  The hunger pains and crampy gut could not be relieved.  And time moved slowly until Joe drove me to my 7am appointment.

The colonoscopy went well although it took three tries to get an IV going because I was so dehydrated.  Also the Dr. removed a polyp.  It didn’t look cancerous but will be tested.   The bad news is, because of the polyp, I have to get another colonoscopy in five years.

Joe and I went for breakfast at Food City on the way home.  Real, solid food and tea!  I was now experiencing lots of gas and some residual discharge, so still making multiple trips to the restroom, even once home.

Having been under anesthesia, I was given some restrictions, such as no driving.  I was still a bit crampy and tired, so planned to take it easy.  I did a load of laundry and other household chores, laid in the sun, and read and rested.  But then I got antsy.

I had texted Patty who was planning to go to the barn so got a ride with her.  We saddled up our horses and were ready to ride, but waited while the staff brought in all the boarded horses for an early feeding time.

Patty on Zorro and Yvonne leading Monty.  The horses coming in to eat resulted in Amiga and Zorro both being very antsy, so Patty and I had to do some remedial work while we rode.  Zorro and Amiga were focusing their attention on going back to the barn so they could eat with all the other horses.  We managed to have a safe and worthwhile ride.  I always enjoy being on my horse.

Once Patty dropped me back off at home, I had a quiet evening (with Poker Joe gone).  I made a big toss salad for dinner, enjoyed a short walk with Maggie, and watched TV.

Thursday 4/18 - Joe's Birthday. 🎂    The Mountain Fire Pieris have new growth as seen by the red leaves.

I weighed in at the gym, five pounds lighter than I had on Monday.  My lowest weight since before children.  And this was after four meals following the colonoscopy.  The prep had really drained me, literally.  I did the Extra Strength class, rowed 15 minutes, and then did Zumba.  Exercise makes me feel so much livelier.

The day was heating up and the new grass seed had dried out, so I drug a hose down back and watered it.  Then Joe and I went to the Cumberland Play House to see the matinee, Noises Off.  It was fast moving and rather silly, and we enjoyed many good laughs.

We had dinner at the Cuban restaurant Abuela.  Joe had a sampler plate and I had the pork with rice and beans and plantanes.  It was all delicious.  We stopped in at the Custard Cabin on the way home so Joe could have a Birthday treat.  I abstained because of my Lenten vow to give up sweats.  Patty was working so we chatted with her for a little while.

We watched Survivor and then an episode of Blue Blood to wind up the evening and Joe's birthday.

Good Friday 4/19 - Storms after midnight and rain throughout the day meant I didn't have to water grass seed, but it was going to prevent riding, yard work and a long walk.

Look how much the woods have greened up, and it is now difficult to see neighboring houses.

I did rowing, weights, elliptical, and even took time for a good stretch during my workout.  After a quick trip to the grocery, I spent the afternoon in the sunroom with the cats hanging out with me.

Because the room wasn't being heated naturally by sunlight, and our house furnace was off, I used a space heater to add comfort.  I read, napped on the couch, and messed here at the computer, adding Bridge to one of the games I play.

Joe went to a poker game since he was going to abstain from one on Sunday and soon I got ready to go to the Moonlighters dance, up the road at the library building.

I forgot to get a photo of our group so here's the invite.  I had Shirley, Josephine and Gary, and Alice and Tony as my guests.

The music was slow songs at first but soon picked up, however, the tempo seemed a little slower than usual for most of the songs.

Saturday 4/20 - I would go one more day without sweets.  With Lent over, I plan to still have self control and keep consumption of sugar to a minimum.

"Black and white.
Yes and no.
Up and down.
Sickness and health.
Positive and negative....
We live in a world of contrast. It's the duality of nature that makes up our physical world.  Without that contrast, we wouldn't be able to perceive. It's in knowing dark that we can recognize light. It's in being able to experience silence that we can hear noise. The comparisons go on and on."
  This is from this month's Motivation from Moshi, by Jane Savoie.  Without the lows, we wouldn't perceive (and appreciate) the highs.

Like the day before, it was cold, dark, gloomy, and rainy.  Stevie likes this spot in the upstairs window looking out over the front yard.  She actually is in the morning sun for awhile, if it ain't cloudy.

The Forest Pansy Redbud is dropping it's pink flowers and opening up it's red leaves.

I talked Joe into trying out the Extra Strength workout class.  I was still sore from weights the previous day so used very light weights just to workout some of the soreness.

The day did not result in anything else other than naps by all, computer and TV time, and a little reading.  Dog walks occurred between episodes of rain or during light drizzles.

Easter Sunday 4/21 - The moon seen over the Lutheran Church during my 5:15am walk.  And again over our house as Maggie and I arrived back home.

I went to the 6am, Community Sunrise Service that was at the Methodist Church.  The Priest from the Catholic Church gave a meaningful and applicable sermon.

Once home, I had my tea and indulged in a few cookies.  They were left over from Christmas and a bit stale.

I did some last minute house cleaning before Courtney arrived.  Patty soon came and we worked a jigsaw puzzle while catching up with Courtney.  Patty played fetch with Monita (video) and later (video) Monita found a surprise in Courtney's shoe.  Once Shirley came, we all piled in the SUV, picked up Karen, and headed to Fortes

We meet up with a very large group (22 of us total) for Easter buffet.  All are friends and family of Brian, but he was unable to make it because he had gone to CA to help a friend.  He will drop everything to help someone in need.

We barn ladies sat at one end of the table.  And we all enjoyed a huge and delicious buffet.  I had ham, prime rib, and lamb along with all the accoutrements.  I also indulged in two deserts.

Everybody feasted.

And we all felt stuffed by the time we left.

When we dropped Karen off, we all went in to show Courtney Karen's cat Bobby.  He has a bob tail and is polydactyl, a very unusual boy and very sweet.  He really liked Courtney.

Shirley headed home, Courtney napped, and Patty, Joe and I chatted.  Soon after we connected to skype with Britney, Courtney woke up.  It was great to see Britney and hear her voice.

Last on our agenda was a barn visit.  Karen was just coming back from a ride on Levi and offered to let Patty go out on him, so we three Villhauer ladies could ride together.

Amiga and I lead the way with Courtney and Patty following.

It was a perfect spring day for a ride (video).  Once to the bean field, Courtney lead the way back to the barn.

We then decided to ride the parade route because Amiga, Zorro and Levi could all use the practice.

One last selfie with Zorro and we headed home.
I soon sent Courtney on her way (with popcorn and water) and was in bed when she texted at 9pm, that she had safely arrived at home back in Nashville.
I was feeling thankful for, and high on life.

Incase you didn't know what this symbol at the start of the post meant, here it is, from a tattoo by Nick Jones.  For me it means - When we are high on success - give God the credit.  And when we hit another low - go to God for help.  Sometimes, we choose to suffer in silence.  We dare not ask God to deliver us again, maybe out of shame, fear, doubt or disbelief.  But whatever the reason, we should never suppress the deepest cries of our souls to our Maker.  He is still a God of rescue!  In crying out, we acknowledge our need for what only God can provide.  This is the gracious gift of prayer!  In God I Trust.

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