Saturday, May 4, 2019

May Flowers

Yep, April showers, sunshine, and warm air, bring May flowers.  We had flowers in April, but those were early spring flowers.  Now we are getting flowers more associated with late spring and early summer.  The cold weekend in Indiana reminded me of why we moved south to TN.  It is already looking and feeling like early summer.  In fact, some days it has been quite hot.

Monday 4/29 - We arrived home at 10:30 after stopping at the recycle/trash place to dumped Carol's old sink and some rotten plastic fencing (yes, this is what Joe was wearing).  We got everything unloaded at home, trash to the curb before the garbage men came, and dirty laundry in the wash.

Before I got my computer up and going, Joe was already out on the deck with the dog.

Look at the pretty iris along with my colorful planter of flowers.  It had been hot and dry here over the weekend, so I watered all my potted plants and the new grass, which is growing very well.

I had a long, leisurely ride on Amiga.  The winter pasture was void of horses and both gates open so I rode around the pasture and back out on the ridge of the long trail ride.

I love the fern and wild flowers (seen right) down near the creek on the Holly trail.

I actually felt a tad saddle sore by the time I dismounted.  I hung out at the barn for awhile because Joe was off playing cards.  It is nice to spend some time sitting and reflecting on life with my saddle sisters.

I wanted to veg out in front of the TV but made myself work on last week's blog.  I didn’t last long.

Tuesday 4/30 - I couldn’t believe it was already the last day of April.  I got to the barn by 8:15 and got Amiga out to graze while we waited for the farrier.  While she ate out front, Scout came to join us.

Eventually Scout wandered back behind the hay barn.  He roams around near the barns while the ladies are cleaning stalls.

I rode Amiga over to the pony pen where I had put Zorro, who was also waiting to get trimmed.

After Tom had removed the shoe and trimmed the front feet, he showed me the rather large area on Amiga's sole (whole dark brown section that is circled) where the abscess had been.  No wonder she had been so sore.  Then when trimming Zorro, Tom showed me how to desensitize him for his first shoeing (ever in his life) that Tom will do in a few weeks.

I didn't get home from the barn until 11:00.
After Bible study (1-3:00) I went straight to Crossville to shop.
It was dinner time when I got home, the day basically gone.

Wednesday 5/1 - Ladies Club, R&R, and then yard work.

Monita sneaking up on Stevie, then decides to join her for awhile.  Stevie tolerates Monita.

I brought home an old, empty flower pot from Carol's, that matched my other one, so I am guessing I had given her a plant in it when we moved here.  Well, I planted it to match the other one and put it on the other side of the stairs outside our garage entry.

I was just finishing up raking leaves in back when I heard deer approaching in the woods.

I headed towards the garage with my rake and leaf blanket, turned and saw them come right into the yard.  They were looking for corn, but there was none.  I took a few photos.

I got the usual half pound can of corn and went back down with it.  I moved slowly and they walked back into the woods and watched me.


Once the corn was on the rocks and I headed back up the hill, they came to eat.  I was just twenty yards away, watched, and took more photos.

Joe came home from poker at 9pm and we watched Survivor together.

Thursday 5/2 - Britney had posted this photo and comment on Facebook:
"My pediatric neurosurgeon, who has known me for around 20 years, came to Costa Rica from Chicago for a conference put on by my neurosurgeon in San José. I owe my life to these two men and the teams of countless people who take care of me way more often than I wish they needed to. This moment when I was simultaneously held in both of their arms humbled me and moved me nearly to tears. I am so thankful for all that they mean to me beyond the health of my brain and I just hope I’m making them proud."
I think Britney makes most of us proud.

I had and early appointment with a skin Dr. in Oakridge, that Joe goes to.  Joe made the appointment and drove me there.  The few spots I was concerned about are nothing to worry about, and his assistant removed the skin tag from my lower eye lid that has been bugging me for several years.
On the way home, Joe and I gathered more of the gravel mix dumped by the gardeners out by the stables.  I added it here to the first pile I had brought home.

Jan and I were to meet with John and Sam (from the ACC) to look at the Holly trail, so I went to the barn early to gather manure.  The meeting got cancelled at the last minute, so Jan and I decided to ride.  The threatening rain started just as we were heading out, so we rode around in the barn (video) for awhile.  We did get a break in the rain for a little while, but only rode out in the yard because of the distant thunder.

Once home I started spreading manure where I wanted to over-seed bare spots down back, but got rained on before I could make much progress.

Joe and I watched TV together after dinner.

Friday 5/3 - The cats were back at one of their usual napping spots while I sat here getting this week's blog started.  I enjoyed watching this wren working on building a nest in one of the three houses I have hanging in the dogwood just beyond my window.

The bird house was moving in the breeze and the door changed directions some of the time.

The forecast for rain kept changing, on again, off again, earlier in the day, later in the day.  We did get some in the morning, and it clouded over several times.

After pushing hard during a workout at the gym, I had lunch and a nap on the deck while the cats each had their own spout to rest on the porch.

I debated going for a ride, but with rain expected, decided to stay closer to home so weeded out front.  Maggie kept watch, although I struggled to get her to look my way for our Selfie.

The rain had held off, so when Joe arrived home after golf, with more manure, I got to work spreading it down back.  I also dug a little trench to improve the drainage from a down spot pipe and then planted grass seed.  You can see this work in the first photo in which I had started putting the mulched grass and leaf mixture over the seed to keep the birds and sun off.

Joe grilled dinner and Patty came to join us, bringing some specialty hamburgers (Joe also cooked) and a salad.  I wanted to finish up covering the grass seed out back so worked until dark, but didn't quite finish.  By the time I cleaned up and put on my PJs, it was bedtime.

Saturday 5/4 - There was an unfortunate accident with Stevie around 7am while I was at my computer.  I heard a crash/thump and then loud growling.  I figured it was the cats because Maggie was napping near my feet.  I went into the living room to discover Monita sniffing Stevie who was growling and convulsing/writhing in pain on the fireplace rock hearth.  I am guessing she fell off the mantle where she sometimes goes.

I petted Stevie to comfort her and she growled and hissed at me, eyes widely dilated.  Over the course of several minutes she did try to walk but her back right leg was not working well at all.  I didn't know if it was just a leg injury or from a head injury.

Monita kept trying to smell Stevie which caused more growling and an effort by Stevie to get up and move away.  She would walk a few steps and flop back down on her side and kept stretching out her back right leg and looking at it.

I set up an escape spot for Stevie on the balcony where she really likes to sleep.  With food, water, and litter box, she had all she needed.  I blocked the stairs at the bottom to keep Monita from going up to bother Stevie.  Monita proceeded to walk around the house crying loudly.  I know she was looking for Stevie.

I went up and checked on Stevie a few times.  She had used the litter box and was resting in her bed, although her back right leg was still stretched out.  I hoped and prayed time would heal and a trip to the vet wouldn't be necessary.  I knew she needed peace, quiet, and rest.

The rain predicted to come during the night, still hadn't, but was on it's way.  I was able to convince Joe to go with me back to the gardens by the barn and dig up more cast-off gravel.

We couldn't fill the 30 gallon bins full because they get too heavy.  Once home I dumped all the sandy gravel down back and even had time to finish spreading the chopped grass and leaf mix on the rest of the bare grass seed before the rain came.  A nice steady rain, perfect for the new seed, started as I was finishing up.

Stevie was scratching at the cardboard wall when I came in, so I let her down from the up-stairs balcony.  She was moving very slowly.  I did 90 minutes of aerobics at the gym, took a nice hot shower, and the rain had stopped by the time I walked out to the car.

I noticed Stevie asleep in our closet when I was unpacking my gym bag.  She rolled her head back and looked at me.  Then she rolled back under the hanging clothes and went back to sleep.

My poor kitty.

The day ended at Hebbertsburg, enjoying their monthly dance, music, and spaghetti dinner.  I rode with Shirley, but Joe did come for awhile.

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