Friday, July 12, 2019

Ride More

I wish I had more time for riding, I so enjoy it.  However, my horse needs breaks and there are plenty of other things I also enjoy doing.

I guess, like with anything, there needs to be a healthy balance.

Lifting weights, walking the dog, working in the yard, a cold beer, dancing, snuggling with my kitties, lying in the sun, taking a nap, laughing with family and friends, chocolate, a good night's sleep, watching wildlife, and even blogging; all have various benefits.

Saturday 7/6 - I was off to work at 8:30.  I love my job at the pool.  I enjoy almost every minute of it.  However, I would prefer to be out riding my horse, if given a choice.

I had little time to shower and walk the dog when I got home.  I picked Michelle up at 3:45 and headed to Hebbertsburg.  We sat with Shirley and Jill, and Mary also came and joined us.

Shirley and Jill danced with the Sweet T Cloggers during both intermissions.  I tried to win the above cake, but with no luck.  Thankfully, we knew the winner, who shared it with all of us.

Michelle and I always have a good time together.  We danced until few people were left.  I feel bad for the band that everybody bales early.

Again at my bedtime, Joe sent a selfie of he and Greg.  They were camped near Custer State Park and having their own kind of fun around the campfire.

Sunday 7/7 - Shirley had to work at the Custard Cabin and would not be at Church, so I decided to not go by myself.  I had seen these photos (posted on Facebook) of the work done on the Livery trails and planned to go ride them.  But first I wanted to finish last week's blog and get it posted.  I had a lot to do on it.

By the time I got done here on the computer, and checked my calendar, I realized I had to work the afternoon, subbing for MJ.  There was not enough time to ride, so I went out and did some weed whacking down back.

It was a strange weather afternoon, with thunder and sunshine, then clouds and drizzle with no thunder.  I would clear the pool when I heard thunder.  Then 20 minutes after the thunder would stop, I would let people back in, but it would start raining.

There was a party at the barn I would be missing during my shift, so when Abby called to tell me to shut the pool, I was happy.  I had boots in my car, but no change of clothes, so this is how I showed up at the barn.  It gave many a laugh.

Judy and Shirley relaxing.

The party was given by John and Michelle in thanks for the work we all did for the Parade of Breeds, for the Standing Tall program.  Below are some of the signs made that will be displayed on the panels that will go around the arena.

It was a great party, lots of good food and libations, and I was still home an hour earlier than if I had worked my whole shift at the pool.

Monday 7/8 - Joe and Greg were continuing to enjoy camping, hiking, and sight seeing.  Now they were headed to a resort for Pickleball, and I suspected poker for Joe.

It was so hot and muggy, I debated pulling a Stevie and taking a morning nap.  But I wanted to get to the barn and try out the newly groomed trails.

I saw this sweet little garter snake on the trail and made sure Amiga stepped around it and not on it.  The newly manicured trails were actually quite slippery.  After all the rain we had gotten, all the loose dirt became mud.  The ground had not yet gotten packed down so Amiga sank quite deep in spots, as seen on her leg wraps.

I actually got off and walked her down the worst hill that lead to Daddy's Creek, she was sinking and slipping so much.
Once down to the creek, the trail got much better.  It was flat and not quite as muddy, although there were spots with water standing on the trail.

It is such a pretty ride along the creek, I was glad I had stayed on this route.

I gave Amiga Prevocox when I got back to the barn, in case she had strained her legs navigating in the deep mud.  She cantered off to the girls (mares) when I turned her out to pasture.

I had a tough workout, mainly because I hadn't been to the gym in awhile, but also because my pulled hamstring was still hurting.  Then I went to Mirror Lake Blast, sitting in the shade to the right of the stage.  I joined Bev and her group because Shirley and Patty did not come.

Sherri and Micki showed up after Pickleball.  I was glad to see some kindred dance ladies.  The second photo was taken after this first one, with me reacting to the touch of these sweaty gals when I put my arms around them.  Ew

Dancing was slow to get started, but there was no intermission, so dancing continued until the end of the concert.

Maggie and the cats got a late dinner and I didn't stay up very much longer.
Tuesday 7/9 - I did not sleep well knowing I would be trying to trailer Amiga first thing in the morning.  At 8am, I helped Kayla hook my trailer onto her truck.  Then the moment of truth!  Amiga actually didn't resist very long, getting on in about ten minutes.  And when unloading once we had parked in the Glade, she came off the slowest she ever has this year.  I was feeling more confident.

Kayla rode CJ and we went from Lancashire to Lake Malvern, through the undeveloped roads and back woods.  A garbage truck came barreling down on us as we were about done crossing the dam, and didn't even slow down, making us both rather agitated.  Below is a map of our five mile route.

CJ came up lame as we were coming back across the dam.  She has had some lameness issues.  So we got off and walked for a little while.  Once CJ seemed to be doing better, we rode some more.  But then CJ had more problems.  We ended up walking both horses along Westchester, all the way back to the trailer.  Amiga got right on the trailer and we were back at the barn in no time.  Before off-loading though, Amiga ran into the butt bar.  Then once we had the butt bar down, she sped off the trailer.  I didn't even think to work with her more on backing off slower, I guess because I was worried about Kayla's horse.

Joe had sent this photo of him playing Pickleball in Deadwood SD.  I noticed he was holding his phone and not even in bounds on the court.

I had plenty of time before needing to go to work, and even snuck in a little nap out on the porch swing with Monita near by.

Monita was harassing Maggie who was trying to get a drink of water.  This sweet, playful cat can get on all of our nerves after awhile.  But I love her.

I was busy my whole shift, closing right at 8pm and home a little before 8:30.  After pet care, it was soon to bed.

Wednesday 7/10 - It looked like rain was moving into the area later in the day, and I was really tempted to go for a morning ride, but I had things that needed doing, and I had promised Amiga a day of rest.  Can you see the two bunnies in my flowerbed?  The photo quality is bad because it is taken through my office window.

A little later a doe with her two fawns came through.  The youngsters were having a good time racing around in the creek.  I need a better camera to capture the cuteness.

While working here getting this blog started, I got really sleepy.  I can't help but wonder if the higher dose thyroid medication is making me tired.  Also I have noticed that my muscles seem sore much of the time.

Well, while I was napping, it started raining, coming down quite hard.  I had to get up to shut some windows, but then continued my nap.  I was feeling about as useless (and fat and happy) as my cats.  Scheesh.

Notice Stevie on the dog bed in the background.  It was a rainy, sleepy few hours.

Eventually I decided I needed to do something active, so I went to the gym and worked out.  I honestly felt like an old lady.  Stiff, sore, weak, and ailing.  But I still put myself through the paces.  A good stretch afterwards felt beneficial.

I noticed a deer out back looking for corn, so took some down to her.  She was at the salt block so I walked toward the pond and around to the rock farther down the hill.  I put corn on it while she watched me.  I continued along the pond and back up around as she walked down to the rock I had just put corn on.  Then I came up and put corn on the rock in this first photo, and you can see how close I was to her.

She kept an eye on me while she ate.  I never moved toward her or made eye contact, so I guess she didn't feel threatened by me.

Brian had invited me to join he and the California clan for Chicken Pasta at Legends.  He and Joan (seen right) picked me up at 6:30.

From left going clockwise, is Andy, Rita, Micki, Lennea, Ken, John, Margie, and her parents Arlene and Harold.  Nine from our table are (or were) from California, and most did not have nice things to say about the state.  Somewhat reminds me of Illinois.

It was Andy's birthday, so after we all pigged out on the buffet, a cake was brought out.  I am glad I was trying to be good, and hadn't gone back a third time for more food.

Micki cut the cake and we all enjoyed it.  It was the best icing (which I don't usually like) that I have ever had.

I took Maggie on a longish walk to help settle some of the food in my gut.  The katydids were making a racket, and it reminded me of growing up back in Cincinnati.

Thursday 7/11 - Riding was out of the question because it was a rainy morning and I had an errand to run.  The birds were glad I had cleaned and filled feeders.  The window was partly open, so I'm surprised the goldfinch isn't blurred by the two panes of glass it is seen through.

I did a Zumba class and some additional rowing before going to work.  I got to my shift early, to relieve Mike so he could go golf before the rain, because he has been so good about subbing for me.  He had only had seven customers when I got there, because it was cloudy and rain was in the forecast.  I ended up with 26 more people by night's end, and it never did rain.  Usually we have over a hundred guests on a daily basis.

Friday 7/12 - I wanted to ride more, and beat the rain and the heat, so was at the barn by 8am.  This spider web on the gate was full of morning dew.  Unfortunately, the horses had already been let out because Kayla had a sick livery horse she needed to care for.  But at least Amiga was not too far of a walk away.

I was fairly quick to tack and get on the trail.  They were still muddy in spots from the rain the day before.

I took Amiga on the Holly Trail because I wanted to see how the hill on the other side of the creek was, after Steve had cut the four trees out that had fallen on it.  In this photo, we paused at the landing by the golf course on our way down to the creek.

This is the hill up after the creek, where I let Amiga pause on the first switch-back to catch her breath.

The hill is quite long and steep, good for working the horses' back end.  It was in great shape and Amiga navigated it without any difficulties.

Chester led the way most of the time, so deer were never an issue.  He got hot, as did Amiga, and would drink from puddles and lie down in the deeper water.  I always give Amiga the chance to drink from the creek, but she rarely does.

I had lunch and a cat nap once home, and then was off to the gym followed by the grocery store.

And then I got ready for our girls' night out.

In this photo, from left to right, starting with me, is Patty, Mary, Sherri, and Connie.  The other Patty was dancing with her husband Mike, and Micki hadn't arrived yet.

Jeff Allen did a fantastic job and we all had a great time dancing.

I sent this photo to Joe, to show him the poker game on the TV above the dance floor.

He sent this one back, to show he and Greg at Coors Field, watching a Rockies' game.

It had been a great night and a fun week.

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