Friday, November 29, 2019

Crazy Days

I think every day this week was a little crazy.  It started with a very fun, wild weekend, having four house guests and an additional dog, while also celebrating Thanksgiving and Courtney and Val's birthdays.  Furthermore, we were pet sitting Tango (Dan and Val's dog) all week.  Joe got me a new computer, a desktop rather than a laptop, and the differences were driving me nuts.  If this wasn't crazy enough, I tried to change Styx's name to Lady, which just added to the confusion.  I finally gave up because Styx has stuck as her name, and she is a 'stick' (my childhood nickname) - so skinny.

Styx's story - She was a stray that tried to hangout with a lady's feral colony that she feeds, but Styx kept getting beat up.  So the lady (who is highly allergic to cats) got her from a pile of sticks (thus the name) and took her into her basement.  Once she realized Styx was pregnant, she called Wild About Cats.  I think Styx was probably a pretty good hunter, but she is too tame to have been a feral cat.  However, she didn't seem familiar with the indoors and house rules and seems content in a confined space.  I have never liked Stevie's name and Styx sounds too much like Stevie and neither are feminine names.  Also Mama or Mama Styx can be confused with Monita and Maggie.  So I tried going with Lady, keeping with the Styx theme - band song names.  But it just didn't work.

With everything that has been involved with the kittens and Styx, (Mama, Lady, Mama Styx, - whatever her name is) I was going crazy.  I was still trying to keep Styx from letting Babe nurse while giving them a chance to be together some of the time.  Styx needed to be dried up to be spayed on Tuesday, which was a whole other operation to plan and prepare for.  And then there was trying to keep them calm during the healing process.  In addition, Styx came into heat Sunday evening.  This was also the week of Thanksgiving, which reminded me, no matter how crazy life gets, I have so very many blessings I am quite thankful for.
Saturday 11/23 - I slept until 4:30, but having gone to bed about 11:30, I was still feeling short on sleep.  Three nights in a row with five or less hours of sleep had caught up with me, and I felt yucky, with head and stomach aches; and extreme fatigue.

It poured rain most of the morning, letting up long enough for a quick walk for the dog to do her thing.  I was sure my drainage ditch was working well, but not about to go check on it.  The creek and pond were rising and more leaves cluttered the deck and yard.

I finished up and posted last week's blog.  Notice the water runoff from the golf course, coming down the hill across the creek, really flowing heavily.

I knew I needed to get started on my to-do list, but was waiting for the caffeine to kick in.  Once I got up and started getting last minute chores done, I was feeling better.

I kept an eye on the cats as I mopped the kitchen and dining rooms, did more dusting, and started planning my morning of cooking.  I got the turkey in the oven to begin with.  Then, at one point, I caught Mama cat letting the kitten nurse!
So Styx was confined to our bedroom, where she would be spending the night.

Courtney and Moo (real name Shawn) were the first to arrive at 10:30.  I got this photo of them off her Facebook page.  Of course I was still dusting the livingroom and hadn't gotten the Christmas wreath put up above the fireplace yet.  I gave up on both.

A little later Patty got here and then Dan and Val with Tango.  All four of us have white cars/SUVs.

I had great help in the kitchen, not counting Maggie and Tango, but they did clean up the spills.  We had turkey, spiral ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, a wonderful sweet potato casserole Val brought, corn, beans, and rolls.

We enjoyed a great meal and the champagne Moo brought.

There was time for a Tom Hanks marathon movie, games, pies Patty made, birthday brownies and ice cream, and then we went to town to see a play.

We originally had six tickets to the play, so bought the seventh one right in front of our row, which is why Joe was in front of me.

We saw the musical Elf, which was similar to the movie.  I was disappointed that they didn't sing my favorite song from the movie "Baby It's Cold Outside."

Once home, I was too tired to finish a game we had started, and fairly quickly went to bed.
Sunday 11/25 - My sleep had been interrupted by Tango who was in our office with Maggie.  He suffers separation anxiety and would bark for a few minutes every 30 minutes or so.  I guess Maggie wasn't enough company or not the right kind for him.  Once I got up and went out to sleep on the couch and moved him out into the livingroom with me, he settled down and we both got some sleep.

It was a slow moving morning.  I made Farmers casserole and those who were up ate and Patty had come to join us.  Courtney took a morning nap because her sleep up on the balcony had been interrupted too.

Late morning, Joe, Patty, Courtney, Moo, and I went to the barn, while Valencia napped and Daniel dog sat.  Moo was not so sure about horses.  Here Courtney is showing him Shirley's horse, Gov.

Then she brought in Zorro while I was out getting Amiga.  We brushed them both while Moo watched and Joe took photos.  I decided to hop on Amiga and let her graze out behind the hay barn while Courtney messed with Zorro.

Meanwhile, Moo was doing a great job learning about and getting comfortable with horses, Zorro in particular.  Zorro is a great ambassador for horses.

When we got home, we broke out the turkey, ham, and all the side dishes and had leftovers for lunch.  Babe had figured out how to go from the corner shelf, across the shelves on the wall, to the hammock in the other corner.

Soon, everybody hit the road for home.  Tango remained behind with us because Dan and Val would be out of town for five days, enjoying Thanksgiving with her family.

While Courtney was here, she had let Babe out in the main room, under close supervision.  Babe was getting along quite well with both dogs and Stevie.  And she always made it to a litter box, so I was feeling better about that.  However, Styx was coming into heat and starting to act peculiar.  She was actually wanting to be with others, being very affectionate, rubbing on me, etc.

I started in on cleaning up after the guests.  I stripped beds and air mattress, started laundry, put balcony furniture back where it belonged, cleaned up more in the kitchen, put the table leaf away, and some of the dining chairs, etc. etc. etc.  I did not sit down for a few hours.  Tango had been following me around, but eventually gave up and settled down for a nap on his bed with his blanket.

Joe and I took the dogs on a late afternoon walk.  We went up #18 on the golf course and then came back down Library Trail.

Tango had a little trouble navigating up this rocky section of trail on the way home.

He has such long legs he is not real agile, but I know he can run and is very fast.

We had a quiet evening at home.  Joe sat in the mancave with the two dogs, watching Sunday night football.  I was exhausted and in bed by 8:30.

Monday 11/25 - I felt like it was a day of juggling cats and dogs.  Monita, Tango, Babe, and Maggie all wanted to be with me.  And Styx was in heat and having her own issues of wanting affection.

We had had a pretty good night with Tango sleeping in our room.  He got up and moved around on his bed a few times and a couple of times there was a lot of licking.  But at least he didn't bark at all.

Half of the morning, Tango hung out here in the sunroom with Maggie, Styx, Babe, and I.  Monita really waned to join the party.

Babe napping on the cat tree.
I started the Christmas decorating process and Tango followed me around a lot.  Early in this process, it basically involves just making a big mess.  I pulled all the bins down from the bunkroom attic storage area, choose one, opened it up, and pulled out the contents.  A few things got put in their usual spots, but others were left to be decided on later, or set aside for repair.  Then I'd opened another bin.

The house is always a crazy wreck during the several days (alright, more like a week) it takes to get all the decorations up.

Eventually all of the fur babies got bored with what I was doing, and found places to nap.  Monita chose on top of the wreath that I got 75% off at a thrift store last January.  I need to repair/redo it.

When the dogs were back up, and wrestling, I put a wind up toy dog on the floor and Tango grabbed it.  Maggie did the same thing last year.  So I moved it into Tango's crate for them to watch.  LOL.  I then took them for a walk outside.  Eventually, I made myself go to the gym where I spent a few hours and had a pretty good workout.  But best of all, I won the daily drawing, getting three free training sessions.  Yippee!

I had to take the food away from Styx and Babe at 8pm, in preparation for the morning's surgery.  I still had them separated due to the nursing problem.

By days end, I had already moved Tango's bed into our bedroom but he was still hanging out with Joe in the mancave, so he had to squeeze to fit onto Maggie's bed.
Tuesday 11/26 - Tango slept better overnight and seemed to be adjusting to this crazy household.

Patty picked me up at 6am, along with my cat and kitten, and we dropped them off, and her kitten (the three total seen in this photo) at the Wild About Cats transfer car and they were then taken with four others to get spayed and neutered in Harriman at Planned Pet-Hood.

In preparation to let Styx and Babe have more run of our house, starting with our bedroom, I needed to fix the underside of our box springs.  Stevie and Monita had worked their way up under it and loved hiding there.  It was an easy fix with duct tape and staple gun, and my two assistants.  I then put clean flannel sheets on our bed.

Once it warmed up some, I went for a nice ride in the Glade.  I took Amiga to the Dorchester golf course area, letting her graze where the grass was fairly thick and tall.

Riding down Beachwood, she became very alert and I quickly saw the reason for concern.

The intersection where the cart path was washed out, had been repaired, but all the old culvert pipes certainly looked threatening, to my horse at least.  We needed to turned right and go past the mess, which Amiga did nicely.  My hands got a little cold because of the wind so I just did a short loop and headed back down Holly Trail to the barn.  Our ride was a tad under two hours.

I had a big, late lunch of leftover turkey etc.  Then I was wanting a nap but it was close to time to pick up the cats, so I did a little Christmas decorating.  As usual, Stevie loves climbing up and siting on the top of the ladder.

Patty picked me up just before 5:00, and in no time at all, we were home with our three kitties.

Once home with the cats, I put Babe in the sunroom and Styx upstairs.  It was obvious she was still in heat.  The spaying didn't fix that.  I was amazed that there were just two very small incisions on her belly.  (And Babe's were even smaller.)  I fed the two 'patients' and saw Babe snarf her food.  She was then running and jumping around like nothing happened.  Styx was staggering, didn’t eat her can food, and kept licking her belly.  But she was also howling and doing the whole list of 'cat in heat' behaviors.  I was feeling absolutely exhausted, on top of overwhelmed by cat and dog duties.  Once everyone was fed, I took a nap on the couch, while listening to Styx upstairs howl.  Later I noticed that the shave job on Styx was a bit excessive.  Poor girl.

The nap did me more harm than good and I wasted the rest of the evening.  I did do some research on cats in heat.  A female cat is in heat for 4 to 7 days on average, however her heat may last as little as one day or as long as three weeks.  What???  I also read that during the heat cycle their appetite is greatly decreased, so that explained her not eating.

Until Styx was acting more normal I would not introduce her to Stevie and Monita.  I really wanted to let them all intermingle.

I went for a very short walk with the dogs because it had already started raining.  And then I was in bed before 9:00.
Wednesday 11/27- I decided to let mom and kitten be together to see what would happen.  There was a lot of wrestling, rough and tough play, but I think they were glad to see each other.

Babe did try to nurse and may have been able to suck for several seconds, but Styx was not complying.

It was so nice to see them getting along, and content being together.  And I didn't have to worry about the nursing, Styx was now spayed.  I was sure she was dried up, but wondered if the sucking would start milk production, even though Mama was in heat and has no overies.

Babe has always been fascinated by others in the litter box and I hoped getting a close look at Mama using it would re-enforce the same behavior in this kitten.

As I was finishing up at my computer, I heard loud purring and sucking sounds.  I got up and took some photos and this (video).  They are just so happy to be together and allowed to snuggle in this way.

I went to gym for a few hours and then spent a good part of the afternoon working on Christmas decorations.  I had closed Styx in our bedroom and opened the door to the sunroom so Babe could come out.  Stevie and Monita were delighted to once again have access to the sunroom.

All the cats and dogs seemed to like being where the action was, which is usually where I am at.  I kept an eye on the kitten to watch for incorrect potty choices.  I watched the dogs to be sure they didn't steal cat food or cat toys.  And I was observing behavior between my two cats and the kitten.  Needless to say, I was very distracted from decorating and had lots of interruptions.

Now that the sunroom was opened up (so Babe could go in and out to use the litter box and play) Monita and Stevie had access to it.  They both seems so glad to be able to go back into this space.  Monita had been going in and taking kitten toys, coming into the living room and playing with them, and when she'd lose one, she'd go back in to get another one.

Tango went in the office with Joe to get a break from all the activity.  Maggie is able to sleep regardless of the crazy chaos.

Tango is more restless and wanting to be around people, so he would move to where Joe or I were, like here in the dinning room at lunch time.

I made it to the gym for a few hours, and then did more Christmas decorating while attempting to monitor Babe who was darting around the main part of the house.  Mostly I was working on a new arrangement on the mantel and fireplace shelves, trying different configurations of deer and tree placement.

Once I settled on one I liked, I added the wreath on the chimney and Santas and snowmen on the shelves.  In the process, I was also thinning out some of my Christmas stuff, deciding to get rid of more things, especially the items I am not that attached to.

Next I added lights.

The stuffed toy reindeer is not part of the display (far right on mantel) but up there so Tango wouldn't get it.

Joe got home early because there were not enough guys to have a poker game, so we watched Survivor together.
Thanksgiving Thursday 11/28 - We celebrated last weekend, so today would be a quiet day at home decorating for Christmas - my favorite!

Joe sometimes comes out into the sunroom to drink his coffee and we talk over our day's plans.

Monita is scared of Babe and hisses and runs away when Babe approaches her.  She found a safe place on this card table, among some decorations, which is too high up for Babe to get to.

At one point Babe disappeared.  With accesses to the main house, I had lots of places to search for her.  I about panicked because I could not find her.  Eventually, I found her in the box hanging on the wall above my desk because she stuck her head out when I was calling her.

Maggie got ahold of this stuffed bear, which was in the 'to go to thrift store' pile, so I let her have it.  Tango later helped in removing the other eye, which I was sure to throw away.  Actually, now that I think of it, Tango might have helped get the bear down off the card table.

Joe's only decorating job is to put together the artificial Christmas tree.  He had lots of help this year.

I gave Joe credit for a job well done, even though I couldn't get him to 'fluff' the branches.  (One year he had the branch sizes all mixed up, not realizing they were color coded.)

I continued to keep an eye on Babe, hoping the issue of her peeing outside the liter box was finally resolved.  Sometimes she would slip away to nap.

Other times she would be eating, watching her mom use the litter box (left), or using it herself.  She even watched Stevie use it, who came strolling out past her (right) without seeming to mind the kitten being so close.

I really don't know where the day went.  I did pull out the lights and ornaments to start on the tree.  You can see my little helper here.

I don't know what it is about this old wreath that all the cats like.  I needed to 'fluff' the tree branches before putting the lights on, but didn't feel like doing it, so put the tree on hold till Friday.  Joe watched an episode of Blue Bloods with me, between football games.
Friday 11/29 - Each morning I spend a significant amount of time on the computer.  Then there is always household chores involving cats, dogs, food dishes, litter boxes, feeders outside, etc.
Eventually I got started on the Christmas tree.  In this photo, all branches except the bottom row have been fluffed.

Babe was able to get up on this table using the chair.

The white cotton fluff is waiting to get put on the mantel.

She is just so cute wherever she takes a nap.

Monita was now sleeping on the old wreath in my 'fix it' pile.

And Stevie was trying to keep watch on the action while Tango was trying to keep track of the cats.  I had Styx confined to our bedroom because she is a bit aggressive, trying to protect her baby I think.  Or still in heat a little, although most of those symptoms were gone.

I got the lights on the Christmas tree and started putting on ornaments.
Later I let Styx out of our bedroom, when I had time to keep a close eye on the situation.  In this photo, I am sitting on the couch with Stevie on my lap and Maggie by my feet.  Styx is on the cat tower and Monita has gotten up enough nerve to come into the sunroom.  When Babe or Styx make eye contact with Monita, she hisses and runs away.

Stevie hasn't hissed much, except when Styx came charging at her hissing.  Or the kitten got too close.  Stevie likes to follow them both around and watch what they are doing, and try to smell them when they aren't aware.  Here she is on the bathtub watching Styx eat (who has no idea she is up there).

Okay, I did it again.  I included four of the eight photos I took of Babe sitting in this chair.  She is just so stinkin' cute I can't pick a favorite photo.

Since I have been so busy with decorating and household chores, (juggling cats, an extra dog, overnight guests, and extra cooking) Joe was agreeable to doing more leaf raking, although it has been driving him crazy,

I picked up Patty and we met Joe at Spikes for the last Hawkeye football game of the season.  It was an away game against Nebraska.  Iowa did great in the first half and had a comfortable lead.  But the momentum changed in the second half, and so did the officiating.  I have never seen a game where an officiating crew was so determined to influence a game as this.  The officiating was so corrupt, it was criminal.  And I didn't realized how mad I could get over a football game.  My anger was not directed at Nebraska, but at the officials.  If you watched the game, you know how horrible three calls were and how unfair they were to the Iowa players.  The refs should be fired, but keep their stripped shirts so they can turn them 90° and wear them when they get lock up in jail for trying to throw a college football game.  Iowa overcame some truly repulsive officiating and did what was needed at the end to win, a field goal kick with six seconds to go.  What a thrilling and extra sweet victory.  Crazy!!!

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