Friday, January 15, 2021

In This Together

No matter who you agree or don't agree with, always remember that we're all in this together.  

Because we are all in this together, we really need to stick together.   “United We Stand” is commonly used to express unity and collaboration.  Author Magnus Talks penned:  "Unity is of great value in every walk of life. If there is unity among people then their strength increases. On the other hand, their strength decreases if there is disunity or conflict among them. You can see this relevance in the case of a family, a society, a nation," and even the world. 
Magnus Talks goes on to state the importance of national Unity: "Unity brings wealth and prosperity to a nation. A nation cannot prosper if the people are not united. It should be the duty of all people to sink their petty differences and come together.  Disunity should always be discouraged.  A country torn by strife becomes weak and cannot resist a foreign enemy."

In an article - Should America abolish the two-party system?  Jay Cost states: "Virtually nobody in America is happy with the politics of the present age. Though we disagree about pretty much everything, we can all agree on that. It is what to do about it that tends to divide."
I hear some very hateful words coming from really loving and lovely people.  Loving one another is not enough though, we need to be self-disciplined.  We all have to get along.  Time is too short to hate.  We are all in this together.

I believe social relationships are of utmost importance, so we can't let our differences divide us.  We must stay connected to family and friends.  Research states that not only can social relationships lengthen your lifespan, they can also provide a sense of belonging, increased sense of self-worth, and a feeling of security.  In a Mayo Clinic report it was stated- "A strong social support network can be critical to help you through the stress of tough times, whether you've had a bad day at work or a year filled with loss or a chronic illness.  And the lack of social support can lead to isolation and loneliness. Since supportive family, friends and co-workers are such an important part of your life, it's never too soon to cultivate these important relationships."  During Covid, I know it is difficult to stay in physical contact with one another, but at least we can communicate virtually.

Sunday 1/10 - I had stayed up later than planned the night before, trying to finish my blog and get it posted.  It had been one frustration after another with my very slow travel laptop and hotel internet.  Anyway, I woke later than anticipated.  Knowing Joe would want to be on the road ASAP, I decided to skip my morning tea and breakfast, wake him up, and just get going.  All the windows of the SUV were quite frosty.  Joe did a minimal job to get us on the road.  We started listening to the rest of our book on tape.  The five hour drive seem longer than the 7½ hour drive to South Carolina.  I'm not sure why, just wanted to get home I guess. 

We finished the book on tape with almost two hours of driving time still left and that’s when the time really started dragging.

The mountaintops south east of Knoxville were snow-covered and quite pretty, but all the curves in the road were making me feel a bit car sick.

We made it home by 11 o’clock.  The feline were quite happy to see me.  I was in desperate need of the restroom and took care of that while Joe went to pick up Maggie at Patty's. 

When Joe returned, we got the car unloaded, suitcases unpacked, and stuff in the cooler and snack bags disbursed.  Joe settled in to watch football.  He was later quite disappointed in the Tennessee Titans.

This is Babe watching the unpacking process.

Babe wanted to get in on the action, as did Mama Styx.  Notice, Stevie is in the bathroom, sitting on the rim of the tub.  Monita was on the floor trying to get me to throw a cat toy.

I was going to start de-decorating the rest of the 'small Christmas' stuff I had left up, but I just didn’t have the drive to do so.  It was becoming overcast, rain clouds were moving in, and I was un-energized.  I hate it when all the festive lights come down, especially when it is so gloomy out.  

I sat at my new, large laptop, transferring photos and notes from my travel laptop, and tried to come up with a blog theme.  Nothing was coming to me.  I was feeling sad about life, the unrest and hatred in our country, Christmas being over, and no future vacation or break from the pandemic in sight.

By day's end, I was in bed early snuggling with kitties while Joe watched more football.

Monday 1/11 - The view out my window once the sun was up.  Maggie and I got snowed on during our 5am walk.  I love the snow.  As Albert Camus said, “In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.”

I spent a great deal of time here at my computer, getting this blog started, and pondering many thoughts about politics and Covid.  It was making an already gray day, darker.

These are snippets of thoughts and advice, taken on this week's 'Ponderings' from our pastor Lanita:
"The lights have been taken down and the tree is stored away. What will cheer us in these cold, grey days of winter?"

"We watch the snow fall, covering everything in a beautiful blanket of white; sounds become almost muffled in the stillness.  Go on a walk, away from the draw of news and the internet. Such things would spoil the quiet of the day."

I walked in the back woods and took some photos.  Have the squirrels been trying to get into this Bluebird house?

More from Lanita:  "Are you trapped by the ongoing unrest within our country? Have you succumbed to a battle of words on Facebook? Or have you put a fire in the fireplace and curled up with a good book? Turn off the news. Turn off the computer. Do not allow all the anger and frustration of others make you angry. It is one thing to be informed, but another to be wrapped up in the chaos and anxiety of others. Guard yourself against how others are reacting."

It snowed most of the morning and the only trip I made from home was to the gym (in which I drug most of the time) and to get some basic food needs from Food City.  The fire and good book sounded like a great idea, but it never happened.

I spent a lot of time here at my computer in my office / sun room /cattery.  Once the snow stopped, the sun did peek out off and on.  But mostly it was a gray, do nothing day for me.  Unless you call playing games on the Jacquie Lawson Curio Collection productive. 

Monita continues to stalk and bully Mama Styx. 

I did get the balcony Christmas tree put away and started taking down other decorations.  But I ran out of steam before I got everything stowed away, so I had little messes everywhere.

I had decided to put the snowman from the porch and this lighted tree from the hearth up on the balcony.  I still wanted some light up there during the night. 

Joe watched football and I sat here pondering the five extra pounds I have put on, yet snacking on chips and candy.  This has got to change.  I need to get tough with myself.

Tuesday 1/12 - It was a pretty sunshiny day.  Babe and Mama Styx enjoying their perches in the sun.  

Getting all of the rest of the decorations down, I packed up my two 'small Christmas' bins and that was the end of that for this season. 
It was nice to have all the clutter picked up and stored away.  I look forward to simpler, quicker, less decorating this coming Christmas using just the two 'small Christmas' bins (and not the other six).  I'll let you know how that goes in ten months. 

Storing stuff back up in the bunk room, I made several trips up and down the stairs.  At one point I had to step over Styx and Maggie who were sunning here.

I was planning to leave all my usual decorating items put away until after we get our new windows in, because I anticipate a mess if any part of the wall needs to be rebuilt.  Well, it was just too bare, so since I still had the tall ladder out, I decided to hang a picture back up on the fireplace chimney. 

Rather than re-hang my much more expensive, delicate, original painting by Carlos Lopez up here, I decided to go with a cheap one.  So I put up my newly purchased (on 12/14) $5.00 painting from an estate sale.  It needed some cleaning up first, and can still use tightening of the glass in the frame, but actually looked good here.  I really like this painting, especially the framing, and think this is a great location for it.

Babe in one of her favorite spots. 
I folded the second of two loads of laundry and was ready to go to the barn.  I got there rather late in the afternoon, brought Amiga in, and shortly thereafter they were bringing in all the horses for evening feed so I gave Amiga half of her allotment.  Riding was just bareback around the garden and out in the front yard because it was way too muddy.  Jan came out and join me part of the time and then Babs. 
Once the sun had dropped from view it got really cold, so I called it quits before the other two.

It was after 5pm when I got home.  I heated up leftover ham and the green bean casserole that had both been frozen, and cooked some wild rice for dinner.  I ran the dishwasher as part of kitchen clean up and then Joe and I watched an episode of Blue Bloods.  The cats joined us.  Stevie and Monita were in front of the fire, Babe is in the basket on the hearth, and Mama Styx was beside me on the couch.

Wednesday 1/13 - I was up and read from 1:30 to 4:30.  Then I was back up at 6:30.  The second time I got up, I had a bit of a cough, felt a little congested, and soon got a headache.  I decided not to go to the gym and stayed in my PJs all day.  This is Stevie napping on my mouse arm.  The sinus rinse and nose spray helped, and I think the headache was from sinus pressure because it eventually went away.

I couldn't stand the bare shelves and mantle in the living room, so put all my old decorations back up.  They each needed a good dusting first.  And if they get all dusty from window replacement, I'll just clean everything off again.

With everything back to 'normal' I could then relax, read my book, and take a nap.

I did muster up the energy to go outside and remove all the lights from the Blue Spruce in our side yard which concluded all the de-decorating.

Joe and I watched two episodes of Blue Bloods after dinner and I read in bed for a short time before getting too sleepy.  Mama Sytx, between my legs, was ready for lights out, shielding her eyes with her paw.

Thursday 1/14 - I slept well and woke feeling so much better than the day before.  I had soaked a pot of navy beans all night and thawed the ham bone, so got a big crock pot of soup started, including dicing onion, carrots, and celery. 

I tried repairing this little wall hanging, and after the hot glue dried, when I picked it up, the string broke in two more spots.  This was a garage sale buy about 25 years ago.  I probably need to replace all of the string, but I'm just not willing to go to all of that trouble. 

I found a spot (hard to do in an open concept living room) to hang Shirley's little tiger painting she gave me for my birthday.  She did a very nice job on it.

My two hour workout at the gym was very productive and then I ran to Food City on my way home.  I needed to get more celery to add to the pot of soup.

I made it to the barn by 2:30 and fetched my horse from the field.  Jan was there to ride also, so we headed out together.

These next three photos where taken on the Holly Trail.  You can see it is covered in leaves.  It wasn't near as muddy as the main trail, but still a little slippery because of the wet leaves. 

Courtney called while we were horsing around out in the big field past the ghost town.  I had to cut the conversation short because Amiga can be a handful when we are out in an open field, when riding with other horses, when another horse is cantering toward or riding away from us, or when we are headed back to the barn (all of which was going on).  She also seems to know when I have my phone out (to take photos, text, or answer a call) and tends to try things she knows she is not supposed to do.

Chester was in his bright, florescent jacket to keep warm.

I got cold once the sun dropped below the horizon and the air temperature declined.  So I headed to the barn before Jan did.  I needed to get home anyway.

Patty joined us for dinner (including corn bread and fruit salad to go with the soup) and then after kitchen clean up we sat on the couch and had a Face-time call with Courtney.  I get much joy out of seeing and talking with my children. 

Friday 1/15 - We did not get the predicted rain overnight and there was only a gentle snowfall (that did not last long) when I walked Maggie at 5am. 

I spent too much time here at my computer, playing the Curio Collection games.

Babe was very cute, playing with her tail.  When I tried to get a photo, she of course quit.  So all of these photos are taken from this (video). 

Such a silly kitty.

As soon as I realized the day's weather was going to be better than originally predicted, but that the three days following were to be very cold, I decided to go for a ride.

I had a quick lunch and was at the barn before 1:00.  I noticed fencing down across the road, and being the only one there, I texted John.  As soon as I had Amiga saddled, I rode across the street to see if I could do anything.  It needed tools. 

It is not hard to guess why the top line got broken.  LOL.

After riding in the arena and around the gardens, I rode to the Holly trail and took Amiga down the first hill where the #14 tee box of Dorchester is.

Then we rode back through the ghost town where I did some trimming of some briars.  I think Amiga knows we are in this together, and is patient with my stopping and going and getting on and off when needed.

Just before we were cantering a long run through the big field, it started snowing.  It was almost magical with the snow coming down, but sunshine in the distance, and Amiga and I 'flying' across the field.  I could see it was snowing across the way on the mountains, and you can see the snow on Amiga's mane and on my jacket.

I was home by 4:00, and cold, so I heated up leftover soup and had an early supper. 

Joe and I watched a silly romantic comedy with a fire warming the room, both in heat and ambiance. 

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