Friday, March 12, 2021


Voorpret - 'Pre-fun' - joy or pleasure ahead and in anticipation of an actual fun event.  Anticipation is a large part of so many experiences.  If we are dreading something, like a trip to the dentist or getting the Covid vaccine, we can make the experience so much worse.  But likewise, being excited about what is coming can enhance the experience.  Granted, there are somethings we just can't look forward to, like doing our taxes, but if we try to think positively (or at least not so negatively) about it, then it probably wouldn't be near so bad.

Like the expectation for Christmas, I sometimes get more joy out of anticipating something than I do the actual experience.  We can envision so much more than what reality gives sometimes.  But the voorpret is a large part of the fun and enjoyment.
Joe's voorpret for having a farm once again has been quite contagious.  Closing on this purchase, becoming grandparents, being able to socialize and travel more with the pandemic getting under control (and after our second vaccination) are just a few of the up-coming things we both voorpret about.

Saturday 3/6 - I was up in the middle of the night for a few hours reading.  My lower back and left gluteals were very sore, indicating I must have overdone it during my workout the day before. 

I had a second breakfast, sat here at my computer too long, puttered around in the kitchen, and then decided I needed to get on with my day.

I was at the barn about 10:30, fetched Amiga in the pasture, and was delighted that she was not very dirty.

I rode Amiga across the street and into the winter pasture.  We went out the back gate and did the long trail at the top of the ridge.  It was wet and muddy in spots, but greatly improved from a few days ago. 

Then I rode the perimeter of all but one of the winter pastures and we also cut through the woods between two pastures on a trail the livery horses had made over the winter.  I had to duck under a few branches because the horses got through without a rider on their back.

After a few hours of riding, Joe and Maggie met me at the barn.  We practiced trailer loading, with Amiga rushing off only when Joe wiggled the butt bar.  Otherwise I got her to slowly step off each time I asked her to back off.

Joe and I both drove into the back woods of Fairfield Glade.  I had parked on Stratford Drive where it joins Beachwood at Marmaduke.  Then I rode with Joe to the other end of Stratford.  I had to get out to trim the tops of some downed trees to get our SUV through on Stratford Drive.    

We proceeded to walk the Holly Trail, raking leaves, sticks, and up rooted rocks off of it. 
Maggie stuck closer to us for some reason, not exploring the woods as usual.  But she seemed to enjoy the outing. 

With the leaves gone, you could see the footing and the ground was actually pretty dry.  So I thought it was ready to ride.  

Joe and Maggie headed home while I finished raking where the Holly Trail comes out on Stratford.  Then I walked the other half of Stratford where you can't get a vehicle through because of all the downed trees.  I had to hand walk Amiga through this area last week because it was un-passable for horse and rider. 
I cut lots of fallen pine trees off the road.  I was unable to clear enough to allow room for a vehicle, but for any of us riding a horse, we can make it through.

Having rode for a few hours and then clearing trails for a few more, I was exhausted.  My back and glutes had felt better  while I was moving, but when I sat down in my car, they started 'screaming' at me.

After a hot shower, I did several stretching exercises, which helped my sore muscles some.  Joe got us carry-out dinners from Reds and we watched two Blue Bloods, as has become the routine.  I took a pain sleep-aid at bed time.

Sunday 3/7 - It was only 25° when I went out to walk the dog at almost 7 AM but our trusty (that was said tongue in cheek) weather forecast predicted it would get up to 52°.  I thought 'that remains to be seen.'   

Part of the 'deal' for buying the UTV was if Joe would sell his scooter, partly because we didn't have room for both in our garage, but also because the UTV is a much safer ride.  So the scooter was sold and picked up at 10am.  Joe loaded (drove) it onto the trailer for the gentleman, and even that scared me.  I would not ride behind Joe on the scooter, but will ride along side him in the UTV. 

I was out riding Amiga on the trail by 11:00.  It helped that again she was not very dirty.  We took the Holly Trail into the Glade, which was very doable.  Here we are crossing the creek.  I only got off to walk her up, and later down, the steepest part of the hill.  We rode to and around Terry's, in part to see where Joe had planned to put his garden and I also wanted to see the new boundary stakes since the survey had been completed. 

Then I took Amiga on the inside loop we do of Dorchester golf course.  It was quite disappointing.  We ran into numerous downed pine trees.  I got off several times to get Amiga under, around, or through the foliage.  However, I got to one place (seen in this photo) that was unpassable.  So I had to turn Amiga around and go back the way we came.

I took this (video) as Amiga and I were returning back to the barn on the Holly Trail.  The Standing Tall Life Skills Program at Wildwood Stables was having an open house, so I enjoyed some cookies and punch and chatting with folks.

It was nearly dinner time once I got home.  And later we watched Blue Bloods for a few hours.  I took another pain pill before bed because my left gluteal was still really hurting.

Monday 3/8 - After taking my usual 2am thyroid pill, I couldn't get back to sleep because of the pain in my left gluteals and leg.  I was beginning to wonder if I had a pinched sciatic nerve somewhere.

Monita trying to get my attention while I was working here at my computer.  She loves to open the bottom drawer of this little chest and pull things out.  Notice the wire in her left paw.

I had left furniture out of the living room by the tall wall with new windows, thinking we would get it and the trim painted, sooner than later.  But I was tired of it looking so bare and realized the reality would be it getting painted later, not sooner.  So I did a deep cleaning of the carpet that still had sawdust and other window replacement debris along the base boards.  I washed parts of the wall and window trim, and dusted furniture as I had Joe help me move it back into place.  The fake plants were especially dusty and difficult to clean, so I only finished one of them.  I also moved this painting (which had been above the fireplace but been replaced by the tiger photo) into our bedroom.  I took the one that was here (which had blues and pinks in it) up to the guest bedroom.  I am so much happier with this one here. 

After over two hours of house work, I made myself go to the gym, and did a modified workout so as not to aggravate my 'pain in the butt.'  I also did extra stretching.  It was feeling a little better when I left.

I switched from gym clothes to yard/barn attire, had a late lunch and then proceeded to read and nap on the living room floor instead of working in the yard.  Oh well.  This was a first, Stevie and Styx napping together.

It was almost 4:00 when I finally decided to go to the barn and take Amiga on a short little ride.  Well, that didn't work out either.

The horses weren't in yet when I arrived at Wildwood, so I chit chatted with Judy, Patty, and Carol until time to bring the horses in.  Courtney had called, and later sent this photo of her cats.  We 'face timed' for over 15 minutes and she got to watch Zorro come in.  When Amiga came in it was already 5pm, and she was filthy dirty.  So I gave up on riding... it was getting too late.

Joe and I started TV time early and watched three episode of Blue Bloods.

Tuesday 3/9 - It was another interrupted night because of pain and I was getting discouraged. 

When I checked morning e-mail, sister Carol had sent a photo of yet another ewe with triplets.  This was the third day in a row with the third ewe to have three.  But there had been some hardship which I won't go into.  Farm life can be so rewarding, fun, and awe inspiring, but it can come at a cost. 

I finished dusting the last of these three artificial plants and getting the rest of furnishings into place.  I decided to keep the puzzle table off to the side, to keep the large picture window unobstructed to see out better and let the sun rays onto the living room floor where I, the dog, and four cats like to lay in it.

I had also moved the cat tent from the screened porch up onto the balcony, and the cats were having a blast playing in, on, and around it.

I did a little weeding in the front yard and then headed to the barn to get a ride in before 3:00.  Thankfully, all of the mud that was caked on Amiga the night before, was mostly gone. 

We headed out across the winter pasture to the long trail, doing the loop up on the ridge before heading down the long, muddy hill to Daddy's creek.

Sometimes Amiga spooked at her own shadow.  The silly girl. 

I took several photos of the beauty along Daddy's Creek and this (video) of Amiga and I going down the trail along the creek.

Look at the Rhododendron.  Can't wait till they bloom.  Daddy's Creek was also running fairly high.

This is a smaller creek Amiga and I were just about to cross.  It winds through the woods and has to be crossed three times on the way back to the culvert under Westchester that we ride through.  

After riding Amiga most of the way up the hill that the long trail takes to get back to the barn, I let her rest while I enjoyed the waterfall (video).

Nearing the barn, we bumped into Patty on Zorro.  If you look closely, she is taking off her jacket while Zorro stands there quietly.  He is a good boy.  

Once Amiga was un-tacked and back out at pasture, I went with Joe, who came to the barn to pick me up.  We drove the two mile, five minute trip to Terry and Billy's to pick up the survey and see where the new lines were.  I was kicking myself for not speaking up earlier in the survey process to pick the other fence post that would allow the gate to open into the back field.  Originally it would not have made sense, but when we added the three acres, it would have been a lot more logical.  I had not wanted to be more of a pain than I already had been, but was really regretting not speaking up.    

A close up of Patty on Zorro once she had her jacket tied around her neck. 

It was beautiful out at Terry's and we enjoyed visiting for a little bit.  We could see smoke rising from Wildwood, where they were having a bonfire and wagon ride.  

Again, it was two episodes of Blue Bloods before bed.  I just love the characters, script, and philosophy of this show.

Wednesday 3/10 -  It was yet another sunny day with warm temperatures.  By mid-morning (for the third day in a row) I had the window to the screened porch opened a crack so the cats could go out there.  I took this photo of the Lenten Rose down back to show Patty.  Spring is busting out all over.

I had a dentist appointment at noon and headed to town a little early to hit the Dollar Store right across the street.  I was still early, so sat in the car, out in the sun and waited. 

I had no cavities, but still have a watch on a tooth that has been questionable.  Then I hit Walmart and Great Clips for a hair cut. 

Once all my 'goods' were unloaded and put away, I started working in the yard, and then got a call from Patty.  She had been informed that Zorro was a little off coming into the barn.  So Patty picked me up and we went to check on him. We really couldn't see much, except that he is a little off on his back left leg. We looked closely and there was no swelling, or heat, or injury.  We thought it might be a rock bruise and gave him a Prevocox to help with pain and inflammation.

This cluster of daffodils is fenced off around the willow, down by the pond.  When I took corn down back in the evening, I noticed that they had opened up much more during the day. 

We grilled hot dogs and french fries for a quick, simple dinner.  There was only time for one Blue Blood episode. 

Thursday 3/11 - Knowing there wouldn't be time for my morning gym trip, I put on barn/yard clothes and was outside by 9am, planting daffodil bulbs I had dug up last spring.  It was just as well I wasn't going to work out because my butt and leg still hurt.

Around 10:30 I picked up Joe at Terry's, where he had left the SUV.  I drove us to the Crab Orchard Shell station where we met the Cub Cadet delivery man. 

A quick payment of the delivery fee and Joe backed his new toy off the trailer (video).  I followed him to where I turned off to the barn and he went on to Terry's. 


I took Amiga out on a 2½ hour ride, going on the Holly Trail into the Glade.  Here we are on Beachwood, looking back at the #15 green of Dorchester. 

At one point I let Amiga rest and graze.  I had gotten off to walk her down a steep paved road and across Westchester at kind of a blind curve. 

She had other moments of rest and grazing as well.  We got along splendidly out on the trail.  It was overcast and quite windy, but in the mid 60s.  I did have to dismount to get her past some down trees a few times, but she is very use to this.  Amiga was quite sweaty by the time we got back to the barn and was brushed well before being returned to her pasture. 

Once back home, I ate a big late lunch and then had a few hours to work in the yard.  I didn't last that long because of fatigue and sore muscles.  I did plant more bulbs, this time Gladiolas and watered flowers that looked dry. 

I had beer and popcorn for 'dinner' while watching TV with Joe.  We finished the last two episodes of Season 8 of Blue Bloods. 

Friday 3/12 -  Joe was off for his second Covid vaccine and I made myself go to the gym.  I hadn't been since Monday.  A busy life (and sore body) got in the way of my usual number of workouts this week. 

I didn't push myself, so as not to get any sorer, and I actually felt less sore by the time I was done.

Monita was not trying to bite the fish, she just stopped wrestling it to yawn.  LOL

I had leftover soup for lunch and then went out to work in the yard.  I dug up the dead Red Bud that was here in front of the deck and transplanted this one from down back into the dead one's spot.  It is a store bought variety, so not as 'lacy' looking.  It also isn't as tall as the last one I had moved here from the woods. 

Thankfully the rain came just as I was filling in the hole around this tree.  I was glad to have an excuse to quit working in the yard.

I sat here at my computer for a few hours, catching up on e-mails and Facebook, while watching wildlife come and go down back.

Mama Styx was in the hammock, Babe's usual spot.

Joe and I started Session Nine of Blue Bloods, watching two episodes.

I feel voorpret with the coming of spring and the thought of moving the clocks forward.  I am excited about having daylight around longer in the evening, in addition to having the days getting longer.

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