Friday, July 22, 2022

Stress Relievers

I don't know why I get so stressed out when we have company coming.  I worry about the house being clean and presentable (but hate to clean it), I fret about what foods to serve (but dislike shopping for it), I agonize over food preparation (because I am so bad at it), and I give lots of thought to what all we are going to do for entertainment (when actually I should go with the flow of the group and not try to plan out every minute of their visit). 

Some of my other stressors are due to ranch life; caring for the horses, barn cat and chickens when they are injured or sick (and just being sure they have clean space, food and water), getting projects done, and keeping up with general maintenance... all while still allowing time to ride and maybe sit and watch the horses, pet the cat, and enjoy the country air.

And then there's the worries of taking care of our house and yard in Fairfield Glade, along with four cats and the dog.  I keep saying, less stuff = less worries.  I also concern myself with getting to the gym three times a week, feeling I really need to be consistent with my weight workouts.  Luckily, working at the pool is not too stressful - it just takes time and energy.

Every night when I go to bed, while praying (mostly for others) I count my blessings and thank the good Lord for my life, even with its struggles.

Saturday 7/16 - Cathy, Ralph, and Pfeiffer had arrived at the ranch late yesterday afternoon. 

And Courtney had picked Ben up at the airport late last night.  Dave and Patti also arrived at their hotel in Crossville last night. 

I got last week's blog finished and posted and then spent a few hours cleaning house.

Pfeiffer (at the ranch) was chill-axing in the crate (to reduce his stress) while Cathy had gone shopping. 

Jean and Cathy had lunch and dinner planned.

Joe and I (with Maggie) arrived at the ranch and soon Dave and Patti pulled in. 

We visited for a bit out on the front porch.  And then Joe and I took Patti and Dave on a tour of the ranch, using the golf cart and gator. 

Wanda was relaxing in one of her favorite spots when we got down to the barnyard. 

Patti took this photo of four of us siblings while we waited for more family to arrive.

I decided Maggie needed brushing and Pfeiffer came to see if he was missing out on anything.

Once Courtney and Ben arrived, we had a great lunch which Jean had prepared. 

Patty grabbed a late lunch when she got to the ranch, and then we got word that Chris's car broke down, 35 miles from us (near Cookeville).  Joe was off to go help them, so the yard was minus one car in this photo.  Well two if you count both Chris's and Joe's. 

Ben and his dog Pfeiffer lounging on a lazy afternoon.

Whenever one dog was getting lovin', the other would crowd right in, so as not to miss out.  Pfeiffer on the left and Maggie on the right. 

Joe arrived with Chris and Travis, and our group was finally complete.  Well, except we were missing Dan, Val and Ava (who were not going to make it today because Ava was still sick 😭).  Maybe tomorrow. 

It was rather warm outside, so we spent most of the afternoon just hangin' out in the sun room catching up with each other. 

Joe took Ben, Chris, and Travis on a little tour of the ranch.  We all have fun zipping around in the gator and golf cart. 

Then Joe and Ben went for a dip in the pool to cool off.  The water looks inviting, but I still say it is more trouble than it is worth. 

A visit to the chicken coop occurred and here Dave is offering them leftovers from lunch.

The dogs and cat were fed at the compromised time of 5:30 so we could then start dinner preparations. 

In this photo, Parm and Maggie are waiting on Pfeiffer (a very slow eater) to finish so they can inspect his bowl for any leftovers. 

Cathy started food prep in the kitchen (mostly heating up meats and a bean dish and pulling out multiple salads from the fridge), and Patty grilled the brats and hotdogs. 

It had cooled off outside, so several of us migrated out there.  Jean worked at getting a photo of these four cousins on Mama's memorial bench, with the dogs and the beautiful Caladium from Mom's condo, that she loved.

Dinner was tasty and very filling.  We also enjoyed the brownies and cookies Patti had baked and brought. 

Soon a bonfire was going and we were playing badmitten in the front yard. 

We had to use baling twine for a net.  And there were no real boundaries or rules. 

Mostly people just tried to volley the shuttlecock for as long (many consecutive hits) as possible. 

Meanwhile, another 'contest' was going on.  Who could get the big dead branch down from one of the trees the hammock was hanging on. 

The trick was getting the baling twine up and over the branch.  Ben and I tackled this contest with gusto. 

Soon it became a duel effort, cheering for each other and working together to pull the branch down.  Once I got us work gloves, it was easier to pull on the bailing twine.  And eventually the branch broke.  Victory! 

As the air cooled off a little more, we gathered around the fire and enjoyed conversing (telling stories and joking around).  We also made S'mores. 

Because it was near (or after) some of us older folk's bedtime, and out of respect for the neighbors, we wound down the party just after 9:15. 

Once home and in bed about 10:15, I was too wound up to get to sleep.  I enjoyed listening to the 'kids' (Courtney, Chris, and Travis) chatting in the living room as I was waiting for sleep to hit me.

Sunday 7/17 - Happy Birthday to sister Jean and brother John! 

This photo of Cathy petting Wanda was taken the morning before, but I forgot to include it.  Jean and Cathy had walked Pfeiffer down to the barn.  He and Wanda got along pretty well.

I also forgot to include this photo from the day before.  Is Patti telling a big fish story?  LOL

The three Leiningers had slept at the ranch, Dave and Patti at a hotel, and Courtney, Chris and Travis here. 

We got word from Dan that Ava was still under the weather, so they were not going to make it today.  It was sad to again miss out on a visit with her, but they did send photos and a video. 🥰 

Several stopped by the Flossmoor house for morning conversation and coffee.  We had also started a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle and were watching TV. 

Maggie and Pfeiffer were waiting for some action, and possibly dropped food.  Very soon we put them in the mancave and headed to St. George Marina.

In no time, Captain Joe had us out on the water touring the lake.

A fair amount of wildlife was spotted, and not just the passengers on board. 


We were out for just a one hour cruise, so we only stopped for a ten minute swim.  Birthday girl Jean enjoyed the water and Joe and Cathy joined her. 

It is always so nice having Joe drive the pontoon while the rest of us can kick back and relax, a great stress reliever. 


Above, Jean with Courtney and Patty (Villhauer), and the other Patti (Sidenstick) in back. 

Seen right - The Baker boys, Chris and Travis. 

After pontooning, we had 75 minutes of time before lunch so went back to Flossmoor to continue work on the puzzle, freshen up, and walk the dogs.  As people were congregating, getting ready to go out, we realized several of us had flowery shirts on. 

It started raining as we all were arriving at the Cottage restaurant, and we were thankful it had stayed pretty during our pontooning. 

Dave and Patty had already hit the road for home, so there were only ten of us.  As it turned out, the restaurant was only serving Sunday brunch, but we all found something to satisfy our appetites. 
Home again to Flossmoor, we had
cake and ice cream to celebrate Jean's birthday.

I had to do chores at the ranch and because all our leftovers were there, we all ended up going back for the rest of the afternoon and to have dinner.  This is a photo from the day before, but similar to how things went today.  It was raining and gloomy out and several of us ended up napping in the comfortable recliners.  I was really tired from lack of sleep the night before (even though I had napped) and I ended up breaking up the 'party' heading home about 7pm. 

This is also a photo from Saturday when Joe (with Dave in the golf cart) and I (with Patti in the gator) gave them a tour of the ranch.  I had troubles collecting and organizing all the photos from the weekend as you can tell.  Oh and below is the two dogs enjoying sticks from the dead branch Ben and I pulled down from the tree. 
These two really look like they came from the same doggy gene pool. 

The Leiningers spent another night at the ranch, Joe brought the Baker boys back here (they had no car to get back to Indiana), and Courtney headed home to Nashville.  It had been a very fun (and somewhat exhausting) weekend with everybody.

Monday 7/18 - Chris had gotten the bad news about his broken down car the day before, and deemed it not worth putting anymore money into.  He had done his homework on used cars for sale in Cookeville and by 8:00 Joe was taking he and Travis to go car shopping.  His other option was to rent a car to get he and Travis home.  This is his new (used) 2019 Toyota Rav-4.

Cathy, Ralph, Ben and Pfeiffer left the ranch just before the rain hit about 9:00.

Once all were headed home, the overwhelming feeling of missing everybody hit me.  I don't get how I can be so up-tight about people coming, and subsequently somewhat relieved when they have left, but then suddenly miss them as I reflect on all the fun we had and how much I love each of them.

The rain came down quite hard at times and was predicted to continue off and on most of the day.  Jean sent this photo of all six horses taking cover from the rain.  Our three were at least under the trees.  Look at the puddles. 

I was tired from the weekend and busy with this blog, so skipped the gym and worked here at my desk much of the day.  I kept finding more photos from the weekend posted on Facebook, Messenger, and in text messages, so added them on this blog, which is why they're a bit unorganized here. 

I was abruptly woken from a nap when the doorbell rang and Maggie went ballistic.  Thankfully Joe was home and answered it, cause I was still in my PJs.  Babe came to sit on my lap while I was trying to wake up.  Boy was it a do-nothing, rainy day. 

I did strip guest beds, wash sheets and towels, and get everything folded and put away.  The
kitchen was cleaned up and the dishwasher was loaded and run.

Jean sent this photo with the caption "Wanna play chicken?"

I had spotted something red through the woods across the creek, up at the edge of the golf course so decided to take Maggie for a walk to investigate.  

Looking at 'our' pond as we were walking across the dam, I noticed just how much the pond is shrinking.  I used to stress about this, but it is totally out of my control, so I have 'let it go' and decided having 'water front' in our back yard is not so important.   

Standing on the bank across the pond looking at our property (where the bench is) I was sad to see that there is no water visible, except the creek that still remains because it washes debris into the pond. 

Maggie and I then made our way around the apron of the 17th green and tucked back in the woods was the red object I saw from my desk.  Wonder what they are planning to do with this.

You can see the creek that is at the bottom of the hill and our property on the other side. 

Maggie and I ended up walking a fair distance (five of Druid's holes) before returning home. 

After dinner, Joe and I started the series 'Bodyguard.' 
Tuesday 7/19 - I thought I had caught up on lack of sleep, but at the gym I still felt exhausted, so struggled to get through my regular workout. 

I ate lunch in the car on the way to the ranch, and then finally got Robbie's big, thick, winter blanket out of my car and into storage.  Jean helped me organize the tack room as part of the process. 

Then we fetched our horses.  It is best for Jean to get Robbie first otherwise Robbie interferes with me and Amiga when I go to catch Amiga.  As seen in the photo and (video), the two Paso finos followed Jean and Robbie up to where I was waiting.

Once tacked, we headed out for a nice long ride.  Seen here, we are on Scarborough, which goes between Beachwood and Westchester.  We turned off before Westchester and rode the grassy roads between them and the Dorchester golf course fairways.  

The golf course had stored mulch under this tarp.  I remember three huge piles and tarps here when riding this trail months ago.  This is all that is left, but it was still completely blocking the road.  Amiga did great walking over it, but Robbie ended up jumping it again. 

We took a few cul-de-sacs, which are more like dirt trails, and had the horses stop a few times.  This helps to calm them down when needed and/or give 
them a chance to rest.

We are growing out most of Robbie's mane, to have a smaller bridle path.  It is rather messy looking right now, as you can see in this photo Jean took of Amiga and I, with Robbie's head in it.

Jean and I (and the horses too) were hot and tired when we got done with our ride at 4:30.  We hosed the horses off and put them back out to pasture.  Zorro was so glad to see Amiga. 

I was home just after 5:30 and ready to watch more of

'Bodyguard' with Joe by 7pm.

Wednesday 7/20 - It turned out to be a busy bee day.

When I touched base with Micki about the time to come over to sit with Rita, she said I was not needed because Andy was there. 

Stevie chill-axing up on the cat tower, away from bothersome cats, dog, and me.  But I bugged her to take this close up shot.

Since I had gone to the gym the day before, and had the morning free, I decided to work out front on one of the flower beds.  I continued work from weeks ago, picking up sticks, leaves, and pulling weeds.

As it turned out, I only worked in the yard for a couple of hours, and this is all the farther I got.  To the right of this photo is what the left side had looked like.  Leaves were even covering much of the rock.

On my fourth or fifth trip into the woods next door, with a 30 gallon bin full of rubbish, I must’ve stepped on a bee hive in the ground and they came after me.  I drop the bin and started running.  I end up getting stung four times but consider myself lucky because there were a lot more after me. 

I came in the house, and because we didn't have Benadryl, I took a second allergy pill (I take one every morning with my vitamins and supplements).  I also put some bug bite medicine on the stings.  They were really stinging.  Then I went out to put my tools away, feeling bad about calling it a day at only 11am.  I went down to fetch the 30 gallon bin and without even getting close to it I could see a swarm of bees flying all around and in it.  It must’ve been sitting right on their hive possibly.
Once back at the house I was feeling weird.  I guess that’s the only way to describe it, so decided to lay down cause I was kind of shaky or something.  Anyway as I was laying there, the bee stings were now throbbing.
I took an hour nap.  When I got, up the stings were now just itchy. 
I decided to try and get the 30 gallon tub I had left in the woods.  This time I suited up in what looked to be a hazmat suit.  I also used a rather long branch, and keeping my distance from the tub, I pushed it away from the possible location of the hive.  I was immediately dive bombed by bees.  I dropped the branch, and made a bee-line for home, with some chasing me.  Thankfully I did not get stung, but I did not get my 30 gallon bin.

Once out of the hazmat suit and into work clothes, I went to the pool.  While working my 1:30 to 6:00 shift, I sat at the edge of the pool some of the time, with my legs in the water.  It really helped the two stings that were on each of my legs feel better.

When I got home, I made another attempt to get the 30 gallon bin, but there were bees still flying all around it.  So I used the branch again, and gave it another big shove farther from its original location.  The yellow circle at the base of the tree is where I believe the hive was.  Several bees came after me, but my hazmat suit was good protection.   

I can only imagine what neighbors would be thinking if they saw me running down the street in 85° heat, with pants, coat, hoodie, and gloves on, all the while waving my hands up and down in front of my face and over my head.

I waited till nearly dark to make one more attempt at claiming my 30 gallon tub.  Back in my hazmat suit, I went to investigate bee activity.  I did not see any, so using the branch, I pushed the tub still farther away.  Still no bees, so I circled around from the back side, grabbed the tub and headed home, this time at a walk.  Okay, that was stressful, but a big relief to have the tub back.  Often times, to get over stress, you have to take care of the stressful situation. 

Patty had sent this photo the day before, of Amiga.  She had laid down in the loafing shed to scratch. 

This afternoon, Jean had reported that Amiga was a little lame on her front foot.  Ugh.  This horse can sure cause me a lot of stress sometimes.  What was it now?

And then if that wasn't enough to worry about while I was falling asleep, one of the boarders texted to say one of the barn doors would not shut.  Ughh.  Our ranch can be so stressful when things aren't going right.  Also, the gator has been miss-firing and is in need of repairs.  It is always something.   

Thursday 7/21 - I had taken a pain/sleep aid but woke up several times because the bee stings were so itchy.  Then a loud storm woke me about 3:30am.  Luckily the sleep aid helped me go back to sleep each time.

Joe left for Iowa before 7am.  I worked at the pool from 9:15 until 1:45.  It wasn’t a very busy shift which surprised me because it was a beautiful day.  It was overcast and breezy and not humid so it would’ve been great for doing yard work or going riding.

I had to come home to walk the dog, so was not able to go straight to the ranch.  This big, heavy box was on our front porch.  What a great name for a product that fixes pond leaks. 

The sun had come out and it was heating up while I walked Maggie.  I was having troubles getting motivated to do anything. 
I was debating between going to the ranch to ride or working on more of brush removal in the yard here. 

But then we got a rain shower, so that pretty much sealed the deal in terms of what I should do, and relieved the stress I was feeling to go ride or do yard work.
  I decided to lay on the couch and read, and didn't feel guilty about it.  This photo shows my view of three of the cats while I was reading.  Babe is on the cat tree.

Can you see Mama Styx in this photo?

She was up on the other cat tower.  She had briefly woke and stretched when I got up to take a close up, and then she fell right back to sleep, partly hanging off the edge of the shelf.  Silly cat.

The rain only lasted 15 minutes and then the sun came out making it get very humid.  I took a short nap but by late afternoon was feeling guilty about being such a deadbeat so I fed the dog and cats early and then took Maggie for a nice long walk. 

Jean sent this photo up-date.  Robbie was in the very wet shed while the two Pasos were out eating grass.

I had a late dinner when I got home from walking the dog and then farted around on my computer until dark.  I went to bed to read, but didn't last long.

Friday 7/22 - Jean reported a foggy morning out at the ranch, but I didn't really notice it here. 

With Joe gone, I had to take Maggie on her second walk of the day.  Then I was off to the gym to workout.  For some reason, lifting weights was a struggle today.

I came back home to walk the dog again and grab a bite to eat before heading into town to shop at Tractor Supply, Lowe's, and Walmart.  It was a fairly quick trip.

I returned home to unload,
pack a dinner, and get the dog, to then join Jean out at the ranch. 

I had bought some plants for the chicken run, to give the girls more cover from sun, rain, and hawks, and was planning to plant them.
  Well, by the time I did some chores down at the barn, cleaned our dry lot and loafing shed, and fed the horses; I only had time to plant the one crape myrtle pictured above.  It was after 6pm before I was in the cool air conditioning to join Jean for a drink and dinner. 

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