Friday, August 12, 2022

Such Is Life

Slept, woke, ate, worked, and if time, played; and did it all again the next day, and the next day.  Such is life.
"Such is life that it writes itself, trying to right itself, but there's nothing wrong with it." - Robert Pollard 

"I walked away a little disheartened, thinking, 'Oh well. I came a long way to meet the Wizard of Oz, but I guess I won't. Such is life."
- Anthony Kiedis  

I try to be cheerful, fun loving, positive, joyful, happy, thankful, etc.  But when a big letdown occurs, it is difficult to stay up-beat.  I wish I wouldn't let
disappointments get me so disgruntled, but it does help to vent a little.  My Blog is a place where I can let it out at times.  It is a chance to express myself and also inform family and friends as to what I (and those I hangout with) are up to.  Not only being informative, I like it to be up-beat, encouraging, and motivational if possible.  But sometimes I have to release my frustrations here.

Saturday 8/6 - Joe and I got to the ranch about 9:30.  Jean and I were planning to ride and Joe was meeting Dave (who works at Wildwood and Tractor Supply).  They were going to work on the bush hog together.  While Jean and I were tacking up our horses, I got this photo which includes (you have to enlarge to see) Dave's cute little helper (grandson I presume).  And once Dave had helped get the bush hog working, Joe was off mowing areas that really needed it. 

As always, Jean was in the saddle before I was.  She likes to 'warm up' Robbie in this large grassy area between the barn and shop.

The 'warm up' time helps get horse and rider connected, is a chance to check for soundness, and an opportunity to review with the horse many of the cues to do different things (like stop, go, back up, stand, walk, trot, etc.).

Yvonne had arrived and was tacking up as we rode out the back gate.  We would maybe meet out on the trail.  Jean and I ended up going 4.8 miles and our riding time was 1:49.  We missed Yvonne, but rode past the tree she had cut back so we could step over it and not have to get off our horses to walk them under it. 

Robbie is sometimes quite brave, like boldly walking right up to this sewer sub-station without hesitation.  But she is still very afraid to step in water puddles.  Jean worked on her at several, making a little progress. 

Also, when we got to the big blue tarp (on the back road of the golf course) Jean got off and was able to walk Robbie slowly (and calmly) across it.  Yeah, more progress.

It started thundering (off in the distance) a little over an hour into our ride.  So we cut off one loop we were going to take, and kept moving towards home in an effort to beat the rain.

Our horses were hot and sweaty upon return to the barn, and we were discussing whether or not to rinse them off, just as the rain hit.  No 'bath' for them needed this time.  Once the rain shower let up, we turned them out and headed for the ranch house as the next cloud burst occurred.  And then it really poured. 

Because of the unusual wind direction, I drove back down to help close barn doors and shop doors, getting totally drenched in the process.  Oh well, such is life.

Jean and I had lunch together.  I had planned to plant the Green Giant Arborvitae I had bought, so once the rain stopped (these little scattered showers stop as abruptly as they start) I quickly got the tree in the ground (filling the open spot by the gate).  The above photo I took from where I was working.  More rain was coming, and it hit as I was scrambling to put tools away and I didn't get a chance to take a photo of the newly planted tree. 

All the work (and money) Joe has put into 'plugging' the pond, seems to be working.  The water level has gone up probably eight inches.  The pasture also looks much better now that it has been mowed.

I checked on our chairs at the Grove for the night's music event.  The tarp had blown off, chairs blown over, and everything had gotten wet.  I set the chairs back up in the sunshine and took the wet tarp home. 

At 5:00 I went back to the Grove and sat and watched the crowd filling in and the band doing it's last sound check.  Jean, Joe, and Shirley soon arrived, and just before show time Patty, Therese, Roxie, and Melinda got there.  I was getting so excited about this group (Utopia) who puts on a really fun show. 

And then my biggest disappointment of the week was about to occur.  The band was introduced, and as they were coming on stage, it started to rain.  Equipment was covered up with plastic as the skies opened up and it poured.  But they were going to start the show as soon as this rain shower passed over. 

Patty and her group had bailed with the first rain drops, but Shirley, Jean, Joe and I stuck it out.  The winds got stronger, the rain came even more fiercely and it started to thunder and lightening.  Yikes! 

We were trying to make the best of a very wet situation, and have fun while doing so.  Jean and Shirley were being really silly.  By now the crowed had grown quite thin, and then it was announced... the event was being cancelled because it looked like it was not going to let up and it was dangerous for us to be sitting out in the lightening.  By the time we packed up and were walking back to our cars, the storm had calmed and the rain was much lighter.  But we were all drenched.

Jean sent this photo once she got home.  When I got home, I unloaded and spread out blanket and chairs, and stripped out of my soaking wet clothes and put on my PJs.  I was so bummed, rather grumpy actually, and not taking the disappointment very well.  Such is life; like heck!  I know the phrase means the acceptance of uncertain events that happen unexpectedly; and that it is always better to accept reality or any accidental misfortune, as life is always unpredictable and the results are not always in our hands.  Well I can accept it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it or be happy. 

The rain had mostly stopped so I put on my rubber boots and rain coat and went down back to look at the flooding.  Our oasis was mostly under water, so the creek had risen close to 18 inches. 


Upstream the ground level is lower, so it looked even more flooded.  I took this (video) of the flooded creek and pond.

I walked towards the dam and spillway and took this photo looking back towards the end of the pond where the creek empties into it. 

Water was really rushing through the spillway (seen in the photo below), and had washed debris up and over the bridge during the height of the flood.


I took this (video) to give you an idea of the amount of water that was running through the spillway. 

This last photo shows how much water was rushing down the hillside (from the spillway) on the back side of the dam.  Normally this is a small creek that winds around the trees you see. 

Joe had gone to play cards with the girls at Patty's and I wanted to finish my book.  Sleep won out before I got to the last chapter however.

Sunday 8/7 - I had to work (subbing for MJ) so left the house at 9:00.  It was a beautiful morning and I was surprised the pool wasn't more crowded.  Rain had been in the forecast but was moved to later in the day.

The end of my shift was frustrating because we had thunder (but no rain) so I had to keep people out of the water for the last hour I worked, even though the sun peeked out part of the time. 

It did sprinkle on my way home and looked and felt like the skies were going to open up, so I opted to sit and read and wait to go out to the ranch after the rain.  I finished my book as the storm passed and then hit the road.

All these pop-up showers get annoying, but the rain does save us from watering and is helping our pond level rise.

I mucked the loafing shed and paddock area and then fed the horses. 

You can barely see Robbie in the first photo, but I think this is the farthest she has been allowed to go into the loafing shed.  Amiga and Zorro were both in there.

I didn't hang around long because I needed to get home and feed Tango and Maggie.

Joe and I finished the last two episodes of Virgin River.  With all the cliff hangers, it is going to be hard to wait for the next season to come out. 

Monday 8/8 - I had to work (subbing for Nancy) so was at the pool by 9:15.  Jean sent this photo from the night before.  I had forgotten to shut the gate to the front pasture, so she had to go out and get the three horses back into the paddock.  They are waiting here by the feed room door for treats.  Notice Zorro's ears.  He is telling Robbie to not get too close to his sister. 

I came straight home from the pool, taking a break from ranch work and got some things done in the yard and around the house.  I walked to the other side of the creek and pond and took these photos.  It really appears that they sprayed the vegetation (to kill it) on this side because it is all brown and dead looking, while on the other side the reeds and water plants are all green. 

This shows the oasis (above water level once again) and the bench that is down the hill from our backyard.  The second photo shows all the farther the backhoe had dug to clear the pond of sediment. 

Monday is Mirror Lake Blast night, so I was off to join Patty, Roxie, and Shirley, for a fun night of music and dancing.  Joe came later because his poker game didn't happen.

This was a first for the band called Shattered to perform here, so we weren't sure what we were going to hear, but suspected Rolling Stones kind of music.  Well, it was, which I am not a fan of, but such is life. 

It was a beautiful night, and lots of people were really enjoying the rock and roll music.  Many were dancing, which Roxie, Patty, and I also had fun doing.

Tuesday 8/10 - These photos, from the weekend, gave me my weekly Ava fix, with the bonus of Arie also.  Ava loves her older niece. 

I finally had a day off work so was in no hurry to get going this morning.  I spent extra time here at my computer, catching up on this blog. 

Jean had also sent this photo of a perching ladder she made for the chickens out in their yard, since they really aren't using the swing.  I guess it moved too much for their liking.  But they love getting up on to things, so now they have the ladder.

I struggled at the gym for some reason, but got through my usual workout.  Once back home I started packing up for our two hour pontoon ride. 

It was a pretty day and quite enjoyable in the boat out on the lake.  Jean took these two selfies as we were getting ready to go in for a swim. 

Therese and Roxie had opted to continue shopping the 127 yard sale so Melinda was our only additional guest besides Patty, Shirley, Joe, Jean and I.  Well actually, this is the first in a long time that Shirley didn't have another commitment and was able to join us. 

We had anchored at the mouth of a fairly quiet inlet.  The water was perfect, so we ladies floated around for awhile. 

Once it was time to get the boat back to the marina, we got aboard and captain Joe motored us back. 

I had chores today, so was quick to get out to the ranch after pontooning.  I had left my swim suit on and first went to check on the duck house in the side pasture pond.  I wanted to see if I could remove the ugly aqua styrofoam and take a look at what was inside the box.  Joe had left the kayak at the pond's edge for me. 

Well the styrofoam was nailed to the pallet that the house was built on top of, so it couldn't be remove very easily.  Inside the box was a little bit of straw and some feathers.  I decided I would make a return trip to work on this later. 

Joe had been mowing while I messed in the pond and did horse chores.  I hopped on the mower once he was done and cut down the weeds that were still standing in A, Z & R's paddock.

We had taken Maggie out with us, but because of the thunder, she opted to stay in the ranch house. 

We were home for dinner and then watched the first two episodes of season two of Only Murders in the Building. 

Wednesday 8/10 - Joe's new scooter (that he talked me into letting him get) was delivered the day before so he took to the task of unpacking it and putting it together.  My help with holding or lifting was used a couple of times. 

At one point he used a rock to help support it so he could figure out how to get the front wheel on.  Scheesh.

After a few hours of work, he called it quits.  It is nearly all together.  He was using his i-pad to watch the instructional (tutorial) video on how to assemble the scooter.  He had gotten ahead of himself at the one point where he was trying to put the front tire on but couldn't get the bike to stay upright on its own, and thus the rock, which was not according to the instructional video.

A late morning storm, heavy rain, and then constant rain closed the pool for the day so I did not have to go into work at 1:30.  But the weather was not conducive to riding or working in the yard.  So after cooking soup for lunch, I sat in the sun room to read while listening to and watching the rain. 

Babe had climbed onto the dogs bed next to Stevie who had been sleeping there.  Well, Stevie decided Babe was infringing on her space.  So Stevie came up and sat on my lap, now infringing on my space.  Such is life.

During the morning, Joe had been in communication with our first Horse Motel/Camping customer.  Patty, Jean and I had been concerned about some of the logistics so Joe was revamping some of the offerings. 
But Imagine That Transport Inc. was still wanting what we had to offer.  They pulled in about 4:30.  They can transport up to five horses, but just had one at this stage of their travels.  Below photo is from their Facebook page. 

Joe had meet our customers at the highway and escorted them to the ranch so they wouldn't get lost (or stuck) on a back road somewhere. 

The transport horse (a mare) was off-loaded and put into the corral where she could stretch her legs and enjoy some grass. 
Jean took these distance shots from up at the ranch house. 

And Joe took these close up photos when he was down at the shop getting the couple settled in. 

This mare is a big, stocky girl, probably a quarter horse.  She seemed to enjoy the grass and being able to move around in the corral.

Jean had to pull our three horses off the front pasture so that there would be no fraternizing over the fence with the visiting horse. 

Here it looks like our three horses were evaluating the situation, chatting amongst themselves, wondering who the new horse is and why they had to come in off the nice grass a bit early.  They were probably thinking, such is life.

After a late afternoon nap I finally decided to go get some exercise to get the lead out so to speak.  I was dressed and ready to go but when I arrived at the gym, I discovered they were closed today and tomorrow.  Such is life.  So I decided to go to Food City and walk around there for a while.  After 20 minutes I was carting $43 worth of groceries to the car and heading home for dinner.

After feeding the dog and cats and also eating, I did take Maggie on a nice long walk of the golf course. 

Smoke on the mountains.  The Cumberland Plateau is kind of the foot hills of the Smoky Mountains. 

We came up #17 fairway and went around to look at the pond.  The fish came swimming over to see if I had food to offer, but one look at Maggie and they swam away. 

Maggie was definitely intrigued by them and I could see her thinking about using her fishing skills.  I discouraged fishing, and we moved on up the hill, walking to the green of #18.  Here is a different view of the distant mountains from that green. 

It was a good (probably 2+ mile) walk, something I need to do more often, more regularly. 

Poker Joe was gone so I continued reading the book I had just started, Run Rose Run, coauthored by Dolly Parton and James Patterson.  It is a thriller that takes place in Nashville, and Dolly's new album (inspired by Rose's story) contains 12 original songs from the novel.


Thursday 8/11 - We got word from Jean that the horse 'campers' had loaded up and left by 6:30am.  And then a little later, Step of Faith came and cut down our dead tree along the drive before our front gate. 

Monita sleeping near my desk late morning looks like she is trying to block the light out of her eyes, or that maybe she is fed-up with life. 

I didn't work today because I had covered for Nancy on Monday.  The forecast was rain off and on all day, and that is what we experienced.

Joe finished assembling his scooter and a little later in the day, took it for a test drive.  I was relieved to see that it didn't fall apart. 

Since the gym was closed and it was too wet out to do yard work or ride, I suggested to Jean we walk the Holly trail. 

When I got out to the ranch, I took a photo of the new (larger) Green Giant Arborvitae I had planted near the corner by the gate, to help add screening from the neighbors. 

It was sprinkling when we left on foot from the ranch but it stopped and then started again several times during our four mile hike.  So we got and stayed pretty wet.  We had taken pruners to cut back some of the vegetation as we progressed down the road and then the Holly trail.  But first we went in search of Jean's Fit Bit that she had lost during one of our rides.  She had a good idea of where it probably came off, so once we got to the spot, it didn't take long to find it. 

I didn't really want to include all these photos of me, which Jean took, but I wanted to show you the Holly trail as it is now, so like it or not, I am a part of the scenery.  LOL

This first shot shows the trail a little ways in off of Stradford Circle.  Jean thought it looked like a rain forest similar to Costa Rica.  Britney pointed out that TN is largely temperate rain forest. 

This is the steep hill down to the creek, which I wanted Jean to see before bringing Robbie on this trail. 

And here is the creek crossing which will be a big challenge since Robbie doesn't even want to step in water puddles.

When we came out at the other end of the Holly trail by the power lines and Wildwood trail, Jean took this photo of this herd on their back pasture. 

Once we turned around heading home, we continued with trimming trees and brush.  It was slow going.  About half way home, feeling exhausted, wet, and grubby, Jean got into a tick nest.  She was covered in seed ticks, which she tried brushing off, but without much luck.  So we upped the pace for home so she could shower.

Once home I got right into the shower, discovering that I had a few bug bites and seed ticks also, but nothing like Jean had.

Soon it was time to head to Bunkers where Jean, Joe, and I met Patty, Roxie, Melinda, and Therese.  Brian and Joan joined us later. 


It was Terry's birthday so we had fun celebrating that.  The food was good, the drink plenty, and dancing and karaoke occurred. 

We got hit with yet another rain shower, causing Therese and Melinda to have to move because it was blowing in on them.  Like at Mirror Lake Blast, Joan enjoyed dancing with us ladies (video). 

I was too wound up when I got home at 10:00, so read until I got sleepy.

Friday 8/12 - Jean and I had planned to ride as soon as she got off work.  I ran to Food City and then did some food prep for the night's pot-luck.  I also packed a lunch and my pool work clothes and then headed to the ranch. 

The map my route riding app shows a map of where we went along with the above information.  And it includes other data you can also bring up.  Very handy. 

We had a nice ride, enjoying the cooler temperature and less flies.  Robbie did well, but was still a stinker about walking through puddles of water. 

Cute Courtney with the puzzle she ordered and worked in seven hours.  Silly lady.

Work was moderately busy until the last hour when many customers left.  I got my picking-up/cleaning routine done early.  And after helping Rob with the pool cover, I clocked out at 6:05. 

I was just about the last to arrive at the ranch and Patty soon had burgers and brats grilled and we all enjoyed a great meal.  Therese took these photos of us all eating.  We girls are serious about our food.  LOL

Joe arrived from poker after we were done with dinner and were moving out to the fire pit. 

Jean burned some old documents she was purging and we all enjoyed the cool air and warmth of the fire. 

Notice our three horses in the background. 

And the beautiful sky as the sun was setting.

It was a peaceful, relaxing time, along with joking, laughter, and stories.

We all enjoyed s'mores, with each marshmallow 'cooked' to our liking and with extra thick chocolate on gourmet gram-crackers. 

Thanks Jean and Therese for sharing your photos. 

Just as we were 'fixin' to wrap it up, we noticed the sky getting light in the east and decided to wait and watch the moon rise. 

It was well worth the extra time out by the fire. 

Then we all headed home (not too long after 9:00). 

When Jean took this last photo, we were all gone and she was in her bedroom.  Her camera has a way to catch all the ambient light to be able to 'see' at night.  The fire pit sits empty as the moon light really lit up the sky. 

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