Friday, March 24, 2023

Any Day Now

Waiting is hard for me.  I guess that means I am not very patient.  But it also has to do with wanting to get on with life, or having things improved (fixed, different, better) as soon as possible.  If there is something unpleasant in the future (like a root canal, Dr. appointment, or awkward business meeting) I just want to get it over with.  But on the flip side, there is the anticipation of the fun and nice things that are planned (vacations, family gatherings, parties, outings with friends, etc.) that are hard to wait for.

Horse training, and so many other things we work hard at (projects, hobbies, fixing something, learning something new like a language), can seem to take so long.  In most cases, it would be better if we would be more focused on the process, not the outcome.  We should savor the time and work we are doing.  (In psychology, savoring the moment refers to intentionally focusing your attention on the positive aspects of an experience.  When you do this, you notice the sensations, perceptions, emotions, actions, and thoughts that are linked to a particular moment, event, or experience.)  Maybe that's my problem with cooking... I hate the process.  But as it is said, we should enjoy the trip as much as the destination.

Saturday 3/18 - I was up early, even though I had not slept well.  I was so frustrated about neither phone being usable.  It was in the lower 20's so the sun room was cold.  I had the space heater back on and Maggie was enjoying the warmth.  At least I could communicate with others via Facebook and e-mail on my computer.
Joe was waking just as I was leaving for the gym at 8pm.  I was going to workout early and then go back to the AT&T store.  Well, Joe wanted to see if he could 'fix' my phone problem. 

I got home from the gym at 10:00 and Joe was making progress with my phone, so I was going to wait and see if he could get all my contacts and photos onto my new phone.  It remained cloudy through mid-afternoon.  Do you see what I see? 

The groundhog is back, or a new one has moved in.  It is probably laughing at us for thinking that Punxsutawney Phil had lied about more winter, when we had 80° weather in early March.  I'm just hoping, any day now, we return to spring like weather.

Not having a phone, or my computer (because Joe was using it to transfer data) I was at a loss (including lost motivation) for what to do, if anything.  So I sat and read my exciting book that I am getting towards the end of.  

I ended up taking a nap, and Joe got my phone (mostly) fixed.  I was missing some contacts and the videos would not store with my photos.  But I was satisfied. 
I went to the ranch early to do chores.  It was too cold to hang around with Wanda, chickens, or horses... but all were doing well. 


This has become our new 'set-up' for feeding three horses in two sheds.  Since Zorro has been difficult to get into the new shed, and Cowboy is very willing to go there, we have been feeding Cowboy in the shed and Zorro back on the outside of Amiga's shed gate.  It has been working well, and much calmer without Robbie in the mix.  It was reported that she is doing fine.

I had to do some coaxing, actually chased and caught the last two chickens, (I think it was Arnie and Black Betty) to get them into the coop by 4:30.  And then I hustled to Karen's where Patty, Joe, and I joined her for dinner.  She made corn beef and cabbage, my favorite.  Then we played cards (settling on 31) after dinner.

Joe and I watched the next episode of Survivor.  Not real exciting this week, but kept me awake an extra hour before I crashed into bed at 8:30.

Sunday 3/19 - Dan, Vale, Ava, and Tango were coming, so I was doing a quick cleaning in preparation for them.  I had just started on the beef stew when they arrived. 

So I was multi-tasking, slicing and dicing in the kitchen and visiting with company in the living room. 

Little Miss Ava was having a good time exploring the house and playing with the new (for her) used thrift store toys. 

Ava had a little snack, and a bit later we all had lunch, just sandwiches, veggies, chips and dips.  Ava was enjoying the Fritos with dill dip. 


The temperature never got above freezing all day, but it was pretty outside with the sun shining.  Notice that the fur babies were enjoying the warm sun rays. 

I had brought Courtney's old rocking horse down from the balcony.  At first Ava was leery of getting on it, but eventually she warmed up to it and then was having fun. 

She enjoyed the sparkly (thrift store) purse I gave her that I had put stuff in.  She mostly liked to take everything out and then put it all back in again. 

Daniel was 'rock-it out' with Ava's new sunglasses.

We decided it was too cold out to enjoy being out at the ranch, so instead, we made a trip to the Conference Center. 

Ava ran off some energy exploring parts of the building.  In the gym, Joe and Dan shot some hoops.  Ava was afraid of the basketball.  Not a bad thing if you ask me.  It is too big and heavy for this little girl.

Coming out of The Center, I asked for a photo with Ava in the big chair.  And then of course we had to get one of her in it by  herself. 


What a cutie patootie. 

Shortly before Patty arrived at the ranch to do chores for me, we got a text from Polly that it appeared our new water line was leaking, and the water was pooling under the picnic table and then running into their paddock. 

This really frustrated me.  Why can't contractors do a better job?  Ughhhh!

Once Patty got out to the ranch, she shut off the water and the water pump and texted Joe.  He was quick to get on the phone with the plumber and then went out to get a look himself, and send Rick some photos. 

Patty said while the water was on, it was gushing out of this hole and it appeared the dirt had been blasted from where the line was buried  underground. 


Joe came right back home and once Patty was done with chores and got here, we had drinks and playtime, and then dinner.  The evening was spent playing with Ava, watching some music videos, and laughin' and havin' a good time. 

Monday 3/20 - I was up early, walking the dogs, but later discovered that Tango had had a little accident sometime during the night. 

All the Murfeesboro Villhauers were up by 8am.  It was a slow, relaxing (but short) morning before they had to head home. 

Ava was again having fun with her purse full of goodies. 


She was being a little ham with the sunglasses.  And why not?  She looked so cute. 

I hadn't realized it, but Joe had his camera in selfie mode.  If you zoom in on it, you can see Ava's face.  So she really was hammin' it up for the camera.

Vale had taken this last photo, while I was snapping the earlier ones. 

Alas, it was time for our house guests to hit the road.  Ava's back pack is more like a butt pack.  LOL

The cats were quick to come out of hiding.  They aren't afraid of Tango, but Ava is a whole new and different 'creature' they are unsure about. 

The plumber contacted Joe and sent this photo to inform us that the leak had been found and fixed.  He was mystified as to why the pipe sprung a leak.  I was worried he hadn't buried the line deep enough and am still concerned this may be a problem next winter when we get really cold temperatures that last a few days. 

I had intended to go to the gym, but never made it.  In fact, in terms of exercise, I was a complete bum all day.

I did get three loads of laundry done, made the guest bed, stowed away all of Ava’s toys for the next time she comes to visit, finished my mystery novel, started a jigsaw puzzle, and took a nap.  Karen dropped by to borrow my phone because hers totally quit on her and she was getting help from her phone company when her phone locked up again.  She was here about 40 minutes trying to resolve the issue.  Since I had a big late lunch and poker Joe was gone, I decided to have popcorn while watching another one of Jean‘s movies.  It was not a horse movie, but one with Dolly Parton, called Blue Valley Songbird. 

Tuesday 3/21 - I was at the ranch by 7:30 and opened the chicken coop.  Then seen here, I walked through the side pasture to let our horses out. 

They followed me to the gates to the back pasture and then had to wait while I took their photo and then opened the gates. 

Next I went down to the barn to check on Wanda, who never showed up.  I hoped she was either sleeping in, or out hunting.  I was enjoying the outdoors, it wasn't too cold, so I did another job while down at the barn.

I raked dirt back up on top of the water pipe ditch so it can settle and fill it in overtime.  I also took a new bag of feed to our feed room and filled our feed bin.  And I took a bag of feed to the chicken coop and organized in there. 

After mucking the two sheds, I added lime to the small shed because the smell of urine was quite strong. 

Finally, I deadhead all of our flowerbeds, pots, and raised bed gardens.  I am ready to start planting any day now, but after a late freeze killed all my marigolds
last year, I know I need to wait.

I had a third (big) breakfast once home and then had to have a nap. 

Rose was on the deck, but there was no sun to warm her.  She tends to sit there to look into the house at us.  Notice she is using her tail to keep her toes warm. 

Maggie barking woke me from my nap when Mike arrived, and I helped welcome and get him settled in. 

I finally got myself to the gym at 3pm.
  A weight workout late in the day is difficult because I seem to have much less energy.  And today, in addition to my lower back and elbows hurting, now my knees were bothering me.  But I got it done.  Ugh! 

We picked Patty up and she joined us for dinner at Vegas Steakhouse.  The food was good and we enjoyed chit chatting.  

Wednesday 3/22 - It rained almost all day long, and when it wasn’t raining, it was still very cloudy, gloomy and the 43° temperature felt cold.  It was a good day to stay in pajamas, which I did, almost all day.  Babe napping on the rumpled dog bed.  Mike stayed upstairs in the guest quarters, working all morning.  After computerizing, and it was light enough to see in the living room, I worked on the jigsaw puzzle. 
This is all the farther I got after several hours of work.  It is very difficult.  Why did Cathy (who gifted it) do this to me?

I made a trip to the gym to get off my butt and do some aerobic exercising.  I ended up doing almost 30 minutes each on the rowing machine, elliptical, and walking laps.  I had my weighted vest on for 50 of the 80 minutes I exercised.

The guys were gone for the afternoon and evening playing poker, so I watched another one of Jean's movies.  It was a cheesy 2004 film, "Heartland Son." 

Thursday 3/23 - Babe was climbing the walls (literally) while I worked here on this blog, caught up on Facebook and e-mail, and then played games. 

It ended up being a beautiful 70° day, but for some reason, I spent much of it inside.  The house was actually colder than it was outside.  And I am 'hooked' on this puzzle.  At first I just wanted to get it done and over with, but the more I work it, the more addicted to working it I become.  It really hasn't gotten any easier, but maybe I have gotten the hang of it (colors and shapes).
This is the progress I had made by the end of the day.

Mike and Joe hit the golf course just after I went to the gym, about 1pm.  Other than my abs and obliques workout, I cut back on all the weights that caused pain in my knees and elbows.  Unfortunately, it was just about all of the machines.  But I did get back up to seven pull-ups, which I haven't been able to do since our cruise. 

Once home from the gym,
I couldn't muster up the energy (or motivation) to go to the ranch or work in the yard.  It was kind of too late (3:30) anyways.  But I did take Maggie on a long walk, cause I had realized just how nice it was outside and needed to take advantage of it.

Susan and Bonnie sent a video of Amiga walking, looking a little lame.  I hate that there seems to be something chronic going on with her, causing lameness, we think on the front left leg.  Sometimes it is hard to tell just which leg she is favoring. 

I watched another (Jean) movie, "Silk Hope," starring Farrah Fawcett.  Not the best actress, but she's cute. 

Friday 3/24 - Mike hit the road at 10am, Joe left for a day of golf and poker, and I went to the ranch for some horse time. 

All three horses came in from the back pasture while I was opening windows.  Amiga and Zorro went straight to the water trough, with Cowboy soon to follow. 

I haltered Amiga and led her down the drive to the barn.  Her lameness is hard to see, but she is 'off' and has a slight head bob.  I think her issues are with arthritis because some days she is worse than other days.  But this recent lameness has gone on for far too long.  I keep thinking any day now she will be back to normal.  The Previcox did help, so maybe I should continue with it.   

I did give Amiga a really good brushing, which she seemed to enjoy, kind of napping she was so relaxed.  There was a lot of shed hair in the process.  I also did mane, hoof, eye and teat care and then rode her bareback, just at a walk, in the round pen.  Maggie and Wanda were hanging out together, but then the neighbor under the power line started target practice, and all the gun shot scared Maggie.  I closed her in the tack room, rode Amiga up the drive to her paddock, and drove back down to get Maggie. 

I intended to do yard work after getting a 2:00 late lunch, but we got some rain, lasting 30 minutes.  So I started back in on the puzzle.  I decided it was too wet out and anyways, I was enjoying puzzle working.  Look how much more I got done. 

Patty had evening chores and was going to stay the night out at the ranch.  She sent this photo of our three happy horses. 

I had a long phone conversation with Jean.  It was nice to catch up with her and fill her in on ranch happenings.

Any day now falls in the same mind set as I'll be happy when...   Both are joy-killing little words.
Any day now,  I’ll be happy when …” isn’t just a phrase.  It’s a mindset — and that mindset keeps us waiting for happiness instead of cultivating joy in our lives right now.  Focus on living fully in the present.  Don't let your whole life be I'll be happy when, or Any day now.  Be happy now.

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