Friday, September 29, 2023

Half Full?

Ahhh, the age old question, is the glass half full or half empty?  And is the answer to determine if you are an optimist or pessimist?  As for me, my glass is all the way full.  In fact, my cup runneth over. 

Bear with me here... I found several thoughts, and answers to this question... and for fun, want to share them in these photo posts.

Actually, what if we took a logical (scientific) approach to the question?  Simply put, the glass is full; half liquid and half gas.

And then there is the equestrian perspective. 

The opportunist would simply finish off the liquid (especially if it were a tasty beverage) while everyone else is arguing the point.   

Saturday 9/23 - It was the fall equinox.  It was also the last day for the pool to be open.  I wasn't scheduled to work, but we were short staffed, so I volunteered to take the morning sift.  A little 'party' had been organized and we had a good turn out.  Even though summer is over, the fun doesn't stop... pool peeps plan to still get together periodically, until next summer. 

I went straight to the ranch from the pool and several of us ladies started gathering down at the barn.  We had to make a last minute horse switch, so ended up with Patty on Billy (seen in this first photo). 

Karen was on Zorro and Mary rode Chipolte, (seen in this second photo).  

I ended up riding Amiga bareback again because her sore from the girth is almost better, and I didn't want to chance knocking (rubbing) the scab off again, which has happened a few times already this month. 

It was an absolutely gorgeous day, perfect for horseback riding. 

We were going to meet up with Polly, so once we got on Marmaduke, we rode along it towards Beachwood. 

Polly was just finishing up tacking Rio, who heard us coming and was very interested in us. 

Polly got Rio's mind reset and focused on her and was soon in the saddle and we continued down the road, going the Stratford Drive loop.

Polly on Rio.

We had a great ride, out on the trail for almost two hours, covering just over five miles. 

All the horses did very well.
  We rode in different configurations, with different horses leading, and when paired up side-by-side, had some great chat time (video).

Polly and I would get behind and then canter our horses to catch up.  We were having fun.
Sometimes the group would stop so we could catch up, or to rest (relax) the horses, or decide which route to take next.  And we would all chat. 

After the ride I quickly did chores and then scooted home to get ready for my next activity. 

It had been a busy day with work at the pool, the ride, and then chores.  But I wasn't done enjoying life. 

With no time to shower, I packed a cooler and headed to The Grove where I met Micki for the California Dreaming Band.  We danced almost the whole two hours.  This is Donna and Micki in the photo.  I was exhausted (and a tad sore) by the time I got to bed at 9:30.  I laid there knowing my cup ranneth over today. 

Sunday 9/24 - I woke with a bad headache, gut ache, and sore legs, so took a pain pill and went back to bed for almost another hour of sleep.  Once up, I was still struggling with digestive issues, the third morning in a row actually.  This morning it lingered longer than usual, and I made several quick trips to the bathroom.  I didn't think Church was a good idea.  Hanging out here in the house, I caught up on some domestic chores, unpacked my pool bag I would no longer need for the year, did a load of laundry and started this blog post.

Micki threw a 95th Birthday party (same exact birth date as our mama) for her mom, Rita, seen here with Andy.  I attended for a few hours but then had to slip out to get to the ranch to meet Vivian, a horse friend who wanted to look it over before trailering her horses there, to ride with us out back in the Glade.  Luckily my intestines had calmed down somewhat. 

Monday 9/25 - Today would have been Mom's 95th Birthday.  Another year has come and gone without her here, bringing and holding us all together.  Happy Heavenly Birthday Mama. 

I took this shot from a video the kids posted.  Courtney, Daniel and Ava were having a fun time dancing around, chasing each other.  Each time I watch the video, and listen to their laughter, my 'glass' just keeps getting fuller.

Because I no longer had work at the pool, and was still having digestive issues, I was just sitting here scrolling and reading comments,
chatting on line, watching video clips, and playing games.  Then it dawned on me, I had ranch chores.  SHOOT!!! 

I scrambled to get out to the ranch as quick as possible.  Arriving at 10:00, our three horses were more than ready to go out on the front pasture.  The four horses from the upper paddock where down grazing near our paddock fence, on the back pasture.  And Mr. Great Blue Heron was fishing. 

After mucking the paddock, I got to work finishing up the drainage ditch along the fence between the paddock and the back pasture.  This photo was after I was all finished with it.  I cleaned dirt (that had been loosened by the tractor) out of the ditch and hauled it to the top of the dam where it starts to slant down in back, seen in this second photo. 

I took four wheelbarrow loads from the ditch to the dam.  There was much raking involved to smooth and level the loads of dirt out.  Some piles had been left by Joe with the tractor a few days ago when we were working on this together.

At one point, Amiga and Zorro came in for a drink while my project supervisor watched from the comfort of the shade. 

And then (2 videos
Amiga decided to cool off in the pond.  She is so funny.  

Life is good.  I know my glass, and all my 'pets' cups are usually mostly full, if not over flowing. 

Still having digestive issues, I took a few potty breaks, re-hydrated, and did some snacking while back at the barn.

Karen arrived just as I was finishing up, and helped me put tools away.  This photo better shows where I added dirt to the top, back side of the dam. 

Karen and I fetched the two Paso Finos from the front pasture, got them saddled up (well Zorro not Amiga) in no time, and hit the trail (video).  I didn't use a saddle again to keep the girth off Amiga's sore which is almost all better.  We had a fabulous ride.  Both horses were so quiet and mostly willing to go.  The weather was perfect so we went nearly five miles in 90 minutes. 

Susan was with Cowboy when we got back and Joe had just arrived with shavings, so I helped him add some to our shed.  Mr. Heron was back fishing, but I scared him off when I went to shut the gate to the front pasture. 

If you enlarge this photo, the heron and his reflection can be seen smack dab in the center, as he was flying off.

After my evening shower, pet and kitchen chores, and making a salad for dinner, I was done for the day and in bed an hour early. 

Tuesday 9/26 - There was still a lot of rumbling going on in my lower bowels, but no urgent trips to the bathroom were necessary.  After blogging I played some games and did quite well on Wordle. 

Rose has a cute little spot of gray, on a toe of each front foot, I was trying to photograph.

And she has quite sharp claws. 

I worked in the yard from noon until four.  Now that I have a new refrigerator with an ice maker/water dispenser, I don't care when my glass is nearing empty, I can easily fill it back up with more ice water.

Oh that smell of autumn in the air is refreshing.  But the jack-hammering at the church across the street for the 4th or 5th day now, has gotten quite annoying (video).

I spread out the piles of mulch Joe had taken down back for me, and then got this bed weeded and ready to be mulched. 

I also did some watering.  It was so dry out. 

I have been collecting acorns because at some point this coming winter, a squirrel or two are going to think their stash is half empty.  They'll be looking for some handouts, and I’ll be glad to oblige.  It cost me nothing but a few hundred squats to pick them up.

Alice picked me up after 5:00 and we went to Coy's house, who was hosting Bunko this month.  After a wonderful meal, we played 24 rounds of Bunko.  It's a game of luck.  I was subbing and ended up tied for first place, winning $22.00.  Whoot whoot.

When I got home and bragged to Poker Joe, he was not impressed.  It was nothing compared to what he often wins. 

Wednesday 9/27 - I was up for a few hours in the middle of the night reading, and then up for the day not too long after 4am.  I fought sleep after daybreak, but had things to do and places to go.

I finally made it to the gym after two days off, working out from 9-11:30.  I was a little low on energy and my abs seemed to be kind of sore after the several days of digestive issues.  But I got in a good arm workout. 

Monita had the right idea, like most cats, sleeping much of the day.  But then she bothers me in the middle of the night.

I made a big shopping trip in town, hitting five stores and getting a hair cut.  It poured (with thunder and lightening) as I was driving home. 

Once everything was unloaded, I did household chores early and feed the slew of cats and Maggie.  The rain had stopped (we got 1¼ inch which was very much needed) so I took Maggie out.  I was looking at the full creek and we both saw this snapper. 

I did not let Maggie get any closer than what you see in the photo.

I had some catching up to do on this blog because Firefox on my computer had crashed or something.  I couldn't do anything this morning (Facebook, e-mail, games, etc.) so I had gone to the gym, while Joe was fixing it.  Tonight, Dan dropped in to leave Tango with us, while he and family go to Chicago for the weekend.

Thursday 9/28 - I was up early to walk Tango so he wouldn't have an accident in the house, but a little later discovered one had already happened.  Oh well. 

I fell asleep on the couch for an hour, before daybreak, and then once up again scurried off to do chores at the ranch.  It rained on me part of the time.  But I was able to see that my new drainage ditch was working at directing water from the lower paddock out through the back pasture and into the woods.

I dropped by the pool on my way home to help with end-of-season clean up, but they were mostly finished so I did not do much to help. 

It rained off and on all morning so I had a third cup of tea, eggs with ham and cheese, and spent time here at my computer. 

In this photo, Babe is checking out Tango. 

It was not a very productive day.  My plans to work outside and go horse around never panned out because we just kept having little pop-up drizzles and it was overcast and stayed damp most of the day.  I accomplished a few inside tasks, took a second nap, and did get to the gym.  My elliptical and leg workout was not very robust.

Joe and I started season 45 of Survivor after dinner.  I was very disappointed in the 
Lulu tribe, who had one very weak and one very negative player.  In fact, another player commented that the negative girl's glass was always half empty.  When it was time to vote someone off (they had lost the challenge by a landslide), they were going after one of their strongest players (dumb).  As it turned out, another 'cry-baby' player threatened to quit unless her tribe voted her out, which they did. (She wanted to sleep in a real bed and eat.)  Jeff said this was definitely a quit.  What a weak and dysfunctional tribe. 

Friday 9/29 - We put Tango in the Mancave with Maggie overnight, but he woke me, whining and pushing on the door.  So I took the dogs for a walk and then we all returned to our 'beds.'  

I had troubles getting back to sleep and felt I was woken (at 4:30) just about the time I had fallen into a deep slumber.  Back out for a walk we went, and we started our day extra early.  When I am sleep deprived, my glass no longer feels half full.  It feels a little more than half empty.

This is at least an eight point buck. 

I was definitely dragging all day. 

This is Mama's old loveseat that I inherited.  Joe was taking it to a lady who is going to re-furbish it for us.  I could buy a new one a lot cheaper, but it would not be an antique or have sentimental value. 

Now that fall is officially here, it was time to start decorating.  I had gone to the gym, took a nap out on the back deck, and then went to the ranch.  It took me 45 minutes (three trips to the shop, drilling, sawing, and hammering) to just get these two decorations up.  Scheesh.

I did some chores, and then when Karen arrived we went for a ride.  We were a little behind schedule and the horses were wanting their dinner, so they pushed the pace.  Unfortunately, Amiga seemed a little sore on her rear feet.  Karen helped me with the feeding routine once we got back.