Friday, January 26, 2024


Sometimes, it's all a matter of degree.  And it seems we humans like to measure, compare, rank, etc; the extent to which something happens, is present, or even how educated a person is, by degree. 

When it comes to mathematics, statistics, chemistry and physics, I don't usually want any part of measuring degree... 

...plane,  angle, radian, degree of saturation, degree of freedom; even loft of a golf club, arc, economic growth, longitude, and latitude all challenge me.

I think temperature is a degree measure we all are comfortable (familiar) with because we experience it every day... except when you start converting between Fahrenheit, Celsius, and even Kelvin.  I can also use degree when used as a scale... extent,
severity, quality, rate or degree of: pain, bone density, a burn, and even an incline (especially if it is icy).

Saturday 1/20 - It was 4° when I got up at 4:45.  Which I guess can be called 'warm' if compared to -4° which we had last Wednesday morning.  Even the predicted high of 15° for today is way too cold for my comfort.  Our house thermostat was set at 64° to help conserve electricity and the demand on the power grid.  But I did turn the gas fireplace on as soon as I got up.  I don't know to what degree lowering our house temp helps, but it's like everything else (conserving water, recycling, shutting off appliances) every little bit helps.  

Mr. Heron flew in, landing in the creek.  He walked down to this spot, tucked his head and one foot under his wing (napping?), where he remained for at least an hour.

I needed a break from computer and puzzles, and was cold, so sat on the floor in front of the fire to read.  I got just over a chapter read and then set my book down and took a nap, right there, with the dog and cats.

Joe cooked brunch (bacon, eggs, hash browns, and toast) out on his flat top grill (in the cold). 

After brunch, I started a puzzle.  Then we went to the ranch at 2:00.  Chestnut Hill was still very icy; conditions my car (and I) can not handle.  The horses were happily eating hay out in the back pasture.  The sun was warm, but with the wind chill, it was miserable.  Joe was leaving town today, so we needed to put out another round bale since he would be gone the next five days. 

We struggled to open the gate to the paddock because of a pile of frozen manure blocking it; but we finally got it, and put the additional hay out in the back pasture.  The old pile is also still available to the horses. 

Keeping water available has been the bigger challenge.
The water tank is completely frozen and the horses are nearly emptying all four of the five gallon heated buckets in the shed, twice a day. 

Believe it or not, water is still running from the pond through the spillway.  Susan had removed some ice so the horses could better access water here.   

Once Joe and I got all the chores done and returned home, I continued work on the jigsaw puzzle, getting this far. 

Joe left for Courtney's at 4:30 and I snuggled in for a quiet evening at home. 

I did have to bundle up and venture out to walk the dog a few times.  But hot cocoa, fire, and blanket with my good book, warmed me back up.

Sunday 1/21 - It was 3° before daybreak and I had had enough (to the nth
°) of winter.  I had to look up nth degree.  I knew it meant as much as possible, or to the utmost.  But why use 'n' I wondered.  Well, this expression comes from mathematics, where to the nth means 'to any required power.' 
Our house thermostat was at 64° but our heat pump could not keep up, so it was only 63° inside.  The fire went back on and soon the masses started congregating in front of it as usual.

There were also masses of deer
(three different small groups) congregating down back.  Until this lone buck (who was probably following the girls) came in and chased them all off (video).

I have really become a computer/puzzle potato lately.  I have NO desire to go out in the cold, and can't even get motivated to do anything constructive inside.  I just want to sit wrapped in a blanket and be entertained.

Joe reported that he had made it to Ft. Lauderdale.  There were only 18 passengers on his flight.  He said it was 70° but breezy.  Meanwhile, we were under a wind chill advisory for the rest of the day.

The high today did get up to 28
° but the warm sun rays did their magic, and snow and ice melted considerably. 

I finished another jigsaw puzzle, this 500 piece in less than 24 hours. 

Patty picked me up at 1:15 and drove to the ranch.  The FG roads were great, but when we hit the county roads (Chestnut Hill) it was very icy.  Slow and steady got us to the ranch without incident. 

We worked together at doing chores, first filling the four empty heated water buckets.  The horses had come in from the hay pile and soon quenched their thirst.  You can see on this side of the barn, the warm sun rays had melted all the snow and Wanda was enjoying the heat. 

After all were fed and cared for, we spent a few hours up at the house visiting with Jamie and Kathy.  We left at 4:45, topped off water buckets down at the barn, and made it home without incident.

Monday 1/22 - If they had a degree or diploma for being a lazy bum, I would have easily earned it by now; even ranking with a Masters or PhD.  I also have clearly earned a minor as a food connoisseur.

After eating a big brunch I made, I started a new 1000 piece puzzle while waiting to digest. 
Today we had ducks visiting down at the pond. 

I got a better photo when I went down to put corn out for the deer.  
I was hooked on the puzzle but WAS going to get to the gym.  It had been over two hours so my stomach was not full and I had no excuse to not go. 

After running to Admin and the post office, I arrived at the gym.  I proceeded to complete a robust, full-body workout.  Finally I felt energized and was able to work hard for two hours. 

With temperatures in the low 40's, snow and ice had been melting all day.  The landscape has taken on a less pristine look and gotten rather messy.  The melting snow in this on line picture looks like warriors on horseback.

I made a delicious salad with a leftover grilled hamburger patty on top.  And I had a bowl of fruit instead of hitting the cookie or candy jar afterwards.  Some days it's just easier (and I do better on diet and exercise) than other days.

Tuesday 1/23 - I had a pleasant mid-morning walk with the dog.  It was 43° and the birds were singing like it was spring.  Even though it was overcast, it felt balmy. 

We went farther than we have usually gone lately, and Maggie seemed to really enjoy the walk. 

I had decided to fill out the three page application for the Wildwood Stables Planning Committee, in case they had troubles getting enough qualified, interested people.  So I spent time doing that. 
Later, when I returned the application, the receptionist said there had been a lot of interest.  That was great to hear.

After some puzzle working and throwing the laundry into the dryer, I headed out in my car.  Dropped the application off at Admin, did leg work plus an hour of elliptical at the gym, and hit Food City on the way home.  

I got a ranch up-date from Susan who had chores tonight.  She and Jon got about half the ice off the trough.  Just look how thick it was and big the pieces were.

Susan and Jon certainly go above and beyond the call of duty so many times.  Also notice how messy the paddock is starting to get, but that most of the snow and ice has melted.

I had a little snafu at Food City.  I had grabbed a case of beer to be sure my order was over $50.00 so I could use the $5.00 off coupon.  The only checkout line was long and moving very slowly cause there was no bagger.  (I don't get why customers stand there watching and don't help bag.)  Anyway, I did the bagging and then when paying, was told the beer did not go towards the grocery's total for use of the coupon, so I was not over the $50.00.  Grrr.  I just wanted to get going so left with my coupon.  Once home, I discovered I had forgotten the bag of cookies and English muffins.  Double grrrrr.    
Babe snuggling with Maggie for a quiet evening while I watched the movie 'Power of The Dog.'

Wednesday 1/24 - My walk before sunrise was even warmer than the day before, at 50°.  It was cloudy, the 'spring breeze' was picking up, and rain was imminent.  I had turned on the fire as usual but turned it back off once I realized how warm it was.  Babe and Maggie remained in front of it because the glass front and rock hearth stay warm for quite awhile. 

I saw this license plate on the car in front of me when I parked at the gym.  I have been wanting to get a fun, decorative (horsey) front plate. 

I really enjoy the gym, seeing so many familiar faces of friends and fellow exercisers.  And I just about always feel good after a workout, especially like today's that went well.  It does 'pump me up.'

Coming home from the gym, I went out of my way to get my cookies and English muffins I had left at Food City.  After a very late lunch, I enjoyed tea and cookies while working the puzzle and watching it rain.  To what degree did it rain?  Well, it was anywhere from a sprinkle to a downpour.  Finally pulling myself away from my warm, dry haven; I went to the ranch to do chores. 

Patty arrived a little later (while the horses were in eating) and helped me put medicine in Banner's eye. 

I had put a bunch of hay in the shed so the horses could all enjoy their after dinner snack out of the rain.  Then I ventured out to check on drainage, hay and other conditions. 

Notice in this close-up of the last photo, there was still ice on the pond, with some rain water on top.  I had tried breaking it at the spillway, in the earlier photo, but it was too thick.  Also you can see Banner who came in and out of the shed a few times.  And below, he was just standing outside in the rain.  I wish he was more assertive and didn't let the other three intimidate him into leaving the shelter.  Or maybe he just likes standing out in the rain which Cowboy does sometimes.  At least it was a warm rain.  Banner followed me out to the back field when I went (in the rain) to check on hay.   

I basically gathered up all the clean hay left from the two round bales, and put it in three big piles.  Banner ate some and then proceeded to pee on one pile.  The stinker.  This caused a degree of irritation on my part, but it is something Zorro might do also, so I had to chuckle.  Keeping the horses from peeing, pooping, or lying on the hay is the reason we use the round bale feeder.  But the hay was mostly gone from the feeder.  And the leftover pile from the earlier spot we'd had the feeder, was scattered.  So I had moved the feeder up the hill to have it ready for our next round bale. 

Once done messing around in the paddock
and pasture, I had reached 80 degrees saturation.  I know, not correct use of the term, but I was wet nearly down to my undies and bra.  I checked in on the horses who were happily eating hay.  You can see how wet they were by viewing Zorro's right rear.  I walked from one door to the other trying to get them all in the same photo, but couldn't.  So I combined two photos to create this. ↓ 

Oh, here's a photo Susan had sent from earlier in the day to give me a 'heads up' on the hay quantity at the round bale feeder.  There was much less by the time I had gotten out there to do chores. 

I walked Maggie before changing out of wet clothes when I got home.  I did the usual household chores and entertained myself here until bedtime, deciding folding laundry could wait till morning. 

Thursday 1/25 - The heron and ducks were sharing the marshland down at the pond this morning.  It rained most of the night and continued off and on all day.  Gloomy is a cheery way of describing the conditions.  Miserable is more accurate. 


After finishing up laundry and doing a lot of little organizing tasks in the kitchen, pet care closet, and our bedroom, I worked on this puzzle while the lunch I had eaten early, digested.

Shortly after Joe arrived home from Florida, I left for the gym...  It was nearly dinner time when I got home. 

Maggie squirrel watching, and then Monita joined her.

We watched two episodes of Suits after dinner. 

Friday 1/26 - Each morning the sun is up earlier and the temperature is warmer.  Spring feels so tangible. 
This squirrel had its head in the old chewed up Bluebird house but I didn't get the photo quick enough.  Golfers have also appeared out on the course now that all the snow is gone and the rain has stopped.

I got to the ranch at 10am and Patty had just gotten Banner and Amiga into their stalls.  In order to distract Zorro and Cowboy, I put a few piles of hay out for them.

The two swapped back and forth a few times and at one point, both shared the same pile.

Joe brought another round bale of hay out of the shop and I helped him get it set up out in the back pasture. 

Then I helped Patty put medicine in Banner's eye.  Once we were done with that, we put him in the paddock and he walked right past Zorro and Cowboy (who were still eating from their little piles of hay) and out to the new round bale that he had all to himself. 

Pretty soon Cowboy went out, and then Zorro came as well (video).  All three stood enjoying their meal. 

Back at the barn, Amiga was waiting patiently in her stall.  I pulled her out and got her ready to ride. 

I rode up the drive to go out the front, and saw Patty and Kathy in the yard.  I stopped to say hi and Kathy took a few photos of Amiga and I with the view of the mountains in the background. 

I had troubles deciding which one I liked best...
with my horse, the sky, the view of the mountain, and I appearing differently in each photo.

Amiga and I were soon out on Marmaduke (video) enjoying the day and the 63 degree temperature.  I steered Amiga down each of the cul-de-sacs as we went, which, to a degree, is similar to riding in the woods. 

I noticed that all the creeks were running and were fuller than usual (video).

The puddles in some of the roads were also quite large. 

We had been out on the 'trail' for nearly 90 minutes, just moseying along and doing a little gaiting. 


Just before turning onto the little path that goes to our back gate, I noticed one of the black horses at the power line, now in the field that is next to our drive.  

riding through the gate into the barnyard, I turned Amiga down the path in the woods, that runs along the three horses' pasture fence.  They came tromping over to get a closer look at us.  Amiga was actually fairly intimidated by them and tried to bolt back to the safety of our barn, but she stayed with me.  I thought the three looked well, all things considered. 

Once back at the barn and brushing Amiga off, I noticed this scrape on her back leg.  She must have recently done it.  I scrubbed it with soap and water and put anti-bacterial ointment on it.  It didn't seem to bother her at all.  Phew.

It was 2:30 when I got home.  I had a big salad for a late lunch and then worked on the puzzle while my food digested.  I had my gym clothes on, with good intentions, but got 'hooked' on the puzzle. 

Well, I fed everybody a little early and then took Maggie on an hour long walk.  It was dark and cooling off by the time we got home.  Poker Joe was gone and I'd had a big, late lunch, so I skipped dinner.  But I did have a beer and popcorn here at my computer while finishing this blog.