Friday, January 12, 2024


According to Free Dictionary, "Brrrrrrr typically indicates the sound or sensation felt when someone is shivering or feeling cold.  It is an onomatopoeic representation of the repetitive and rapid vibrating sound made by the vocal cords or when someone clenches their teeth due to the cold temperature, discomfort, or chills."

I do NOT like being cold, and yet it seems to be my status way before others think it is cold.  And for this reason, I am not a fan of winter.  It helps to be in TN rather than IL, but anything below 50° is colder than I like.  So I am trying to grin and bear it as each cold day fades into the next.  Thankfully, as the days get longer, they will soon, also be getting warmer. 

Sunday 1/7 - Look who was down by the pond while I sat here at my computer.

And I think he looks rather cold... Brrrr!

Joe has really been into grilling now that he has a new Blackstone flat top grill.  He had made the 'lunch' pictured here, for himself a few days ago.  

Well this morning he grilled breakfast (bacon, sausage, eggs, hash browns, and Texas toast) for the three of us.  I saved mine for lunch because I had already had my two usual breakfasts.

Joe and Tim were soon on the road for Nashville, to go to the Tennessee Titans vs Jacksonville Jaguars game. 

They met Courtney and Kent there and made their way to their seats. 

Notice the 'kids' chose not to sit right next to that one creepy lookin' old man.

I just love that Courtney and Kent have been enjoying life together and are so happy. 

I watched the game while taking down both Christmas trees.  We are replacing the one in the living room, but I decided to keep the top half of it, hating to throw the tree away, even though it is really falling apart and kind of ragged looking. 

I had planed to go to the ranch early and ride before doing chores, but a little sleet shower came out of nowhere, sticking to the golf green, back deck and some of the back yard.  Brrrr... I was worried about the four football fans being too cold, but Courtney sent the photo below, showing that it was nice and sunny there. 

I ended up watching the whole game because it was so exciting (and not good riding weather).  Titans won 28-20, which only helped their win/loss record, but put the Jaguars out of contingency for their division to go to the playoffs.  Sorry Jim and Debbie. 

It was later than usual when I got to the ranch to feed horses.  They came running when they saw me come down the drive.  I had decided to put hay out in the paddock, not knowing if there was enough left at the round bale feeder.  This is the 'hay wagon' I used. 

When I checked, there still was plenty of hay in the round bale feeder, but it was all in the middle where they couldn't reach it.  I pulled it out to the edges so they could finish it off.

It was dark when I  hit Food City on the way home.  I turned on my holiday lights that are still up, to make it feel warm and festive.  I had turkey, stuffing, and mash potatoes & gravy which I had picked up at the store.

Monday 1/8 - I did not take any photos today.  This is one from Susan.  The round bale feeder was empty and the horses were searching the back field for forage. 

I continued to struggle with my workout at the gym, not having the strength, endurance, or drive I had before Thanksgiving.  On each machine I contemplated quitting early and I took more rest time than usual.  After two hours, I still hadn't quite finished my entire workout of elliptical, arms and abs; but was done.

I met Karen at the ranch at 1:30 and we took Amiga and Banner out for a little ride.  It was not that cold, but chillier than I prefer.  With no sunshine and the wind picking up, I did get a tad chilled.  

Joe and I watched two episodes of Suits, with a warm fire burrning in the fireplace.  (Add an 'n' to burrr and it warms you right up.)

Tuesday 1/9 - It 'stormed' throughout the night, with heavy rain and strong winds, which continued at a lesser degree most of the day. 

I finished the 1,000 piece stamp puzzle while listening to four chapters of the podcast hosted by Laura Weber Davis, called 'Ride of Passage' which is a true American adventure story about Matt Parker's solo ride across the country on horseback. 

I hit the gym for a few hours, focusing on legs after my one hour on the elliptical.  It is still not getting easier.

When I got home, the sun finally came out for a few minutes, before it clouded back up. 

Over the dinner hour
the temperature dropped as the wind picked back up, and we got sleet, followed by snow flurries overnight.

Sitting in front of the fire with my fur babies watching two episodes of Suits with Joe, ended my day.

Wednesday 1/10 - Brrrr, it was a cold morning, but we had the farrier coming so I was at the ranch by 9:30.  Susan and Bonnie had the horses in their stalls already so we three mucked the shed and paddock, taking two full wheelbarrow loads to the manure pile.  So we knew that the horse had spent the majority of the cold windy night in the shed.

Chris trimmed and shod Cowboy first while we ladies stood around and gabbed.  Notice how bundled up everyone was. 

Zorro was next, with Patty holding him.  He was quick because he only gets trimmed (no shoes).  And finally it was Amiga's turn.  I have been very pleased and thankful for how well her feet have been doing this fall and winter. 

Once finished (about 11:30, I went up to the ranch house to warm up and have lunch (soup I had brought).  Then I sat working the puzzle, waiting for chore time (I had planned to do early).  My view out the window on a cold, gray, winter day.  See Jem & Denise's cat just about to go through the fence?

A little later when I was driving down the lane to go do chores, I spotted her hunting out in the front pasture.

The sun had actually come out a little, so it had warmed up some and chores went quickly because Joe had put another round bale out in the back pasture so I didn't have to put hay in the paddock, and we ladies had gotten all the manure cleaned up already.

I spent some time petting Wanda who was being very loving and trusting.  She has gotten so much friendlier.  I headed home just after 4pm.

With the Christmas tree gone from the balcony, and the wicker chairs that were there now at the ranch, the balcony window is barren, waiting for mom's love seat to be refinished.  Stevie's bed always sits in front of it, but I added this little folding chair and the chewy box the cats like, so they had to explore. 
My evening was the same as usual, with Poker Joe gone and only pets and myself to feed. 

Thursday 1/11 - It was to be a warmer, sunny day but started rough for me because my computer was operating so slowly, taking a minute just to open a new photo or window.  After an hour or more of struggling with it, and once there was enough light in the living room, I went out to start this puzzle that was a Christmas gift, while also listening to the podcast I had started on Tuesday. 

This is the new (smaller) box I put in the living room window after the tree was down.  I cut the hole in the front today, so the cats were exploring it again.  All of us were enjoying the sunshine that was coming in the windows. 

At the gym, I switched up my workout as recommended by Trainer Lee.  I did the weights first and ended with the elliptical.  Doing an hour on the elliptical with the weighted vest before every workout is something I recently started.  Today, doing it after weights enabled me to have a much better weight workout, before I had 'spent' my ready to go energy.  The aerobic work on the elliptical was not any more difficult (just slower) than when I did it first, before weights.  So I'll stick with this new plan.     

I met Patty at the ranch at 1:30 and we got Amiga and Zorro ready to ride.  She was only going to do a very light, short ride while I was going to go out for a longer one.  I decided to just go bareback, planning for a longer, faster, saddled ride Friday. 

Amiga standing patiently while I took some photos of Patty and Zorro. 

Have I mentioned how much I love this horse?

As usual, I used the stump outside the back gate to get on Amiga, then rode back in to get a photo of Patty on Zorro. 

Patty later reported that Zorro did very well and did not feel at all lame or sore.  Yippee!

Amiga did very well too, and it was a pleasure to be out on her.  I was thankful for her warm back, which was my butt and thigh warmer.  We did come across two downed trees, this one blocking the cul-de-sac I had wanted to check out.  

I had debated having her step over the lowest section, but it was kind of gnarly.  I didn't want to get off to knock off the dead branch stubs because I was riding bareback and knew it would be a challenge to get back on.  And I didn't want to chance her getting injured, so we rode on. 

At another spot, there was evidence that this big, very dead tree had fallen across the road (Beachwood).  I could see fresh truck tire treads and figured the occupant(s) had cleared the tree off the road. 

Amiga  was very patient; willing to stand, walk, and even gave me a slow (fairly collected) gait when I asked. 
Did I say how much I love this horse? 
However, she (like I) has lost conditioning and got winded from both sections of a long flat gait we did and also from walking up a few steep hills. 

I heated up and embellished (with another jar of sauce) our leftover spaghetti I had froze after Christmas eve dinner. 

Then Joe and I watched two more episodes of Suits, finishing season two. 

Friday 1/12 - Late yesterday the weather forecast had changed so I was guessing a ride was not going to happen today.  And then the strong winds accompanied by rain, came even earlier than predicted.  This was to be the warmest day (and night) of the coming week.  Brrrr!  And it was a good opportunity to go into town for my 'big, semi-monthly' shopping trip. 

Stevie peeking from behind my computer. 

I soon realized that rainy days may not be the best day to go shopping because you’re driving with the windshield wipers flapping and the headlights on.  And you’re running between the car and store, and back, and loading your purchases in the rain.  None of it much fun.  But what else are you gonna do on a rainy day?  Below,
Mama Styx had been playing with the Christmas wind soc streamers, but I missed the cute shot of her.

After two thrift stores, and while at Tractor Supply, I went to pay with my gift card, but it was gone.  I had made purchases at both thrift stores so had to back-track.  Thankfully, the sales clerk had found it on the floor at the first store, where I remember fumbling with it.  I hate it when I do things like that but am so thankful for good, honest people. 

photo of a new 'basket' added to our kitchen counter top.  I tried one hand warmer while out with the farrier, and loved it.  So these warmers are now 'handy' to grab on those cold days when we have to be outside for an extended period of time.

Walmart was my last store.  When I got there, the parking lot was packed, so I had over a 50 yard dash to get in out of the rain.  There were only two shopping carts left, and of course both were soaking wet.  The store was packed and lots of kids were evident.  I asked, and apparently school was closed today because of the storms.  I then realized, everybody was stocking up because of the nasty weather predicted to come. 

Finally home, I unloaded wet bags and stowed most of the purchases away.  I had a 1:00 late protein lunch, worked the puzzle listening to the podcast, and warmed up with a cup of hot cocoa.  

I did a two hour workout at the gym, concentrating on legs, and was home just before 6pm.  The rain had finally stopped, but while reading in bed I could hear that the wind had picked up.   Brrrr!

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