Friday, March 18, 2016

Irish Jig

With St. Patrick's Day occurring this week, I decided to have an Irish theme for this blog.  Also, as you all know, I love to dance.

Saturday morning Joe and I went back into town to pick up the SUV, and were successful.  I came home to try and finish last week's blog, but was not successful.

Joe came home by way of the barn, where near by there is still sitting an abandoned, partial pile of top soil.  He brought home tubs and buckets of dirt for me.  I gave up on the blog endeavor and went out to unload the soil.

Next I headed to the barn, filled up the now empty tubs with more horse manure, and then went into the barn to find the ladies horsing around with Oscar.

Oscar was getting a hair cut.  He growled a little, but held very still knowing he would feel better once the matted hair was removed.

Oscar sitting in the saddle on Behiem.

He is such an easy going cat.  
He and the horse were both funny, neither being quite sure what to think.

I got Amiga and had her saddled and ready to go in no time.   
Leaving the barn (right photo) Terry, Karen, Jan and I, were on our trusty steeds (actually I was on my mare and they were each on their gelding).

Cash made his usual pit stop, so we all waited during his potty break.

At another spot on the trail we came across this black snake.  It didn't move, so looked like a stick.  We were able to pass by it with no problem because it did not present a  threat.

Jan, Terry, Karen and I all enjoyed a wonderful ride (video) even though all of our horses were a tad wound up.

 Smurf was anxious to get back to the barn, so confidently lead the way back (seen left).


Jan and Karen followed, with I on Amiga bringing up the rear.

While out on the trail we saw lots of trees starting to bloom.  This one, with very red blossoms, was quite pretty.  We were trying to identify it.

Once home I spread most of the manure, sowed grass seed, and then sprinkled a mix of top soil and manure over all of it. 
Now the predicted rain was welcome.


I worked several hours and it was dark by the time I had finished.  Joe turned on all the lights out back to help me see.  I thought the house looked pretty cool all lite up so took this photo since I couldn't show the yard work I had accomplished.

We got a light rain overnight and I took these photos of my sown back lawn Sunday morning. 
I had sprinkled a light layer of a top soil and manure mix over the top of all the grass seed. The lighter soil color is without the manure because I ran out.

We were given a new work schedule, and I now worked 9 - 1:00 on Sundays, and will be missing Church.  I was not happy about this, but was assured it was temporary.  I didn't get off work until 1:20 because we were so busy.  Two birthday parties were just getting there.

I went straight to the gym after work and finally got home at 4:15.  At 6:20 in the evening I checked the weather and there was a 30% chance of rain at 7 pm.  I headed out with the dog on a walk.  Five minutes after we left home, we got hit by a torrential downpour.  It stopped by the time we got back, but we were both drenched.  My hair was rainwater fresh.  As for the dog, she stunk like a wet dog.  There are many things in life I just don't get.  

Monday was a day of rain and "rest."  I worked here at my computer off and on and finally got last week's blog posted.  I did four loads of laundry throughout the day.  At 9 am I took Maggie on a long walk going on one more section of FG roads north of Peavine.  I had forgotten about the road on the west edge of the property that goes to the leaf dump.  I took this (video) of Maggie doing her thing with a stick while walking.  Seen left are the Bocce Ball courts.  Seen below, the leaf and brush dump... 

...and gray clouds.  Before we could get back to the SUV we got rained on, first a little, then a downpour.  So we returned home, wet again. 

Joe went to his card game and I to the gym and then grocery store.  I got in a few more shorter dog walks to stay close to home because of the off and on scattered showers that had been occurring all day.  It was perfect for my grass seed though.  To end the day, I moved some things around inside to switch up the decorating.  I also finished a Patricia Cornwell novel "The Front" and computerized.

Tuesday dawned a pretty day and I got outside earlier than usual.  It got up into the 70's, so I wore shorts and sleeveless shirt.  I started work on the creek bed where fallen trees, branches and tons of leaves were blocking water flow.

I cut small limbs, hauled off branches and did lots of raking.  At one point, my right foot sank to my knee in the swampy mud, filling my boot and nearly causing me to lose it. 

Seen left and below are photos taken during my lunch break.  My one white sock was brown and my arms and legs splattered with mud.


I washed out my boots, changed my socks, and continued work.

Seen left is the finished view looking upstream and then right is a down stream view towards the pond.  I basically worked out back from sun up to sun down.  Joe helped me with some tree trimming, getting a few by the creek that were too large for me to manage.  I also had to water the grass seed because it had dried out.  Once inside, I basically crashed into bed, exhausted.
Wednesday was another gorgeous day.  I had to water the grass seed morning and night.  Joe and I finished up tree trimming by 10 am.  This tree out front (seen right) was probably the most difficult branch because it was so large and high up.  Joe is awesome.

Joe dropped Maggie and I off at the Conference Center so I could check on some things with my work schedule.  Then the dog and I walked home.  This turtle was in Mirror Lake.

I got back to work, this time clearing the deer path on the hill across the creek, to give them easier access, and encourage them to come down to drink and splash in the creek.  Next I worked on the log pile and leaf pile, reducing them so they don't obstruct the creek view.  

I used some of the large logs and the old rotten ones to fill in at the base of the hill, and then raked the leaf and stick pile out over the logs to help make a gradual slant down to the creek.  I did not finish this project, but did wear out my gloves, and my body.


I went into work to watch Ellen close because I was still not confident in this process with the new computer program, and would be closing on my own Saturday night.  I caught this sunset as I was driving there.

Joe grilled hot dogs for dinner and we watched Survivor before bed.

Top o' the mornin' Thursday, Joe and I did a little house cleaning.  Then he ran some errands and came back with another load (tubs and buckets) of top soil.  At this point I went out and started working in the back yard.

I started moving a dirt pile farther down the hill and out of the way (less visible).  Joe added the new dirt to this pile.  There was one more tree out front I decided needed trimming, and as we were doing that, Greg arrived.

The guys went to lunch and I finished up out in the yard watering the grass seed.  While they golfed, I worked at the CC. 


Luckily Gwen was willing to come in at 5 pm to close for me so I could get off early enough to go to the St. Patrick's Day barn party.

Shirley was working as Wildwood Rosie and they had the usual hayrack ride, pony rides, and bonfire.  There was also a singer (unfortunately not so good) and other activities planned for the kids. We enjoyed drinks around the fire and chatting with resort guests.

Once Zorro had finished his grain, I got him brushed and then Joe lead him back out to his pasture for the night. 

Shirley joined the three of us for the
St. Patrick's Day buffet at the Legends restaurant.  I ate way too much corn beef and cabbage and felt too stuffed when I went to bed.

Friday morning dawned a little cooler, but it did get up to 68 degrees in the afternoon.  The "boys" were up and out of the house by 7:30 to join the Glade Hiking Club on a group hike.  I lingered here over a second cup of tea and getting this blog mostly finished.  Because the grass seed did need watering again, I was out to work in the yard by 9:30 am.  Seen left is the smaller (by about 1/5th) wood pile.

I continued work in the back, raking sticks and leaves, pulling limbs from the huge brush pile, and spreading it all out along the hill/bank.  I actually uncovered a large rock that I later hosed off and took this photo of.  Some of the brush pile can be seen in the far left of the photo, and again note the smaller log pile.

I watered all the fall transplants and plantings.  One Holly bush did not survive and two Juniper looked a little stressed.  I am waiting on the Redbud to see if they bloom.

I got a late start to the barn and loaded up horse manure first thing when I got there.  I went out on Amiga by ourselves and she did fantastic (video).  We did pass Terry, Karen and Cheryl up along the power lines.  And Amiga was okay with continuing into the Glade on our own.

Returning to the barn, I yelled Zorro's name and he came running over, very glad to see us.  He followed us along the fence all the way back to the barn and I took this (video) at the end of his rowdiness.

Greg and Joe got home 30 minutes after I did and we had grilled pork chops, baked potatoes, corn and salad for a yummy, late dinner.  By the time I got the kitchen cleaned up, it was past bedtime.

I like this quote from St. Patrick.
It makes for a good prayer.

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