Friday, March 4, 2016


Once I retired from teaching and we moved to Tennessee, I figured, "let the fun begin."  I had little intention of working any more, but God had different plans, and directed me back into a job.  I started work at the Conference Center before Joe got here, thinking it would give me something to do and help supplement our retirement income.  I also felt it would be a good way to spread God's love and share my joy of life to those I met.  

I always loved and enjoyed teaching, but hated the hours... hours upon hours of work.  Now, I have a job I mostly enjoy, and it is much less of a time commitment.  Although, this week it has felt more like a full-time job.  Our hours do fluctuate based on time of year and available staff.  If I had my wishes, I'd only work six hours, two days a week.  But that is rarely a reality.  With the March 1st start up of NorthStar, our new sales computer software, there has been extra time at work with training.  Also, we have been short staffed so I have worked 5 of the last 7 days.  Anyways, I did not feel semi-retired this week.    

I had the day off Saturday, and the sun was finally out, (although it was still a bit brisk) so I planned to go to the barn.

A deer came for some corn, and I liked how the sunlight (above) caught her at the edge of the woods.  She then moved towards the pond, and was now quite well hidden.  Can you see her in the right photo?
Seen left is a zoom in, so she is a little more visible.  Below, she came back to the corn as the squirrels continued to look for food on our deck.

After an early lunch, I went to the barn.  Karen was the only one out there, which surprised me, because it was a pretty day, perfect for riding.

We went out for a short ride together.  Chester, the black lab was so excited to be "on the trail" again.  He loves leading the way.  Amiga did great and it was such a pleasure to reconnect with her... it has been so long.

Returning home mid-afternoon, I started on yard work.  Yep, I changed my mind about the mulch again.  I don't like having the whole SW woodland corner of our lot mulched and would rather have some grass there.

So I started removing mulch from where I had spread it all out, and I moved it onto the muddy walking paths where we and the deer tread.  I also mulched "beds" around two groupings of trees to avoid having to mow around them. 

Running out of time, because Joe and I had planned to go to Legends for a night of dinner and dancing, I quit before finishing.  Once I am done removing mulch from where I want grass, I will then need to seed the area.  

The dancing was a complete flop, but the food was good and it was nice to not have to cook.

It was a beautiful sun-shiny day Sunday but I spent most of it inside.  After Church (with Shirley) I made a big salad for an early lunch and then went to work from noon to five.  The shift went fast because Gwen and I were on the front desk together, chatting, and practicing using the new computer system.  I had a little daylight left when I got home, so raked and moved mulch for an hour.  I cooked a kind of beef stir-fry for dinner and then took Maggie on a 45 minute walk.  The dead oak leaves, still clinging to the trees, sounded like creatures in the dark woods when the wind blew.  Although, when Maggie started going crazy, I suspected there could be deer, wild boar, or something else out there.

I did not get a full night of sleep, so Monday (Leap Year Day) morning came all too soon.  We had a training session at work from 9 till almost noon.  There were still some glitches in the new computer software, but we all gained a much better understanding on how to run it.  The biggest problem was with the sales tax.  It wasn't always figuring it in for us.  So we are going to need to watch each sale and add the tax if needed, until they fix it for us.

It was an absolutely beautiful day, so after a quick lunch I was outside, enjoying working in the sun and warm air.  All I needed was a t-shirt, and I still worked up quite a sweat.  I finished the mulch project and then moved on to the problem of the drainage ditch.

You can't really tell, but the left photo shows the ditch I dug (from the creek towards the woods) to help channel the water coming down hill, to run to the creek.  The right photo shows it from the woods towards the creek.  It was easy digging, but the mud was heavy because it was so wet.  Jeremy (our home fix it guy) was working next door at Allen's, and was then going to come here.  Long story short, he never got here.  But in the mean time, I got a lot of yard work done out back.

At about 2:30 Jeremy came over and said he wasn't going to have time for us, so I finished up, put tools away and headed to the barn.

It was so good to see Judy back at the barn, her first day working there since shoulder surgery in October.  Amiga was easy to catch, actually Sara and Judy got her for me, since the horses were all near the gate waiting to come in for their evening feed. 

As I brushed and tacked Amiga, the ladies poured feed into all the stalls.  I could tell Amiga was getting antsy to eat, so rather than take her on the trail, having her wanting to get back to the barn for dinner, I let her eat some of it first. 

Then, when we did go out, just the two of us, she did very well for me.  Only once did she hesitate to go down one trail, and it is one we haven't taken in a long, long time.

Once done riding, I got Zorro from his stall and brushed him, picked his and Amiga's hooves and sprayed their feet with thrush prevention.

This gave them some bonding time.  (video)
I turned Zorro out with Smurf, for his first night out, now that he has been switched back to pasture board only. 

Joe was gambling, so I had a big salad for dinner.  Then I drove to the "heart" of the Glade, where the Conference Center, workout gym, mall, etc are, because it is all lit up at night, and Maggie and I went on a 50 minute walk.

Tuesday morning, Shirley picked me up for Bible Study just before 9:00.  On the way home I had her drop me off at the Library Building so I could vote.  By the time I had walked home, it started to rain, and before long it poured.  Seen left, my new drainage ditch seemed to be doing the job.

It was supposed to rain all day, but actually came down, off and on.  Mid-afternoon I went to the gym to workout.  This was the best I have felt, and done, in a long time, so I went extra long.

By the time I had run to the store on the way home from the gym, and then fixed a fruit salad, I was late getting over to Brian's, who had invited us to dinner.  He had cooked a wonderful beef pot roast.

For dessert, we had a cake Brian had brought home from Singapore.

It is called a 1000 layer cake, with each layer being baked for 5 minutes.  Wheat, eggs, milk and sugar were the main ingredients, but with several spices as well.  It was very good, not too sweet, a perfect ending to a good dinner. 

I had to leave the party before it was over, to get home to finish laundry and walk the dog.  

The temperature had dropped overnight and the light precipitation occurring Wednesday morning was minuscule snow/ice balls, that didn't amount to anything.  I had not gotten any stuff out to pack the day before, so started gathering things together.  Stevie thought it a good idea that I include her. 

I left at 10:30 to go to Ladies Club.  After our meal and meeting, we had a presentation about the Imagination Library, which is now in all 95 counties in TN.

It was first developed in 1995 by Dolly for her native Sevier County, Tennessee. 

I stayed at the CC and started my shift of work.  I was scheduled to work the pool, but since it was so deserted, I spent most of the shift at the front desk with Sabrina, using the new NorthStar computer software.  I was so relieved when our last sale of the night, to FGCC General Manager Bob Weber, went without a hitch.

With the sun rising earlier these days, I was able to enjoy the changing sky, and a waning moon, during our first morning walk Thursday, even though it was much colder out.  Almost every morning I have seen deer in the back, which causes Maggie much angst.  I sometimes have to remind her not to bark and even to "leave it" when she gets too excited. Thursday we also had four mallards, and of course, there are always plenty of squirrel and birds. 

I did one more load of laundry, needing to clean a few last minute, semi-clean things I decided I wanted to pack.  I struggled with sleepiness all morning, drinking an extra cup of tea to try to urge myself on, but just sat at my computer way too long.      

I got in a good workout at the gym and then worked at the CC pool from 12:20 - 7:20.  I started work at the Conference Center exactly two years ago.  Late afternoon it started snowing, really hard, big wet flakes.  It was very pretty out, but you can't really tell from this photo. 

Once home, I was too tired to do anymore packing before bed.

This Friday morning I had much to do before we were to hit the road.  I wanted to finish and post this blog and also had plants, cat care, trash, dishes and last minute packing to take care of.

All our bags are packed and we're ready to go.  Seen below, last minute inspection of luggage was accomplished.

Maggie was coming with us, which took more planning than just dropping her at a dog sitter's.

Being semi-retired doesn't mean I am only working for the money, especially because my pay is barely over minimum wage.  I go to work because I enjoy it.  However, there are a lot of other things I enjoy and want to do.  Since all the Fairfield Glade amenities are free, to fully benefit from working here, I feel the need to use more of them more often.  The problem is, that with house, horse, cat, dog, yard, workout gym, walks, reading, and work, there is little time left for the resort benefits.  I guess I need to be more intentional about doing the things this resort has to offer, so I can better benefit from working here.  On the other hand, being semi-retired should afford me extra time to do the things I really want to do.  So, if I am doing things because I feel I have to (to get my money's worth) is it really worth it?  This morning, I am looking forward to some more time off work, to go north to visit family.  At least being semi-retired has given me the ability to travel more.  And remember, if any of you Northerners are sick of winter, you ought to consider moving down south here with us, at least once you retire.

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