Friday, August 5, 2016

So Long

"Goodbye" sounds so much more permanent than "so long."  But "so long" sounds like "It'll be so long before I see you again!"  What ever parting words loved ones speak, it's hard to say sayonara.

Saturday was our typical vacation morning, until after lunch, when everyone started to depart.  Chris and Travis hit the road (auf wiedersehen, which translates, until we see again) after having a late breakfast and hanging around here for a little more puzzle building and chatting.  Carol headed out (see ya later alligator) with her dogs after we went on a nice long walk.  I reminded myself not to be sad about all those departing, but to be happy about the fun we had had.  I said "goodbye,
until we meet again." 

When Joe got home from work, us remaining folk (Mom, Courtney, Britney and I) went with him to the outdoor Dorchester pool.  We enjoyed the cooling water and tanning sun.

Once back from the pool, mid-afternoon, Courtney took off for home.  Catch you later.  We also got word that Daniel was being released from the hospital.  Good riddance, I am sure he thought.

I tended to a little yard work, rebuilding the landscape timber edging between the heat pumps and watering the straw/grass seed that the gas guys had planted.

Dinner was every man for himself- leftovers.  Britney and I took a fairly long walk and we were all in bed before 9 pm.

Joe went to work Sunday morning and Britney, Mom and I were just lazy heads, for way too long.

Now that Carol's dogs were gone, the deer deem it safe to return to the back yard.  Britney took this video of me taking food down to the doe.

After lunch I finally decided to go ride Amiga.  She was hanging out with Cash when I went to get her.

It was so nice to be out on the trail alone with her.  She was relaxed the whole time and we mostly just walked, going to Daddy's Creek and the swimming hole (video).

Patty and her friend Therese arrived at 6 pm, after Mom had gone to bed.  Once getting unpacked and settled in, we chatted while we worked on a jigsaw puzzle.

I spent Monday morning finishing last week's blog with interruptions from Mom, chatting off and on, and needing help to change TV stations.  Britney and Joe had gotten up early to go hiking.  Meanwhile, Patty and Therese got a leisurely start to the Route 127 yard sale.

At noon when I went out to start some work in the yard, we got a rain shower.  I waited for a bit, but decided it was going to be too wet and I wouldn't have time to do much before going to work.  So I was back on my computer goofing off.  Joe sent this photo of their eight mile Virgin Falls hike.

Joe, Britney, Patty and Therese came to the pool during my 2-7 shift.  They left in time to get to Mirror Lake Blast.

I started cleaning up the pool area early so I could get out of work right at closing time.  I ran to the Conference Center to drop off the bank and accounting bags, and then went to Mirror Lake Blast where I met my clan.  

I got a hamburger right away and ate while the band was playing a few good dancing songs.  No one was up dancing but there were plenty boogeying in their seats.  Once I was ready to dance, the band went back to slower, non-dancing songs.  :-(

The evening ended around the puzzle table and with some reading, internet, and TV watching.

Tuesday morning I decided to go for an early morning ride while the girls shopped and Joe, Britney, and Mom hung around here.

I horsed around from 9-12, and had a wonderful nearly two hour ride.  Seen left, crossing a creek as I rode towards Daddy's creek.  Seen right, ferns growing in an old logging trail.
It was threatening to rain, but never did.  The clouds made for an interesting sky however. 

We four ladies, and Joe, went to the Dorchester pool after a late lunch.  I think Britney took the photo below, of Mom and I.  Mary Eva is a resident who also got in the shot.

Patty and Therese cooked dinner, making a beautiful and wonderfully delicious fruit pizza for desert.

We worked a puzzle, read, watched TV, and computerized the rest of the evening (Britney's last night here).  

Wednesday I hung around all morning while Britney did laundry and packed.  We also spent two hours watching TV (The finale of Bacholorete, with JoJo)  The show was kind of dumb, but I just enjoyed being with Britney for her last day here.  We took Maggie on one last walk together and then at 2:30, Britney was off for Nashville airport with Joe.  Ciao or adios.

Patty and Terese had just gotten back from the Route127 yard sales so we (including Mom) went to Dorchester Pool to cool off.

I ran to the store for some necessities and then we put together dinner, a combo of leftovers and salads.  There was more puzzle working and I took Maggie on a long walk (just us two).  It gave me a chance to reflect on the past two weeks having Britney here and the week with my family, and I started feeling a little sentimental.  I really love all my family and friends.

Thursday at 2:20am, Britney sent a photo of her and Francis, and a message that she had gotten home safely.  This was just after Joe got home from his weekly card game.  I could then sleep more peacefully.  The left photo Britney sent, later in the day, when Francis was helping her unpack.

Patty and Therese planned to spend the whole day antique shopping along Route 127.  I chatted with Mom and eventually went outside and worked on moving the landscape timber.  First I staked string in a straight line where I wanted to move the boards.  Then I started on the stepping stones, spacing them 8" apart instead of 3".  This involved moving sod from in between them.  I also moved all the sod (to where I needed it) from where mulch was going to go, so the timbers would make a straight path along the stepping stones.  I never actually got the boards moved, but they were ready to go.

Joe had gotten up for work at 6 am, so took a nap once he got home.  He then watched TV with Mom while I continued work outside till dark.  The girls got home after Joe and Mom had gone to bed.  We were all tired and soon in bed too.

Friday was a day of rest (from shopping) for the girls.  Patty and I went to the barn for an early morning ride.  Seen left, she is brushing Zorro while I went out to get Amiga.

Patty brushed and tacked Amiga while I got Zorro tacked up.  Seen right, she is leading Amiga around to the mounting block.

And then we were off, Patty on Amiga and I on Zorro. 

We took the trail up to the power lines.  Both horses were doing great, so we decided to ride into the Glade.

I took this video of us going down one of the roads.

Since we were close to Terry's we decided to drop in on her.  As we rode up her pasture fence, Baheim and Smurf came running over to see their old pasture buddy Zorro, all the while they were neighing back and forth to each other.  It was so sweet.

Zorro really did great on this long ride.  We were out for an hour and 45 minutes.  This is the farthest Zorro has been ridden in a long time.

Patty did a great job on Amiga, and Amiga did pretty well, other than trying to turn back to the barn several times.

Zorro had been acting a little tender footed the last 15 minutes back to the barn, so I was a little worried it had been too far for him.  Both horses were hot and sweaty so we hosed them off before turning them back out in their pastures.

After lunch, the girls hit the 127 sale route and I got Joe to help me outside, cutting the landscape timbers so they would fit in their new spot.  Only two cuts were necessary.  The boards still wouldn't fit straight, even after I planed and filed them, so I had to get Joe to shave off (with the saw) a fraction of an inch from one end.  But then it wasn't angled correctly any more.  Ugh.

Joe left with the girls to go for a quick swim but I stayed here to finish up what I was doing and help Mom get her dinner.  Once I got all the timber in place as best as possible, I nailed them into the ground and filled in with dirt and mulch.

We went to Red's for dinner and then Karaoke. Mom stayed home but Shirley and Brian joined us.  Patty and Therese sang two different times but there weren't many songs to dance to, but I still managed to get a little dancing in (video).

As this second week of "vacation" comes to an end, it will be time to say farewell to Patty and Therese and then Mom, and even Joe who will take Mom home to Florida.

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