Saturday, July 30, 2016

Vacation House

This week was our vacation, right here at our home, even though Joe and I actually had to work a few days.  But it was my family's vacation, and our place became the vacation house.  I did put all landscape work on hold for the week, so that was a nice break and a vacation for me.  Below is the mulching I had finished by the end of last week.  There is a little more to do, but I ran out of mulch.

People started converging on Fairfield Glade at 5:30 Friday evening, with Carol and her three dogs being the first to arrive.  We walked all of the dogs together to let them meet and greet each other.

Carol got her Border Collies situated in the garage, where they spent the week, unless we were out walking or at the dog park.

Britney had started this jigsaw puzzle, which we worked on during down time.  Stevie was just waiting to steal a piece when no one was looking.

Dinner was at Legends, with all of us selecting the Comfort Buffet.  Our waitress checked several times to see if we were doing alright, and the response was always "Well, sort of... except we are talking politics."

A well needed walk after dinner occurred.

Saturday started slow and leisurely, with dog walks, tea and coffee, and puzzle working. 
Carol and I made a trip to the grocery (leaving over $200 for what we hauled out of the store).  We also got the keys to the two condos and went to check them both out.

The rest of the clan (everyone but Joe seen in this group photo) started arriving at lunch time, with three cars pulling in, within a minute of each other.

The Vacation House was soon going to look quite well lived in.  A reason why cleaning after company, rather than before, had been considered.  Actually, much cleaning took place throughout the week.

The Sidenstick's (with Mom) were the last to get here.

We had turned the air on, so people ended up spending more time in the house than out on the porches.

Courtney teaching Maggie some tricks, with roll over being the dog's best executed maneuver.  (video 1 and video 2)

Maggie enjoyed all of the attention, but did, especially earlier in the week, have a few little accidents.  She just gets too nervous or excited.  And she wasn't the only to have accidents.  There were a few breaks and several spills by others during the week.

Everybody gave puzzle working a go, and we actually completed a 500 piece puzzle each day.

Courtney and the Sidenstick kids ended up going for a nice long walk as they were playing Pokemon Go.  The "lady in the red SUV" had an unfair advantage, going back to the "gym" (Community Church) that our clan had just captured, and she recaptured it.

On our way to dinner, Dave drove the Pokemon "hunters" to three different "gyms" where battles were fought to capture the gyms.  They took back the gym at the Community Church.  Britney and I were along for the ride and to watch (and video) this whole process.

Dinner was at La Costa, a Mexican restaurant that has good food and feeds you a ton.  Thanks to Mom who paid the bill, but unfortunately did not come along... it was just too late for her.

A long walk occurred to help settle full stomachs.  Then the taped Republican Convention was watched (which up-set some stomachs) while talking and working the jigsaw puzzle.
We also had brownie sundaes to celebrate Britney's 28th birthday.

On Sunday, before Dave's family hit the road for home, we did a group photo.  The best shot was shown earlier in this blog.  Seen below, Courtney took a selfie of us as we were gathering.  Lower right is the "goofie" shot.

We made a trip to the dog park before it got too hot. 

Seen upper left, Maggie and Rick go for the same ball.

Rick cooled off in the pool before we headed home.

While Joe was still at work, we rented a pontoon boat.  Chris was our captain for the first hour.

We enjoyed a lunch Valencia had packed for us, and snacks with our drinks while soaking up lots of rays.

It was so warm, we swam before and again after picking up Joe back at the marina. 


The clouds and prospect of rain increased but never produced precipitation.

I made a pot of spaghetti for our evening meal and Valencia was great help with stirring the noodles and chopping veggies for the salad.  Dan, Britney and Courtney lent a helping hand too.

The usual reading, computerizing, TV watching, puzzle working, and pet playing occurred; before dinner, and into the evening.

Several of us went to the barn Monday morning.

Carol helped Courtney and I give the booster shot for Potomac Fever to Amiga and Zorro.  Everybody else just came along to see and pet the horses.  Both horses got a good brushing and fly spray.

Dan and Valencia hit the road for home later than originally planned, partly because Dan wasn't feeling too well.  He ended up taking a nap while we had gone to the barn and then pool.  The afternoon was a bit rainy so we hung out here at the vacation house most of the day.  Mirror Lake was cancelled, and so also were our dinner plans.  Joe went and got pizza for all of us.

Maggie had quickly warmed up to everybody and "ran" to Mom when the weather was getting nasty. 

We four girls went for a nice long walk after pizza.  The rain and then sun just made it all the more humid out.

We, including the dogs, enjoyed a cold drink of water from the 15th hole water station.

Tuesday I opened at Dorchester Pool, so left home before most people were up.  The gas company had just arrived and were going to bring the line under the road to our yard.  I asked Carol to get photos, which she did.

There was a chance of rain but Cathy, Joe, and Britney came out for some sun and swim anyway.
No sooner did I get off work, than a rain shower hit.  Shortly after Cathy and Britney left, the sun came back out.  Joe and I enjoyed some quiet time together.

Cathy fixed a dinner of stuffed baked potatoes and pulled pork, and we all 'porked out.'  It was another evening of lounging around, puzzle working and watching one of Chris's movies.

Early evening we got word that Daniel had been admitted to a VA hospital in Chicago because he was in so much abdominal pain.  Valencia kept us posted while tests were run and doctors scratched their heads.  The pain meds did help him feel more comfortable.

Like all mornings, Wednesday was leisurely.  Our early pontoon cruise was closer to lunch time because we had to wait for the 30 something crew of 'kids' to surface.  But that was okay, it just meant the sun would be hotter. 

Once we got everybody collected and to the dock, we were quick to load and get underway.  Captain Joe navigated the waters of St. George while we chatted and looked at houses along the shore line.

The gas guys came just after we got home and they started on digging the line to go to both Brian's and our house.

We got a good rain shower, late in the afternoon, right after the gas guys called it a day.  It was good napping weather, or reading, puzzle working, or just resting.


Dinner was the Chicken Pasta Buffet at Legends.  Brian joined us but Mom stayed home to go to bed early as usual.

Most of us overate, so a long walk was started shortly after we got home from the restaurant.  We started at Turtle Pond feeding fish and turtles.

Seen left, we made it up and around to the Sculpture trail before coming home again.  Courtney's selfie below, only got 2 of the 4 dogs.  Can you even see them?

Thursday morning Courtney and I had an appointment at the barn with the vet to give our horses the Strangles vaccine.  But we were delayed leaving because Courtney's car had been vandalized.  Her glove compartment had been emptied onto the seat and her GPS stolen, but luckily, nothing else was gone or broken.  Seen left, Public Safety leaving after filling out the theft report.

I can't remember what we did Thursday.  I don't think it amounted to much.  Cathy and Ralph left for home in Dayton Ohio after lunch.  Typical of 'down' time there was bird watching, puzzle working, knitting, reading, internet browsing, and lots of chatter.  There was probably a trip to the adult pool, because we went several different times.

Carol cooked a delicious pork roast for dinner and then afterwards, we found a good place to walk the dogs.

We also got word that Daniel was now allowed to drink liquids.  Each night, we watched a different movie, which came from the selection of ones Chris had.  Thursday night's show was Robin Hood, Men in Tights.  Funny.

I guess we got lazier as the week progressed.  Friday was definitely a lazy day.  There was rain in the forecast all day, so outdoor activities did not appeal.  Short walks were made and Courtney was able to capture more Pokemon.

It was the young adults' night to cook, and they made a great meal of tacos and chopped veggies.

Our evening walk, right after another rain shower, made for pretty skies and the spotting of a double rainbow.  Last photo is a selfie Britney took to capture the sun set.

Checkout time at the condo was 10 am Saturday, so I guess that marks the end of our vacation.  We started yet another puzzle, and Stevie was quick to claim the empty box.  We took one more walk before all the Bakers headed back to Indiana.  Without Carol, Chris and Travis, and the three dogs, it really got quiet.

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