Friday, March 3, 2017


Early in the week I had felt a little brain dead because of the sinus headache I had.  I just couldn't seem to clear my head and complete my thoughts, or articulate sensibly.  Like Porky Pig, abadee-abadee-abadee.  Thankfully it is mostly gone now and I am good to go.   

Last Friday night I was woken by a big storm, at midnight, so got up and read for awhile.  I sat waiting for it to end, which luckily didn't take long.  I was worried about Zorro who was out in the storm because we had decided to leave him out on the nice nights, which we thought this was going to be.  Sometimes the weather forecast is a bunch of hogwash.

By 6:00 Saturday morning, the temperature had dropped over twenty degrees and was in the mid 40's, and it continued to cool off throughout the day, hitting 39 degrees before the sun set, even dipping into the upper 20's overnight.  More rubbish.  I want spring.

During a slow morning, dawdling here at my computer, I realized I was supposed to check on Shirley's cat the day before, so quickly went there.  Then I went to the gym to try my muscles out at a weight workout.  They were week, tired, and even one muscle in my back was sore.  I was thinking I strained it coughing so hard.  Well, I didn't lift as many pounds, or for as many reps as usual, and I came home with a sore back.

I had a quick, early lunch and then Joe and I went to the Cumberland County Playhouse.  We saw Seussical the Musical, with great seats right up front.  The costumes were amazing and the set well done.  The music and acting were also good.  The production was full of lots of shenanigans, which lead me to formulate this blog title.

For more great Dr. Seuss quotes, click on ↓ this poster. hit Wal-Mart and Lowe's on the way home.  Mostly I was shopping for knobs and handles to replace the out-dated, ugly gold ones on the cabinets by the fireplace.  Wal-Mart had a really cheap set of ten knobs I liked, but they didn't have handles to match.  I bought them and then tried Lowe's.  The main problem was that neither store has any handles with the same measurement for the screw holes on each end, to match what I needed.  (What a bunch of poppycock.)  I do not want to drill new holes in the wood for different handles.   The store clerk talked me into trying to spray paint the old gold ones.  I hope this nonsense works.
As soon as we got home, I headed out with Maggie and we walked for 90 minutes.  After soup for supper, I struggled to stay awake here at my computer, so it was early to bed.

The pair of wood ducks were on the pond first thing Sunday morning.  I put corn out for them and they later came to dine.  But they are so shy, when I put my phone against the window, to take a photo, they left the shore and hit the water.

It was in the low 30's, so I was content to sit at my desk all morning.  I still was not feeling great, which was excuse enough for me to stay put.

I did do some laundry, Bible study, paper filing, and trip planning... like what to pack.

After lunch, I loaded up the dog and headed to Shirley's.  I put Maggie in Shirley's fenced in side yard and went in to check on Miss Kitty and play with her.  She was being very shy.

When I went back out to get Maggie, she was huddled in the corner by the gate trembling.  Poor girl.  She really is a fearful dog.  Once we started walking though, she was all wags and smiles.

We walked the path along Catoosa and most of Stonehenge golf course between Kingsboro and Village Dr.  I took this photo of the club house progress of the renovations being done to the outdoor seating area.  We walked for 90 minutes.  Joe was at poker, so it was a quiet evening for me in front of my computer, the TV, and fire.

Monday was cold, windy, and gloomy.  And we even got some rain mid-morning.  I went to Ballroom Aerobics and fared pretty well, although had to blow my nose after two different songs.

Once the rain let up, Joe just had to dismantle the propane tank fence, and I felt I needed to give input and help.  So I left the comforts of my desk and donned a jacket and boots and went out.  What nonsense.  The left photo was taken several weeks ago. 

The three panels did not come off the supporting 4x4 legs easily but Joe got the job done.  We then set the three fencing sections in a straight line under the back porch, to kind of help keep out the elements a little better.

I ended up working outside for about two hours.  I decided to neaten up the side landscaping.  I raked leaves from around bushes and off most of the side hill.  I moved some dirt and border blocks, and fixed the mulching.  Now I am really ready to plant a bush or two.

Jan and I had talked about riding together, but the weather just didn't straighten up enough to make it appealing.  And then when the Wellness Center called to see if Joe had gotten home okay, because he had kind of passed out there while working out, I decided to stay put and keep an eye on him.  He was having troubles remembering just what had happened.  Again, like had occurred with Joe after finishing a hike with Britney last summer, I think he was dehydrated.

I put a frozen lasagna in the oven, put on my PJ's, and turned on the fire.  I just love our new gas fireplace.  So easy, care free, and very warm!  You can't see Stevie in the left photo, so I took one from this angle, seen right.

During dinner Joe realized that he had left his head phones at the Wellness Center.  So after we were done eating, he went back to the gym to get them.  I got all the dishes done and the kitchen wiped down, and Joe still wasn't back.  I waited a bit and then decided I should call him to be sure he was okay.  No answer.  So I called the Wellness Center.  Come to find out, Joe had decided to finish his workout.  This nonsense is killing me.

Tuesday was rainy, coming down quite hard at times, and for much of the day.  I went to my weekly Bible Study which was good, but I felt bad for Jan, who is one of the coordinators, because the video tape had come up missing.  She had to really scramble to pull off our being able to watch this weeks video session, which is always done after the small group discussion and sharing time.

Since Bible Study was on the east end of town, when I left, I drove west to Lowe's and Wal-mart.  I needed some pet supplies before we were to leave town.  I also wanted to return the spray paint and pick up handles I had seen Saturday that I thought were going to work after all.
Once home, I had to rush to get to the gym for a weight workout, before the stretch class I so enjoy, and need.

Then, after dinner, I started on knob and handle replacement.  One tiny knob for the roll top desk has been missing and I had a heck of a time trying to find two replacements.  I was disappointed to find that what I bought did not work.  Then I tried the drawer handles for the fireplace built ins.  What I was hoping would work, didn't.  Strike two.  I was getting discouraged.  But the guest bath vanity handles did work, and look so much better.  Seen in left photo, half way done with the replacement handles (the darker antique brass) that look so much better than the outdated, ugly gold ones.

I got Joe to help me switch out the cabinet knobs by the fireplace.  I still do not have replacement drawer handles, so the gold will have to do till we get home from vacation.  They don't look too bad in this photo, but trust me, they are.  By the time I was done with all the knob and handle nonsense, it was 9 pm.  I was too tired to think about packing, so called it a day.

The skies were dark Wednesday morning, March 1st, even though the sun was up when I rose at 6 am.  I worked here, goofing off I guess, because I don't know where the time went.

Stevie keeps watch of whats beyond the window outside, and of the dog and I.
I had planned to go to Ballroom Aerobics, but a storm rolled in and I decided against trucking out in it.  We were actually under a tornado watch.  While taking this video, Stevie escaped because I had the screen door open. I stepped out to catch her and thankfully she quickly decided to turn around and come back in because she was being pelted by rain.  You can hear the thunder and see the sheets of rain blowing across the pond.  Then I took this video of the rain.

I managed to putter away much of the day.  I spent a lot of time watching the rain, and I think I was waiting for the rain to stop, which it didn't, until late afternoon.

Between showers, I went out to take some photos.  Seen left, the brown silty water from the creek, as it pours in and mixes with the darker pond water.

Next are some before and after photos of the flooding.  The first photo (bottom left) was taken early last week.  The next two photos were taken two hours apart, during the day's heavy rains.

These two photos (looking upstream) are also of the same spot, about two hours apart.

Here is one more set of photos.  High water and really high (flood) water.  Notice the proximity of the duck house to the water in both photos.  No nonsense, it was flooded out back.

This is a look at Allen's bridge, with the water rushing under and around it.  And this video shows the water level and debris being washed down stream and into the pond.

I went to the barn to pay our March board, to communicate about us being gone, and to check on Amiga and Zorro.  I rode Amiga bareback around the barn, getting the seat of my pants very wet because she was so soggy.  But she was full of vim and vigor.  I did not notice any problems with her legs, and had a fun little ride.  This video I took for Courtney, of Zorro being turned back out after his grain.

When I got home from the barn, I went down to check on the water damage to the grass seed.  I removed lots of sticks and leaves that had piled up in various spots.  This green shore line shows germination of new seed.  It had been completely submerged but looks to have held up okay.

Joe was off playing poker and I spent the evening packing, including Maggie's bag for the kennel.  I also got the cat care supplies all ready.

Our pets know when we are fixin' to leave.  Maggie stayed right outside the bedroom door, and Stevie was hoping to get to ride along in the suitcase.  This is the hardest part of leaving home.

Thursday morning I awoke to sunshine.  Something we haven't seen much of in days.  I also discovered that it was Dr. Seuss' (Theodor Seuss Geisel) Birthday.  

The suitcases were ready and Stevie was parked right by them.  I attended to lots of last minute things, like cleaning the litter box, watering houseplants, doing dishes, and getting the trash ready to go.  Joe took Maggie to the kennel, I set light timers and the thermostat, and when our airport escort (Shirley) rolled in, we were ready to go.

We had a two hour wait at the Knoxville airport.  They had an art exhibit that amused me for awhile.  I especially liked this frame, hand made from four different woods.

Once landed in Ft. Lauderdale, Uber got us to our Air B&B.  It was a dump!
I can't believe this nonsense.  Where Joe likes to save money is not where I like to save it.  I'll skip a pricey dinner, or concert, or buying an un-needed item, anyday in order to have nicer (more comfy) accommodations.

This was a one bedroom, kitchen & bath efficiency apartment.  The kitchen and bath were each 4x4.  The fridge is in the hallway.  When the Murphy bed was open, there was two feet of floor on each side and the end of it.

We were quick to skedaddle, needing fresh air, sunshine, exercise, and to get out of our new lodging.

The 'manager' (who's place was adjoined to ours) told us it was a 10 minute walk to the beach, so off we went.  We walked, and walked, and walked.  Forty minutes later, we arrived at the ocean front.  (Come to find out, from a more reliable source, it was a 2 mile walk.  We couldn't have gotten there in 10 minutes if we were sprinting.)

Hollywood beach is beautiful.  The sun and air felt so good.  And the exercise did us wonders.  After sitting on the beach for a bit, we headed back to the downtown area, which was a few blocks from our 'house.'

This draw-bridge is three blocks from the beach and takes you over a canal that runs along the coast here.  The sun was setting as we headed west towards town.

We decided on the Whiskey Tango Bar & Grill for dinner.  We ate outside, because it was nice and the air conditioning inside too cold for me.  (We were both sweaty.)  The brew was refreshing and the food delicious.

We walked to Publix on the way home, picking up some breakfast items.  We also went past this park with some fair rides.  I really wanted to go on the Ferris Wheel, but at five bucks each, Joe talked me out of it.  I'll put that money down towards an upgrade on our next B & B or hotel.  Alas, it was time to return home, to our dreadful lodging.  I know, I should be thankful for a bed and a roof above my head.  And actually, it wasn't so bad.  Cockroaches did not come out after dark as I had feared and the bed was bearable.  Our manager neighbor was rather loud at different points during the night, but what were we to do, call management?

Friday morning the microwave worked and I was able to get a nice cup of tea.  The toaster also worked and I enjoyed a crispy bagel.  The sun was shinning and life was good.

At 7:15, Joe and I headed out on the bikes that were provided.  We went east on Hollywood Blvd toward the beach.  The draw bridge was up, giving us a minute of rest time.

Then it was on to the beach.  We decided to go on the whole stretch of bike trail along the 'boardwalk.'

There weren't a lot of people out and about yet and we had a wonderful ride.  I took this video at 8 am.  Seen right, a rather empty beach.  Below, not so much.

By the time we finished the six miles (out and back) trip, things were really picking up.

Restaurants were filling with the breakfast crowds, the beach with sun bathers, there were tons of bikers and walkers out, and even people swimming and surfing.  Joe and I joined the sun seekers, had a rest while reading our books, and I got distracted with people watching.

It was clouding up, there was rain on the radar, and we had a two mile bike ride to get home.  So, we set off at a good clip, and made it back before the rain hit.

After leftovers for an early lunch, Joe headed to the Casino and I sat at this table, with a cup of tea, while it rained outside.  I got this blog post mostly done.

Once the rain stopped, I went for a walk around the neighboring golf course.  It's not near as picturesque as Fairfield Glade, but so much flatter walking.  The egret, seen on the cart path, is not something we usually see up north, unless they are migrating through. 

The walking path had little workout stations, so I stopped at each giving my arms and abs a little exercise.

From the golf course I changed directions and went downtown.  I wanted to see it in daylight, and check out more of the attractions.  The flowers sure make it feel like spring.

Joe returned with more money than he had left with, so I guess that was a good thing.  Pretty soon we were on our way out again.

It wasn't without difficulty, that we finally caught the trolley that took us to the beach.  We got off at the Margaritaville Beach Resort.

We had a drink and appetizer at the Land Shark Bar and Grill, which over looks the amphitheater, boardwalk, and the resort pool.  It was a very windy (22 mph) evening and especially blustery at the beach, as this video shows.

The band started at 7pm, and we were right down in front on the dance floor during their two hour show.  They were a lot of fun, played music everyone enjoyed, and I had a blast dancing (video).

At 9 pm we went to the Margaritaville restaurant (seen right) but there was a 40 minute wait.  We just wanted a salad, so started walking in search of a place we could get one.  After several stops, having had no luck, we decided to catch the trolley back to downtown.  That involved a 40 minute wait, so when we finally caught it, we didn't get downtown until 10:35.  Too tired and late to eat out, we grabbed a salad from the cooler at Publix, came home, and had a late dinner.  The day and week ended well, in spite of all the nonsense.

Tomorrow we meet up at Ft. Lauderdale airport with good friends, Jim and Debbie, and fly to St. Martins Island where we will spend a week with them at their timeshare condo, on the beach, and in the ocean.

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