Friday, March 17, 2017

Time Travel

It is fun to look back at our past and remember the good times, and see our growth during the tough times.  I also like to look way back in time and wish I could take myself into the past where travel was by horseback and nobody had their faces buried in their I-phone or TV.  When life was simpler, yet I know much harder.  Most of us also spend time dreaming of the future, imagining how things will be.  I am optimistic and hope for world peace, one united world where everyone loves and respects everyone else, reguardless of nationality, religion, race, etc.  And that we can all live together as one happy family.

I think the best use of time travel was done by Samantha in bewitched when she did the nose twitch to change locations.  I hate to travel, to sit for hours, to take a whole day to get somewhere.  I don't need to travel in time, but would just like to not take time to travel, but still be able to go places.
Traveling home from vacation, a beautiful tropical island, to a cold snowy TN was a shock.  Not only did it take most of two days, we changed from two time zones, and also experienced the time change to daylight savings time.  It made me feel discombobulated.

Sunday we took Uber from the Air B&B (ten minutes) to the Ft. Lauderdale airport.  We got through most of the rift-raft in good time and I had almost two hours to work on last week's vacation blog post.

About 30 minutes into our wait, Joe's phone app indicated our flight was delayed 20 minutes.  When he went to check the airport flight time board, it showed a four hour delay.  I called Shirley, to give her the bad news, and an out, if it was really going to be that late.  She had some good news, that the predicted snow did not amount to much, and it had already melted off, so driving would not be a concern. 

Fifty minutes later, accurate information indicated a 30 minute delay.  We had another long wait after boarding, before we were taxiing down the runway.  I made another big dent in my novel during this two hour flight.

Shirley swooped in and picked us up shortly after we landed in Knoxville and got us safely home by 2:30.  There's no place like home.

Stevie was elated to see us and I her.  She was so glad to have some company in this big empty house.  She rubbed on my legs, talked, rolled around on the floor by me, and was adorable.

She wanted belly rubs, but then would attack me.

I decided to use what energy I had left to get unpacked.  During travel, little physical energy had actually been used, as I had been sitting, literally all day.  But traveling is exhausting.

Pick-up time for Maggie was 5 pm.  I volunteered to do the grocery shopping while Joe got the dog, so he dropped me off at Food City.

We turned on the fireplace to warm up the house and had salad for dinner.  I worked on last week's vacation blog, but couldn't stay on task, so watched an hour TV show with Joe and then went to bed.  I think Maggie and Stevie had really missed each other.

The 30 degree temperature during my first dog walk of the day Monday was a shock back into reality.  Actually it had been a lot warmer before we left, twelve days earlier.  Home seemed so different now.  Things were greener outside, although it was a lot colder.  But with the time change, the day stayed light so much later.  It was a comfort to know that spring was so much closer though.

Birds were quick to come to the feeders that hadn't been out for almost two weeks.  And the ducks were glad to see corn on the big rocks down back.

I had turned the fireplace on first thing when I got up, and left it on all day.  It does great at heating up our house, except our back master bedroom.  I stayed in my pajamas (sweat suit/lounger) ALL day.  Other than a 45 minute walk with Maggie (yep, in my PJ's... but my winter jacket covered what was, or wasn't, worn underneath), I worked here at my computer most of the time.

We keep our thermostat down while gone, and I think Stevie was glad to have a warmer, less lonely house.  This pillow in front of the fire is one of her favorite napping spots.

The rain came before 4 pm and was expected to turn to snow overnight.  I made dinner (chicken, rice, onions, black beans, corn, spinach, kale, and cheese on top).  I thought it tasted pretty good.  Joe had seconds, so it must not have been half bad.

We watched the two hour opening show of Survivor, "Game Changers" which looks like it is going to be a good season.  The cat and dog stayed in close proximity and soaked up the fire's heat.

Tuesday morning was not snowy as predicted, but it was a cold 20 degrees.  When Shirley picked me up for Bible Study, it was spitting a few snow pellets, but of no consequence.  Between outings, I drank tea and worked at last weeks vacation blog while also enjoying cat and dog antics.

Just after lunch, Joe and I went to look at an Air B&B, a mile up the road, for possible lodging for our summer gathering.  It was a little old house, but had ample room to sleep six or more.
Then, Joe and I picked up Brian and his son's girlfriend Maxine (an animal loving beauty from Singapore) and we all went to the barn.  All of these photos were taken by them.  They got to watch Kayla bring in the horses.

Once Amiga had eaten most of her grain, we pulled her and then Zorro out of their stalls and brushed them both.

They were both pretty dirty and Amiga was really shedding.

Maxine helped with brushing Amiga.

I threw a saddle on Amiga and gave Maxine a quick little riding lesson, but Amiga does not make a good lesson horse.

Amiga and Maxine both did well considering their slight unease.


I felt it best to keep a lead rope on Amiga because she was being a little feisty, but Maxine seemed to enjoy the experience even though she didn't get to ride all by herself.  She did like Amiga's smooth gait while I jogged along side (seen bottom left).

We both had a fun time.  Brian took lots of photos and Joe was fairly patient.  Amiga got a thank you kiss goodbye from Maxine and we hit the road for home. 

We needed to get home to Skype with Britney, but it didn't work out because she was detained at the hospital with a student who was quite ill.

My evening efforts were to finish my blog, but I got too tired to complete that task and went to bed.

Wednesday morning I was up at 5:00, surprised to see snow.  The light of the full moon on the fresh fallen blanket of white was beautiful.

Maggie went crazy during her first constitutional, smelling fresh tracks of what looked to be cat paw prints.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get any good moonlight photos.

Watching night turn to day, I finally finished and posted my travel blog before heading into town.

The setting moon reflected in the pond
The rising sun reflected in the pond.

I had a dentist appointment so was glad to see most of the roads were clear when I left at 10:15.  But, it was freezing, standing at the pump to fill my car with gas.  The teeth cleaning took longer than usual, because I haven't been to the dentist in two years. 👼  And then, I was told I need to replace three old fillings.  Shoot.

I hit Walmart on the way home, to get some household and pet supplies along with groceries.  A nap, doing my Bible study, reading my novel, and a dog walk completed my afternoon.

Joe had left for his poker night so I hitched a ride with Brian and his clan to go to Red's.  Maxine, Brian Jr., and his friend Drew were there along with Brian's two brothers and their ladies.  Great conversation accompanied our food and drink and I enjoyed getting to know this fun, wonderful family even better. 

Thursday morning I spent quite a bit of time catching up with all of my e-mails.  During the process, I saw a fox pass through on the opposite side of the pond.  He took great interest in the ducks, who started sounding their warning call.  The screen door makes so much noise, I scared the fox off when I stepped out to get a photo.

I can't exactly recall how I spent the day other than at my computer, reading for Bible study and my novel, and being lazy.

I went to the gym at 3:15 and worked out on weights, feeling the extra effort needed after taking time off.  Then Joe joined me and we did the one hour stretch class.  We got home in time to Skype with Britney, which was a success this time and lasted nearly an hour.  It is always so good to see her, hear her voice, and find out what she has been up to.  The LASP students recently got back from their community immersions in Nicaragua.  We love and miss Britney so much, but are proud of the work she does and her passion for it.
After a rather late dinner, Joe and I watched our two different, one hour Survivor TV shows.

It was a cold, cloudy, and eventually rainy St. Patrick's Day Friday.  Mr. Mallard (seen right with his mate) was wearing his green head dress.

It was a slow morning, spent here doing this blog post.

After lunch, Joe and I took Maggie for a walk with Brian and Drew.  We walked to the loop of the Seven Bridges trail and did that one mile circle.  It drizzled on us some, but wasn't too wet.

I finally started in on our pile of laundry, but just got one load done.  It was cold, dark and damp enough out that it made the house (and me) feel cold so I did my Bible study on the floor in front of the fire, until falling asleep.

But then it was time to get up and going to Red's for their corn beef and cabbage special.  We met Brian and Drew and Andy and Rita there and enjoyed the food.

Then we went over to the bar area and wormed our way in to some seats and enjoyed an evening of Karaoke and dancing.  The place was crowded and hopping.  Everyone was having a good time celebrating St. Patrick's Day.

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