Friday, October 13, 2017

All About Life

Life is life.  It is good, strange, beautiful, hard, short, complicated and simple.  It is an adventure, a struggle, a tragedy, a promise, a gift, and a story.  There is so much we can say and ask about life.

I like this inspirational Poem, Life Is ~ by Mother Teresa.
Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it. 
We should live life the best way we can and keep in mind these words from the gracious, selfless, passionate, loving, Mother Teresa.
Sometimes I am in such a hurry living life, and am so busy doing the things I enjoy, I forget to leave time for others; for helping, loving, aiding, and fighting for others.

Saturday morning was last week's blog posting time as usual.  And as usual, Monita spent a lot of time following Stevie around.  The day was overcast, with the threat of rain a new possibility.  It wasn't supposed to come until evening.

At 10 am Joe and I went to the Hit the Trails Festival, picked up our hiking marathon t-shirts, and walked around to look at all the booths.  Seen left, the cloudy sky, tent booths, and the remote control sail boat club having fun.  We had a hot dog while listening to the band.

I wanted to stay longer because I was enjoying the music, but I needed to scurry off to the barn because I was meeting to ride with three others.  As it turned out Deana misunderstood the time so I ended up having extra time, which gave me a chance to ride Amiga around in the round pen with the snaffle bit.

She still doesn't understand the snaffle bit.  Maybe it's me. 😏   Once Deana had Sandy about ready, I switched bridles to use my usual rubber hose bit and off the two of us went.  We took the new trail into the Glade where we met up with Jan and Jim.

Amiga had been real tripsy at first, and I wondered if she was sore from the rocky ride the day before.  But once we got going, and were on even terrain/smooth gravel roads, she did great.  Life is an adventure.

It was fun riding with Jan, Jim, and Deana (video).  Notice Jim's cost efficient fly swatter.

Deana headed back sooner than I was ready, because her horse Sandy is still getting into shape for longer rides.

I got back to the barn as the wranglers were feeding all of the boarded horses.  I brushed Zorro and treated his scratches, since he was in.  Then I watched the girls maneuver the wagon full of tables and chairs for the next day's party.  Rain was in the forecast for overnight and all the next day, so they were going to set up in the barn.

Once home I got right to work in the yard, knowing this would be my last chance for awhile.  I mowed the oasis but still have this remaining mulch pile (seen right) to disperse.  And I almost finished weeding the rest of the large mulched area in back (seen lower right, it actually looks good from a distance).

Seen left, the few weeds remaining to be pulled.  I had taken a break for dinner (Joe grilled pork chops and tater tots and he cooked corn) but then after eating, I ran out of daylight while trying to finish in back.

Monita likes to keep an eye on all of us (Joe, Maggie, Stevie, and I).  We weren't very exciting (life doesn't have to always be go, go, go).  It was a quiet evening at home for Joe and I, while we mostly read our books.  I also read things on my computer like e-mails, reference links, & Blog posts (while trying to stay clear of Facebook stuff unless it was cute pet videos or updates from family and friends about what they were doing).

It rained overnight and was coming down pretty hard when I got out of bed at 5:45, just after Joe left for a poker tournament in Louisville Sunday morning.

I went to church by myself, had a second cup of tea when I got home, and then started on this blog.  The dog and two cat's kept me company (and entertained).

While working on the three loads of laundry I was doing, I cleaned things up in our clothes closet.  I brought the squishy cat pad out, that had been on a shelf where Stevie used to sleep a lot.  Monita was intrigued by this new thing, started a fight with it, and eventually figuring out it made a good place to sleep.

I snacked for lunch and later went to the gym.  My workout included weights and the elliptical.  (Too bad I can't take Maggie to run on the treadmill on rainy days.)

When I got home, I did take Maggie for a quick (short) walk in the rain.  There was more reading, both my book and on my computer.

Stevie  decided to help Monita out with grooming.  It is difficult to clean behind the ears.

Once the kitten was nearly asleep, Stevie started cleaning herself.

I don't know where the day went.  By 5:00 I was hungry so made and ate dinner.  It had been dreary all day but was already nearly dark by 6:00. 

More time was spent at my computer and it was soon 9:00 bedtime.

Monita had been on the new antibiotic the vet sent home with me, for three days, and I noticed that her breathing seemed to be getting much better.  I was glad to finally be making some progress with her.  Seen right, the kitties sitting nearby as I sat at my computer.

Darn Blogger turned this photo 90 degrees, of Monita sleeping Monday morning.  It was a damp and dreary day, but at least it wasn't raining. 

I noticed yellow stuff on the golf course, so got a closer look when I took Maggie for a walk.

It was mushrooms.

I went to Ballroom aerobics, which brightened my spirits.  The sun was breaking through the clouds as I headed home, so I hit an Estate sale and bought a little section of garden fencing.  I set up the new fencing, which is taller and helps hold my asparagus plants up better.   

The sun came completely out as I was leaving on a big shopping trip.  I hated to spend the unexpectedly pretty day (it was supposed to rain all day) in stores, but I had things I needed to get.  This is how life can sometimes go.

I took Maggie on a long walk after an early dinner.  Look at this strange plant I saw.
Dark descended before I got home and the evening ended with reading out on the back porch, and watching Monita figure out how to get up to the next level, the shelf.

Mornings with Monita.  She makes computer time challenging.  Tuesday I woke to sprinkles and was sorry I had missed a good day for being outside the previous day.

Joe got home while I was on a long walk, in a kind of mist, with the dog.  After an early lunch, Joe went to golf with Nolan and I sat here at my computer, watched the sky cloud up, sprinkles start again, then thunder and some serious rain came.  And next thing ya know, the sun was trying to peak through the cloud coverage once more.

Monita was sounding gurglie again, so in the process of looking over her eyes, nose, and mouth, I discovered her top baby incisors have not yet fallen out.  So she has two sets, just on the top, but on both sides.  Would this cause the excess saliva she also seems to produce and maybe the additional slobbering sounds?

I had my 'exit interview' (end of pool season job analysis) with Abby at the CC and then went to the Wellness Center.  I had time for a good weight workout, plus 30 minutes on the elliptical, and then my stretch class.

Home for a late dinner I noticed that Monita has figured out that her can food is laced with medicine and she has started getting picky about eating it.  It helps if she is hungry when I give her the evening feeding.

I started my third book in the Amish mystery series and barely got done with chapter one before falling asleep.

Wednesday morning it looked gloomy out, once daylight exposed the sky an hour after I had gotten up.  I got done at my computer before 8:00 and started on some chores (laundry and dishes) and then decorating for Halloween.

I did Ballroom aerobics, hit the farmer's market (buying one of Mrs Millers doughnuts), and then went to HR at the admin. building to turn in my exit papers.

I started on yard work after lunch, but was drawn to the barn to ride Amiga.  I just did round pen work, bareback, with the snaffle bit.  At one point Ambrie needed help getting a new horse (Crystal) in from the pasture, so I rode Amiga out to try and drive Crystal in or get her to follow us.  Neither worked and Amiga got all wound up in the process.  It didn't help that all the mares were in the barn eating their dinner.  After working with Amiga, I brushed Zorro, fly sprayed him, put Desitin on his few scratches and then turned him back out.

Joe was at poker, so my dinner was with Brian and Joann (who were back from China) and Leah (a nurse friend of Brian's who had just arrived from CA).  We ate at Red's, and in spite of everybody being a bit tired from travels, the conversation was lively.

Home from Red's, I finished my upstairs balcony Halloween decorations.  I was disappointed in how the tree with purple lights turn out.  You can't really see individual branches (it kind of looks like a witches hat) and the lights are more of a pink than a  purple color.

I couldn't sleep after waking at 2:30 Thursday morning, so got up.  Thoughts of travel this weekend, the clinic next weekend, and concern for several other's struggles (their health or personal issues), had me tossing and turning.  Life is a struggle.  Maggie gets the floor since Monita is on the dog's bed.  But isn't this kitten cute!

Getting photos to place correctly in my blog causes me angst.  But I know if this is all I have to contend with, life is very, very good.

I had an 8 am dentist appointment, just a cleaning, and ran to Lowe's on the way home.  Then I made multiple calls and e-mails to many people (from farrier, to horse trainer, to barn manager, to pet sitter, to dance buddies, to up-coming weekend comrades) in regards to several things going on.

Joe had to make a last minute, big change to our trip, so this also threw a wrench into things, so to speak.  Also, I couldn't find a spare house key so had to run to Shirley's before taking pet-care note and key to Karen who was working at the Custard Cabin. 

By mid-afternoon, I was ready for the peaceful pontoon ride that had also been in the works.  Joe captained as usual while Brian and Joann (seen above), Leah (seen right), and I relaxed in the sun.  It was a beautiful, perfect day, to be out boating.

Back home, while Joe took a nap, I had a little time to work on cleaning up the kitchen/dinning area, in case we chose to bring carry-out here.  Eventually, the five of us hopped into our SUV and went to Flyin' Pig for some Tennessee barbecue.  We opted to eat there, but it was a bit of a disappointment.  They were out of mac&cheese, beans, and get this - forks.  What kind of restaurant business runs out of eating utensils?  The meal filled our bellies, but wasn't really that wonderful.

With the fire going and the pets nearby, Joe and I watched both of our taped, weekly survivor shows.  I had to turn the room light on to get these two photos, which alerted the three furbies from their resting positions.

Too tired to start packing, I deferred it until morning.

Friday morning was chilly.  Maggie and Monita (seen left) laid under my desk, at my feet, where I had the little space heater pointed.   Jobs to get done included finishing and posting this blog post, running the dishwasher, and packing.

I even had time to run to the gym for a quick workout and shower.  Joe dropped Maggie off at the Kennel, and by 1:00, we (Jan, Mike, Shirley, Joe and I) were ready to hit the road, for our weekend get away.

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