Friday, November 24, 2017

Whole Lotta Movin'

This week there was a whole lotta movin' going on.  Not only were tons of leaves falling from the trees, but many birds were moving on, migrating here or leaving to go south.  And there was also Patty's big move.

Many different birds visited my feeders each day and squirrels and chipmunks were busy collecting, moving, and storing food.

There was lots of moving of leaves with rakes or power blowers to get them gone from yards, gardens, decks, etc.

And I?
I continued moving all of my Christmas decorations into place while Christmas music was playing.

Some decorations, especially lights and ornaments, I had to keep moving around, to get them placed just right.  There are still some finishing touches I need to do, but I wanted it decorated for our guests on Thanksgiving.  I wanted for us all to be able to relax and enjoy each other while delighting in the holiday spirit.

Saturday morning I tried to finish up last weeks blog, but got distracted by a number of things.  I decided to move stuff around in the dog crate to give Monita a better place to rest and sleep.  I wanted to be sure she was warm and comfortable, without any extra stress, so her body could concentrate on healing.

She was very content to just sit and watch Stevie, Maggie, and I. And she also spent a lot of time sleeping.  I did let her out fairly often so she could stretch, walk around, and explore Christmas paraphernalia that was everywhere.  She was NOT doing a whole lotta movin' because her front paws were still tender.

Meanwhile, in Iowa City there was a whole lotta movin' going on, as Patty was transferring all her belongings from the storage unit into the moving truck.

Here Patty is seen at the helm of the truck, ready to hit the road.  They were behind schedule because her hired movers were over an hour late.  Thankfully she had family to help get the movin' started.  Sister Mary and cousin Shirley accompanied Patty, driving her car.  We stayed tuned in to their progress throughout the day.

All morning long a group of people were hard at work movin' leaves off the lawn at the Lutheran Church across the street.  They moved them all to the ditch along Lakeview, Snead, and Flossmoor, then took a late lunch break.  High winds and rain where sweeping across East Tennessee, due to arrive by late afternoon and I was concerned many of these leaves seen below, right across from us, would end up in our yard.

Thankfully, a giant leaf sucker-upper truck came along and got them all, working as the rain started.

I got a lot done on Christmas decorating, but still had both trees to do.  After dinner though, I took a break and watched both survivor shows with Joe.
It rained and the wind howled during the night, but it was calm (and cold) Sunday morning when I took Maggie out for her pre-dawn walk.

Sharing part of my breakfast with the kitties, I always let them lick out my yogurt container.

Monita was moving better when let out of the crate, and actually wanting to play and initiating the action.
At one point, Maggie had stepped on Monita's left front foot.  This is the same paw that was bleeding when she had gotten home from the vet's.  Her two middle toes have been more swollen than the others, and now she was favoring the foot again, not wanting to put as much weight on it. 

I had planned to decorate the Christmas tree, but needed Monita out of the way, so as not to step on her.  When I put her back in her crate, she settled in as always and watched as she rested. 

Notice on her front left foot how swollen her two middle toes are.

I got out all the tree lights and ornaments, putting them on the card table that was over the top, of part of the crate.  Monita was able to watch from below.

Stevie was quick to move in and investigate from a closer view point, and help pick out some ornaments.  I considered sticking her in the crate with the kitten.  

Joe always gets off easy when it comes to decorating.  He did put the large artificial tree together for me, as usual.  Well, I recruited his help in the dining room before decorating the table.  One job - clean the chandelier.  First the wet wash cloth touched a hot light bulb, causing it to shatter.  As I was cleaning up broken glass, then the hook the light was hanging on broke.  Luckily Joe was holding the light and it didn't come crashing down onto the table.  Isn't this always how decorating goes?


In spite of difficulties, distractions, and interruptions, I was able to get all the lights on the tree, then the ornaments, and finally the fake gifts underneath that are actually a little maze for the cats.

Monita had a good time looking for Stevie.  I think she temporarily forgot about her sore toes, that, or they are getting better and less painful.

With the tree done, I took a break and sat here at my computer to do a little blogging.  I was updated on Patty's progress.  She in the truck and Shirley and Mary following were in Tennessee, homing in on Fairfield Glade.

Maggie and Monita were resting on the dog bed and when I went to take a photo, they woke up and kind of cuddled a little.

I just had to take several photos of them.  And then couldn't decide which cute one to use here, so included them all.  Look at this cuteness! 

Finally, we got word that the girls had just turned onto Peavine.  Joe and I ran to the store to grab a few extra items for their moving in survival kit (The TP and soap ended up being needed right off the bat).

We arrived at Patty's new house just as they did.  Joe backed the 26 foot truck into the drive for Patty.

After restroom breaks, a look around the house, and discussion of a game plan, we lowered the ramp and off loaded the bed and several boxes.

Sheets, towels, pillows, and some cleaning supplies had to be located as well as finding the tool kit. 

Both beds were put together, a few boxes sorted through, and then the truck was closed back up because it was getting dark.

We came here to relax for a bit since there was nowhere to sit at Patty's and then we went on to dinner at the Pizza & Pasta place at the Village Mall.  Joe and I got home at 8:00 and I soon crashed for the night. 

Monday morning Monita enjoyed being out of her crate again, exploring Christmas decorations, and visiting with Stevie and Maggie.  She still lacked her kitten energy and rowdiness and was content to lie and rest much of the time, rather than doing a whole lotta movin'.

We arrived at Patty's at 9:30 as she was getting instructions from the propane man.

The two movers Patty had hired (cousins Derick and Eric) were already hard at work unloading the truck.

Joe got busy in the yard blowing leaves since there was plenty of great help with moving the furniture.

Patty directed furniture traffic while also indicating where other items coming out of boxes needed to go.

Shirley and Mary cleaned in the kitchen and unpacked a ton of boxes.  I got all of the hanging clothes out of their packing and into the closet, and took photos.

Only one item got damaged in this whole move, a plate that was already unpacked got broken when another item fell on top of it.  😒  

The moving men finished in two hours time.  Everything had moved so efficiently and slick.  We piled a stack of flattened empty boxes, packing paper, and plastic wrap in the back of the SUV. 

Next item of business was to return the rental truck to a place in Cookeville.

Shirley climbed on board with Patty and Joe followed them.
During the two hours they were gone, Mary continued work inside and I went out to continue the leaf removal project.

The recycle center was hit and then Subway on their way home.

After a late lunch, I was determined to get Patty's yard finished, but I ran out of steam and had other things I needed to get done.

The front and side yard were clean, but this is all the further I got on the back yard.

On my way home I dropped in at Jan's to care for her two cats.

Notice how Patty's place is really starting to look like home.

Friend Shirley had us all over for dinner, a delicious hamburger soup with noodles and a ton of good vegetables.  Her brother Rick also came and we talked over February cruise excursion plans.

We got home just before 8:30 and I was soon in bed.

Tuesday morning I worked here a better part of the time.  I had lots of photos to post and catching up to do on this blog.  Monita again enjoyed being out of her crate and playing, until I stepped on her already sore left foot.  I felt terrible about it and she didn't even want me to look at it.

These two photos were taken before the incident.

I put Monita back in the crate to rest and recuperate some more; where she wouldn't get stepped on again.

Maggie's toy basket got switched out for a holiday one.  She is looking for Skunkers, her favorite toy.

I finished moving, (disarranged during storage) branches, lights and ornaments on the balcony Christmas tree and added more ornaments I had bought on sale after Christmas last year.

Then I got to work on deeper cleaning and scrubbing of kitchen, bathrooms, and dining chairs.  I took a few breaks to walk the dog and switch out CD's (I have 20 of them) of Christmas music.

After a late lunch, the Iowan ladies took a break from setting up house at Patty's and came over to get me so we could all go on a driving tour of Fairfield Glade.

Our first stop was the barn.
We brought in Amiga and Zorro and gave them both a good brushing.

Maybe, come the warmer days in spring, Patty would enjoy  being a 'God Mother' to Zorro, and giving him some extra care and lovin' that Courtney isn't able to provide.

Patty gave Zorro a good ear scratching, something he loves to get.

We finished our tour, driving past Dartmoor Marina, and going into both the Wellness Complex (gym) and Conference Center.

Then we came here and hung out.  Joe finally found a hook to replace the broken one, and got the chandelier hung back up.  Patty used our internet while we three girls started a Christmas puzzle.

Patty and Maggie enjoyed the warm fire before the Iowan's headed to Patty's for dinner at 6:30.

Joe and I had just snacked for our evening meal and I started a new Amish novel, having finished the other one the night before.

Out of her crate at 5am Wednesday morning, all Monita wanted to do was snuggle, and lick and bite my face.
I kept setting her on the floor but she kept getting back up on my lap.  It made it difficult to do anything at my computer, but I enjoyed her lovin'.

The day before she had fluid leaking from her ear and when I went to clean it out, there was quite a bit of puss that came out.  It was still draining and kind of smelled at this point, so as soon as the vet office opened, I headed that way.

This time, instead of letting Monita claw at the cat carrier, I opened it up and let her explore my car as I drove.  Luckily it is just under a ten minute drive.  Left photo taken at a stop sign.

Monita's ears looked good.  Dr. Dan said he could see to her eardrums in both.  But he did discover a good sized scratch in Monita's ear (either a bite from Stevie or cut from Monita's claws as she was scratching at ear mites).  It was infected.  The good news was that all her surgery stitches/incisions looked good.  We were sent home with ear drops.  Monita got to co-pilot driving home, seen upper right as I parked in the garage.

When I arrived home at 9:45, Joe was already at work in the yard.  We had planned to start at ten, but since we had a whole lotta movin' to do, he got started early.  Seen left, the very pretty, orange burning bushes I had moved there from the woods last year.

Maggie was the project supervisor, but I was still inclined to give Joe directions.  Brian let us use his trailer and came over to show Joe how to use his leaf vacuum mulcher we also borrowed.  I worked with the gas blower and got all the front flower beds cleaned out. 

After Joe took three trailer loads to the leaf dump, he resigned.  I took a lunch break and ran to Food City to get last minute supplies for tomorrow's dinner.

I let the kitten out of her crate while I was in the house, and since she was enjoying the sunshine so much, I left her running loose in the house and went back out to work two more hours.

In the top photo she was shaking her head.  And seen left she was scratching at her ears.  They are cleared of ear mites, but are still irritated.  She lets Stevie lick them for her, and seen here, Maggie tries to check them out.

When the Iowa girls got here around 3:30 I was just finishing up.  There was still the back yard to clear of leaves so I didn't feel like the job was completed, but a bunch sure had gotten done.  There was just a whole lotta leaf movin' necessary this week.
Seen right, the sunset through my dirty kitchen window. 

After a little bit of puzzle working and computerizing while I showered, we four ladies piled into Patty's car to run some errands.  First we dropped by Karen's, who lives in Patty's neighborhood.  This gave Patty a chance to meet her.  Then we went to Patty's so I could see all the work they had accomplished.  Other than a few boxes in her craft room, and some pictures to hang, the place looked all moved in.  Wow.  We dropped in at Jan's so I could care for her kitties, and then we went on to Legends where we met Shirley and Joe for the chicken pasta buffet.  There was a lot of good eating that took place.  And we sat and talked till almost 8pm.

Thursday morning, at 5 am I continued the thawing process of our 15 pound turkey.  It had been in the refrigerator for four days, but was still partly frozen. 😒  So every 30 minutes I switched the water in the sink it was sitting in.  Meanwhile, Monita kept watch on the birds and my computer screen as I tried to get some work done here.

She even took a little nap on my hand, slowing my typing progress, if you can imagine me going any slower than I already type.  Because I was getting up every 30 minutes, she moved to the fake gift box maze that is under the tree.

 I just can't get enough of this cuteness.

I got the turkey in the oven at 9:00, put an extra leaf in the table and was decorating it when Mary, Patty, and Shirley arrived.  Patty wanted to show Shirley some of the hiking trails, so with Joe and Maggie, they cruised to Overlook Trail and had a nice little hike.

Mary worked on the puzzle while I did finishing touches to the decorating and Monita napped in the sun.

I had great help in the kitchen with the mashed potatoes, gravy, and carving of the turkey.  Friend Shirley arrived from helping at the Lutheran Church Thanksgiving dinner, and pretty soon we all sat down to eat.  I got ta say, the turkey was quite tasty, along with everything else.

Eventually we had room for pie the ladies had brought.  Seen left, mine was being closely watch by Monita, when I got out of my seat to get something from the kitchen.  Friend Shirley headed home and the rest of us took a little walk before dark.  The day was ended hanging out in the living room.

Elf was playing on the TV, a perfect segue from Thanksgiving to Christmas, although I had had Christmas music playing all day.  Notice the Christmas tree lights now on, the sun seen setting in the window, and Mary and Shirley working on the puzzle.

The warmth and ambience from the fire was enjoyed by one and all.

The puzzle was finished just as Elf was over.  Monita had fallen asleep on the cat tree with her paws draped over the top of the TV.

It had been dark for several hours and already felt like bed time.  The girls still had packing to do and wanted to get an early start in the morning so we all piled in Patty's car and drove a couple miles down the road to check out this light display.  They dropped me off back home before 8pm and I worked on dishes for awhile, neatened up around the house and was soon done for the day.  I went to bed feeling so thankful for all my blessings, especially wonderful family and friends.
Black Friday I stayed as far away from businesses as possible.  I could tell the kitten has been feeling a lot better.  She is so much more rambunctious now.  The swelling of her feet has decreased, except she recently started licking at them and has been pulling on some of the stitches.  They are dissolveable so I don't want her pulling them out too soon.  I just trim the long (3/4") strings that she pulls on and it fixes that problem.

Stevie on top of part of the box maze where she can be in the sun.

Joe, and soon I, were quick to get outside to finish up leaf removal from the side and back yard. 

There was a whole lotta movin' going on.  We hauled most of the leaves with the big sheet, taking them deep into the woods in back. 

I took an early lunch break and removed all the rest of the turkey from the carcass.  I also got all the pots, pans, and serving dishes washed.

Monita being playful.  I wonder if her right eye is being affected by the infection in her ear.

Joe left for golf and I continued work on leaf removal, but didn't quite get them all.  There are still a few piles down in the oasis.  But it is nice to be able to see green grass and my flower beds once again.

I had to run a few errands, including feeding Jan's cats.  Then when heading over to Patty's, I quick pulled over to get a picture of this pretty setting sun.  The three Iowan's had left early and were still in route for home.  I cleaned perishables from Patty's fridge and headed home, as dark came all too quickly.

I heated up leftovers for dinner and then Joe and I watched The Great Global Warming Swindle - a documentary suggesting that the scientific opinion on climate change is influenced by funding and political factors.

The film showed that scientific consensus on global warming does not exists.  Producer Martin Durkin, presents scientists, economists, politicians, writers, and others who dispute the scientific unity regarding anthropogenic global warming.  It had some interesting data worth considering and showed a need for more questioning and study.

As I went to bed, I realized I haven't done a whole lotta movin' in the dance and weight lifting departments.  Hopefully next week I can get back to this.