Sunday, December 24, 2017

Wonders Of His Love

Wonder, defined by the English Oxford Living Dictionary, - A feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar.  Wow!  Do I really understand how wonderful God's love is?  I should feel a sense of amazement and admiration when I think of His love for me.

It is important that we do not look to our circumstances for assurance of God’s love.  Remember John 3:16.  This is really why Christians celebrate Christmas.

God's love for us is also seen through His creation.  It is one sign of His love for us.  The wondrous work of His love are all around us.  Everywhere I look I see them.  Open your eyes to God's wonders. 

Step outside and drink in the beauty.  Watch the sunrise or sunset.  Look at the amazing ingenuity of a bird flying, a giraffe's neck, or an elephant's trunk.  Spend time on your floor playing with your dog or cuddling with your kitties.  Enjoy the thrill of cantering through an open field on your horse, traversing the woods, and watching a waterfall.  Enjoy the wonders of His love.

I was up Sunday before the sun and spent all morning here at my computer.  Monita was nearby, captivated by the mouse cursor moving on the screen.  So I played a bird video and she moved right in to swat at the screen until she stepped on some button, ending the video and the fun.  The cats and I find the computer a mysterious and sometimes frustrating wonder.

This Pileated woodpecker enjoyed the suet as I finished up and posted last week's blog.  Joe rolled out of the hay while I was gaming on the Jacquie Lawson Alpine Advent Calendar.  He reported a good time on the cruise, in spite of coming down with the Norovirus along with 331 other passengers according to this news report.  He said he went 36 hours without eating anything.  He was still feeling a little under the weather.

I had opted out of morning Church knowing I would be going in the evening.  The sky was dreary and it sprinkled until after lunch, so I was not motivated to go anywhere.  I got this week's blog started, and did a bit of a devotional while looking up and reading several different Bible verses.

After lunch, Joe decided he was feeling better, so he left to workout and then go play poker since I wasn't going to be home in the evening.  I was hoping he'd stay home with the dog.  She is left home alone so often.

I spent too much of the day at my computer.  Ugh.  I did dink around with the location of my new decoration and like it farther from the TV.

Shirley picked me up before five and we met several barn ladies at Jan's church.  We had about a 40 minute wait for the show and enjoyed chatting during this time.  Seen in left photo, Jean who was sitting next to me, Cheryl, Don, Mike and Jan.  

To my left was Judy, Shirley, and Nancy (not in photo). 
The sanctuary was packed, so it was good that we got there early.

We enjoyed a show of wonder with the living Christmas tree, 120 voice choir, orchestra, hand bells, dancers, drama, and special effects lighting.

We all went to Jan's after the show, for pecan pie, cookies, and a little night cap.  We ended up talking until 10:30.

Monday, after the usual morning here at my computer, I went to the barn to ride, since Joe was planning to golf.  Amiga said hi to her brother Zorro as I lead her in from the mare pasture.

And then he had the audacity to nibble on her shoulder. It was a little love bite.

I met Jan out on the trail, as she was riding to Wildwood.  We put our horses through their paces on the weave poles and barrels.  I always love riding and horsing around with Jan, challenging each other and our horses.

We rode in the empty field next to the mares.  The footing was great and it's a fun place to ride.  I took this (video) of Jan putting Cash in the correct lead.  She is a great rider.

Before escorting Jan and Cash back down part of the trail as they headed for home, I took the above photo.  I had noticed the clouds coming over the top of the ridge of the mountain and wanted to capture them.

Jan also took a few photos of Amiga and I, with a Christmas bow on the back of the saddle.

The horses had been brought in before I had finished.  I brushed Zorro after untacking Amiga.  Then, as I was leaving, I noticed the clouds were slipping farther down this side of the mountain ridge (below).

Smoke on the mountain.

I heated up leftover Thanksgiving dinner that had been frozen.  I did make mash potatoes from scratch and a lettuce salad.  The gravy was made from a packet.  We watched both taped survivor shows and then opened our gift for each other.  Well I actually got a new lap-top earlier, and now three new wren houses.

Tuesday morning I worked on this blog.  Then once Joe was up, he got me started on my new computer that he had downloaded all my files on.  Not all files were there.  So, we had the computers side by side trying to figure out what was missing and why.  Monita was not helping.

She finally got distracted by Joe's new hat from Judy but we were still struggling with my computer, and next, the editing of my blogger web site.  I was getting so frustrated.

Joe headed off to golf and I worked at packing while waiting for programs to start up and run on my new computer.  I was getting discouraged needless to say.

Cat in a box.

Kitten looking for cat in a box.

While picking up boxes and wrapping paper, the felines played hide and seek.  I packed up all the Christmas gifts in preparation to have Joe haul them to Florida.

When I was packing up the bag of stocking stuffers, I discovered this.  The reason Stevie had gotten so sick last week.  The bottom of the grocery bag had been chewed through and the bottom of the red nylon mesh bag of 'coal' had been chewed through, and the metal foil of several of the chocolates had been removed, chewed on, and some of it eaten.  One evening after getting home from the barn last week, I had discovered the grocery bag knocked off the dresser and on the floor (along with the little tree).  I stuck the bag in a drawer without seeing the hole in it.  Then, in the middle of the night when cleaning up Stevie's first throw-up mess, I noticed a little bit of red in it.  I thought it might be ribbon or bow but never saw any evidence of damage to packages the next morning.  But now I know.

I went in and out of the bedroom several times and at one point discovered Monita on the suitcase.  She hopped off and was quite interested in the contents of the suitcase.

I looked in and discovered this, a stow-away wanting to come to Florida.  When I lifted the lid, Monita climbed in with Stevie and I took this (video). 

Stevie was not happy about being discovered and things got a little rough before the game of hide and seek ended.

Rain had been predicted for the day, but it ended up being quite warm and only overcast.  So I finally decided to get outside and work in the yard with more leaf removal.  Joe helped for awhile when he got home from golf and I worked until almost dark, which was when it started sprinkling.  We had leftovers again, only with pork chops instead of turkey.  My new lap-top was busy down loading a program, which took forever, so I gave up on it and played games on my old computer.

It rained through the night, at times hard enough to wake me up.  I took these photos of our nice clean yard and flowerbeds once it was light enough Wednesday morning.

I went to Ballroom aerobics and lifted weights.  The gym was full with Wyndham guest and/or people's relatives so I had to wait for some machines.  I hit Food City on the way home and was back in my pj's right after lunch.  Sitting here at the dining room table, I was trying to figure out all the differences and added functions on my new lap-top.  Joe sat nearby and gave me assistance several times.  I often wonder how he puts up with me, and know it must be love, even though he rarely says it.  The wonders of his love.  I had to re-arrange files, folders, and such... especially with my photos.  There were a few scares thinking things had been lost, but they were still on my old computer, which, come to find out, had a lot of duplicate but not identical files.

For comic relief I played with the dog because she knew I was upset, which frightens her.  She likes her singing dancing dog toy, even though she nips at it.

Once things were running a little smoother, and I stopped bugging Joe, he fell asleep in his recliner.  Monita entertained herself while I worked on this blog post.

I was multi-tasking, doing laundry, which was a nice break from sitting in front of the computer.  Joe woke and was soon off to shop and then play poker with his buds.  It wasn't five minutes after he left and I ran into problems.  The editing on this blog is different in many ways, and I couldn't get placement of the photos where I wanted them. 

While sitting here working, I noticed something outside had really caught Monita's eye.  I got up and looked out the kitchen window and saw these six deer and took photos.

I went out on the deck and took more photos and this (video).  I had to come back inside to get this second (video) through the picture window, of the deer leaving, moving on to greener pastures (the golf course).

I finally gave up blogging on the new computer and went back to my old one.  I was having the same issues with some photos, so stopped for dinner.

Three loads of laundry were finished up, but I became discouraged again when I discovered a small pile of clothes I had, of things I wanted washed to pack.  I just wasn't ready physically or mentally to pack the suitcases.

It wasn't raining Thursday, and was warmer, so I paused extra long to watch the fish and ducks when I went down with corn and fish food that morning.

I worked at my new computer and was feeling more comfortable with it and the editing program for this blog.  I was also gathering up things I needed to pack, but soon it was time to go to the barn for a group ride.

Deana and I hit the trail which was rather wet and muddy, so we rode into the Glade by way of the power lines.  We like to let our horses grab a bite of grass periodically.

Chester and Boz were with us, and we met up with Betty, Jan, and Helen, who rode from Terry's to the power lines.

The five of us then went over to Lake Kirkstone and rode the big loop over there.

The day was colder than expected because the sun did not come out and the air was quite damp.  But we still had a very enjoyable ride (video).  Boy was my tack muddy when we got back to the barn.
Once home, Jan came to get cat care instructions.  I had another load of laundry going and needed to get into packing mode. We had planned to watch the three hours of Survivor, ending another season.  And then Joe reminded me of our dinner plans to meet Lisa and Nolan.  I was feeling antsy about getting everything done before Joe was to hit the road in the morning.  I took a quick shower and before long, we were off to La-Costa.  I had a much needed beer at dinner and really enjoyed relaxing and chatting with Lisa and Nolan. Survivor took almost three hours and then I was up till midnight packing... and still not done.

After five hours of sleep I was back up Friday morning, trying to finish up lots of last minute packing, which included mending a few things.  Seen right, cats playing in packing paper... at least they weren't in my suitcase. 

I did get everything accomplished and Joe was off for Valdosta GA just after 9am.  An hour later I ran to the library to get some paperbacks to travel with.  Then I went to Patty's to check on her house and rake leaves.  I had putzed around at home a bit too long and as I first started sweeping Patty's front porch, the rain began.

I gave up on raking, and on a whim decided to visit Karen, who is very close to Patty's.  She had back surgery a few days earlier, was in bed, but looked great.  This is her big 25 pound part Savannah cat at the end of her bed.

Next I went to the Conference Center to get a map and visit the front desk ladies.  I also chatted with Buddy at the pool.  

It rained quite hard at times, but wasn't coming down too bad when I got home and walked Maggie.  I put a box under the back deck for Hobo who has been sleeping under there in the corner.  I had put an old chair cushion there a while back, so moved it into the box.

I had to go check out the waterway and creek.  Many more leaves have been washed down both.

The pond water level was quite high.

I warmed up and dried off by the fire with Monita and took a little nap in front of it.  When I moved to a chair to read, my other two fur babies moved in with Monita to warm themselves and nap.  The remainder of my evening was spent making notes and lists and computerizing.

It was 59 degrees when I walked the dog at 4:30 Saturday morning.  The rain had stopped but the wind was blowing 18 mph.  When I got up to get my second cup of tea, I noticed Stevie was missing.  I searched the usual places and called for her.  I even looked in the garage.  I didn't think I had gone into the back storage room upstairs, but went up to take a look.  No Stevie. 

Then as I turned to come back down stairs... look who I saw sleeping in my timber scene.  This second photo was taken of the back side of it, from the top of the stairs.  Probably why I hadn't noticed her the first time I looked on the balcony under the tree where she often sleeps.

I had planned to shop early to beat the crowds, and was also hoping the 'after Christmas sales' had started.  I got drenched when walking the dog before going and had to change jackets.  Then when driving  down the dip right by our house on Lakeview, I noticed the ravine was flooded.  I have never seen the water this high.  There was just more water than what could flow fast enough through the two large pipes under the road.

I didn't take many more photos Saturday, except several at the Christmas carol sing-along.

I could not find any good sales and was home from shopping in time for lunch.  Then I worked 90 minutes on a surprise project, which I also took photos of.  Because it is a surprise, the photos won't be posted until my next blog, after the surprise reveal.

I worked out at the gym for an hour, then ran errands stopping at the post office and two other places.  Home for a quick dinner and dog walk, I then went to the Conference Center for their party.

Donna and DJ (seen in center of this photo) were the entertainment and made the sing-along a lot of fun.

I like this santa/snowman tic-tac-toe game.  Very festive.

From the party I went to the barn to check on Shirley's horse (seen below) and our two Paso Finos.  

It had rained all day and was 42 degrees when I got to the barn.  Gov was warm and dry, even though his hair was a mess.  I brushed Amiga but Zorro was too far out and it was too dark to get him.

I got home at 7:30, and what was left of the evening was spent blogging, doing one more load of laundry, and organizing for a morning departure.

Maggie and Stevie had spotted Hobo
Sunday morning my 'to do' list was longer than the amount of time I had.  I tried to get this blog finished and posted but realized it would need to wait. 

Maggie needed to be at the kennel at 8am, and after 20 minutes of walking and no squatting (she was on the scent or playing with sticks) I loaded her and her bag of necessities into the car.

With the dog delivered, next on my 'to do' list I removed leaves and sticks from the front ditch because water had gotten backed up from a dam they had made.

In the process of hauling them down back, I couldn't help myself and started picking up sticks... like I had time for that.  I took this photo of the high water level and all the leaves that had washed up on the grass.  A quick shower, cat's pan, dishes, water plants, lights on timers, thermostat down, clean out the fridge (including packing a lunch and eating a second breakfast) then Nick (airport shuttle) arrived while I was finishing packing my backpack at 10:45.

The trip to the airport went smooth and seemed quick.  Sleet and snow was predicted for 3:00 so Nick wanted to get me delivered and himself back home to the Glade.  Loosing an hour with the time change and getting checked in and through security took up some of the wait time.  Here I am at Starbucks at 1:15, sipping on hot chocolate and finishing this blog.  My flight was delayed and scheduled for 5:00. 

As I finish this up to post, I hope and pray my flight doesn't get cancelled.  I also am so excited and can't wait to see many of you precious family and friends. Those I can't tell in person, have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.  And don't forget all the wonders of God.

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