Sunday, December 31, 2017

Family Photos

These were all taken by a professional photographer at the beach on Long Boat Key 12/30/17.  Below is all 18 of us who vacationed there this past Christmas.

Mom with the whole Villhauer family.

Mom with eight of her twelve grandkids.

Cousins - Travis, Nicole, Courtney, Michael, Chris, Daniel, Britney, and Joseph
Four of six siblings - Carol, Cathy, Holly, Dave

Immediate Villhauer family

Daniel, Holly, Joe, Courtney, and Britney

Leininger family (minus Ben)
Baker family
Chris and Travis
Sidenstick family

Michael, Nicole, and Joseph
All of the cousins again

What's with the three Villhauer kids on the left end?

All of the guys - Michael, Travis, Ralph, Joe, Dave, Mike, Daniel, Chris, and Joseph
All the girls except Beverly
Nicole, Britney, Carol, Cathy, Valencia, Holly, Patti, and Courtney

The Twins - Carol and I

A photo of me so I could up-date Facebook, G-Mail, etc.

Dan had completed his commitment to the Army in October
so we wanted to get some photos of him in his dress uniform.

Relieved Mama
Proud Papa

Excited Sister

Happy Sister

I know Valencia was as delighted to have Dan 'out' as we all were.

Our three kids

Me with the girls

Our three 'daughters'

A family of fun, and love, and happiness!


Playing at the waters edge as the sun sets and before the photo session is over.    

Us eight ladies again

And then with our silly faces

And a splishin' and a splashin'

Splashing with my baby girls.

Upper left, Britney and Nicole having fun and upper right, Dan's idea of making a funny face.

These three are
over achievers 
Everybody jump!

One last smile from all of us

And then we all watch the sun slip past the horizon,
thankful for a fun photo session and a great vacation together!

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