Friday, March 2, 2018

Caribbean Cruise

Our Caribbean cruise was an eleven day excursion on the Celebrity Reflection, sailing from Ft. Lauderdale to five different ports (Grand Cayman, Cartegena Columbia, Aruba, Curacao, and Bonaire).  There were six of us going together, Shirley, her brother Rick and his wife Darla, Joe's two sisters Patty and Teresa, and myself.  Joe stayed home to tend the house and pets since he had been on a poker cruise in December.

The Reflection is the largest Solstice-class cruise ship.

It was first launched October 12, 2012.  It has 17 decks, a capacity for 3,046 passengers and 1,246 crew.  It weighs 126,000 tons and is 1,047 feet long and 123 feet wide.

Teresa and I roomed together in an inside cabin on the 8th floor, towards the front, with Shirley and Patty right across the hall.  Rick and Darla were around the corner down a different hall in a Veranda Stateroom.  

Sunday 2/18 - Joe drove Shirley, Patty and I to Nashville where we met Courtney and Teresa at H&T Home Cooking.  After a big, southern style lunch, we hugged Courtney goodbye and Joe then dropped us off at the airport.  I immediately discovered that one wheel on my suitcase was falling apart.  That explained the two little chunks of rubber I had found on the floor in the house just before leaving home.  Everywhere I rolled the thing I left a trail of rubber pieces.

While waiting at the airport, we tried taking a selfie with Shirley's new selfie stick and there was definitely a learning curve.  But we had fun during the process (video gif above).  Then like a pro, Teresa took a group shot with her selfie stick.  I find it easier just to ask someone to take our photo.  That's one way to meet people.

The three hour wait in Nashville went fast because we were so excited, talking, having fun, etc.  Teresa and I also walked the whole airport to get her steps in (on her fit bit) for the day.


We caught our late flight out of Nashville International Airport, with Shirley and I across the isle from each other.

We made up time in the air and landed in Ft. Lauderdale at 7 pm.  The hotel shuttle picked us up and then at check-in, we encountered another problem.  Our reservation had been cancelled.  Patty, who had made it, was stressing out.  Between getting the right reading glasses, the rose on the top of the pen flying off, and the reservation company hanging up on the hotel clerk, Patty was ready to blow a gasket.

Long story short, Expedia had screwed up.  Luckily, Roadway Inn had rooms available and they were so nice, not only did they give us the original reservation rate, they gave us a complementary drink.  So once we got settled in at our room, we went to their bar and grill for food and drink.

It wasn't long before we made friends with a rowdy, fun loving, rather inebriated lady from Toronto, who was going out on a Carnival cruise with a group of 22 the next morning.

After dinner we were walking through the courtyard and bumped into her again and had her take our photo on the giant Adirondack chair.  

As you can see, we were having a good time too.  The last photo, she posed with us and her niece took the picture.

We all slept well the first night traveling together, although there was a debate as to who snores, talks to themselves, and dances (moves around a lot) in their sleep.  I do not do all of the aforementioned!

Monday 2/19 - we were up plenty early, had breakfast outside in the beautiful courtyard and did a little shopping.

Teresa selected two bottles of wine and added them to her suitcase as we each packed up our bags. 

Soon our shuttle bus came.  There was a little confusion because two different cruise lines were at port, but we got on the right bus.  A Canadian photo bomber joined Teresa and I, but then he took our picture, after I accidently flashed him too much leg when my skirt got caught on the seat while standing up for the second photo.  I think I was still blushing when he took it.

We ended up sitting on the bus quite a long time, waiting for a confused couple who were oblivious to the fact that the bus was waiting for them.  It was a short six minute drive to the port, but then our bus was directed to wait for merging traffic just before the terminal where we could see Rick and Darla waiting for us.  It was like the traffic cop completely forgot about us.  Finally, probably after fifteen minutes of sitting there, the bus driver made a move and we were flagged into the stream of traffic once again.  

Exiting the bus, we made sure our checked luggage was in the right spot and then it was more "hurry up - and wait" as we shuffled through line to get checked in.  And guess what?  Santa was taking a vacation and cruising on our ship also.

The six of us got our group photo together, boarded, and then went strait to the Oceanview Café for lunch.  This is the buffet where we ate most of our breakfasts and lunches.

We each looked over the afternoon and evening activities for the day and devised a game plan.

Also, Shirley showed great improvement in her selfie stick skills.

After lunch we did a little exploring of the ship.  The Cardinals Band played in the Grand Foyer much of the afternoon and The Sammy Tones played up-beat music by the pool.  There was also a string orchestra, a vocal duo, and DJ Carlos playing at various bars throughout the day, and cruise.

Once we were able to get into our staterooms, we changed into our swim suits, and then it was off to our muster drill, which was held in the theater where we watched a video, rather than having to stand by the life boats.  This was a much nicer improvement over other cruises we have taken.

As we got set to sail, it was clouding up, but we started the party.  Patty 'chugging' a strawberry daiquiri.

What a fine looking group we are.  You can see Ft. Lauderdale in the background and Miami off in the distance.

It was nearly time to head to dinner, but Teresa and I hoped in the hot tub for a bit first.

We had dinner in Opus, the main dinning room every night (on the 4th floor).  Rick had to do some sweet talking to get us all together at one table and our time was moved up to 5:30 to accommodate us.  But we were able to reserve the same table with the same wait staff each night.  We were all so glad we did this because we ended up making friends with the waiters (Sanyo and Srdjan) and thoroughly enjoyed them.

Every meal was fantastic, elegantly served, beautifully presented, and extremely tasty.  One of our favorite appetizers, that many of us got several nights, was the French onion soup.

We had missed the early show, so after dinner went to various activities.  I hit the Grand Foyer for Dancing through the decades and the other three went to the game show - This or That.

Patty and Shirley were the last two remaining and Patty got the last question correct, winning the competition.  Shirley makes a silly sad face while posing with
the winner.  Ha ha ha.

We all met in the main theater for the first evening show of the cruise and saw Santa there, drinking!

The show was comedian Steve Bruner, which turned out to be the worst show of the cruise.  It was a waste of an hour's time.

After the show we walked around a little more.  Shirley and Patty were tired and went down to their cabin to hit the hay, while Teresa and I went up to the Sky Lounge for Karaoke.  There were some good singers and some not so good, but it was fun. 

Dancing started at 11:00 and Teresa turn in at that point but I stayed up till midnight, dancing, having fun, and making new friends.  A fun and super good at dancing German couple were dancing so much, the man (whose name I couldn't pronounce) lost the heal off one of his shoes.  His wife Kristin (and I) got such a kick out of it.

Tuesday 2/20 - I was up with Teresa and we got in a morning walk before breakfast.  Patty had gotten up and exercised before us and then Shirley joined us. 

Patty and Teresa are seen in these two photos during the first of the two dance sessions.  This was more like an aerobic workout to music.  I did it barefoot and ended up with blisters on my big toes.

We laid in the sun, swam, had lunch, and while the girls shopped, I attended a line dance session, but skipped the ballroom dance class because you needed a partner.

A look at our wake off the back of the ship.

We found a nice area with an ocean view to call 'ours' where we designated as the meeting place for breakfast and lunch.  Even though we frequently weren't all here at the same time for those meals, we did see each other coming and going and sometimes ate together.

There was music trivia and then a general trivia contest that some attended, there was some napping on lounge chairs, and eventually I went to the fitness center to lift weights before showering for our early dinner time.

It was formal night, so we all got gussied up for dinner, which was more great food, fantastic service, and good fun.  We ate quicker so we could make it to the early show.

The show, Hard Day's Night, was fantastic.  It was done by a Beatles impersonating band that did the history of the Beatles through the ages (video).  It made me think of Courtney and how much she would have enjoyed it.

From the theater we went to an ABBA singalong and dance party in the Grand Foyer, followed by Disco night.  This photo shows the foyer earlier in the day.  It is five stories tall with glass elevators and has a live Ficus tree suspended in the middle of it.  Fake roots go down from it and have lights that twinkle all the time.

Here it is, seen during the disco party.

We all were up dancing with this fun crowd.

You can also see the controversial rose statue at the edge of the floor, taking up needed dancing space.

Santa was at the party and gave me a piece of candy so I got my photo with him.  As it turns out, he handed out candy to everybody all cruise long.  

Santa was up dancing with any and everybody, kind of like me.  This is Patty with Marcia and I seen in the background.

A few drinks an a little later, Santa posed with Teresa and I.  I'll let the photos speak for themselves.  We all were having fun.

I ended the day dancing with more new friends up in the Sky lounge while DJ Carlos kept the dance songs coming, one after another, until 1am.

Wednesday 2/21 - Teresa and I were up just after sunrise to watch the 'docking' (we set anchor) in George Town, Grand Cayman at 7am.  A short walk up on deck, breakfast, and we were ready to leave the ship at 8:30.

We four ladies took a tender in from the cruise ship.  Yep, another photo bomber.  We all got a laugh from this photo when we showed it to her.

This is a look back at our cruise ship from our little boat.  

Arriving in Stingray City, we had a little time to spend looking in tourist shops before our tour bus took us to a different dock.

This iguana was sunning on one of the roof tops, in this beautiful, 80 degree warm day in paradise.

On the bus to the tour boat, this time the photo bomber was one of our own.  Oh we had fun and made ourselves laugh.


There were about 16 of us that climbed aboard this little boat, and off we went to the sandbar where the stingray are.

The seas were rough but the skies blue and look how pretty the water was.  Once anchored, we all got into the water, which was fairly warm.  Normally it would have been waist deep, but the waves would lift you off your feet and then the undertow pull at your legs.  We were told to watch where you step, but under the circumstances, it was difficult.

There was a lady photographer with us who took all these photos we later purchased, thanks to Shirley.

There were also several other boats anchored with tourists doing the same thing.  Each of us got to kiss the stingray and then get a backrub from her and then pose for a group shot.  It was too rough to let us feed the rays, because we could have hurt them in the process.

That is our boat in the background of our group shot.

And look at the size of the waves!

Once finished swimming with the stingrays, we climbed back on board and motored to the coral reef five minutes away.  Again we set anchor along side several other boats (which was difficult with the waves).

We were all given snorkel, mask, fins, and life jacket; and back into the water we went.  The coral was maybe nine feet below us and the water a little stirred up, but I still saw plenty of colorful fish, sponges, coral, and other marine life.

Our group did have one incident with a family of six getting blown and washed too far from our boat.  Our one crew member who was in swimming with us needed help so the captain went in.  It was soon realized that the group needed a boat to go around, down 'stream' and get the weak, tired swimmers.  So the boat next to us pulled anchor and went and got them.  They had life jackets, so were not in danger of drowning, but were frightened none the less.
Once we were all back on boarded, we made the 30 minute trip back to land.

It was just after noon and we four were tired and hungry from swimming and the morning out on the water.  So we stopped in at Jimmy Buffett's Margaretville in George Town, Grand Cayman.  And let me tell you, this was a fun, happenin' place.
I ordered my usual beer, Shirley had a famous Margarita and I don't know what Patty and Teresa ordered.  

I wasn't but a few sips into my beer and the DJ invited dancers up on stage if they knew the song he was playing.  And before my head could think, my feet had me on the dance floor.  

Patty took these (videos) when I was up dancing, the first song Cupid Shuffle, and then a lady came and joined me for the Cha Cha Slide.

I finally joined the ladies to help finish off lunch.  And then 'name that tune' began.

Teresa was great at this game and her seat was very close to the green stool you had to be first to touch.  If you guessed the correct tune, you got a free shot.

Teresa won three shots and Patty won two.  I was at a great disadvantage with seat placement and also my poor music memory skills but able to win one shot when they played the theme song from the Olympics.

I think Shirley enjoyed her Margareta, was content to be able to sit and rest from the earlier workout, and got a kick out of us Villhauer girls.  She is also great with song titles and musicians, so was very helpful.  

We could have stayed longer, but our ship was due to sail at 4pm so we had to get back on board.

After a leisurely and fun dinner, we went to the 8:00 show of Battle of the Sexes.  Teresa was great help for the girls team! 

From there we went to the 9:00 evening show which was the Celebrity singers and dancers production cast doing a themed musical that was pretty.  But we had troubles following the story line.  We did know it was a love triangle.  Ha ha ha. 

From the theater we had to hustle to get to the Grand Foyer for the silent disco.  We were all skeptical at first, but once you put the headphones on it was a lot of fun.  There were three different stations you could listen to (disco, rock-n-roll, and oldies but goodies) with DJ Carlos talking to us on the blue station.  He would tell us all to jump, shout, clap, or sing along and people with blue headphones would be going nuts.

Groups of people would be singing, clapping and dancing to different songs.  If you took your headphones off, you couldn't hear anything except small groups or individuals clapping and dancing.  There were also random loud singers.  I know it sounds odd, but truly it was a hoot. I also got to do a lot of dancing.

As if that wasn't enough dancing and fun, I went to the Sky Lounge at 11:00 for the Cardinal Band followed by DJ Carlos.  I returned to my cabin at 12:30ish.

Thursday 2/22 - was another full day at sea.  There was a continuation of games, competitions, dance classes, on ship shopping, people watching, and lying poolside in the sun, like we had done Tuesday.  However, the seas got very rough, so the Pool Olympics and band by the pool had been cancelled in the afternoon.  I guess this tree is well anchored and used to the rocking.

As the wind picked up, people headed inside.  Look at this (video) of the waves in the Solarium pool.  I tried walking laps outside, but it was rather difficult, so I went to the fitness center.  I did the rowing machine (which sat just to the left of these treadmills) before doing weights.  I found it very realistic facing towards the front of the ship and rowing as the ship rocked up and over the waves.  I was also thankful for Dramamine.
More silliness and fun was had at dinner time, and because we had decided to go to the late show, we had plenty of time to converse and joke around while we dined.  Sanyo made Rick this sailor's cap and later showed us a trick with this beer can.  He had set the can in front of Rick and said, put it in the bread basket without touching it.

We all pondered this for quite awhile.  Then Sanyo came back and told us how to do it.  When you blow down between the can and glass, the can pops out and if you blow hard enough, it makes it to the breadbasket.  This (video) first shows a fail and then success.  The photos below are of the same thing.  Look at my eyeballs in the last photo!  What a hoot.  I like that Srdjan clapped at the end of the video.

From dinner we went to a game show challenge.  I thought it was going to be trivia so stayed out of the competition.  Well it ended up being a fun, silly, set of relays, like this one with the balloon.

We are all proud to announce that our team won!  I was a good cheerleader and helped with the last challenge, 'how many people we could squish inside the teams circle of hands'.  I was grabbing and dragging innocent by-standards into our team's circle.  We got 33 people.

The night's theater show was Ryan Joyce, a very good illusionist and magician.

Then next on our activity list was the Masque party with the production cast, in the Grand Foyer.  I posed with this one lady before the show.

When the show began, the cast all came dancing down the main stairway.

Later the ladies' skirts were ripped off of them and they continued dancing in skimpier attire, I guess to please the male crowd.  Although, it is easier to see fancy footwork when you can see legs.

Then the crowd got invited to join the cast of dancers and I did not hesitate to get on the dance floor (video).

I will always accept an invitation to dance.

And, I got to pose with this fine young man as it ended.

I concluded my night in the usual way, up in the Sky Lounge with new friends, while my fellow travelers hit the hay sooner than I was ready. 

We had an early morning excursion, so I was in bed by midnight.

Friday 2/23 - We were docked in Cartegena Colombia at 7am.  The Cruise Ship Terminal is located on Manga Island, adjacent to the industrial dock area.  Patty, Teresa, and I had to be off the ship by 7:30, so there was no early morning walk, just a quick breakfast.

We were first in line to get off the ship, so exited quickly and without problems.

It was another beautiful day, with morning temperatures at 77 degrees.  We had a 20 minute walk that wound around from the dock, through the terminal and into the National Aviary of Colombia.  We were ahead of schedule so took a few photos in the aviary.  Our map and instructions were great and we met out shuttle driver in good time.


It was a thrilling drive into the old city where the Segway tour shop was located.  

We were each  given a quick lesson on how to work the segways.

Cezar was our friendly, knowledgeable, and handsome instructor and tour guide.  

Before you know it, we took to the streets, which were quite crowded by the shop, and went single file down the road.  I was at the end of the line, and a little unnerved by the taxi driver behind me who tooted his horn several times.  

Very soon we turned off the main road and went into the city's 17th century walled Old Town--Centro and San Diego.  Most of the main historical sites are close together centering around the Cathedral, Churches and Plazas in the South West of the Old City, and we saw lots of them.



We saw baskets overflowing from the old Spanish colonial balconies, bursting with Bougainvillea and other beautiful flowers.



Touring on Segways was so much fun!!!  It was a great way to get around the old city (video) and easy to do.

We had to go up a steep ramp to get to the top of this section of the fortresses (built by the Spanish).  It was even more exciting coming back down.  

Once back at the shop, we had some time to kill while waiting for our shuttle.  We all got on the shop's internet and Cezar helped me facebook message Britney.

Then while we were sitting there, a bunch of horse drawn carriages went by.  This was the tour Shirley, Rick and Darla took.


The shuttle dropped us off just outside the aviary, which we had to walk through to get back to the ship, so we took our time and walked all its paths and saw lots of wildlife.


I didn't know there were so many different kinds of toucans.

There were many other birds and a ton of Macaws (video).

There was the tortoise pictured earlier, these two anteaters and several little Tamarins running around. 

Oh, and also several cats, this one reminding me of my two back home, except it was missing an eye.

Once we were done touring, we sat at some tables outside, enjoying a cool drink and talking with a lady who was there from the Princess cruise ship.

More bird watching was appreciated while we sat there.

Returning to our ship, you can see the Princess (a smaller cruise ship) docked beside our ship, the Reflection.

We met back up with Shirley once on board, and had a late lunch together.

The girls rested in the Solarium and I went out on deck by the bandstand for sun and music.

I got some photos of us pulling away from dock at 4pm.

The Princess had pulled out a little ahead of us. 

Goodbye Cartegena, Colombia.

Dinner was quick so we could get to the early theater showing of Broadway musicals.  Next we went up to the Sky Lounge to listens to Oldies but Goodies.  From there we went to the Wedding Game in the main theater at 10:30.  It was pretty funny, but two of the four couples just weren't very exciting or that amusing.  The bashing of them by cruise director Ian was what was funny.

We all went up in the Sky Lounge for Disco but the three ladies didn't last long, and retired for the evening.  There was a very rowdy group that came in later, and were a lot of fun to hang out and dance with.  At the end of this (video), two guys can be seen up on the chairs dancing.  Most nights things got pretty rowdy after 11:30.  There were different dance themes each night. 

We had no obligations in the morning, so I danced into the night.  I think it was 1am when I got back to the cabin.

Saturday 2/24 - It was a leisurely morning at sea as we cruised towards Aruba.  I don't remember what any of us did, but am sure it was more of the usual sunning, shopping, dance sessions, workout at the fitness center, etc.  I had gotten a 'nasty gram' from the ship that my credit card was being denied, so made calls home and to the credit card company.  Yep, our card had been hacked and then cancelled.  The ship gives you a 'Sea Pass' when you board.  It is your room key, ID, and on ship debit card.  We got the money straightened out eventually.  This photo is of a gull (there was a flock of them) catching fish off the front of our ship, as we approached Aruba.

We docked in Oranjestad, Aruba at 3pm and Patty, Teresa and I were one of the first to get off the ship because we had a sunset ride from 3:30-5:30 at the Gold Mine Ranch.

We did take a few minutes to get our photos and then caught our ride with Jeanette, one of the ranch hands.

Once all our paper work was done, we were given a quick lesson on how to ride, by wrangler Daniel.  Then we were helped onto our horses.

Off we went with Jeanette leading the way, followed by Allison, a forth rider also from our ship, and Daniel brought up the rear.

Patty was in front of me on a Paso Fino named Eligancia, Teresa rode Pegasus and was behind me.  She took lots of photos too.

I rode a Paso Fino named Candelosa.  

The horses were on the thin side, but fit, sure footed, and well trained.  There is no grass on the island and all the hay is imported, so the horses never are able to overindulge.

Aruba is a multicultural island society, 15 miles north of Venezuela.  It has barren soil with little or no natural irrigation.  Most drinking water is obtained by desalinating seawater.  And the natural vegetation consists of a variety of drought-resistant cacti, shrubs, and trees.  It was the rainy season, and greener than usual.

Just like at home, the ranch had two dogs (one black and one tan) that forged ahead of us on the trail.

It was cloudy and windy but still plenty warm.  Perfect riding weather.  I took this (video) shortly after we headed out.

The ride was advertised to stop at two white-sand-beaches at the North-East Coast, see white-sand dunes, the Hidden Valley & Hidden Lagoon, the Natural Bridge and the Gold Mill Ruins... all of which we did.

We didn't always ride single file or stay in the same order.

We stopped several times to view the sights, hear about the history, and take photos.  The terrain was rocky in places, this (video) shows us going down a little hill, and it reminded me of TN.
Here are several scenic and posed rider photos:

After most of the sightseeing stops, we picked up the pace a little more.  Jeanette took this bouncy (video) of us loping.  We were surprised they let us canter and trot so much.  Candelosa had a nice gait, but not as smooth as Amiga.

On the way back to the ranch we rode past some junk art, made from the trash people pick up from around the area.

It was dinner time when Jeanette dropped us back off in town near the dock, so we walked the tourist section of town looking for a place to eat.  We ended up at the Green Iguana, next to the Royal Plaza.  

Shirley, Rick and Darla joined us as we were enjoying the outdoor air and fancy drinks.  Shirley stayed with us for dinner and a Mojito.

It was dark by the time we left to get back to the ship.  I took this Casino photo for Joe, but you can also see Patty, Teresa, and Shirley walking in front of me.  Teresa took this photo of our ship.

We got back on board just in time to go to the main show, Pete Matthews, a fantastic juggler.  In this photo he is mounting a giant unicycle with the help of some men from the audience.  He was a talented juggler and hilarious.

After the show, Teresa and I went up on to the 14th floor, pool deck for the Full Moon Party.  Patty and Shirley were too tired to join us.  It was a Celebration dance party (video).  

Once this party ended, I went up to the Sky Lounge for more dancing with tunes selected by DJ Carlos and Teresa headed down to our cabin.  Unbeknownst to me, Patty left her credit card at the Green Iguana.  Fortunately our ship had remained docked in Aruba over night so Patty and Teresa were able to get back off the ship.  And luckily they got the card back, but what an adventure.  All were in bed when I got 'home'.

Sunday 2/25 - we were still docked in Aruba and we four ladies did the DePalm Island Beach day from 9:30 - 2:00.  We took a shuttle bus from the dock to the ferry landing, where we then took a six minute boat ride from the mainland to the island.

This is the view of the island as we approached it.  It was another warm and beautiful day to have fun in the sun.

We took a little while finding the optimal place to set up 'camp' and actually moved twice.  And then it was Hawkeye Photo time.

The all inclusive DePalm Island packet included snorkeling, Banana boat ride, Waterpark, an all you can eat buffet and an open bar.  We decided to play before drinking so went to the waterpark and did the zip-line.  Shirley took these (videos) which show me zip lining, then Teresa, and then Patty.  Teresa and I decided to go again and I (video) taped it as we went.  I was spinning some so couldn’t control what was being filmed.

We decided to skip the Banana Boat ride because the line was too long, so went into the area with the water slides.  We tried out several slides, the tunnel slide being the most thrilling because you couldn’t see where you were going.

Since we had snorkeled once and would be going again, we decided to skip that and hit the bar instead.

I wanted to first do the trampoline (jump toy) but because it said you had to be dry, we thought that meant sober.  Well, come to find out it literally meant - 'not wet.'  Ha ha ha.  So I had a drink while drying off and then gave this thing a try. 

Once harnessed in, you jump on the trampoline, and like a trampoline, the harder you jump, the higher you go.  But hydraulic motors attached to bungee cords also enabled me to increase altitude.  The 'lifeguard' had control of how high the hydraulics would lift me.  It really messed me up because you didn't get the rebound like you do on just a trampoline and it pulled me backwards each time so I couldn't do a front flip.  I wasn't able to do any twists either because of the harness rigging.  But it was a ton of fun, especially knowing the man at the controls wouldn't let me land on my head.  It also took a lot of energy on my part.  Patty took photos and (video).  

Meanwhile, back at 'camp' the girls were enjoying taste testing a few different drinks. 

There was beach behind us and in front of us.
Below is a view of the lagoon from Shirley's perspective.  Those are her toes.

I got a neighboring lady to take a photo of the four of us.  Below, Patty went out for a swim in the protected beach area.

We had some miss communication at lunch time, but eventually got together to enjoy burgers and hotdogs, along with some more drinks.

It was nearing time to go when it started sprinkling.  By the time we were headed for the front gift shop, it began to pour and we made a run for it.  Waiting for it to let up, the line for the ferry got very long.  And then there was more miscommunication, this time not on my part, and people were turned back to the shop.  Teresa and I had made it on board the ferry, but not Patty and Shirley.

It really wasn't done raining and another heavy shower occurred.  Lots of people huddled to the front of the ferry where there was a roof, but Teresa and I figured 'what the heck' we were already soaked.

It was cold on the shuttle bus but by the time we got to the ship dock the sun had come out.  I don't even think this side of the island had gotten much rain.  I decided to do a little shopping, giving Teresa a chance to get to the cabin and shower before me.  I bought a hat.

Our ship set sail from Aruba at 6 pm.  We were cleaned up, dressed for dinner, and walked around the ship for a bit.  Here is the view of the port an hour before our 5:30 dinner time.

We took dinner at a slow pace because some of us were going to the late show and others of us were going to skip it all together.  We enjoyed ourselves  at dinner as usual.
Our ship was to leave port at 6pm, but was late because (we guess) a few passengers were missing.  They kept calling over the intercom for two people.  We watched from our dinner table as a few stragglers got back on board.  Well we could only see them coming down the dock.  Some were rushing back to the ship, but others acted like they had no idea they were late.  Scheesh. 

Most of the evening's activities (that we attended) occurred in the Grand Foyer.  The Sammy Tones played, off and on from 7:45 - 11:00.  They had a Groove Party and then the production cast put on a singing and dance show.

Again, the crowd was invited to join in and lots of people got up and started dancing, and movin' to the groovin'.  

At 11pm the party then moved up to the Martii Bar with DJ Carlos.

Shirley and Patty hit the hay but Teresa wanted to stay up till midnight to celebrate the dawn of her birthday so she danced late into the night with me. 
Marcia, in the above photo, joined us (as she had several nights).  

We hit the late night buffet on our way back to our cabin and then Teresa saw the decorations Patty and Shirley had bought and put up.

Monday 2/26 - Teresa's Birthday!  We were at dock in Willemstad, Curacao from 7am - 7pm.  Shirley went on an excursion with Rick and Darla and we Villhauer girls had left the day open to sight see on our own.  We had a leisurely breakfast outside on deck before disembarking.   

Our night waiter Srdjan was working the beverage area right near us and saw Teresa's pink Birthday tiara so brought complementary Mimosa and Champaign for us to celebrate Teresa’s birthday.  What a way to start the day!

Every time you get off the ship, there are tons of photo opportunities.  This is a photo of the photo Patty paid for.

Curacao is a Dutch Island. Our ship was docked on the Otrobanda side of the Santa Anna Bay.  We walked into the first section of town where the walls of one of eight forts was still erected.

Getting on the internet and connecting with home was our first priority.

Then we started our self-guided sight seeing tour.

Behind me in this photo, you can see the Queen Emma Bridge.  It is a pontoon bridge across St. Anna Bay.  It connects the Punda and Otrobanda quarters of the capital city.  The bridge is hinged and opens regularly to enable the passage of oceangoing vessels.

Here the bridge can be see from up on top of the wall off the fort.

And this is a look down into the little plaza area where we had sat to get internet.

Once on the 'other side' of the wall, we walked along the waterfront where there were lots of little vendor tents and stuff for sale.  This wonderful older gentleman was playing and singing and did a little birthday song (video) for Teresa.  She was instructed to dance and then jump at the end.  I cut off the part where he said "White woman can jump".  LOL

From where we were standing, this is a look across the bay at the Punda side of the city.  We chatted with the old man for awhile and he showed us some optical illusions, seen as you look at the walls of the fort.

Down a little ways, we started across the Queen Emma pontoon bridge.  We loved the pretty colors of each of the buildings and how neat they looked all lined up in a row.

A view of a small cruise ship from the bridge, and looking back across the bay we could see the front end of our ship.

On the far side of the bridge was this “Lock your love” heart sculpture that was designed for lovers (especially newlyweds) to clip a padlock to, to seal their loving bond.  There were tons of locks with little notes hanging from it.

As we were looking around trying to decide where to go next, the bridge started to open.  It took awhile but soon this tug boat passed through.  And then the bridge (driven like a boat) was swung back across and locked into place. 

We did more sight seeing and window shopping and then started looking for a place to eat lunch.

We ended up at this nice little café, La Boheme, and sat outside.  Teresa took this selfie, showing the view of the street, we had from our table.

And because Teresa was the birthday girl, she got a free shot of Curacao Blue and rum.  That's why it is green.

Teresa could sure slam one back (video) and still keep her tiara on!
Patty and I helped Teresa celebrate.
We all enjoyed our food.

Eventually we decided we were ready to head back to the ship.  We took the Queen Emma pontoon bridge back over to the Otrobanda side of town.  We all thought Willemstad, Curacao was just gorgeous!


We stopped in at an ice cream shop that we had spotted earlier and did a little more communicating on the internet before going to the ship.  We also did a little shopping at the vendor tents on the way back.  We decided not to buy the Curacao Blue liquor to take home after what had happened to the wine bottle getting on board in Ft. Lauderdale.  

Once back on board, it was nap time.  The girls went to the Solarium and I went out to the pool to listen to the band and sit in the hot tub.

Then we all got cleaned up for our usual 5:30 dinner reservation.  From our table while we dined, we could see the sky getting dark and lights coming on at Curacao.  

Dinner was the usual fun with a birthday surprise added for Teresa.

We all sang Teresa Happy Birthday when they brought her cake at the end of our meal.  I had ordered two deserts and then with some of her rich birthday treat, I was on a sugar high.

We had time to kill before the 9:00 theater show, so went down to the Grand Foyer to listen to the music and do a little dancing.  Dancing friends Carol and Laurie were there and had a bottle of Champaign they didn't want.  So we accepted it as a birthday treat.

I ran the Champaign back to our cabin and stuck it in the fridge, and then met everybody at the theater.  The night's Celebrity Show was Jesse Hamilton Jr.  He was high energy and his voice reminded me of Stevie Wonder.

Leaving the theater, we then high tailed it to the Solarium for the Silent Liquid Party.  We all donned our headphones, danced some, and then watched the acrobat show.

Dancing continued after the show.
Everyone had headed back to their cabins but Teresa and I.  We had more Birthday time left and celebrating to do.

The party in the Solarium ended about 11:30 and then we headed up to the Sky Lounge. 

That party with DJ Carlos didn't begin until midnight.  By then we were feeling pretty tired, so didn't last much longer, even after the music and dancing had started.

Tuesday 2/27 - We docked in Kralandijk, Bonaire just as the sun was coming up at 7am.  We ate breakfast out on the deck of the Oceanview Cafe and watched the city wake up.

We all six had booked the National Maine Park Sail and Snorkel tour from 9-noon so got off the ship with plenty of time to spare.  To kill time, some of us sat in the sun, others got on the internet, and I walked around and then went in search of a restroom.

At each of the ABC islands (Bonaire included) we noticed everything looking so clean and fresh.  While we waited for our shuttle bus to take us to the sailboat dock, I watched this guy working hard, giving this wall a fresh coat of paint. 
Our group walked around the corner to wait away from the crowd and I took this (video) of a Mocking bird to send to Britney.

We got off the shuttle and walked a little way to the dock and then removed our shoes and boarded the sail boat.   The captain (far left in blue, the two crew members are in white) gave us instructions.

Mary Ann served drinks as we got under way, motoring out of the harbor.  The six of us sat in back with the captain.

Once out in the ocean, Mary Ann and the other young crew member (don't remember his name) set the sails and away we went.

In this photo, you can see our huge cruise ship docked next to a smaller one, I think it was the Princess.

Oh, and this photo was when Patty 'took a turn at the wheel' while we were setting sail.  Ha ha ha.

Bonaire National Marine Park basically runs along the coast and encircles the entire island.  It starts at the high water mark and extends out into the ocean 60 meters.  It covers an area of 6672 acres, all of which is protected.  Legislation ensures wise use of the island's coral reefs, sea grass, mangroves and aquatic life.

Once at a good spot, we attached to a mooring (no anchors allowed, they harm the coral), put on snorkel gear, and dove in.

Mary Ann had an underwater camera and led the way, getting some great photos.  That's me in the left photo and Patty in the right.

At one point the group saw a turtle.  Teresa and I were too far back to see it, but Patty, Shirley, and Rick did.  Mary Ann got a good photo of it.

We snorkeled for an hour and then climbed back on board for our lunch and rum punch as we sailed back to the little harbor.

I left my clan in back and sat up front in the sun with the other eight passengers, and enjoyed meeting some of them.  

Mary Ann came around and served sandwiches and refilled drinks.  She was awesome.  Unfortunately, the fun had to come to an end, our excursion was over.

Back on board about 2 pm, after a little shopping at the port, we four girls went up to pool side to sit in the hot tub and rest.  Our ship left port at 3 pm.  I was at my usual spot out by the pool with the Cardinal Band, then a dance party, then music with DJ Carlos till time to clean up.

As always, dinner was at 5:30.  I brought the bottle of Champaign from Laurie and Cindy and shared it with everybody.

Dinner was the usual elegance, 'bon appetit' as the waiters always said, and fun with family and friends.  We watched another amazing sunset as we ate.

Our leisurely meal still gave us plenty of time to make it to the 8 pm Battle of the Sexes game.  Teresa really helped out the women's team again.  Then at 9 pm we went to the main theater for Savannah Jack, a country-rock music band led by Don Gatlin.  It was a highly entertaining and energetic show and got a standing ovation and they did two encores. 

Motown Music trivia followed by Motown hits with DJ Carlos were up in the Sky Lounge.
I took this selfie, trying to get the nearly full moon on my way up.  Just Teresa joined me for the Trivia and didn't stay long for dancing, but I had some of my usual dance friends (Carol and Laurie, Sandy and Tracy, Marcia, Pearl, and Christian) so stayed awhile.  I had others whom I saw and danced with less often, so don't remember their names.  Seen left, all the bartenders hard at work at the Sky Lounge Bar.

Wednesday 2/28 - We were at sea all day.  Since I had gotten to bed before midnight, I was up and just a minute late for the 7 am Stretch class and then did the 7:30 Abs class.  I finished my weight workout and went to breakfast.  I think Patty was up, but Teresa and Shirley were still in bed, taking advantage of the leisurely morning.

Since it was a day at sea, there were lots of activities to choose from.  Some went to Scrapbooking, Make-up, and Trivia.  I attended any dance classes and laid out by the pool with music by DJ Carlos.  There was Pool Olympics and line dancing also. 

Ian gave us a Salsa dance lesson and Shirley got to be his partner (video) because there weren't enough guys to go around.  The usual plight with couples dances.

Lobster was served at dinner which Darla and Teresa enjoyed.

We also watched another beautiful sunset while we ate.

After dinner we went to the 8pm Game Show: Officers vs Guests and then we all met in the theater for the 9pm Celebrity Showtime: Elysium, a musical with dancing by the production cast.

At 10 pm the Silent Disco in the Sky Lounge started.  I wonder what music Patty was listening to or what she had been drinking.  Ha ha ha.  

I think some people went to the 10:30 Liars' Club Adult Comedy Game Show but I stayed and danced.  Teresa came back for a little more disco dancing and got one last hug from Santa.

The disco broke up at 11:30 but I stayed for more dancing as usual with DJ Carlos.  We had the time change back, so gained an hour of sleep or dancing. 😀

Thursday 3/1 - our last day was spent at sea.  It was a day of 'lasts' but that didn't mean we were going to let it get us down.  I think most of us had had a blast, but were ready to get home.  I was tired from all the late nights of dancing and still getting up early.  Seen right, Teresa drinking a Mudslide in the Solarium.  

The ship had more of the usual activities to entertain us all day.  Mostly we laid and relaxed, I out in the sun and the other three in the Solarium.  We ate our last lunch out on the back of the ship.

I enjoyed the hot tub, music, dance class, and activities by the pool.  At one point, I ran in to the Sky Lounge for the Sudoku ultimate challenge, the most difficult of the cruise.  I was about 2/3rds done when the first person finished.  They rewarded to three places so I kept going, and then I discovered two 3's in the same row so I quit and went back out to the pool.

The Officers vs Guests water volleyball competition was about to begin.

Seen right, Ian making his entrance into the pool.  Seen left, a huddle before the game began.

The staff has a lot of fun, is a lot of fun, and is what makes the cruise so much fun.

We had to get our suitcases packed and ready to put out by 9pm, so went in earlier than usual to pack and get ready for dinner.  

It was a little sad at dinner, because it was our last and we had grown so fond of Sanyo and Srdjan.  It was also our last sunset at sea.

Sanyo entertained us some more, this time with napkin folding.

We took our time at dinner, lingering as long as we could, knowing it would be our last.  

The comedian Phil Tag was the night's show in the theater.  He was funny but not as enjoyable as several of the other shows had been.  

I am not sure where we went or what we did, but I remember dancing in the Grand Foyer with Marcia one last time.  DJ Carlos started up in the Sky Lounge at 11:30 and I took one last photo of the full moon on the ocean as I was walking on deck 15 to the Sky Lounge.  I stayed up as late as the party went on our last cruise night.

Friday 3/2 - We pulled into port at Ft.Lauderdale at 7am.  The moon was setting over Ft. Lauderdale on one side of the ship as the sun was coming up over the ocean on the other side of the ship.


Srdjan was working the beverage bar and I got one last hug from him.  I do not know what he is holding up. LOL  We  ate out on deck because it was such a beautiful morning.

Then with lots of time to spare, I went up to the jogging track to walk around and lie in a lounge chair.

I could see planes flying into the airport, where we would soon be flying out of.

At this point in time, Teresa got the horrible news (video), her house was on fire.

Her husband Tracy who had called was very distraught and this made Teresa all the more anxious to get home.

We needed to get to the airport and try to get Teresa a flight home.  This was the end of a wonderful cruise and the beginning of a very long day for Teresa.  You can see the stress in her face as we waited for our Ubber driver who never came, and wasted almost an hour of our time.

Patty had texted and called the Ubber guy three times, and we could see him on GPS circling between the dock and the airport.  We finally took a taxi (only an eight minute drive) to the airport.

In the process of our waiting, we had Joe look into flights.  Teresa's best bet was to fly with us to Nashville and then take two connecting flights getting her to Cedar Rapids around 9pm.  Joe booked the flights for her.

While waiting for our flight out of Ft. Lauderdale we kept getting updates from Iowa (video).  The fire was under control and Tracy and the three dogs had gotten out.  A fireman had also rescued jewelry and other valuables from the bedroom.

We got to Nashville on time, hugged Teresa goodbye, and Joe picked Shirley, Patty, and I  up.  

Thankfully the drive home was quick and uneventful but we had heard from Teresa about more problems and delays.  Due to a winter storm on the east coast, her original flight was delayed, causing her to miss her connection to CR.  She re-booked the flights and went through Chicago.

After dropping off my fellow travelers  (Patty and Shirley) here in the Glade, it was almost dark when we arrived home.  More up-dates, photos, and (video) came in from Teresa, who didn't get 'home' (they stayed at Tracy's mom's) until after midnight... long after I was in bed.  

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