Saturday, June 23, 2018

Ba Chìm Bảy Nổi

Ba chim bay noi - Is Vietnamese for storm-tossed or the ebb and flow of the tide of life.  Yep, life is full of ups and downs.  Some struggles are hills, while others are huge mountains.  Courtney's battle with severe pancreatitis has been long and tough.  She is dealing with nutrition and strength issues since she is very nauseous and throwing up several times a day.  Her nutrition is low and she has become quite weak.  But the battle has also taken it's toll on her spirit.  She feels depressed at this stage of the healing process, because progress is so slow and she has already lost nine weeks of living (enjoying) life.  She feels storm tossed, with the end of this struggle still not clear.

Sunday 6/17 - I wanted to head to Nashville by noon and had several things to do first, so skipped Church.  I was at the barn just after 8am to work with Amiga.  I actually rode her to the bean field, and then on to the Holly trail, turning back for the barn just before the big hill.  She did great.

Next I worked with her on the 'parade' route.  She did much better than a few days ago and actually kept her feet still while Jean rode Shelby around the course before our second pass.  During our third go round I could tell she was starting to get a little anxious, so quit while we were ahead.

Amiga had gotten kind of sweaty, so as usual, she liked the mineral block (with salt) after our ride. 

I hurried home, walked the dog, watered the grass, got cleaned up, packed up Maggie and I, ate a quick lunch and headed to Patty's, a tad late.  Maggie got dropped off and then I made the trek to Vanderbilt in Nashville.

Right away I could see that Courtney was
worn, weary, and worried.  She was feeling no better after her surgery to remove the stent almost a week ago and had pretty much temporarily seemed hopeless.  I did get her to smile for this photo to send Britney, which was shortly after she had thrown up, which is when she feels relief from nausea.

Monday 6/18 - It had been a night of vomiting and trips to the restroom, while helicopters flew overhead on a regular basis.  I got this (video) during the day.

Courtney's team of (seven) doctors came into her room about 8:00.  After a long question and answer session (with both Courtney and I and then the team) asking and answering questions, we came up with a game plan going forward.  It was clear that Courtney would not be going home this day (and would need a few more in the hospital).  They needed to get the vomiting under better control.  They discussed slowing down the feeding rate and supplementing nutrition with the PICC line while also trying a different anti nausea drug.  Giving the pancreas more time to heal was the main focus/problem while also addressing all Courtney's physical and mental needs.
Her depression was very real and debilitating. She needed motivation, encouragement, stimulation and exercise during the day (especially while at the hospital) and company during the night when getting up to use the restroom and vomiting.  I decided I needed to stay another night.

A psychologist came to talk with Courtney and he too came up with a plan.  With so many changes in the making, Courtney was overwhelmed.  By day's end it was decided to just make two changes, feeding rate and add stomach suction.  The new tube they had put in last Tuesday was actually two tubes in one.  The feeding tube went to her jejunum and the suction tube into her stomach.
I just kind of hung out with Courtney, walking with her three different times and encouraging her to sit in a chair, watch TV, and engage in life.  She was lucky to have a large room with a decent view.  
When Mike came, I went for a long walk outside.  I caught this squirrel dumpster diving during my walk.

Tuesday 6/19 - Courtney's night was no better.  They ran the stomach suction from 8pm to 6am.  She still threw up three times, and at a much greater output than what the pump produced.  At least she slept soundly between restroom trips and bouts of vomiting.  

Part of the
new game plan was getting Courtney home as soon as possible.  The doctors felt it seemed like the best idea, since Courtney has such a great network of family caring for her.  The comforts and peace of home weighed more beneficial than the care of nurses watching her vitals.  The doctors agreed, she might as well feel horrible at home vs there in the hospital. 

This ('at home care plan') was devised.  It included feeding tube at a rate of 40 mL / hour.  They wanted Courtney doing it in the hospital before going home, to make sure it (all drugs and nutrition) worked best for her. 

I left Nashville before 10:00 to get Maggie and be to work on time.  I think the dog preferred to stay with Patty, LOL.

When I got home, Phil and Travis were putting down the Fiberock, in preparation for the tile flooring.    

The sky lights were trimmed and so was the ceiling with these strips to hide the seams between the sheets of plywood.

All the siding outside was also completed.  

Joe arrived at the hospital from Las Vegas at 2:15.  

It was very hot and busy at work and I was dead tired by the time I got home, which was later than usual.  

Wednesday 6/20 - This golf course worker was cutting back and collecting cat-tail, which spreads vigorously.  I guess he was eliminating the seeds made by their flowers.  But they also have roots that creep, called rhizomes, which grow new shoots quickly.  

I hadn't seen Hobo since I left Sunday, so was kind of looking around and calling for him, but to no avail.  

I went in the crawl space to check out our new dehumidifier that had been installed while I was in Nashville.  I also thought it possible Hobo got locked in under there, but no sign of him.

It was a dreary morning leaving me somewhat un-motivated.  I finally got this Blog started, skipping Ballroom Aerobics.  I did three loads of laundry, went grocery shopping, took the dog on a long walk, spoke with our contractor and the workers, chatted with neighbors, and wondered and worried about Courtney.  

I helped organize our first pool party of the summer, so went to that at 3:15.  We had a great turn out even with a few minutes of a sprinkle around 4pm.  The food was great and because it was so warm out, the pool was perfect.  

I was also glad when I got this text from Courtney "busted out!!"  She had been released at 5pm.  Mike took her home and Joe met up with Daniel.  They shopped for a lawn mower, our house warming gift to Dan and Val.  I went to bed feeling the storm had calmed somewhat.

Thursday 6/21 - Working here at my computer on my Blog, Monita did her usual interference.  I have to make sure she doesn't step on my keyboard so I let her lie on my papers.

Joe reported that Courtney had not had a great night (still repeated vomiting) and he would stay with her until Mike got home from class late afternoon.

Monita is a bit possessive of the mouse, and will do this when I try to use it.  She usually bites my hand also.

I opened up at the pool a little early having some extra cleaning duties from after the party.  The weather was questionable and it did start raining while my one and only swimmer was doing her laps.  I got word to close down until later notice, and headed home.  We never did re-open.

It was lunch time and Phil and Travis were cleaning up for the day.  The gray seam work on the floor needed to dry.

I have no idea what I did all afternoon, other than read the paper, which this photo and (video) reminded me about.  As usual, Monita ran interference in an effort to get me to play or give her some lovin'.

I have been busy with sunroom construction plans, rectifying the new dehumidifier installation, pool e-mail list for party info, checking in on Courtney, and planning for our family gathering.  So I probably worked on some of these things.

A few of us ladies met at the barn to work on parade practice.  Patty took this photo of Zorro at another time when she was there working with him.
I tied Amiga to her stall so she could get used to the idea of being tacked there.  I also messed with this blanket on her to simulate the skirt I would be wearing.


She did just fine with both new things.

Then I rode with the blanket tied around my waist and draped down Amiga's back and she was okay with that, although it did make her get rather hot.  Some circuits of the two minute route went pretty well, and others I couldn't get Amiga to settle into a nice smooth gait.

She was hot when we got done so next I tried Karen's leg wraps on Amiga.  The vet said to test them on the ground before riding with them on.  I had put her in the pony pen and she was walking funny at first.

Next thing I know, she is scratching, big time, on the fence.  Silly horse.  So when I brought her back in to the barn, I cleaned her belly well and the insides of her back legs.  I also put coconut oil in the dock of her tail.

Courtney's update indicated she was still battling a lot of nausea and vomiting and just too tired to do any walking or much sitting.

Friday 6/22 - Was shopping day so I left for town fairly early.  Not only did I need to get household goods, supplies, and food, I also had to pick up more paint, buy a screen door, fan, and two lights, and try to find something that would work for a costume for the parade of horses.  We were thinking Spanish lady gaucho.

I picked out and purchased almost everything but the fan.  At the Second Chance thrift store I bought a round table cloth and some white sash curtain things to start off my costuming.  My skirt needed to be slit up the front so I could sit in my saddle.

No workers had shown up all day.  I thought they were going to start painting, but I guess plans changed.  I had just bought a new Crape Myrtle, so went out front to replace the one that had died.  I barely got done before a storm hit.

Michelle was back in town and had dropped by and we decided to go together to R-Place (per Donna's invite) for Jeff Allen.

Debbie, Donna, Michelle, and I.

Look out, the New Charlie's Angels are in town ! LOL

We had a fun time and all of us danced a lot.
It was nice to enjoy life and unwind a little.

Saturday 6/23 - It was overcast and threatening of rain and I have no idea what I did all morning.

This is the new Crape Myrtle I had planted.  

When I went into work at 1:30, I was surprised at how many people were at the pool on kind of a crummy day.  It was only in the low 80's but the humidity was at 90%.  It got very cloudy and the wind picked up and people cleared out so I thought I would be able to go home early.  But I had customers until 6:45.

I am always too tired to do anything when I get home from an afternoon of work at the pool.  The 'storm' was still raging within Courtney's body and I tossed and turned when I went to bed.

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