Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Beverly's 90th Birthday Party

July 4th we celebrated our Mama's 90th birthday.  We were actually about three months early (she was born 9/25/1928) but this was a better time to celebrate, when more people could make it than at Christmas time.

We had rented Ken and Linnea's house for six days to serve as bedrooms for overflow, but it was such a lovely setting on Lake Canterbury and had more dinning space than our house, so we had the party here.

David had gotten the main room decorated for the occasion.

Jean had made several breakfast casseroles the night before and others brought this lovely fruit salad, coffee cake, and pastries.

As people arrived we congregated in the living room and then the stories began.  We each had an opportunity to talk about how Mom (Grandma) had
impacted our life.  Many funny tales and adventures were told.

Carol took a ton of great photos.


Jean pulled the food out of the oven and got everything ready to serve and we all enjoyed the meal.  Well, except Courtney maybe.  But she was glad to be with family and making the best of life for the time being.

Britney took great care of Courtney all week.

The chow line went quickly and it got a bit quieter while we all ate.  No photos were taken of us at the tables, because we were all busy I guess.

After brunch, it was time for the slideshow, a power point Cathy had made from photos she had and others we sent to her.  It was a chronology of Mom's life.

And Mama got a front row seat.  She also helped narrate and answer questions that came up.

What a beauty and a beautiful life she has had and is having.

Before anyone was allowed to go 'run and play' we had to get group photos.  Patty took this one of all of us.

We were all snapping photos as we took shots of sub groups with Mom.

Mama with her six kids.

Okay, get serious.

Now add the spouses.

Mama with ten of her twelve grandchildren.

And now add their significant others.

Now it was time to for some monkey business.  Like most families, we do enjoy fooling around and any sort of mischievous behavior.

Jean had made a game (based on Mom's life) that many of us played.  And like my Great Grandma, we can be very competitive.  We had a lot of fun.

Mom and Courtney needed to get back to our house to rest but some stayed at the Lake House enjoying outdoor activities.  As people headed out, I sent some folding chairs and leftovers with different groups.  It had been a great party.

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