Saturday, September 15, 2018

Spinnin' Wheels

Wheels Of Life
Spinnin' wheels got to go 'round.  As we go through the many different phases of life our wheels keep on spinning.  And as the wheel spins, sometimes we're up, sometimes we're down.

Sunday 9/9 - My girls kept me company while I was at my computer.

I sat with Shirley at Church.  By the time I got home and dressed to go to the barn, rain was moving into the area.  That basically was the end of a productive day because I then started spinnin' my wheels, waiting on the weather to clear.  

I did a few regular cleaning chores and started a load of laundry but then went out on the screened porch to read.  My kitties joined me there also. 

Monita isn't as much snuggly as she is playful, but she head butts and bites to get my attention.  Very distracting while I am trying to read (video).

While sitting on the porch swing, I heard a rustling noise below.  This young deer, seen through the screen, was eating my Day Lilies.  No wonder I have not seen blooms this year.

I took Maggie on a 30 minute walk and then rushed to get home while thunder was rumbling nearer.  I decided any chance of riding was non-existent.  

And then when I noticed water dripping on the back of the chair where Joe sits and saw the wet ceiling and drips down the wall, my frustration was taking my wheel of life into overdrive.  

Dan and Valencia's car wheels were spinning all day as they traveled to their new home in Murfreesboro, from Chicago.  Dan has been living as a bachelor for a few months here in TN, but now Val is joining him.  She will be starting a training course for her new job.  This photo was from the wonderful send-off party her parents had for them.  This is a new and big change for them in this phase of life.

Maggie is not allowed in the kitchen, but she has to be right by my side during a storm, so here she laid while I was trying to fix a bite to eat for dinner.  Joe was off at poker so I watched music videos on my computer until bedtime.  Not a complete waste of time, but not at all productive.

Monday 9/10 - Joe called the roofer who planned to come this week to check out the leak problem.  I was spinnin' my wheels, trying to come up with a blog title and get this blog started... thus this week's title.  Sometimes a title and idea that runs throughout the week comes very naturally, but not always.  I think at the start of 2019, I will just date each week and not try to come up with a name and tie the theme in as I write, unless a title seems really obvious. 

Our kitties are so spoiled.  Look at all the toys they have just on their cat tower.  But they are happy and content.

After a good weight workout and lunch, I headed into town for some much needed shopping.  I got almost everything on my list at Lowe's and Wal-Mart, but also purchased some not so necessary items.  

I made a chicken wrap and ate that before Joe and I headed over to the four corners for the last Mirror Lake Blast.  It was cool (68 degrees) and cloudy, so the crowd was thin.  By the second set, several people got up to dance, and I had a good time with them.

Tuesday 9/11 - Patriot Day, seventeenth year anniversary of 9/11/01.  It was a somber morning as I watched videos and a live broadcast from New York.

I eventually went to the barn to make a very late payment for my September board.  I really thought I had paid it, but that was for August.  Sheesh, where does time go... spinnin' wheels keep on spinnin.'

While at the barn, I decided to take Amiga on a short little ride.  I didn't even bother putting a saddle on her, and let her graze some of the time.  We were on the trail for an hour almost and then I had to rush to get home, change, pack a lunch, and get to work.

Mike hadn't had any customers and I only had two for 90 minutes, so I closed the pool a half hour early and headed home.  Then I crashed on the couch for a bit, really tired for some reason.  

Joe and I ate dinner he had fixed and then I took Maggie on an hour walk.  Joe and I watched a dumb, sappy movie together (The Stray).

Wednesday 9/12 - was a very busy, productive, exhausting day.  I went to the gym early and did my weight workout before our dance exercise class.  Denise and Rudy were finally back to teach Ballroom aerobics after she had been ill and recuperating for six weeks.  It was so good to be moving to music again.  Before coming home I went to the health fair next door.  I did a few tests and was in the normal range for body fat, blood sugar, and hand grip strength.  So that made me feel pretty good.  

This is a photo of a light, somewhat squishy, bulb with a root coming out of it that I found in the mulch later in the day when I was doing some planting.  I should have cut it open to see what was inside.

After a quick change and bite to eat, Joe and I met Patty and we hiked the Amherst Trail together.  It was on dirt and paved road, out in the sun, and not very interesting, but we got another trail of the Hiking Marathon done.

 I re-hydrated, and then got to work in the yard.  I transplanted one bush and planted the mum above (which I can see from my desk) and the three little bushes below.

After yard work, I ate a salad for dinner and then went to the barn, saddled up Amiga, and had a nice little 90 minute ride.  It was still 80 degrees warm and the humidity was at 90%, so Amiga was sweaty by the time we were done.  Can you see both dogs running ahead of us in the photo?  Boz is tan and more difficult to see.

It was dark by the time I had cared for Amiga's hygiene needs and left the barn.  Joe was off playing poker so I had popcorn after a shower while I sat here waiting for my hair to dry before bed.

Thursday 9/13 - Seen right, the view from my corner desk out the right window.  The slider is open with just screen to the far right.  Below, the view out the left window.  The glass is causing a reflection in both photos.

I worked 9-1, having a fairly busy shift.  The day had started out very sunny, but eventually clouded up.  I came home, put on hiking clothes and then the decision was made to wait and hike later, once Patty was finished with a 4:00 meeting.  So, I puttered around, cleaning out in the garage to get all my birdseed and feeders organized.  I had stopped feeding the birds after family left in July.  Partly it didn't seem necessary during the summer and also I had gotten busy and out of the habit of filling feeders.

Once Patty left her meeting, we met at the Methodist Church parking lot to hike the Seven Bridges Trail.  It had rained 15 minutes earlier but had stopped so I was hoping we could get the hike done.  Well, it started thundering and did not look at all promising.  So we decided not to hike.  I was feeling frustrated but this is what the weather does sometimes.

Going home, I swung a little out of the way, and picked up a few rocks that I had seen along the edge of the road, just to make my trip feel worthwhile.  Maggie was already feeling stressed because of the thunder and now she had to share her space with rocks.

After unloading, I decided to continue with a 'project' and hiked into the near-by woods and dug up a dogwood tree I had spotted long ago.  It is the perfect replacement for the one I had planted last fall, here in front of the deck by the bird feeders.  I took these two photos of it the next day because it had gotten dark on me the night before.

In the house at 7:30 (dark) I was wet and muddy from digging in the rain.  I was also exhausted because I had carried this tree 1/4 mile through the woods.  I really hope it survives.  Once the lot it was on sells and is cleared for a house, it's life will have ended.

Friday 9/14 - Chipmunks have always been in abundance because I put corn out for the deer.  But now that I have the bird feeders out and filled, the increase in bird activity has been noticed by myself and the cats.

Chipmunks spin their wheels too.  Not only do they keep busy collecting food, but they are very territorial and do a lot of running and chasing each other around.  In the above photo, the lighter chipmunk (circled with yellow) 'owns' the rock that the other chipmunk was sitting on.  He soon came over and chased the other one off.  Notice how white his tail and head is.

Joe, Maggie and I met Patty at the Seven Bridges trail head at 8:45.  It was already steamy out, more from the humidity than the heat.

We took our time hiking the two miles, sight seeing and taking photos of the nature around us.

Rehydrating and an early lunch occurred once we got home.  Then I worked out in the yard planting some bulbs Brian gave me and watering everything that was newly planted, especially the dogwood that was looking a little wilted.

Mid-afternoon, we were off to another hiking adventure.  We picked Patty up and went on to the Cumberland State Park.  Joe, Maggie and I did a rugged 2 1/2 mile hike while Patty walked and looked around the main areas of the park.

Here is a look at some of the trickier footing on the trail.  Notice how all these roots are holding the large pine tree in place along the steep bank of the creek (far left in photo).

We met back up with Patty on the dining patio outside the restaurant.  There was a trail and statue dedication event just starting so we hung around there for a while, cooling off.

Once home, cleaned up and in my PJ's (6pm) we ate and then I spun through different sights here on my computer.  I have been fascinated reading about Ben's adventures, having biked the whole west coast from Seattle, and now in Mexico.  I was also amazed at the water being dumped in the Carolina's and wind damage from hurricane Florence.

Exhaustion soon took hold and it was early to bed for me.

Saturday 9/15 - Monita (behind my computer) and I, enjoying the corner view from my desk.  Although, I was really spinnin' my wheels trying to get photos in the places I wanted them while working on this blog.  It makes me crazy to think of the time I waste.

I gave up here and went to the gym to workout.  Then once cleaned and 'gussied up,' I went to Sherri's house to attend a kind of memorial service for Del (her partner who recently died of a cancerous brain tumor).

Some of Del's ashes were sprinkled on various trees and bushes he had planted and then we released butterflies into the garden he so loved.

From Sheri's house we all proceeded over to her parents, Bob and Joyce's.  They had a great spread of food and beverages and it was nice to meet some of Sherri's and Del's family and friends.  I hadn't gotten a chance to meet Del, but from all that everyone said, he was a great guy.

Once home walking the dog, I let her run over to see Brian who was working in his yard.  Maggie loves the attention she gets from the neighbors on both sides of us.  You'd think she never got any lovin', but it ain't true.

Michelle and I decided to go to Lake St. George beach for some sun and swimming.  Well, by the time we got there, it had started clouding up.

It even threatened to rain during the end of our 90 minute stay, but we enjoyed lounging, chatting, and watching the changing sky.

We had a swingin' good time, then motored over to Druid outdoor tennis courts and Michelle gave me a pickleball lesson.

My hand/eye coordination was almost as bad as I predicted and my knees were as wonky as I expected.
Michelle was a great, patient, and positive instructor.

Home for a second shower of the day, and then I went to Spikes where I met Patty for the 6:30 kickoff of the Iowa Hawkeye game against UNI.  At the end of third quarter we were ahead by five touch downs so I gave in to fatigue and headed home, by way of a quick stop at Food City.

I like being on the go, but it is good to stop the spinnin' wheels and take time to pause, rest, reflect, and maybe even switch directions.

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