Friday, November 30, 2018

Along For The Ride

I do not want to just be along for the ride.  However, sometimes I am coerced into travels or trips I'd prefer not to do.  I don't like to travel, especially in a car or plane, it involves too much sitting.  But I like to experience new experiences.  Often for me, it is more about the destination, than the getting there, especially when it involves vehicle or air travel. 

If all my travels could be on horseback, then I would jump at the opportunity to go along for the ride.  
My nephew Ben has ridden his bike from Seattle to Guatemala.  Why would you do this, many will ask. 

As seen in this photo, I think why we go horse back riding has many of the same reasons why people bike.

Saturday 11/24 - Decorating for Christmas is not something I like to do.  I know, it seems odd, because I put so many decorations up.  However, it is not the decorating, but the end results that I love.  

Joe left for the casino in Cherokee and I was soon on my way to town to shop.  I had run out of dog food and could not postpone shopping another day.  Decorating had been put on hold yet again.

Not home until 2:30, I scurried to walk the dog and get to the barn by 3pm to go for a quick ride.  I wanted to work with Amiga out by the road and garden again.

Amiga did pretty well at the garden walking around that.  She would just get a little bit bouncy right at the corner where we cross the street.  But then when I rode her in the field with the obstacles she was horrible.  We did one loop of it at a walk that went well.  However, when I headed in the direction of the barn she’d start jumping up and down again.   I could not get her to settle down and just walk calmly.  When I finally got her to stop and stand for a minute, I got off and navigated her back out through the gate.  I decided to have her walk one more loop of the garden, which actually went okay.  But after crossing the street and heading to the barn she was bad again.  Finally back at the barn (trying to get there at a calm walk) after brushing her and caring for her feet, I left her in the cross ties for about 15 minutes, all by herself.  I was in the tack room going through my stuff.  I did find the cinch Jan had given me with a latigo, and put it on my saddle.  So I’m good to go in that department.  Amiga stood quietly the whole time.

It was almost 6 pm when I got home.  By the time I got dinner to the pets, unloaded all my new purchases, ate dinner, and got cleaned up, there was no energy, and not much time left to decorate.  Monita was checking out the new slippers I had just bought.  She especially likes the balls dangling from them.  

I checked e-mails and Facebook and down loaded some photos before calling it a day.  I like falling asleep in the light of the moon.

Sunday 11/25 - The moonlight morning as seen from my office chair at 4:45.

This photo was taken during our morning walk, with the moon light on the roof of our house.  

With the sun rising, the moon's presence (upper right in photo) became less noticeable, and the fog clouded the view out my windows, as I managed windows on my computer.

I had initially planned to work on Christmas decorations after Church because I thought it was going to be raining.  But the day ended up being quite nice, so I decided to go ride. 

I took the Holly trail into the Glade, riding Amiga down the hill, across the creek, and back up the other side.  The footing wasn't too bad.  Chester was with me, leading most of the way.  

The hill back down to the creek on the Holly trail was a little tougher for Amiga to navigate, but she got me down and up the other side.  She was actually quite calm most of this ride, and very responsive when asked to slow down.

I met up with Karen and Boz on our way back to the barn.  I got her to take a photo of Amiga and I.

I had ridden five minutes short of 2 1/2 hours.  Feeling a little sore getting out of the saddle, I thought Amiga might be sore also, so I gave her a Previcox.

The barn was bustling with activity.  Five other boarders were horsing around, including Patty.  Seen here, she is returning Zorro to the field after grooming and doing some round pen work with him.

Monday 11/26 - The wind had picked up and the temperature dropped starting at sunset the night before.  By daylight, it was 32 degrees and the light rain had turned to snow flurries.  Joe had gotten home at 8 pm the night before and I was glad he was here to help with dog walks.

I decided to try weights and see how my neck and back felt.  I needed to lift before Ballroom because Patty and I were going to Shirley's right after.  By the time I left for the gym at 8:30, quite a bit of snow had already accumulated (see below).

My neck and back tolerated the workout, but were still sore.

Shirley made hot chocolate for us, perfect on a cold morning.  We then sat at her computer and figured out our cruse excursions.  Nothing like planning for warm Caribbean beaches on a cold snowy morning.  The internet was running slowly, we think because of Cyber Monday, so we didn't get anything booked, but we had our game plan.

My afternoon was spent putting lights and then ornaments on the living room Christmas tree.  And then the tree in the balcony required some fluffing and adjusting of lights and ornaments that got skewed during storage.  The cats played (and got in the way) for a lot of the time, but eventually conked out right on my work table.  

Tuesday 11/27 - It was down right cold at the first morning walk and never really warmed up all day long.  Joe had booked us for a tour of the water treatment plant that left at 8am.  I was disgruntled about loosing my morning time and having to get dressed and go out in the cold... so kind of just 'went along for the ride.'  

Well the two hour tour was very interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Once home I set to work decorating the mantel, built in shelves, and hearth.  Before this could be done though, I had Joe (with my help) make some adjustments to the new TV and sound system set up, including moving the TV stand a little bit and hiding all the wires as best as possible.  We had swapped out five speakers for just two, so that helped make it look more stream line.

I had to take a break from decorating to go to bible study.  Joe captured this photo of Monita making herself comfortable in this little Christmas basket while I was gone.

Once home, Joe helped me with booking some of the shore excursions for our February Cruise.  Then I got a little more decorating done, feeling good about the day's progress.  Next, we picked up Brian and Ken and went to Vegas for dinner.  It was nice to catch up with these two guys.

Wednesday 11/28 - Looking at the three deer at the corn, you can also see that most of the snow had melted.  I like the red rain-cover and cardinal in this second photo.  Notice the squirrel, under cover, eating away.

I have found that the food doesn't disappear as fast on the feeders hanging in front of my desk windows because the squirrels can't get to it.

After Ballroom Aerobics and a strenuous weight workout, I came home, still feeling quite sore.  I had an early lunch and soon took a nap in the sun on the couch in the sunroom.

Then I went to the barn to ride Amiga, even though it was only 32 degrees.  At least the wind wasn't blowing.  I rode her around the garden again, and in the front yard, doing several loops each place.  Amiga misbehaved a half dozen times, but we worked through it and hopefully made some progress.  When on the back of a horse, you shouldn't just be 'along for the ride' or they might take you for quite the ride.  Others might just stand and graze.

Seen in the above photo, Judy had checked on the livery horses across the road, and needed to bring a sick one back to the barn.  She cares so much for each of the horses she looks after.

The sun was setting as we both left the stables.  I took this photo on the way home, at the Dorchester club house.  I had salad for dinner since Joe was at poker.

Thursday 11/29 - I was waiting for it to warm up so I could go ride before the afternoon rains were to come.  Well, it was raining before I finished my second cup of tea.  Rain on the window made it tough to get a well focused photo of this Pileated Woodpecker.

I blogged and entertained myself with games and activities on the 2018 Jacquie Lawson advent calendar that Cathy gifted me.

By noon the rain had let up.  I needed to take more of Amiga's supplements to the barn and pay my board.  I also hoped I could get in a little ride.  It was raining lightly when I rode out, but soon let up.  Notice the fog and mist over the distant mountains.

I started out riding Amiga around the garden and yard again.  Only at one place did she really get anxious.  I can't tell if it is eagerness to get back to the barn, or anxiety about something else.

The rain had stopped and I rode Amiga to the Holly trail, but did not venture down the hill.  Chester loves going out with me, and leads the way down the trail.  Amiga was jumpy and spooky the first 2/3rs of our ride, but finally relaxed and was calm going back to the barn.

The rain moved back into the area and it sprinkled on us some, before we got back to the barn.  The above photo shows the gelding pasture from the bean field.  We ride along the side and back of this field on the livery trail.

Well, I was glad to have gotten in a tad more than an hour ride.  It poured on my way home from the barn, and rained fairly steadily the remainder of the day.

I was chilled (and achy) once home and after hot soup and a nap under blankets, woke feeling better.

I worked on packing and did more Christmas decorating, getting the kitchen and dinning room festive.  Joe and I watched the two hour episode of Survivor and then I struggled to stay awake trying to finish up this blog.

Friday 11/30 - I woke early, but not well rested.  Nights before traveling often are restless.  As I prepare to post this, I look at my to do list and know I must get a move on.

We are about to hit the road for Nashville (again) for the third time this month.  We are picking up Courtney and Mike and continuing on to Atlanta, but more about this trip in my next blog.  Even though I am tired of always being on the go because it gives me less time to ride my horse or for cozy moments here at home, I am trying to not just be along for the ride, but to fully experience this adventure.  So few people really live life to the fullest.  We get stuck in our ways and routines and just kind of coast through life,  but when a major event happens to you or someone you love, your view on life changes.
"It is not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts." ~ Adlai Stevenson

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