Friday, November 23, 2018


Hygge - a Danish word for a mood of coziness; used when acknowledging a feeling or moment, whether alone or with people you love, at home or out.  It is always a calm, comfortable feeling of wellness and contentment, often enjoyed with good food and drinks, warm blanket, and fire or candlelight.

With Thanksgiving this week and Christmas coming, I wish you all hygge experiences with your family and friends.

Saturday 11/17 - We were off for Nashville to share an early Thanksgiving with family at Dan and Val's.  First we picked up Patty, then we dropped off Maggie, and 90 minutes after leaving the kennel, we arrived in Murfreesboro.  The smell of food cooking immediately graced our olfactory senses when we entered the house, and Val was hard at work in the kitchen.   

Before long we started on cookie decorating while Val continued with food prep.  I had bought this 20 cookie set, 75% off after Halloween, and thought we could do Thanksgiving pumpkins.  

We ended up with all three holidays being represented.  Daniel did the only Christmas cookie, taking the whole decorating session to complete his masterpiece.

We three ladies did all the rest of these cookies.

Everyone snacked on veggies and dip, meat, cheese and crackers while some enjoyed a beer or two.

As the turkey baked, we watched the Hawk game on TV while also working a puzzle and napping.  During half time, Patty, Joe, and I went for a walk.  The Hawks finally won after three losses, beating IL 63 to 0.  

Mike arrived and made the mashed potatoes.  Patty finished making the deviled eggs, and I chopped the rest of the veggies.  Valencia finished up preparation of the turkey, ham, mac and cheese, rice, corn, potato salad, sweet potato casserole, and bread.

Oh, we had also Skyped with Britney while dinner was cooking.  It was so good to see and talk with her.

This beautiful Thanksgiving table and feast was prepared and it was time to load up our plates.

First we needed a quick family photo before dishing up.  Val had her camera timed to take ten consecutive shots.  Why is it so difficult to get everybody looking at camera and smiling?  LOL  It was a hygge moment in a way.

The feasting soon began.  We all ate more than enough and there was still tons of food left over.

Nobody had room for dessert and we all went into a food induced catatonic state.

With all of us in our loungers (stretch pants or PJs), we gathered around the TV (or puzzle) and let our bellies digest.  Joe picked an odd movie (Ballad of Buster Scruggs) since no one else would chime in.  With blankets over our laps, we had a hygge evening, as Courtney knitted, some were on their I-phones, and Patty helped me with the difficult puzzle.

Sunday 11/18 - Us older folks had gone to bed earlier than the 'kids,' so we were also up earlier.  We all had a lazy morning.  I worked on the puzzle but knew it wasn't going to get done before time to leave.  Courtney had spent the night and Mike returned around lunch time, so we all feasted on leftovers.

It was a beautiful (over 60 degrees) day so I went for a long walk.  I had to take off my jacket it was so warm.

We ended our visit playing an exciting game of Ticket To Ride.  In fact, we had to speed play at the end in order to get on the rode in time to pick up Maggie at the Kennel between 5 and 5:30... We got the dog, dropped off Patty, and once the car was unloaded and everything put away, we were ready to call it a day.  A movie in front of a fire would have been nice, but we have no TV.  So much for a hygge evening, but it was good to be home, as much as I hated ending the visit with loved ones in Nashville.

Monday 11/19 - Stevie watches over me and the rest of her domain.

Today's unusual wildlife was a Red Tail Hawk.  He got my attention up in a tree when the crows were yelling at him.  Eventually he glided down to the edge of the creek.  (See the white speck in the middle of this photo.)

I watched him through binoculars and tried to take some photos.  He may have tried to catch something, but then decided to take a bath in the creek.

And like any bird, he dipped his head, flapped his wings, and shook his body as he splashed around.  Too bad I don't have a better camera and a telephoto lens.  I wouldn't have the patience to learn well, how to use it though.

My weight workout after Ballroom Aerobics took an extra 12 minutes because the gym was so crowded and I had to wait for machines.  I did use the time to stretch.

After lunch I went for a 90 minute ride on Amiga.  I decided to ride into the Glade, (first time since 8/6).  I took the Holly Trail, but for my horses safety, walked Amiga down the hill and up the other side (after riding her across the high waters in the creek).

It had been slick in spots, with lots of wet leaves and mud underneath.  The leaves also hide rock, stumps, and roots which makes the footing difficult.

I had worked up a sweat, but once in the Glade, enjoyed a wonderful ride on the good footing of the undeveloped dirt and gravel roads.

As always, it is an adventure to be out on my horse.  You never know what new scary things you will come across.  To feel a 900 pound animal collected under you and ready to bolt can be un-nerving, but I am usually able to get Amiga to calm down and face her fears.

In the first photo, you can see how far away we were when Amiga first 'detected danger'.  And she was reluctant the whole time we approached it. 

I decided to return to the barn by way of Chestnut Hill so I didn't have to navigate the Holly Trail hills.  Where Beechwood joins Chestnut Hill, the rocks had been moved but the wire and gate still made it un-passable.  

There had been a 4-wheeler trail around this barricade that I had cleared (months ago) to be able to ride around.  But now some boulders were in the way of it.  So I walked Amiga through the brush to get past them.

Dark descended as I got home (a little after 4:30).  Patty dropped by to deliver pie and get her Thanksgiving leftovers we had brought from Nashville.  Joe and I had the remaining leftovers for dinner and then I worked here at my computer but couldn't keep my eyes open past 8pm.

Tuesday 11/20 - The doe in back was like Amiga yesterday, leery of this new 'danger' (the pipe around the tree).  She approached with great caution and lots of sniffing.

Before long, the doe was munching on the cracked corn on the rock.  Monita was actually watching three squirrels, not the deer.

Right after lunch Joe helped me outside with tree trimming.  It takes two people to move this heavy, twelve foot  ladder.

Maggie had a ball helping with branch disposal. 

Joe's last task was to help me put brackets on the side of the house so I could hang bird feeders in front of my desk windows.

Then I worked at filling the feeders and getting them hung.  It was a tricky, somewhat time consuming task and will need to be modified if I am to do it each day.  

Now I can watch the birds from my desk, one thing I had missed since moving it out to the sunroom.

Needing to get my blood flowing and burn some calories, I took Maggie on a two mile walk.

I took these photos of the back yard and house from the #17 green.  Most of the leaves have come off the trees and it now looks like winter landscape.  Then Maggie and I headed up the 18th fairway and I took this shot looking back down from the green.  

Wednesday 11/21 - Courtney's Birthday, a big day in my life I will never forget.  She captured my heart from the day she was born, and will always be a big part of my life.  I am so thankful she is celebrating another birthday!

I had put this red cover (Allen gave me) over the bird feeder to try and keep it dry, and wondered if it would deter the squirrels.  But it didn't.

Similar to the doe and Amiga, the birds were quite cautious about coming to the feeders at first.  It didn't help that Stevie was jumping at the window when they came near.

Stevie even tried watching from a different vantage point but couldn't get comfortable on the ladder.

Eventually, later in the morning, more birds were swooping in to feed.  Stevie still lunged at them occasionally, but realized it was futile.

I think the birds' sensed that their safety was not too jeopardized by coming to the feeders, and it got fairly active.

When I got home from Ballroom, weights, and a very crowded grocery store, I saw that the new 55" TV had arrived and was already set up.

Once groceries were stored and a snack was had, I made the mistake of sitting down in the sun.

Stevie immediately hopped up on my lap, and then soon Monita tried to join us.

And as you can see, I and the three fur babies all enjoyed a nap in the sun.

Following the nap, was a trip to the barn and a solo ride on Amiga.  The best way to get a photo of us, is to take one of our shadow.

I rode through the winter pasture and then on the top of the ridge on the long trail.  Unfortunately, Amiga had a bad trip, while walking very slowly down a rocky section covered in leaves, and fell to her front knees.  Shoot, even when I try to be careful, she gets hurt.  Our trails are just too tricky. 

On our way back to the barn, we ran into the retired livery horses while coming up the hill after the creek.  I did not want to turn Amiga around because of bad footing and she was already acting sore.  So I had to kind of drive this first horse out of our way.  But we made it back.

The full moon was rising as I left the barn.  

Joe was at poker so I ate and watched TV by the fire on my own.  He got home early enough for us to have time to watch Survivor.  It was a very interesting tribal council and now I am really rooting for the 'David' team.

Thursday 11/22 - Thanksgiving Day.  I try to always be mindful of all my blessings, and daily thank God for them.  Let today be a reminder for all of us to give thanks.

The temps started in the low 40's and reached the upper 50's.  My early arrival at the barn, started out kind of cold.  Miss Kitty was in the window, soaking up the warming sunrays as I approached.

Patty, Jan, Polly, and I were quick to saddle up our horses and hit the trail.  

Blue skies, warm sun, and cool, fresh air, it was perfect riding weather (video).

We rode without any real purpose and in no particular direction.  We were just out to enjoy God's creation, our horses, the day, and each other.

We rode around in both bean fields.  Shortly after taking the above photo of Patty, her reins broke.  Luckily it happened while she and Zorro were just standing there.

Eventually we made our way back to the barn and horsed around there for awhile.  Polly stopped to put eye drops in.  I like this nearly silhouetted photo of Patty on Zorro.

Our next objective was to go across the street and ride in the field where the obstacles are.  But first we did some laps around the garden.  After a couple of trips around, Amiga started acting up.  We were right by the road, and she was literally jumping up and down.  And then suddenly my saddle cinch broke and I landed on the ground with a jolt and/or thud, flat on my back, still holding Amiga's reins.  For a split second, while it was happening, I thought Amiga was falling over on me, I guess because I was still 'in the saddle' as I was going down.  I had no idea the cinch had broken.  It was definitely an un-nerving experience.  I didn't feel like anything was broken so got up right away.  I could tell I was going to be sore though.  

Well, I wasn't going to let Amiga think she had won this battle.  She was acting up because she wanted to go back to the barn.  So I walked her back to the barn, put Zorro's saddle on her and rode back over to the garden area.  Jan accompanied me the whole time and was great support.  (Polly and Patty finished riding a little earlier).  Amiga continued to act up, but I stuck to my intent of getting her to walk quietly along the road.  Finally she complied.  About this time Joe showed up on his moped.  Thankfully this didn't spook Amiga.  I got her to walk quietly along the road one more time and then we went to the barn.

Home for a late lunch (snack really) I then sat for a moment to, well, rest I guess.  I noticed Stevie squished in this box, so tipped it over to give her more room.

Monita had to get in on the action and come see what we were up to.

I left these two resting in the sun and went out to get some yard work done.  It was too nice out to sit inside.

I had bought some Japanese Spurge quite a while ago, and finally added it to this spot to help fill in some of the larger gaps between the plants I put in last year.  A little weeding and raking leaves also occurred.

I needed to quit in the yard, both to get started on dinner, and because my neck, right bum, and left knee were really hurting.

Patty came for dinner, and brought information about her trip to Germany she shared with Joe, who is planning a trip there.  Dinner wasn't much, but it was our little Thanksgiving.  We also watched some football and a little of the Macy's Parade.

Friday 11/23 - The day started cold and cloudy, and never really got any nicer.  This Tufted Titmouse was quite brave this morning.  The feeders are just two feet from my head so I get a good view of the birds now.  I love it.

Black Friday is my day for decorating.  Since Joe was going to be gone over the weekend, I had him put together the Christmas tree.  It is his only decorating job.  Notice Monita is supervising.

We got to Spikes for the Iowa kick off at 11:00.  There was a large crowd here for this game against Nebraska.

It was a nail biter of a game, but Hawks won by three points with three seconds to go!  Patty was the winner (third time this season) of the pool for guessing the correct total score.

Late afternoon I decided to go sit in the hot tub.  I was hurting and wanting relief.  It did help somewhat. 

What is it with cats and Christmas trees?  

Just before this second photo of Monita scampering away, I had yelled at her for chewing on the tree.

I was too sore (and tired) to continue with decorating, fluffing the tree and getting the lights on it.  So I sat here at my desk to finish up this blog before bed.  

Decorating for Christmas has become more of a chore, but I sure do love the cozy, hygge atmosphere the lights and decorations create.  

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