Friday, January 25, 2019

Beating The Blues

Cal Bryant - "My soul feels like a sopping wet bath cloth, it needs to be wrung out, hung on a line, and allowed to bask in the bright sun."
After eleven days in Florida of warm temperatures, sunshine, and no rain; returning here to Fairfield Glad has not been so bright.  Big swings in the temperature, constant cloud coverage, 99% chance of rain, flood watch, gusty winds, possible thunderstorms, and then cold and snow - have been a part of the local forecast now for over two weeks.

Saturday 1/19 - The rain came ALL day long.  Joe left by 9am for Tunica, to play in two poker tournaments and I continued to sit here at my computer, watching it rain.  The creek was rising.

I knew I was in another weather related funk but just couldn't get motivated to do anything else.

Even Maggie seemed to have the blues.  She would perk up if she thought she saw something of interest out back, but otherwise just laid on her bed, staring out the window.  

I needed something to discourage me from sitting at my computer or lying on the floor and staring out the window at the gray sky all day.

I considered riding Amiga in the barn, since it was going to get very cold, but knew she would be soaking wet, similar to these horses seen on an internet photo.  Besides, I didn't want to have to slog through the muck and get soaking wet myself, to get her from out in the field.

The cats kept me company, snuggled with me some, and also watched it rain.  I got an all time low score on Ornament Crush (one of the advent calendar games) and was just having no fun at all.

I knew that getting stuff done would be a satisfying cure for the blues, so I put on rain gear to walk the dog and then clean leaves out of the drainage ditch. 

It was quite flooded down back.  

I was soaked by the time I got the ditch cleared of all these wet leaves you see in this photo.

While I had my momentum going, I changed into workout clothes and went to the gym.  It was slow going to get my heart pumping, blood flowing, and respiratory rate up.  

This photo depicts how I really felt about the exercise equipment.
But I put in two hours, albeit not powerfully or enthusiastically.

Arriving home, I was graced with a view of the sunset, since the skies had finally cleared.

I concluded my unproductive day watching three hours of a documentary series, The Innocent Man.  It was about John Grisham’s first work of nonfiction, an exploration of small town justice gone terribly awry.
Sunday 1/20 - The temperature had dropped 20 degrees from my 10pm dog walk the night before, until my 6am walk.  The rain had stopped but there was now a light dusting of snow.

When the ducks, who were feeding at the corn, suddenly took flight to the far end of the pond by the dam, I looked out to see what had frightened them.  Can you see it in the left photo?

This large hawk (I think a Red Shoulder) sat perched in the trees.  It was probably there for 30 minutes, so there was no activity at my feeders.

Each time I walked the dog, it was colder outside.  With the wind, it felt even worse.  
This very large doe came by, on her own, and ate most of the corn.  

I met Patty at the gym when it opened at 1:00.  We walked for an hour, talking, and planning for our up coming cruise.  This was a great way to beat the winter blues.  I rowed an additional 20 minutes before coming home.

Sunlight was pouring into the living room when I got home, which is a great relief from the gloom we have had.  I laid on the couch, being immersed in the warm rays.  I read and then napped, and also got these photos of Stevie.  All our pets love sitting in the sun and looking out the windows, as do I.

Joe was doing well in a Senior tournament, and keeping me posted.  He ended up 20th out of 465 players.  What he won covered the entry fee of both tournaments.

During a very cold walk after dinner, I took these photos of the beginnings of the Blood Wolf Super Moon.  

I like this photo of our flag, with the full moon seen under it while it was rising above the church's roof top.

I had another fire going as I finished watching John Grisham's, The Innocent Man series.  It is sad, and scary, that innocent men can be convicted of murder.  Two men were found innocent of one murder and released because of DNA samples.  But Tommy Ward, who was sentenced to life in prison for robbery, rape, and a different murder, is still in prison.  This occurred after several hours of interrogation, and police had gotten a false confession from him.  (It was almost identical to the earlier murder case by the same police).  Currently, the state is set to review Ward's latest postconviction filing at some point this year.

Monday 1/21 - Martin Luther King day - It was 9 degrees during my first morning walk.  

Kind words can warm for three winters, while harsh words can chill in the heat of summer. - Chinese Proverb.  Being nice to others, another good way to beat the winter blues.

The wonderful, warming, and uplifting rays of the sun were pouring into the living room again.

I did Ballroom aerobics followed by a good weight workout; had lunch, and then a Dr. appointment.  I need to see my regular physician at least every 18 months if I want to remain a patient of hers.  It was my New Years resolution to go see her.  Besides, I had a few aches and pains to tell her about.  She ordered several tests to be done, and we'll see what we will see.

Once home, I changed into barn clothes, walked the dog, and then went to see Amiga.  She was a dirty mess.  After I brushed her, I rode bareback for about 45 minutes.
Amiga got to graze out in the yard, and I took some photos of the dogs.  The puppy is still in need of a home. 

The puppy tends to pester Chester more than Boz.
It was in the mid twenties, so I got cold and came home.

I sat in my warm jammies, with blanket and space heater, while at my computer, to end the evening.
I was feeling worried for a number of reasons, but fatigue got the best of me.
Tuesday 1/22 - I had not slept well, being woken by Joe when he got home, and then several times more when he was in and out of bed; coughing, hacking, and exuding phlegm.  His cold was coming to a head.  The temperature started rising before daybreak, and was in the low 20s for my first dog walk.  Sunlight was also abundant, so it was hard to stay grumpy for long.

I only took two photos Tuesday.

I tried a Senior Fit class (that was more challenging than expected) and also did an hour total of walking and elliptical.
atty was here when I got home and she and Joe were on the phone with Celebrity Cruises trying to get us checked in.  It was a brouhaha, but finally we got it done.

What better way to beat the blues than to finalize plans for a Caribbean cruise that leaves in two weeks.  Although horses, cats, dogs, sunlight, and exercise all help to lift my spirits.

After Bible study I went to the barn and rode Amiga for over an hour.  The trails were in bad shape so I had her walk carefully and we soon returned to the barn.  I spent more time out around the garden and in the barn where I could let her gait.

Joe and I finished the last three episodes of  'Homecoming.'

Wednesday 1/23 - was to be another rainy day.  It rained ALL day long.  At least we had had a couple of sunny days, because all this rain is getting OLD!

I like the rock formation on the hill across the creek.  It seems all the rocks are more visible.  Maybe the rain has washed them off.

I spent three hours at the gym for Ballroom, weights, walking, and a shower.  I returned a phone call to finalize appointments for three scans to be done and then vegged out the rest of the day.  

Joe was off playing poker, so I sat in the recliner, with the warmth of a fire and read.

Stevie was on my lap, Maggie was sleeping, but Monita was running around chasing toys and generally causing trouble.  Eventually she settled down and all four of us took a nap.

I got very wet and chilled walking the dog after dinner, so spent more time by the fire while watching TV.  

At bedtime, I was having a bad case of heartburn, gas, and indigestion.  I finally took a Tylenol PM and was able to get to sleep around 11:30.

Thursday 1/24 - It was 25 degrees cold, the rain had stopped, and there was a light glaze of ice on most surfaces.  A large branch, or section of tree had come down on the golf course and broken half the railing on the bridge over the spillway.  In the right photo, the cardinal on our deck in the foreground is seen with the golf course workers working in the background.

Photo by Bill Merrick

Wow, look what a good photographer can capture with a good camera. 

As soon as the scheduling office was open, I called and moved my appointment up to Friday, for the abdominal ultrasound (which had been scheduled for the 30th).  I had been in denial, but now wanted to resolve these abdominal issues before the cruise.  I was hoping I could wait, but my Dr. had been adamant about not going if there was any possibility of gallstone problems.  Courtney's nightmare was all too fresh in my mind.  But I didn't want to be restricted from normal activities if I had surgery before the cruise.  I was looking forward to eating, dancing, swimming, horseback riding, etc.  These worries were not helping my blues.

Photo by Bill Merrick
This is one winter blue I welcome.  Their color is so vivid, and again another great photograph.  Many nice wildlife photos are posted on the Watchable Wildlife in Fairfield Glade Facebook page.

Later in the morning I discovered that water had leaked in above the kitchen window, the one that faces the screen porch and has a roof over it.  Ughh!!!  Why, oh why, oh why?

I spent two hours at the gym but not much else occurred.  Joe and I watched the whole PBS series 'History of the Horse.'  Very interesting - makes me love them all the more. 

Friday 1/25 - After my abdominal ultrasound, I treated myself to tea and donut from Seattle's Best in Wal-mart, considering I had not been allowed food or water since the night before.  I was home with groceries by 10:30 and ate a second, healthier breakfast.

My sunroom was sunny and I enjoyed sitting here at my computer.  Monita enjoyed playing in the sun too.

It was a beautiful sunny day, but stayed below freezing until the afternoon.  

One way to stop worrying about something you can't control, is to control something else that causes worry.  I spent three hours outside, mostly in the front yard, picking up sticks and raking leaves from the ditch and around many bushes.  I also cleaned and refilled bird feeders and tried washing two windows they hang in front of.  The accomplishments made me feel better.

Joe and I had salads for dinner and later watched a light hearted (and kind of dumb) movie - Like Father.

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