Friday, February 1, 2019


I can get really bent out of shape when things don't go as planned.  I keep telling myself when life is not going as I would like it to go - to go with the flow, relax, let it be, and don't fight it.  Inconveniences (life's headaches) should be looked at as hurdles in life, and some even as adventures.  Every path in life has them.  So rather than letting the trials get me down, I should tackle them like any challenge and not let them defeat me.  Putting life's disruptions into perspective helps.  If I think about what others are suffering in wars, weather disasters, major accidents, terminal illness, etc. my little inconveniences seem much less, well, inconvenient.

Dr. Jenny Gumm discusses inconvenience.
"Everyone resists it, whether a large or small matter. Your computer is down, the phone is broken, you miss the bus, or someone sends you an important file you can’t open. You know how it feels; the frustration that arises. You sense that things are not going your way and it puts you in a bad mood.  Stack up enough inconvenience and you might even have the desire to quit whatever you’re doing to throw a fit or go have a good cry. People telling you you’re overreacting often just makes it worse.  Ironically, if you can gain a different perspective, it is in these very moments of natural frustration and angst that you can easily triumph over mundane problems that are almost certainly temporary. 
Inconvenience is part of life. Dealing with life’s hiccups, both logistically and emotionally, is a skill that can be hard to master, but serves everyone well. Although the human mind tends to focus in proportionality and recalls the negative over the positive, it’s possible to reprogram your thinking. The next time you find yourself inconvenienced, try to pause, assess the situation, figure out a few options, and maybe even smile at how lucky you are to have an inconvenience rather than a tragedy."

Saturday 1/26 - Why is it that I feel the need to tell others of my inconveniences, especially my aches and pains?  Am I looking for sympathy, help, or to give an explanation for my bad mood or physical weakness?  I woke with an aching abdomen and sore right thumb.  Both had been abused the day before I suspect.  But at least I still have these body parts that can cause me pain.

Having started this blog, and doing a little research on life's inconveniences, I am convinced I need to change my mind set about all these little headaches.  And, you all don't need to know all my little problems.  However, it helps to know we all have lots of inconveniences but can still stay very positive about life.  So I am determined to not let them get me down.

It was a gorgeous, sunny Saturday.  Notice all three pets enjoying the sunroom.  Stevie is kind of on my closed computer.  The cats often get in the way of my computer work, walking across my keyboard, lying on my mouse pad, or grabbing my hands.

Waiting for it to warm up, I laid in the sun on the floor with my fur babies, and read.  Monita was definitely making reading difficult grabbing and trying to chew on my book.

When the cats are interfering with my progress, I don't consider the fact that they are in the way an inconvenience, it is a benefit that they are blessing me with their attention and presence.

Some of us boarders who like to ride the undeveloped roads of Fairfield Glade have been inconvenienced by no longer having a good way to get to these roads.  (The Holly trail is just too tricky for most horses and riders)  A few of us continue to search for solutions.

Jan, Joe, and I met Raymond and his son Jacob at Wildwood and drove out to the Holly trail where it connects to Stratford Drive.  Raymond is a heavy equipment operator who might be able to clear a better, safer trail for us.  But there are still a few hurdles we need to get over.  This map shows the properties and approximately where the Holly trail goes (in orange).  Below, when we were getting back to the SUV, we ran into Betty who was out on her horse.

Jan and I saddled up our horses but didn't really have our heart into riding because of the cold.  But we headed out onto the mucky trail anyway.  It ended up being a leisurely ride as we did more socializing than actual real riding to work on our horses and horsemanship.

It was after 5:00 by the time I got home, cold and hungry.  After a hot shower, Joe and I picked up Patty and enjoyed a good meal at Red's.  And the big hamburger didn't bother my belly much at all.
Sunday 1/27 - It was way past time for me to stop skipping out on Church.  I should never look at it as an inconvenience to go, but as a privilege.  Granted, twice I was not feeling well, but last week I just didn't want to get out of my PJs and go out in the cold.  Shirley was able to make it this week, (finally strong enough) and it felt so good to be there together.

The squishy cat pad behind my computer is one of Stevie's favorite spots, especially late morning when the sun shines in on it.
Patty and I met at the barn after lunch and cleaned up our two (too) dirty Paso Finos.

Soon we were out on the trail together.  Seen left, Patty on Zorro in the small bean field; and below, on our way back to the barn.

I was a tad cold, but enjoying my horse and the sunshine.

Jan and Polly joined us and we rode in the front pasture.  Then I headed out back again, this time with Jan and Polly.  (Patty had things to do so had finished riding.)

The three specks in this photo are Jan, Polly, and Chester, out in the large bean field.

Below, riding back to the barn this is what we saw out in the gelding pasture...

… Zorro -
King of the hill
top of the heap
a number one
horse in the hay

To warm up once home, I had hot soup and sat by a radiant fire and read.  Poker Joe was gone.

Cookie asleep in the hay.

Monday 1/28 - There were a number of inconveniences to interfere with my normal routine, but I did the best I could to incorporate them into my day without too much disruption.

7:50 - Took Joe to cataract surgery
8:50 - Patty came to take Joe home when he got done.
9:00 - Went to my Dr. appointment
10:15 - Missed Ballroom aerobics but got in my usual weight workout and some additional rowing.
12:30 - Went to appointment with gallbladder surgeon.
2:00 - Arrived at barn to ride.

It was to be our last nice day for awhile, and knowing I would have some inconvenient restrictions on normal activity after Wednesday's surgery, I wanted to get in a good ride.

Karen joined Jan and I, riding Zorro.  As you can see from the photos, it was getting windy and clouding up.  The front was moving in, earlier than I had expected.

It was still in the upper 40s, but I was getting cold.  I toughed it out though and had a good 90 minute ride.
I let Amiga graze a little before returning to the barn.

After dinner, Joe and I enjoyed skyping with Britney.  It is always so good to see her and hear her voice.

Tuesday 1/29 - Monita sitting on the couch with Joe and I, the night before as we talked with Britney.

My leisurely morning was shortened because of a trip to town for my pre-op appointment.  I was expecting to also do the pre-colonoscopy appointment, but they cancelled that and I get to wait until I recover from gallbladder surgery.

Joe's eye was checked by his Dr. and he was soon on his way to Nashville, to fly to Florida.

After Bible study, I got very busy cleaning house.  The cats were not exactly helping with laundry.  I got Britney's bed and bath ready for Courtney along with lots of other cleaning.  I made spaghetti sauce and washed lettuce for a post surgery meal for us to enjoy later.  My shower included a scrub with a special soap, part of pre-surgery prep.

Wednesday 1/30 - Sleep hadn't come easily and I was up after five hours.  I hadn't had bad abdominal pains for a few days, so I was starting to second guess myself on the decision to have my gallbladder removed sooner than later.  But, I had already convince myself it was a good decision as a preventative procedure.  If I were to have a major gallbladder attack during the cruise, this little inconvenience could become a serious disruption.  Maybe just thinking about the procedure was causing the second thoughts.  I shouldn't have looked up the details.

I was not allowed to have any food or liquid, so missed my normal morning routine.  After another special soap scrub shower, and with a hungry belly and being thirsty, I headed with Patty to the hospital.  I was ready to get this done!

Dr. Brockman had squeezed me in, so I was at the end of the line and had a long wait.  Finally after three hours, they came to get me. 

At 1:30 Dr. Brockman called Patty and told her the procedure was over and it went very well.  I was soon back up in my room, (photo) and feeling quite well.

There was virtually no pain, and I only felt a little groggy.  I had accomplished all my discharge requirements, except urinating.  So I got dressed and waited (seen right).  I drank several glasses of water, tried walking around the unit several different times, and sitting on the toilet with water running.  It was a 'no go' over and over again.  Hot soup, hot tea, more water... but I still could not pee!  Eventually the nurse did an ultra sound.  I didn't have that much urine in my bladder.  I had been so dehydrated, I think my body absorbed much of the liquids I was putting down it.

The Dr. was contacted and he said it was okay for me to go home, because my insides were probably still sluggish from the anesthesia.    

Patty walked the dog when she dropped me off, I made and ate a great big toss salad, and then Courtney arrived.  Monita was quick to find her backpack and claim it as her bed.

We watched a show about cats and I was in bed by 9:30.

Thursday 1/31 - Last day of January, Yeah!
Courtney and I were both up at 5:00 and spent the morning at the dinner table on our computers.  She was working remotely.

Courtney helped me with walking the dog.   I found that the 'exercise' helped me with the gas pains I was having.  I also took a Tylenol, my first pain med since the hospital.

Mid-morning we settled in the living room, in front of the fire and took a nap, since we had gotten up so early.

As the day progressed I was feeling more and more uncomfortable because I hadn't pooped since Tuesday and I was getting more and more bloated.

We did a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle while Courtney continued to work.  She also took a break to help us.

Patty came over and later Shirly to have spaghetti dinner with us and everyone chipped in food and help.  

After dinner, we settled in front of the fire and watched TV together.  The cats entertained us as well.

Continued bloating increased my discomfort so I took a Tylenol PM before bed.

Friday 2/1 - I was glad to have January behind us and just one more wintery month to get through.  This squirrel tried to get to my feeders by way of the roof.  I discouraged him by opening the window.  He jumped and ran off.

We had finished one puzzle and I started the next.

I was feeling increasingly uncomfortable, and starting to worry that maybe something wasn't right and I was having post-op complications.  But my two nurses (Courtney and Patty) reassured me it was probably from being 'backed-up,'  I had already taken two stool softeners, 12 hours apart, but now I decided I needed to go to the big guns.

While Courtney worked remotely, I spent time at my computer and the puzzle table.  Patty had brought me some meds to help get my digestive tract moving so I was waiting for some relief.  Mostly gas was all that eventually pasted, but it was progress.  Since we were going out to dinner, I decided to wait and take the laxative before bed.

Courtney and Patty went to the barn to horse around.  I stayed home, took a nap, and then showered.

I wanted to treat Courtney and Patty to dinner, to thank them for all they had done for me, and thought it would be fun to invite the barn ladies.  Judy, Shirley, and Yvonne joined us.  We enjoyed the food at Romo's and had lively conversation.

Courtney and I watched TV before bed but I was falling asleep on the couch and turned in at my usual 9pm.  I was thinking about all I needed to get done before leaving on our cruise in five days, and  feeling a little overwhelmed by it all. 

We all have 'To Do' lists.  They are not a list of inconveniences.  It is a chore list.  Doing them is part of our daily or weekly routine.  They become inconveniences when for instance, the washing machine breaks, the glass of milk spills, the faucet springs a leak, the wheelbarrow needs air in the tire, etc.  My inconvenience will be the weight restriction and sore tummy I now have, as I try to get things checked off my list, like getting the trash out to the curb Monday.

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