Thursday, February 7, 2019

All About Love

"And remember, the truth that once was spoken:
To love another person is to see the face of God."  Victor Hugo

Finally, February has arrived.  This is the month we associate with love and hopefully the ending of winter.

Family and friends helping me out is the most wonderful act of love.  I think when we help each other out in our times of difficulties and do not judge others for their 'weakness' - our physical, mental, and spiritual problems, are hurdles that become much easier to get over.

Saturday 2/2 - The laxative worked it's magic, and over the course of the morning, I had eliminated enough gas and stool to feel quite a bit better.

Once Courtney was up, we completed the jigsaw puzzle while chatting.  Alas, she needed to be getting home.  I took Maggie on her third walk as Courtney backed out of the drive at 10am.  Good bye my sweet love.  See ya before too long I hope.

Courtney had taken this photo of Maggie and Monita anxiously awaiting some action.

Once Courtney left, I had this overwhelming sadness wash over me.  I hate saying goodbye to my children.  Also, I was starting to feel bloated again and was just sad my body was so messed up.  I wanted to be back to normal, NOW!  I was worried I might be suffering complications and I was also fretting about the restrictions this might put on my cruise itinerary and fun.

Monita must have sensed my mood and hopped up on my lap to cuddle.  I could not let her on my sore, bloated belly though.  We finally compromised with her snuggling in at my side.

But, like myself, she didn't seem able to get comfortable.  At one point she was on my chest and neck making it difficult for me to breath.

Finally she laid on my legs and we both were cozy enough to take a nap. 

It was a beautiful (60 degree) day and I really wanted to be out on my horse and working in the yard.  I had to settle for a two mile dog walk instead.

I had not really had an appetite since surgery, but ate because I knew it would help get my digestive tract going again.  I have not been nauseous, but after eating I experience more bloating and burping.  By now, I was starting to feel sorry for myself and thinking I should have delayed surgery.  But realistically, when is it a good time to go through this?

Super Bowl Sunday 2/3 - Super Bowl hype seemed more about the commercials than the football game.  I woke feeling better, but after breakfast, had a set back.  The bloating and gas really caused discomfort.  Walking seemed more taxing, so I kept my dog walks brief.  I might have over done it with the long walk the day before.

I had been trying to finish a novel I started reading on our drive home from Florida.  I wanted to get it done before the cruise so I could take a different paperback on our cruise.

I took two naps during the day and even though it was 60 degrees and sunny out, I had the fire going because I felt chilled.  I felt like my system was still trying to get over the shock of the surgery.  Also, I didn't like the idea of missing out on life... again, many of my saddle sisters were riding on this beautiful Sunday.

Neighbor Carole dropped by to see how I was doing and bring me a birthday gift.  This little purse will be perfect for my cruise travels.

I did do a load of laundry and re-make Britney's bed because friend Jim Kellogg was supposed to be coming, arriving while I would be gone.  But later in the week he had to cancel due to health issues.

Patty got here a little before 5:00, and we settled in to watch the Super Bowl game.  The dog and cats joined us in front of the fire.

It was not a very exciting game, mostly all defensive.

Patty and I had dinner together.  The lights from the half time show were glowing on Monita.

By third quarter, the score was tied at three points each.  There hadn't been a Clydesdale commercial yet, and I wasn't real impressed with most of the commercials so far.  Like the cats, I was falling asleep.  Patty headed home to finish the game there and I went to bed.  My chest was hurting, like someone was sitting on it, which had me worried.  But when I laid flat on my back, I felt a slow release of pressure.  I guess the trapped gas was spreading out all over.

Monday 2/4 - I woke feeling pretty good, but still not hungry, and breakfast made be feel bloated again.  However, the pains I had experienced since surgery were much less intense.

I got to the barn at 8:15, paid board, helped Ambrie let the horses out, and gave Amiga and Zorro a little hay to keep them quiet while we waited for the farrier.

Once Tom came, I worked at petting Zorro on his head and face because he has become head shy.  He never flinched.

He did well for Tom.  Next was Amiga.  She was a little more antsy.  When I finally got home at 10:15, I was so tired.  Scheesh, all I did was stand around for 90 minutes.  I miss my old energy.

Once home, I settled in on the recliner and read my novel.  Other than doing a load of laundry to wash my lounging/PJs I did not amount to anything all day.  But after five hours of reading I did finish my book!

More intense abdominal pain occurred shortly before bedtime.  I was going to skip the Tylenol PM but decided I needed it.  And like the last five nights since surgery, I slept very well.

Tuesday 2/5 - It was another 60 degree, balmy morning in Fairfield Glade, so there was fog.  With all the birds singing it really felt like spring.  After my usual computer stuff, I started looking at cruise info and planning what to pack.  But it was hard to imagine my bloated belly fitting into my regular clothes or me doing all the activities I had planned.

I washed a load of cloths I wanted to be sure were clean and ready to pack.  Then I went for my Dr. appointment.

My surgeon said my four little incisions looked great and that I was doing well.  All my complaints were because of the lasting side-effects of anesthesia and the gas they filled me with to do the laparoscopy.  He said to give it more time.  My gallbladder had multiple stones, the largest .8cm in thickness.  I am glad to be done with it.  I am now allowed to resume all normal activity except lifting.  I have a 20 pound restriction for another four weeks.  If I forget and lift too much, I could get a hernia. 

Once home I took a letter (neighbor John had written) around the neighborhood to get signatures to show our support for new neighbor Steve who is wanting to merge his two lots but was initially denied.  I ended up chatting with each of my wonderful neighbors for several minutes.  Joe got home from Florida after dinner, and we both just chilled out, I guess too tired to do anything else.

Wednesday 2/6 - It rained through the night and this was the first I hadn't slept well since surgery.  I had no pain, it was my mind that wouldn't let me go back to sleep after 3:30, and Monita.

We skipped with Britney, who is doing well and it is always good to see and hear her.

The cats playing over head.

I gave a go at Ballroom Aerobics and got along fairly well.  I still get a little dizzy sometimes and my belly feels like it needs support.  Then I worked at organizing and packing.

I left in the rain to go to my dentist appointment.  I got the permanent crown put on my tooth to replace the temporary one.  I hit Wal-Mart on the way home and then continued getting ready for our cruise.

The rain got quite heavy before dinner and continued off and on well into the night.  Maggie was clinging to my side, trembling and panting, and making it difficult for me to go about my business.

Both cats were also very much in the way.  Once I had everything laid out that I would need, I threw it in the suit case.  Joe arrived home from poker and moved my suitcase off the bed for me.

Tamika and Patrick celebrating pregnancy.

Thursday 2/7 - This is going to be a big day for my nephew's wife Tamika.  She is going to be induced later today, and she and Patrick are soon to meet their daughter (Jayla) face to face.  She will be my mom's first great grandchild.

Babies are all about love.  Though we have to spend most of our time teaching them things, along the way, they teach us a few things too - mostly, about love.

And they call it puppy love.

I went to the barn to check on Amiga and Zorro.  Cupcake, the puppy, was full of excitement to see me, as were Boz and Chester, the adult dogs.  A dogs love for its human is something we should learn from.

Once home, I took care of all the last minute chores and details in preparation for departure.  Having Joe here while I will be gone really helps.  Ours may seem peculiar, but is a loving relationship.  I am freshly showered, dressed in travel clothes, and ready to hit the road.  My next blog post will be delayed until I get back on the 18th.

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