Saturday, February 23, 2019


I felt stymied in so many ways this week.  I knew I would still be dealing with the restriction of not being allowed to lift over 20 pounds, but figured I could still ride, get back into my weight workouts at a very light load, and start wearing off the added calories from the cruise by doing aerobic workouts.  But two big things resulted in what really was a crappy week; a lame horse and a bad cold.  Both also made it tough to focus on and get my cruise blog written.  But I am making progress and it will get done eventually.  Somehow, probably because my head has not been very clear, I deleted three days of photos.  Luckily my phone had saved them to the cloud so I could retrieve them.  But I could only figure out how to get one at a time by e-mailing them to myself.  A very slow process.

 Monday 2/18 - I lay in bed at 6:30 with a sore throat, feeling the side thrusters (or whatever they are) docking our ship in Ft. Lauderdale.  Soon I was dressed and on deck to take a little walk while my tea brewed.

The airport was already busy with flights taking off and flying overhead.  This was our next destination, but we didn't need to be there until noon, so took our time.

The dock was also busy with a few other cruise ships, many container ships, and some smaller vessels (yachts, tugs, coast guard etc.) coming and going or docked at various places.

This cool mural on the dock parking garage caught my eye.

We lingered in the Ocean View Café, waiting to hear our disembarking number to be called.  Patty had gone down to the theater to wait because she was too hot.  Well the front of the ship was off loading faster than the back so she texted us and we proceeded down and off to catch up with her.

Below is one last look at the busy dock area.  We caught our pre-paid shuttle the hotel provided and were soon dropped off at the airport.

During our wait for our 2:00 flight at the airport, we had lunch and I also got a call from Joe, that Amiga was lame, and had been since Thursday.  Back to reality and the worries that accompany everyday life.  I made a few more calls to get the complete story about Amiga and planned a trip to the barn as soon as I got home.

Once airborne, we gazed out the window at some ships below, and thought about others who would be off on their cruise as these two ships were heading out to sea.

It was quick and easy for Joe to pick us up.  Driving home, the full moon rising over the TN hills is almost as pretty as the one at sea the night before.

I was exhausted by the time we got home at 6pm, and too tired to mess with Amiga.  I knew she could wait till morning.  Joe went to Food City to pick up cold medicine and dinner while I got settled in for the night.

Bed shortly followed the bowl of soup for dinner.

Tuesday 2/19 - I woke with the head cold really taking hold, making me feel rotten.  These dear deer visitors had come after others had already cleaned up the corn.

I got to the barn at 7:30 and saw Amiga three legged lame, the worse I have seen her.  I soaked her foot in Epison salt for 20 minutes, and she did quite well keeping it in the bucket.  I fed her her grain during this process which kept her preoccupied part of the time.

Cookie, the puppy, supervised.
At 8am I called the vet and left a voice mail.  A little later he returned the call and planned to be out in an hour.

I put Zorro and Amiga in the pony pen with plenty of hay and water.  These two had been together in the pony pen all day Monday.  Zorro is good company for Amiga.
While I waited for the vet, I helped Ambrie clean stalls.  

As suspected, Dr. Perry found an abscess.  I was thankful it was nothing worse.  It was in the toe of Amiga's front right foot.  He had to remove her shoe and trim off some of her hoof to get to the abscess.  He lanced the abscess in one spot by cutting a hole into her hoof.

Next we soaked her foot for about ten minutes.

You can see the gases escaping, along with fluid, as he pressed on her sole.

The vet finished by squirting on a little Betadine and then put on one of Amiga's easy boots to try to keep the hoof clean and the drainage hole open.

I put Amiga back in the pony pen with Zorro, and will do so until she stops limping.  The vet said she was quite sore and it would be best not to put her with the herd where she gets pestered or would be trying to keep up.  He also said the abscess was about the size of his thumb and that Amiga will not be rideable for 3 to 4 weeks.

It was almost noon by the time I got home.  I unpacked, did laundry, and tried to work on my cruise blog.

At 4:15 I was back at the barn to do the same soaking routine all over again.  And I gave Amiga a Previcox to help with pain and swelling.

It was early to bed in hopes I could shake my cold.
Wednesday 2/20 - It had started raining during the night and continued to do so all day.  I was at the barn soaking Amiga's foot in Epson salt at 7:45.

Zorro heading out with the boys.
The same routine of Betadine and putting on a clean boot occurred.  Each time I remove the boot, it stinks from the drainage.

Amiga seems to be tiring of the soaking routine.

Also, Ambrie and I decided to keep Amiga inside today in an effort to keep the boot and foot clean.  

 Rain, rain, and more rain.

The creek was rising (video) higher than I've ever seen it.

Finally there was a break in the rain and I headed out with Maggie to get some exercise, check out the flooding, and hope she would take care of business.

I took several photos of the high water.


The pond was very full and water was rushing through the spill way.

The cattails are a swampy marsh now.  Probably great for the aquatic wildlife, if they hadn't washed down stream over the dam.

Amiga's evening foot care went as usual, but then I decided to let her roam around in the barn while I cleaned out her stall, that she had been in all day.  First stop was to go over and visit Zorro.

She worked her way around the barn visiting all her pasture mates and all the geldings.  Gov was the only one who quite clearly told her to move along, and I made sure she got going.

Cash, by far, was her favorite horse to visit and she came back to his stall three times, and lingered there. He is her man.

Poker Joe was gone for the night.

Rain made me reduce the evening to just one walk, and a quick one at that.

I hit the hay early again.
Thursday 2/21 - I woke early, coughing and not well rested.  I had a slight fever, accompanied by a worse headache, sore throat, and cough.

At the usual, designated 7:45 time I went to the barn.  Amiga seen in photo eating her grain while soaking her foot.  So far the boot has stayed on Amiga's foot and the hole remains open with continued drainage from the abscess.  Amiga's foot was feeling better, evidenced by how well she was walking.  She also was not as cooperative about keeping it in the bucket after she finished her morning grain. 

I put on her smaller, tighter fitting boot which actually is for the front feet (She wouldn't tolerate getting the small one pushed on when the vet tried because her foot was so sore).  She was getting rubbed on the bulb of the heel in the larger boot, and I wanted to be sure the boot stayed on in the mud.
I put her in the pony pen along with her brother Zorro to keep her company. 

When I got home I took a three hour nap.  I woke burning up, but think at this point my fever had broke.  After more cold meds., cream of wheat, and juice, I was feeling up to blogging some more.

Monita was sacked out in the hammock overhead.

At dinner time, Joe drove to Cookeville to switch vehicles with Daniel who needed the SUV to haul a trailer to bring home his car and other stuff from Chicago.  Again it was an early night for me after walking the dog in the rain.
Friday 2/22 - I was up at 4:00 coughing and sneezing.  It had rained much of the night and when it let up at 5am, I quickly took Maggie for a potty break.  Rain was in the forecast, basically nonstop, until Sunday; with a flash flood watch until then also.  This weather makes us all feel stymied!

I went to the barn early (7:00) and let Amiga out of her stall while I cleaned it.

Amiga made her rounds and eventually came back to eat at the hay bale.  I was glad to see that her foot was not bothering her very much.  After soaking while she ate her grain, I put Amiga back in her stall for the day (with plenty of hay and water), since the rain was not going to stop.

I came home for a third cup of tea and more cold meds.
I think, not only am I stymied by this cold I have, and a lame horse, but the weather has a big part in it too.  If I could lay out in the sun, and put my horse out on dry ground and good footing, what a difference it would make!  The continual gray skies and abundance of rain is oppressive.

I blogged some and tried to nap and then went back out to the barn at 2:00 to get Amiga out of her stall.  I let her walk around again while I cleaned out her stall.  Somehow she got past the wheelbarrow barricade at the big doors and went out front.  When I went to catch her, she kept running away and rearing a little.  She did not look lame.  Her mental health was more the issue.  And I get it.

I walked Amiga out into the yard and gave her 30 minutes of grazing time.  But after soaking her food and giving her grain, she did not want to go back into her stall.  

I was feeling a little better by the time I got home, and think the fresh air and light exercise helped.  Soon I was showered and ready to go to dinner.  Shirley picked up Brian, Karen, Joe, and I, and we met Judy at the Grinder House.  Unfortunately, the night's entertainment wasn't that good.  But it was nice to get out of the house and socialize some.

Saturday 2/23 - The rain Just Won't Stop!

I took this selfie at the barn while Amiga's foot soaked.  Also got a (video) of her walking around while I cleaned her stall.  I did not give her the Previcox yesterday, so was glad to see she does not appear to be in pain.  Again, Amiga was kept inside, in her stall.  We are going NUTS!

I worked at blogging when I got home, but may have had a slight relapse with this cold.  The headache and dizziness with ears ringing was accompanied by periods of feeling hot and then cold.  I turned the space heater off and on to get comfortable.  Stevie kept me company as I sat, mostly staring at my computer or at the rain out the window.  I took more cold medication and waited to feel better.

Finally giving up on blogging, I took a nap on the couch.  But that too was stymied by a playful cat, bouts of coughing, and blowing my nose.  I must have slept because in no time at all, two hours had passed.

My phone went off as I was waking from my cat nap... it was an alarm cautioning of a flash flood warning.  The creek in back has looked like this all day.

I went to the barn early (2:00) so I could let Amiga out to walk around and get some exercise.  Joe and Maggie came with me so they could get out of the house for awhile.  Cookie really liked our dog, except when Maggie stole her new toy and wouldn't share.  It was a great way for the dog to run off steam during all this rainy weather.

Joe was great help with Amiga, assisting me by cleaning her stall and helping soak her foot.  We returned home in a little over an hour.

Once we got home, the sun didn't actually come out, but the rain stopped and the skies got lighter for about 15 minutes.  I knew it wasn't going to last long, but it still gave me hope for a brighter tomorrow and a nicer week to come.

By the time we were done with dinner, the wind had picked up and it was raining again.  The news indicated that there was flooding, mud slides, and strong winds throughout middle Tennessee.

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