Friday, March 1, 2019

On The Mend

As I feel a little better each day, Amiga's foot improves, and the clean up of flood damage occurs here in the Glade, County, and in Middle Tennessee (photo link), I am thankful that things are getting better.

Sunday 2/24 - I woke feeling the best I have since I got home from our cruise, thankful I was finally on the mend.  The rain had stopped, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, and the sun was shining!

Karen, Emily, and I all arrived at the barn just before 8am.  Amiga walked with no apparent lameness so she too is getting better.  After the hoof care routine, I put her in a soggy, muddy, pony pen with Zorro.

I concentrated my time and effort on the cruise blog but had to move out of the sunroom because the sunshine was too bright to see my computer screen.  I am not complaining, I love the sun.  I just moved into the dinning room.

Look at the sun pouring into the living room.

The animals loved soaking up the warm rays.

I stopped blogging about 1:00 to get some housework done.

We were expecting guests so I made beds upstairs, in addition to the regular cleaning routine.

When I went out to get Amiga, she had lost her boot in the pony pen, but it was easy enough to find.

There was a lot happening out at the barn.  Nice weather tends to bring people out.  Cash was getting a thorough cleaning while Amiga soaked this time.

Mike and Cathy had arrived before I got home.  A quick change and we were off to Red's for brew and dinner.  Once home, we watched the Oscar's, interspersed with some poker during commercials.

Monday 2/25 - I was up at my usual 5 am time.  The others were up shortly after daybreak, and Mike and Cathy hit the road by 7:15.  You can see Valencia's car parked in our driveway.

I got a message and photo from Dan.  He and Val were 'loaded' and heading home from Chicago.  He was bringing his El Camino home, along with some other furnishings.

After hoof care, I put Amiga in the pony pen.  Ambrie soon brought Jo's horse Chaco out to the pony pen, so Zorro got to go with the boys into the gelding pasture.  Seen in this photo, Cash was visiting the girls on his way out.

I was home to blog for a few hours.
No matter where I settle, one or both cats are usually near by.

The sunshine was calling me, so as soon as I got the load of sheets dry and folded, I went back out to the barn.  I was concerned about Amiga being alone in the pony pen because Jo had taken Chaco out to ride earlier in the day.

It was a gorgeous day, spring was in the air, and it has certainly sprung.  I had to brush Amiga again because she finds rolling in the dirt and mud quite pleasurable, especially when she is shedding.

Scruffy in the shadow of Amiga and I.

I attached reins to her rope halter and I rode her into the front yard.  Amiga delighted in eating green grass.  She hardly moved, but just inched around eating her way, for over an hour.  I enjoyed the warm sun and nature.

              More evidence of spring.

Cookie follows Chester around everywhere.  And she pesters him constantly.  She doesn't bother Boz and he often keeps an eye out for her.  Herd and pack dynamics are very interesting.

Amiga got early hoof care and I was home in time to fix dinner, just baking a family size frozen lasagna.

I couldn't stay awake past 8:00.  So far the cruise blog is coming along very slowly.

Tuesday 2/26 - I woke at 2am and got out of bed 40 minutes later to work on my cruise blog.  I was feeling I had to get it done!

More spring visuals as I headed to the barn at 7:30.  After the usual hoof care routine, I put Amiga and Zorro in the pasture between the mares and the road because Jo wanted Chaco in the pony pen again.

The livery horses across the road were lounging and soaking up the warm sunshine as I left.  It is hard to see them unless I really lighten the photo.

More blogging, a nap, Bible Study, and then I went back to the barn.  The place was hopping.

It was an unnotable evening.  I was too tired to stay awake past 7:00, which was when Joe left to meet Dan in Cookeville to switch vehicles.

Wednesday 2/27 - This time I woke shortly after midnight and was out of bed by 1am.  I really felt the need to get back to my regular sleep routine.  I was thinking exercise might do the trick, and since I was nearly over my cold, decided I would make myself get going again.  It was the next step in my mending process.  I did go back to bed from 3-6 so got my quota of sleep.

This is the bamboo wind-chimes I bought in St. Lucia.

I rushed to Ballroom aerobics after my usual barn routine, and also did a very light weight workout.  My muscles have atrophied in just four weeks.  In one more week I can start lifting over 20 pounds.

When I got home, it was so nice out, I opened the door a crack to the screened porch.  Both cats were out there immediately.  Monita was wanting to play with my new wind-chimes.  I was going to work on my blog but the sun was beckoning me.  Joe was laying out on the deck with Maggie, so I joined them.  It was 65 degrees out.

After an hour of reading and napping, I decided to do yard work.  I picked up sticks and raked leaves for 90 minutes.

I went to the barn at 3:00 and again sat on Amiga while she grazed.  She barely stopped to chew or get a breath of air.  A little grass vacuum.

Jan was riding around on Cash, so she took my photo and I got a few of her.

A little later Patty came out to brush Zorro.  First she let him join Amiga and I, and he ate more vigorously than my horse did.

It was 5:00 by the time I got done with the hoof routine and home from the barn.  After dinner I watched a free online film premiere "Listening To The Horse" on my computer, episode one of seven.  Then Joe and I watched episode two of Survivor on TV in front of a warm fire.

Thursday 2/28 - I finally got a full night of slumber, sleeping from nine to five.  I had used a sleep aid though.  The daffodils are up everywhere.

I do not recognize these  woodland wildflowers.

I put Zorro and Amiga in the pony pen after her foot care, just as the rain was starting.

It rained most of the day which I spent the majority of, finishing the cruise blog.  I finally got it posted at 2pm.

I like how the moss and lichen are growing on this dead stump in my garden.  It gives it interesting texture and color.

Iris, surprise lilies, and daffodils are making an appearance.

I did early hoof care to get Amiga and Zorro in out of the rain.  There wasn't much left in our fridge or cupboards for dinner so I supplemented the meal later with popcorn while watching TV with Joe.

Friday 3/1 - Finally the start of March and winter is behind us.
I had another good night of sleep, thanks again to the sleep aid.

The morning started foggy and saw a little rain.  It was 45 degrees, the birds were singing, and spring was in the air.  It was the usual hour or so at the barn, caring for Amiga and getting her and Zorro set up out in the pony pen.  Ambrie was chasing Cash and Gov from visiting the two Paso Finos, and heading them out, as I was leaving.

I went straight to town from the barn to get my massive shopping trip done.  Six stores (including three thrift shops) and $200.00 less cash later and I was home with a car load of purchases.  It was 2:00 by the time I had everything unloaded and tucked away.  I did some household chores and then headed back to the barn.

It had been drizzling all day and our horses were muddy and wet.

I have been concerned about Amiga's hoof staying wet all the time in her boot so decided to bandage it at night.  I had heard of using diaper and duct tape so went on line and found several tutorial videos.  I chose this (video) method.  It did not go near as easy as the video showed and my bandage was even messier than the one shown in the above photo.  If it stays on and keeps her hoof dry, I will be happy.  Polly was caring for Cash and encouraging me as I worked.

Joe was playing poker so I had the evening to myself.  I watched episode three of "Listening to the Horse" and then went to bed early to read.  Monita and I played our usual game of fetch, with Stevie running some pass interference (video).

Isn't my kitty cute?

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