Wednesday, March 20, 2019


As the weather changes from winter to spring, many transitions are being made.  Our horses need to slowly transition to green grass so they don't get sick, our wardrobe is going through change as we pack up sweaters and pull out t-shirts, and our shedding horses, dogs, and cats, are also a sign of transitioning from cold to warm.  As I am returning to outdoor activities, changing my diet, and increasing weights in my workouts, I feel I am transitioning to a healthier lifestyle and a more fit body.

Friday 3/15 - It was done raining and promised to be a pretty day.  I was here at my computer all morning, longer than intended.  I did enjoy watching this pair of bluebirds inspect the new house.

First the male gave it a good looking over.  Then the female came to scout it out.  They looked in it and all around the exterior.  It was as if they were discussing this as an option, and weighing it's pros and cons.

Spending at least ten minutes, they finally left, returned the next morning, but then weren't seen the rest of the week.

After a great workout, and trip to a few stores along Peavine, I flopped down on the floor in the sun with my housemates.

As usual, Monita was bothering each of us.  I read and snoozed as I soaked up the warm rays.

The day ended with a very fun time at the St. Patrick's Moonlighter's Dance.

Patty, Judy, and Shirley were my guests.  (Joe was out of town till Monday, on an IL trip to visit friends and play poker.)

We four ladies had a fun time dancing and talking, as did everyone else attending the event.
It was a late night, and then interrupted with Monita throwing up twice.  😼

Saturday 3/16 - It was cooler but still fairly sunny.  A herd of seven deer came by and ate what corn was left after the ducks had visited.

This one deer was inspecting the new bird feeder pole.  Like horses, they are very aware of their environment or any change in it.

Several minutes after the larger herd left, a group of three came by.

They didn't stay long because the corn was all gone.  This may have been a group of young bucks.

Along with completing many household chores, I re-built and refurbished several of my birdhouses.  It was late afternoon by the time I got to the barn.

Amiga was hanging out at the hay pile with some of her friends.

I was short on time and being lazy, so rode bare back.  I also couldn't get Amiga's boot on (she needs a trim) so didn't plan to do any hard riding.  We hung out with Patty and Zorro for awhile.

I also had a nice little trail ride up to and through the large bean field.

I had inquired with the girls if anyone was going to Reds, but most of my lady friends replied no.  So when Brian called and asked if I wanted to join him and his group at Legends for corn beef and cabbage, I jumped at the chance.  He, Chris, and Andy were in the Irish spirit.

While I was getting ready to go to dinner, Alice texted and said she would be at Reds with her group.

I had gorged myself at Legends, enjoying good food and conversation.  A much needed walk was on my mind, but I went to Reds, and substituted the walk with dancing, until 11:30.

Sunday 3/17 - I slept in until 6:30, and would have slept longer, except that Monita was insistent I get up.

Mid-morning I took Maggie on a long walk/hike for over an hour.  As we returned, I let her swipe neighbor Allen's chicken to play with for a few minutes.  It resides in a pot by his driveway.  He is always coming up with some silly toy or game that Maggie enjoys.

I started some housework but took a break to lie in the sun on the back deck, in shorts and t-shirt.  I had sprayed these new chair pads with water proofer and discovered how warm it was in the sun, out of the wind.  I was almost asleep when Patty dropped by with a suitcase she had bought me at an estate sale.

I finished my nap and then went to the gym for a few hours.  Joe had arrived at Jim Kellogg's and sent this photo.  Joe and I met at Jim's Birthday party 41 years ago.  He was Joe's roommate and the hometown friend of my roommate, Sue.

The day ended with a lovely evening at Shirley's house.  She made a wonderful corn beef and cabbage dinner.
Marci, Billy, Rick, and Darla also attended.
I had no problem saying no to the mint chocolate chip ice-cream and chocolate mint Girl Scout cookies, even though they looked delicious.

Monday 3/18 - I did some cleaning and home improvement tasks including starting to paint birdhouses.

Joe arrived home after 1pm, just as I was leaving for the barn.

When I got there, Patty was giving her friend's daughter a ride on Zorro.  He was a very good boy.

Once I saddled up Amiga, including boot and leg wraps, I headed out on the trail.  All three barn dogs were leading the way.

The trails had really dried up a lot so I rode down Holly trail to the creek.  Coming back, I got off Amiga and walked about half of it, clearing off branches and sticks.

Parts of the trail still have running water, but usually do all year.  I had a great ride and Amiga did a nice job.

As soon as I got home, I ran to the gym for a quick one hour workout until they closed at 7pm.  Then it was a quiet evening (two hours) in front of a fire watching TV.

Tuesday - 3/19 - The deer and ducks were 'sharing' the corn on this 28 degree morning.

I got to the barn at 8:30 for a farrier and then vet appointment.  I threw a bridle on Amiga and rode her onto the front lawn to let her graze.

While out there, I watched the girls letting the livery horses in, for them to get ready for their day's job (video).  One horse, Dakota, was playing hard to get.  Kayla tried herding him in (video), but he did not want to report to work.

Amiga was able to graze for 45 minutes, until it was her turn for the farrier.  Tom cut away some hoof and cleaned up her foot and said the abscess was gone.  There is still a 'pocket' in her sole (think of a popped blister with the skin still covering it).  He cut away some sole (large yellow circle around hole) to be sure, if a new abscess forms it can drain even with the shoe on.  The little yellow circle is a second hole that had also drained during soaking treatments.

I had a lot of time before Zorro's turn with the vet, so organized and cleaned up my tack area.  Then I got Zorro and let him graze while waiting to see Dr. Perry.

As planned the previous week, Dr. Perry sedated Zorro, and once the drug did it's work, the vet got to work.  Upon first examination, he did find a little wolf tooth that was floating (unattached) in Zorro's gum, at the bar area where the bit goes.  It may or may not be the problem with Zorro suddenly not wanting to take the bit.

Zorro got a thorough mouth rinsing and next had a closer examination.

He did have a few little points, so we had his teeth floated (points filed down) because we wanted to eliminate any physical cause for the bit problem.

(I get so frustrated with this blogging program when it won't let be remove these big gaps between photos or text!)

Lastly, Zorro had the little wolf tooth extracted.  Dr. Perry did great work.  Just a 1/4 inch incision and he was able to go in with a hemostat to pull the tooth out.  Look how little it was.  You could even see a little root coming out of it.  I can't believe Dr. Perry even felt it, let alone was able to go in and find it and pull it out.

It was conjectured that this may be left over from a wolf tooth extraction in which they didn't get the whole tooth.  It has either been there all along and just now started to cause problem, or it recently broke loose from Zorro's jaw bone.  It may not even be the cause of Zorro suddenly refusing to take the bit, but at least we can rule it out along with any other physical (mouth) problems.

I was too late to make it to Bible study, came home and took a nap, did some work with potted plants, and then called it a day.

Wednesday 3/20 - There has been increasing hype on the RTTH Facebook page and we saddle sisters where getting more and more excited.  I had to do laundry and get packed up for an early Thursday morning departure.  Jim Kellogg was also arriving Thursday so some much needed house cleaning occurred.  They were aerating the golf course and then spreading sand over the greens.

I ate lunch out on the deck with Joe and napped in the sun.  The bird houses got painted some more, and then I walked the back nine of Druid, since the course was closed.

Maggie had a good time walking with me, and like myself, needs the exercise.

I went to the gym and then lots of household chores, last minute packing, and tidying up happened before Joe got home from poker.
We  then watched Survivor, which turned out to be two hours long, so it was after 11:00 when I went to bed.

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