Friday, June 7, 2019

I Work Out!

I titled this blog 'I Work Out' in hopes it would be a self fulfilling prophecy.  I couldn't believe I never made it to the gym last week.  It can be difficult to get motivated to go work out, and I can always think of so many other things that need to be done that take precedence over a workout, but really, it should be the highest priority in my day.  There is so much to benefit from working out.

It is better to get to the gym and do something, than not go at all, even though time and energy don't warrant a good work out.  A little weight lifting is better than nothing at all.

Saturday 6/1 - I couldn't believe May was over and June was already underway.  I worked quite hard around the pool during my 9-2 shift.  Once home I hurried to get cleaned up and was then off to pick up Shirley to get us to the Hebbertsburg dance by 3:30.

The crowd was smaller than usual, and so were the number of Sweet T Cloggers, but we all had a great time.

I had my eye on the strawberry chocolate cake, in hopes of winning it during the cake walk, but did not.  So when the gal who did win it shared with me, I was very appreciative.

Sunday 6/2 - Stevie was in the sunroom, enjoying the warm rays when I got home from Church.  Monita is always the 'spoiler' or disrupter.  It is no wonder Stevie usually hides to take her naps.

After lunch I went to the barn, and was there until 5pm.

Karen, Emily and I headed across the road and out into the winter pasture, which has been plowed but still not planted.

Karen on Levi and Emily on Tasha.

We rode part of the long trail.  Amiga and I looking out over the valley, from up on the ridge.  I wanted to photograph the wild Yucca in bloom.

We also rode to the Lily pond.  There were tons of blooms, but only a few open, showing the pretty pink flowers.

Amiga rushed quite a bit on our way back to the barn, and got very worked up two different times.  So once the wranglers got all the horses in for the night, I headed back out on the trail, with Emily joining us.  Amiga got a little tripsy going down the first part of the hill on the Holly trail, so we decided to turn back to the barn.  I figured she was tired because we had been out almost 90 minutes already.  This was the first time I had ridden her since the parade a week ago and the longest ride in probably a month.  Seen left, while letting the horses graze and rest, Tasha was being silly, playing with this piece of grass in her mouth.  Even though Amiga had been a bit of a handful at times, she was mostly quite enjoyable.

Monday 6/3 - Fairly early in the morning, while working here at my computer, I noticed a big ground hog down by the salt block.  Watching with my binoculars, I decided it was getting corn that had fallen between the rock and the block.  The day before it had climbed about ten feet up into a Mountain Laurel by the pond.  I had no idea they could climb.  By the time I had gotten down back to take its photo, it was gone.

Finally, I made it to the gym, after an eleven day sabbatical.  How did I let that happen?  I spent over three hours there, with Dance Aerobics, Zumba, lifting weights and a little stretching.

I came home with the intention to work in the yard.

Instead, I grabbed a high protein lunch (my muscles were in need) and then I read and took a nap out on a lounge chair in the sun.  I had spent my energy.  While sitting out there, I saw two little ground hogs across the way, 'grazing' on the hillside.  Swell, a whole family of them.

Shirley took me to Mirror Lake Blast because Joe rode his scooter.  Patty was there first and had saved us a spot in the shade.

There was a nice size crowd again and we all enjoyed the enlarged (or enhanced) Memory Road band.  It had actually cooled down to the low 70s before the night was over, and we all got a little cold.  Dancing helped keep me warm.

Tuesday 6/4 - I got this blog started, with Monita overhead in her hammock, keeping an eye out on things.

Later, while I was still working here at my computer, Monita attacked Stevie and then Stevie turned to retaliate.  That's when I started taking photos.

I watered everything well, even though it wasn't that hot, it was so dry from the lack of rain.  I did some weeding and tree trimming out front and still have a lot more to do.

I ran to the Wellness Center for a Zumba class and shortly after was on my way to work.

I ended up clocking in six hours because I had gotten there early and had customers until closing time.  After dropping off my money and accounting bag at the CC, I climbed into this new, giant, Adirondack chair they now have out front, and took a selfie.

I did a long dog walk (no jogging) once home, and then it was bedtime.

Wednesday 6/5 - At 5am I took my thyroid pill as usual, but went to the gym instead of sitting at my computer.  I have to wait at least a half hour after the thyroid medication before consuming anything.  Well, I discovered it is hard to get going without my caffeinated tea, and I have less energy before my typical peanut butter (protein) on English muffin for breakfast.  I had to really push myself just to do my regular weights and reps.

I picked up Carole at 9:30 for Lady's Club.  We take turns every other month treating each other to a glass of wine.  This is the only time I have alcohol before noon.  It kind of makes me too relaxed to accomplish anything the remainder of the day.  The program was a very funny lady from Middle Tennessee Parks and Recreation, who gave us many ideas of little day trips to take.

Once home, I was determined to get the rest of the back hill planted in grass and deer vegetation seed, before it rained.  Our lunch was a heavy chicken fried steak, with potatoes and gravy, so I also needed to get the 'lead out' of my system.

I got a little carried away with prepping the ground and decided to uncover more of this cool rock before seeding around it.  The extra dirt came in handy for covering the newly seeded areas.

I got rained on twice, but got everything raked, seeded, and covered.  During the second, longer, heavier rain, I decided to call it quits.  By the time I got all my tools cleaned up and put away, the sun came out.  So I decided, before the creek rises, to dig up some cattail.  I used the long spade (hole digger) shovel that Patty had picked up for me at an estate sale.  In addition to the seeds, cattail also reproduce asexually when their underground rhizomes spread.  All the roots and rhizomes must be removed to kill off the cattail.  This before and after shot shows how many I cleared out of the pond.  My new shovel was great help.

It was nearly 7:30 by the time I came in to feed the critters.  Then I went back out to water the new grass seed since it never rained anymore.  Here is a look at the uncovered rock after getting it washed off.

I was nearing exhaustion (when I work out in the yard, I get a good workout) so I showered, ate, and watched a movie.  Poker Joe was home before I hit the hay.

Thursday 6/6 - Rain was expected later, but I still went out and watered the new seed.  It's best able to germinate when kept moist the first three to four days.  I was hoping the weather would help with most of this task.  It would also be nice to see the water level come back up in the pond.  Right now I have beach, instead of water front.

After an hour dog walk, followed by Zumba, I sat on the porch and ate lunch while it rained, and the cats napped.  You can tell it had cooled off because they are curled up rather than stretched out.

Once I got word that the pool was closing for the rest of the day and I did not have to go in to work, I headed to town to shop.  I hit several thrift shops as usual.  I like to look at their junk and see if there is anything I 'need' to help support their business.  A long time was spent at Walmart, swim suit shopping.  I had first shopped at two sporting good stores but can't bring myself to spend over $50.00 on something that only lasts a year or two.  I eventually found a top and bottom that will do and can be mixed and matched to what I already have.

Driving past Lowe's, I decided to drop in to see if they had any tulip trees to replace the one I had, that a deer killed during last fall's rutting (when they rub their antlers on a small tree).  There was only one tulip, lying on it's side, having been blown over along with several other different trees.  It was tall and gangly, rather sad looking, but I decided to buy it.  It was a bit of a squeeze fitting its length into my car.  It was priced at $25.00, the same as my new suit, but I hope will last a lot longer.  I will put drain pipe around its trunk to protect it from the deer.

As soon as I got home, I got to work planting the tulip tree.  More rain was expected and I wanted to get the poor thing in the ground right away.  I finished up in the dark, so took this photo the next day.  I still had groceries and household supplies to unload so it was a late dinner and late to bed.

Friday 6/7 - My day started slowly, and continued until mid afternoon, to be very lazy.  It rained most of the day and because I couldn't do outdoor stuff and had no where to go, I remained in my loungers far too long.

Life is about balance, but when I 'fall off the wagon,' do I have to regress so far backwards?  I had extra tea, which means extra cookies, which means empty calories and then I feel guilty.  I also tend to pace around the house, wondering what to do with myself, and frequent the kitchen for snacks.  Also not good.

I did change bed linens and get a load of laundry done.  I also walked the dog a few times.  She caught this juvenile ground hog (size of a squirrel) in the front yard.  It happened so fast, and Maggie kills her 'prey' in a matter of seconds but I felt horrible about this little one dying so young.  However, I really wasn't happy about it being in the front yard and wondered if it is the one that has been eating my flowers.  It started raining (quite hard) while I was burying it, but I wanted to get it out of sight, and out of mind, as quickly as possible.

Watching my cats and hanging out with them is also a typical rainy day activity.  Monita climbed into the dog bed where Stevie was sleeping.

She proceeded to flop over on Stevie to clean herself.  I felt bad for Stevie, who did not look happy, so scooted Monita over a little.

Monita continued with the grooming process until she settled in for a nap.

Finally at 2:00 I got out of my PJ's (loungers) and went to the gym.  I had to move quickly to get in my whole weight workout before the stretch class.  After an hour of stretching and a nice hot shower, I was feeling good.

I had been trying to get a group (or just anyone) to join me at Lake Tansi for a band, or even just to go to Reds for karaoke, but had no luck.  Joe was off playing poker, so after dinner, I decided to go to the barn instead of dancing.

I rode out to the bean field (video) and then in and around the barn. 

The frogs were chirping, the air was rain water fresh, and the sky a pretty color as the sun was setting.

Then I decided to ride across the road and around the gardens (video).

Amiga was well behaved and a lot of fun.  It was a lovely way to end the day.

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