Friday, August 2, 2019

Summer Days Drifting Away

Wow, summer is flying by.  This week saw the kickoff of August and our local schools will be starting back up on the 5th.  The realization of summer coming to an end is ever present, as it is getting dark earlier.  Even though night is upon us sooner, I kept busy every evening this week, with work or recreation.

I do not know who took this horse photo that I got off of the internet.  I just love the tranquility it emanates and the feel of another summer day drifting away.

Saturday 7/27 - I had to lighten this photo for the pre-dawn visitor to be seen.  I didn't have the corn out yet, so she was up closer to the house in search of food.

It was a beautiful morning to work at the pool.   After working nearly six hours, I went to the barn to meet Brian, a new farrier (Tom had back surgery three weeks ago).  So, I was in my pool clothes with boots on.  Brian finished with Amiga and Zorro (both who did a great job) in under an hour.

A quick shower and then Joe and I headed into town.  We went to the FOCCAS (Friends of Cumberland County Animal Shelter) Open House, to see the new intake facility.  It is very nice and will be opening soon.

I believe they said there are 24 new dog runs, that all open up to outside runs.

There are two cat rooms, kind of seen on each side of this creative balloon cat.  Both rooms have tons of shelves and places for kitties to chill out, and they both have windows for the cats to look outside.

Here is a sample of cubbies on one wall.

We walked past the outdoor kennels of the adoption center on our way back to the car and saw some sad looking dogs and some really cute puppies.

Next was a leisurely dinner at the Poor House.  We both enjoyed a good beer and a tasty meal.  We still had plenty of time to spare before the play, so walked around the Play House grounds for awhile.  We came across this old outdoor theatre.  So cool.

Then we watched a fun production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat.

What a busy, fun, and long day.  It was after 11pm by the time we got settled in back home.

Sunday 7/28 - The morning visitor I usually see down near the pond, but on this morning, it came quite close and was hunting a chipmunk in the rock pile.  It flew off when I started this (video).

After church I did several household chores before packing up for the barn and then work.

I took Amiga on a quick little ride on part of the Holly trail (video) and back.  She felt sound and did great listening to leg cues.  When we came back to the barn, a trail ride was just getting ready to ride out.  Amiga and I followed them but I turned off, into the front yard when we got to the road.  At this point she got a little wound up so I had to work to tune her back into me and do as I asked.  Amiga's scratches were all that needed treating and then I went to work at the pool.


It was a late night at work.  I had two ladies come in at 7:15, planning to swim until 8:00.  I finished my cleaning chores while they swam, then thoroughly enjoyed chatting with them until closing time.

Because the Conference Center closed at 8:00, I had called Security to come get my bank deposit.  Well, they thought I said Druid pool so went there instead.  I finally called to see what the hold up was and the mistake was realized.  Anyway, I was at the pool waiting on Security until 8:15.  But I didn't mind, it was a pretty night and I was feeling happy and at peace.

Monday 7/29 - A few weeks ago, the hawk had swooped quite close to my window in an effort to catch a humming bird at the feeder right in front of me.  It was spectacular to watch, and my first reaction was fear the hawk would hit the window, but then I worried for the hummingbird's life.

As always, my camera does not do this bird's beauty justice.  He is a Ruby Throated hummer.

After Line Dancing, I did a strenuous workout on weights.  I hit Food City on the way home, and then enjoyed a late (1:00) lunch.
Sitting out on the lounger eating, I suddenly became quite sleepy, so took a nap, for 90 minutes!  The temperature was perfect with the cloud coverage and I guess I needed the rest.  Once awake, it was obvious I was not going to have time for the barn or yard work, so I did some work here at my computer.

It was another Mirror Lake Blast night.  Patty's friend from Iowa (Therese) joined us.  The first set was quite slow, with many songs I didn't regonize, but the second set was great, with lots of dancing.  The band even played past their 8:00 contract.

Tuesday 7/30 - These two plants on my front porch are quite happy.  It cleared off after an early morning rain shower, and even though the day's weather looked iffy, it turned out fairly nice.  We skyped with Britney who starts back to work with LASP Aug 5th.  Her summer vacation is ending also.

I did my late-morning Zumba class, which I love, but it is in the middle of a block of time I could use to ride or do yard work.  Household chores and clerical work were done before and after exercising.

It was a light customer day at the pool because it was so cloudy.  I did have to kick people out of the pool for thunder once and it also sprinkled on us later in my shift.  My last swimmers left at 7:45 so it was 8:20 (and dark) by the time I got home.  Another summer day, drifted away.
Wednesday 7/31 - The last day of July.  Monita biting me, to try to get my attention.

I fit my weight workout in before and after Line dance class.  It was pouring rain when I left the Wellness Center (gym) so I went next door to the Conference Center to see what the game plan was for our afternoon party.  After checking the radar and conferring, it was decided to go ahead with the party, but to delay it just a bit.

I went straight home and posted on our pool Facebook page, and sent an e-mail to my list of 75 pool people, that the party was still on.  Then I made a quick trip to the store to get food to take to the party.  I went to the pool early so I could help Donna and DJ get their things set up.

Mike came early and Nancy stayed late, to help get things set up and people checked in for the party.

This is a look at part of the spread of food that people brought.  Some go all out when it comes to appetizers.

The remainder of these photos John Incampo took, with just about all of these captions included.

Live entertainment was provided by D.J. and Donna.

The "finger foods," brought to share, had to be moved to tables under the shaded area during a brief, but intense thunderstorm, which hit 45 minutes into the party.

We had three rounds of "Horse Racing" (the Triple Crown) a favorite of many Dorchester pool goers.

DJ called the horses (the number of moves according to the roll of the dice) while Joe and Ben assisted.

Jackie is in the lead while Marie wonders "What happened to my horse?"

The winners all go to the betting table to collect their winnings.

The jockeys gather for the next race, a few being switched out for others.

Number 6 whoops it up as she leaves the others in the dust.

Enjoying the sunshine, friends meet and greet each other.

Many enjoyed the shady areas, because the sun was hot (when it wasn't raining).

Others enjoy the cool, refreshing water.

There was plenty of good conversations.

John caught a photo of me at the far end of the pool, moving the cones in preparation for the third and longest horse race.

Donna instructed many of us ladies before leading us in a rendition of "Going to a Hukilau,"  A Hawaiian song and dance.

Larry looks on as Joe says goodbye to a departing guest.

And this is John, who supplied all these photos.

We decided to end the party early because another rain cell was approaching.  However, it only turned out to be a short, light, shower of rain.

I got to the barn about 6:00, and only spent a little time caring for Amiga.  She seemed mostly better, on all accounts, except she still has a few lingering scratches.

After the dog, cats, and I ate dinner, I took Maggie on a walk of the back nine (backwards - starting at 17 and ending at 16) of Druid.  This photo is looking SW down the 12th fairway.

These last three photos were taken from near the women's tee box on number 14, looking NE.

You can see steam rising (smoke on the mountains) both near and far, from rain on the hot surfaces.

Poker Joe got home not too long after I went to bed at 10:00.

Thursday 8/1 - August has begun.  I was up and at my computer by 3:30am, unable to sleep.  So I got busy downloading all the pool photos from the party the previous day.

Sometime after 4am, I heard noise outside the window, and turned my desk lamp to shine on this critter.  It was a flying squirrel, and it stayed for quite a long time, filling it's little belly.

I took a 90 minute nap shortly after sunrise, but didn't feel like it revived me.

I decided to skip Zumba and spend the morning in the yard, working down back.  I continued to move dirt and lots of little roots and rocks (exposing more of the neat looking large rock) as I widened and leveled this path, seen in photo to the right.

In the left photo, I am looking up at the path from the drainage ditch and you can see where I removed vegetation (mostly weeds) from the hill.  I am going to re-mulch the path and continue with the mulch, putting it on the hill.  I can't get grass to grow there and it is a pain to mow around all the trees and shrubs, so this is my solution.

This photo shows the path from the other side.

Below is a comparison with a before and after photo.  You can't really see much vegetation on the hillside before, but the after shows it all removed.  Once the dirt washes off the large rock, you will notice it better.  I will get free mulch from the tree guys in late fall when all the leaves are off the trees and the mulch is mostly wood.  The path and hill will get a nice thick covering.

I did my afternoon (and evening) shift at the pool from 2 till 8:15.  This little bunny is a regular, in the evening, coming up out of the woods to munch on clover.

It was dark when I got home at 8:30 and it was 9:30 by the time I showered, un-wound, and climbed into bed.

Summer days drifting away, but oh, oh those summer nights.  I love the cooler air, windows open, and listening to the katydids as I fall to sleep.

Friday 8/2 - I spent two hours at the gym.  A little later I went to the barn.  I rode Amiga into the Glade by way of the Holly Trail.  We were out for about 90 minutes and she did not seem lame at all.  I took this (video) coming back up the hill on Holly trail, but for some reason it is up-side-down.  Soon after we got back to the barn, a thunderstorm hit, and it rained really hard for a bit.

I spent extra time caring for Amiga while she cooled down.

I had planned to spend two hours working in the yard, but the rain made me ditch that idea.  A warm shower and lounging on the porch swing with the cats, listening to it rain, was a good compromise.

Joe and I went to Patty's and enjoyed lasagna (made by Therese) and pie (made by Shirley).  Patty's cat Bo took a liking to Joe.  We girls gabbed far more than Joe liked, but we also talked about cruise excursions some.  Soon the summer day slipped into night.

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