Sunday, September 29, 2019

Winding Down

Our pool season has been winding down (even though it had been extended another nine days).  As summer was coming to a close, the temperatures remained unseasonably warm.  Our pool patrons were mourning the impending loss of their routine - sunning, socializing, exercising (swimming or walking) and lounging/floating around in our pool.  I was looking forward to having more free time, but would miss my summer job and friends at the pool.  We all made the best of it for our last week.

Saturday 9/21 - I went to work earlier than usual because there was extra cleaning from our pool party the day before.  My first customer didn't come until twenty minutes after opening, so I had extra time to dead head the three flower pots.

I had an hour after work to water my outdoor plants and then pack up to go to the Pickleball party.  They were just finishing up decorating when I got there.

Connie, Sherri, Micki, and I.

Some folks went to play pickleball, others corn hole, and many of us sat in the shade and watched and chatted.

Bill and Amy.

There were over 60 people who came (I only knew about ten of them) but it was fun to meet new folks.

Joe joined me a little later and soon it was chow time.

I made a pig of myself, there was so much food.  Door prizes were won and then we played a Pickleball word search game after eating.  The party was winding down, and while some went to play pickleball, I went to Rural King to exchange a storage bin, for a larger but cheaper one, however they were out of stock.

As the day was winding down, so was my energy.  A short visit with the kitten babies and I was soon in bed.
Sunday 9/22 - Styx went after Maggie during our morning visit.  We all three were chillaxing in close proximity, and suddenly one or two of the babies, up in the box in the cage, started crying loudly.  Styx hopped up, hissed, spit, and made a swipe at Maggie, who had sat up and looked in the direction of the box and cocked her head with interest.

Later, while checking on the babies, I noticed Rene's eyes were open. None of the others had taken a peek at the world yet.

Joe and I did some quick house cleaning, and then while he was off at the pool, Courtney arrived.

First things first, Courtney had to meet the kittens.  Renegade is her favorite one.

She held all five of them, giving them each a good looking over.

We noticed that Babe, my favorite, is starting to open her eyes.  And all of their ears seem to stick out more, whereas before they were flatter against their heads.

After salads for lunch we headed to Dartmoor Marina for some pontooning.  I had invited the pickleball (dancing) girls.  Seen below, Captain Joe, Connie, Tammy, and Sherri.

Connie's husband Chris also joined us.

It didn't take us long to peel off our clothes so we could sun in our swim suits.

Once we were heated up, we anchored the boat and went for a swim.

Courtney chose not to get wet and remained on board taking photos and being our DJ.

We were splishin' and a splashin' and havin' a good time.

The boys quit early but we four girls continued to enjoy the water.

As our time grew short, we all climbed aboard and got under way again.  Everyone had brought snacks to share, and it turned out perfect, without even coordinating.  We had a meat, cheese and cracker tray, a veggie and dip tray, Fritos, and grapes.  Man did we devour everything.  And yes, the drinking continued.

Back at the dock, we all gave Connie and Chris a hug goodbye.  Their summer here at Fairfield Glade was winding down and they would be heading back to Florida for the winter in a few days.

Courtney was very hot and tired.  I had forgotten that she hadn't swam and was in the hot sun the whole time.  Once out of our suits, we rested out in the garage with mama cat.  Courtney was sound asleep in no time.

I was not as sleepy, so played with Styx a little bit.  She loves to be pet.

I know I have said it a dozen times, but she is so sweet.

Mama cat had gone back into the cage to nurse her babies and I did nap for a bit.

Courtney woke up, Styx heard us talking, and she came back out to visit.  It was a perfect time to hold the babies.

We had them out on the mat and Styx was not even concerned.

One more look at Renegade.  Look at that face!

Courtney was too tired to make a trip to the barn, and it was getting late.  We sat in the living room and chatted, and tried to decided what to do next.  Maggie was giving me that supper time look.

Eventually I fed all the pets and we decided on Spikes for dinner.  We sat out on the patio because it was so nice out.  Unbelievable for late September.

While out on the pontoon, an offer had been made on Courtney and Mike's house.  By the time Courtney got home to Nashville, the offer had been accepted and an early closing date was set.

Monday 9/23 - this was the autumnal, or fall equinox, denoting the end of summer and the official beginning of fall.  Even though this marked equal day and night, I felt gypped of daylight hours.  Morning walks are in the pitch black, as are after dinner strolls.  I hate it.

I had gone to bed real early so woke up real early (3am).  After some computer time here, I got sleepy so laid on the mat in the garage and snuggled with Styx.  I napped for almost an hour.

I started this blog and later made my way outside to plant my mums.  First I needed to get this two year old, ginormous spike plant out of the pot.

There were two dead bushes down back that I dug up (seen in foreground of first photo), and then I put the spike plant in the hole.  A different one year old spike plant I had stuck in the ground last fall (rather than pitching it) survived the winter (even after the deer ate it way back) and has been green all summer.  So I'll see how this one does.

Marie (one of my friends from the pool) dropped by to see the kittens.  She checked them for fleas (has whelped puppies and knows the challenges with fleas) but we didn't see a single one.  And she said there was no flea dust on any of them or the mom, so the infestation was being held at bay.

I ran out of time to plant the mums and headed to the barn to meet Jan.  We rode the Holly trail into the Glade.  At one point we had split up and rode a large loop in opposite directions.  I took this (video) while riding Amiga towards Jan's end of the loop.

We rode to Terry's farm and visited with her for awhile.  Amiga greets Donkey and Sunny.  When we got back to the barn, we rode into the yard to do a little pole work.  Amiga did very well, not getting too wound up.  I quit on a good note.  Jan's map application indicated we had been in the saddle almost three hours.  Except 30 minutes of that was standing at Terry's.

Zorro was in his stall watching the farrier work on one of the livery horses.  I went over to give him some of Amiga's apple and took this (video).  Amiga was standing quietly watching also.

I did some watering down back as it got dark.

Much of my evening was spent in the garage with Styx and kittens.  The little ones are growing so fast and I noticed they were trying to look out of their box and almost getting their heads up over the wall of it.  They were all purring while nursing, but the (video) to capture the sound didn't quite work.

Tuesday 9/24 - I woke concerned a kitten or two may have escaped from the box, so I went right out into the garage to check.  All five were accounted for.  I needed to wash bedding, so made the second box so the walls were taller, and moved the babies into it.  Now they couldn't peek over the edge and climb out.  The new box opening is seen here, with Styx coming out of it.

Monita was bird watching with me, but kept scaring them away.  Some of the regulars have learned that the cats are not an immediate threat, and continue to eat at the feeders, with a watchful eye.

Mid morning Joe, Maggie, and I went on one of the marathon hikes.  We three are far behind on getting the 26.2 miles of trails completed.

I got my mums planted, mowed the new grass and watered it, and did a few other things down back.  Then it was time for my shift at work.

It was a slow afternoon at the pool, which was nice because I was moving very slow.

By the time I got home, I had a headache (sinuses I believe) and just wanted to go to bed.  A little time was spent with the kittens (video) who are trying to walk.  I was in bed before 9pm, trying to keep my eyes open to read, but gave up after a few minutes.

Wednesday 9/25 - I did not wake up until 7am, just shy of ten hours of sleep.  Holy moly!  As I was falling asleep at 9:00 the night before, I remembered I had forgotten to feed Patty's cats.  But I was just too tired to render the error.  So after a quick dog walk, feeding Maggie and Styx, I went to Patty's.

Joe, Maggie and I walked the 3.6 mile Plantation Trail and while we were intown, bought the 27 gal. bin at Rural King.  Maggie loves going on the hikes with us (video).
I worked out back, moving sand from the creek bed to the edge of the creek where it is eroding, in an effort to get the water to run a slightly different course.  It has been so dry, there is very little water left in the creek.

I got too hot several times, feeling dizzy, and had to sit down and re-hydrate.  While resting on the bench, I noticed some critter has been chewing on the resin part of the bench.  Seems odd.

I didn't get near done, but as usual, ran out of time and steam.  Here are some before, during, and done for the day photos.

After a well deserved dinner and shower, I messed with the cat and kittens out in the garage.  I gave them a larger 'nesting' box because the other one was getting so crowded.

Lady's left eye has not completely opened yet.  I noticed crud at the edge of it and have soaked it with a warm wash cloth a few times.  I am making progress.

She does spend quite a bit of time (more than the others) grooming and may feel the need to clean off her eye lid.

Look at that little kitty paw.

And here she is falling asleep in my hand while she was licking herself (video).  Adorable. 

I took some pain / sleep aid just before bed.

Thursday 9/26 - I was down in the back yard working again as quick as I could get out there, 8:30.  Here is one before shot, and several after photos.

Below is a look at the same bend, as I moved further upstream.

And here is a view from the pond, looking up towards the creek.  Notice how dried out it is.  The creek doesn't even run into the pond anymore, but is just standing water.

Because the water has been eroding the distant bank, and piling up debris on the oasis side, I planned to trim down on the oasis, and pitch the sand and muck across to the other shore line.

There are fish in this small body of water, so I tried to make it deeper for them.  I was hoping the predicted rains would come and raise the creek level high enough to wash them back out into the pond.

Courtney gave me her muck boots, which I was quite thankful for because mine leaked.

I had to quit moving earth and get to work by 1:00.  It was my last night to close at the pool!!  An immediate dunk in the cold pool revived me.  I had a quiet shift with only ten customers total and enjoyed chatting with them.

I didn't forget to go to Patty's on my way home from the pool.  I spent very little time with mama cat and kittens and didn't take any photos.  A quick watering of the new grass down back and a bit later, Joe and I watched Survivor together.  The new season has begun, another indication of summer winding down.
Friday 9/27 - I had decided it was a nice cool morning for a ride, and needed to take more supplements to the barn for Amiga, so was there shortly after 8am.

I let Amiga graze awhile when we got to the bean field where there is a patch of good, lush grass.

Then we set off on a nice long (2 1/2 hour total) ride.  We took Holly Trail into the Glade and rode the gravel/dirt roads in and around the back nine of Dorchester.  Here we are looking at the #13 tee.

And in this second photo we are at the #18 tee and you can see the clubhouse way off in the distance.

Amiga was very hot and sweaty by the time I got back to the barn.  I hosed her off and then she enjoyed a good roll in the dirt.  I also washed my very dirty saddle pad.

I had lunch and then a rest in the garage with Styx and kittens.  I bring the babies out of the box and put them on the pad and blanket.  Styx is so relaxed, she will nurse them right there.

This is Lady, who fell asleep in a milk coma, but kept sucking with her tongue.

Life is good when you are a kitten and Mama cat does such a wonderful job.

Renegade (Courtney's favorite) and Babe (my favorite).

I took a bunch of photos of Babe (sorry, can't help myself) because she is just so dang cute.

She is very wiggly.

She discovers her feet.

And look at those sharp little claws.

She decides to taste her foot, or clean it.

And what a cute face and belly.

Wanting to get more work done down back, I left the cuddliness, collected my tools and wheelbarrow, and went down to the creek bed.

I continued my project of moving dirt and sand in an effort to build up the distant bank and fill in the low spots of the oasis.

Maggie hung out with me, and as warm as it was, she still sought the sunlight in which to rest.

My ending progress for the day.  My goal is to have it all seeded by the time the weather breaks, it cools off and we get some rain.

I ended up taking two 30 minute breaks when Tony, and later Karen, came to visit the kittens.

I worked until dark.  Joe was at his third night of poker, so I just hung out in the garage, winding down for the day and week, reading my daily devotional, and playing with kittens until I was ready to call it a day.